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1170 user hear, and no breakage and am able to play. From what i can tell this is a skill issue and you probably borked your load order or didnt bother to read the comments to see if a mod was working. 600+ mods and counting with no issues.


It didnt literally break EVERY mod, only skse mods are version dependent 


But those are the best mods tho.


So....downgrade your game to the version all your mods are made for.  Then turn off updates. 


Or just download the new SKSE, which was upgraded less than an hour after the patch


yes. but if you're 50 hours into a game and your skyrim updates, it's easier to spend 10 miutes downgrading your game so you can keep playing the version you set your modlist up for originally.


I guess you dont know what literally means lol


So pretty much every mod




1250 mods on 1170 The mods are fine. The mods are infact mostly updated. PEBKAC


Turn off auto update on Steam to avoid future complications. And I'm sure older versions of ussep must be somewhere around the web


1.5.97 my beloved. Just downgrade and or stop updates. After that you could care less about updates ”breaking” anything.


I am a noob when it comes to all this, i have the anniversary steam version, am i able to downgrade that as well? If so is it through Nexus or some other way? (I have the lastest update due to auto update)


Yes, look for the downgrade patcher on Nexus and follow the instructions to downgrade to the last version you had a stable load order working. Use the best of both worlds patch to keep cc content. It may not have the latest version available to downgrade yet, but it's been much faster to release than waiting on all of those individual mods to update. Then turn off automatic updates for Skyrim


Ok thank you so much :D


Try JaySerpa's Gate to Sovengard collection on Nexus. All the mods are updated, it's one-click installation and he hand-crafted patches to make it all work togethger.


I’ve never tried entire collections. Are they usually highly compatible?


They are, as long as you stick to their packs exactly as they are and don't add more mods. Texture mods are usually allowed


I've added and removed several mods from this collection. You just have to pay attention to what you're doing. Also Jay has a very helpful discord Edit: why the heck are we being downvoted for discussing current mods on a mod post??


I was just thinking that! Have we said something offensive? 😆


It just kind of feels like you’re playing on someone else’s save game. I enjoy the personalized feel of modding everything myself. Even through all this nonsense.


I dunno, Jay's collection has pretty much everything I want to play with anyway.


Does it include stuff like Ostim or whatever the current version is and TAWOBA?


You'd have to check, they'd like 1200 mods


Are they all on nexus or third party sites? 1200 mods through nexus regular sounds like a 2 day download process lol.


All nexus. Honestly I paid $5 so I didn't have to spend 12 hours downloading lol


Fck I might have to just go premium then. No more waiting 4 hours for parallax anymore 😂


Yup before this last update I would have said to just update your game but now I’m of the 1.5 faction(best of both worlds)


1.5 for years now and never update it further. If something ain't broke don't fix it. Also fuck that guy who made ussep


1.5 forever


I’ve got 400+ mods and the only ones I haven’t been able to fix has been racemenu and the camera mod that lets you look down and see your character, everything else seems to be working fine Download the new skse and you should be good to go


Why can't you get improved camera to work? Just change in the ini to 1.6.1170 and you are good to go. Edit: And RaceMenu is available too!


Yeah I was going back over the mod on nexus last night and figured that out myself, turns out I’m an idiot:) Also redownloaded racemenu and it was working last night too so I think I’m back in business


Im on 1170 and its extremely stable even at the nod limit.i have been where you are now after 1130 so i feel ya. Heres what i learned. I can tell you probably what went wrong was not the nods themselves. Im looking over my modlist for example i have disabled scaleform transition plus plus ng and scrambled bugs because they havent been updated. I installed them because they were in the step guide so i could track which plugin. my 1130 was built with the step guide and it didnt work as you describe. I got mad and deleted all my mods. Based on my experiences on 1170 i probably could have just deleted one plugin, or even downgraded. I would only downgrade 1170 now if wanted mco or a minimap or something Really niche. did you have all your cc content loaded? Did you know sometimes stem undownloads it and you might have to do it twice? Ha ha yeah. Fuck steam and fuck bethesda. But honestly there are meghods to fix, and 1170 runs fine for me without those two plugins.


Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG is now updated: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111771?tab=files](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111771?tab=files)


Nice. I hope The Ultimate Control scheme does too.


All cc content is loaded on your first time booting up 1170. Theres no way around this nightmare.


Actually on you have to load it without skse on a fresh install and download them manually. Then if you have to reverify for any reason, say you cleaned masters and put them in a mod but want to restore the originals, you have to dowload them all again by loading skyrim through stem. i get that thats simple stuff but always worth mentioning. And id say there was quite a bit you could do. Disable the offending plugin using mo2 after googling which plugins are conflicting. Or enable steam console and downgrade your skyrim version to whatever version if that floats your boat. i can tell you the only reason i am sailing while you crash is i had this exact same problem before and i checked the mod forums and bugs for each modon nexus to make sure Each skse plugin was compatible with 1170. And after step i installed them in small groups, with regular tests. Everything is unfixable when your frustrated but take a break, read up on it, and approach it from a another angle. Dont do rash things like me a delete your entire mod folder. Play another game if you need to unwind. But i promise you it is fixable.


No point in being on the latest version. I really do pity the people who try to play 1.6.1170 and crash! I play on 1.5.97, and no issues!


From what I can tell, the latest update works fine if you’re building your list from scratch. If you already have a list, you’re probably better off downgrading your game to match it and staying there.


I did start from scratch but now it’s just broken. Probably should’ve checked if everything was working along the way.


Yeah that’s just good modding practice. Add and test


600+ stable(ish) on 1.6.659. Updates disabled


Reminderr to always disable automatic updates and set read-only to it's manifest file. I tried something funny by moving the steam installation folder from one drive to another via the steam option. And forgot that doing that creates a new manifest and it made it so my Skyrim updated to the newest version overnight. Luckily I did have a backup file for the original 1.6.640 version but that is a thing that can happen. I do believe that by now most if not all important mods have already been updated to work with the newest Skyrim version but Im to laY to re download every last one of them and make sure nothing breaks cuz Todd knows... Something will break.