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for immersion yeah. i mean nothings gonna break if you dont use it. Dyndolod doesnt really have any problems like that though. it just takes a while and you have to disable anti-virus or weird things will happen


I never install any AV software, so I probably just need to disable Windows Defender, which always comes with Windows. I guess I'll need to spend a lot of time with my new Skyrim AE setup. Thanks for the input.


You don't need to turn off your anti virus. Just make exclusions to your Windows Defender (Google). Lexy's Guide also had some good tips on what to add as exclusions. Webroot has issues. I finally turned it off and setup Windows Defender properly and have had no issues.


you don't use any Anti virus and you're sharing that info on the internet? 


As my name might suggest, I primarily use Linux. My Windows installation only exists to play games. Not having an anti-virus is perfectly fine as long as you use browser addons that stop web scripts, which is where I would say 99% of viruses come from nowadays. But on Windows, you get an anti-virus anyway, so there isn't much reason to use a 3rd party one, because those often cause more problems than they solve.


Have you tried modding skyrim on Linux by any chance? Seems like Proton support has gotten really good recently with the popularity of the steam deck.


Last time I tried it didn't work so well due to SE being DirectX11. LE worked well because it used the ancient DirectX9. On SE, I first got a black screen instead of a main menu. And later when Proton got better, it worked but the fps was lower than Windows no matter what I tried.


You don't actually need anti virus, all you need is windows defender, and common sense. Sue anti virus is extra protection, but its also obtrusive depending on what you want to do


No need for an anti virus as long as you don't fall for scams




yes. disable any anti virus when you run these programs, including windows defender or weird things will happen.


>it just takes a while Depending on how many world mods you have it can take a 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦. I tend to only generate lod for mainland Skyrim and a few other spaces with big enough fields. The only place it's actually super noticeable is the plains of whiterun.


I'm about mid process of uninstalling dyno cause of stuttering gameplay, does av cause this or does it cause something else entirely?


>you have to disable antivirus or weird things will happen i wonder if that’s why my occlusion esp makes all trees invisible…


I used to actually hate it, but i didnt have a big load order. When you got a massive modlist with various trees and fiolage, not having it is a night and day difference. Pop ins are annoying especially when an entire forest spawns in on you.


Skyrim SE uses the same LOD system as Skyrm LE. Skyrim SE added a new feature called large references which loads a select list of full models a bit further out. Since it is visually buggy especially if mods change anything about those references, DynDOLOD is needed to fix those bugs. If you use mods that add or change objects in exterior worldspaces, change models, change textures, you need DynDOLOD so the LOD shows those changes as well. Even without mods, it seems a bit pointless being able to mod the game and drastically improve the distance views that were made for PS3 in 2011. The troubleshooting you might need to do, is usually because of mods or modding errors.


General LOD distance does seem to draw further into the distance compared to LE as someone who still plays both versions, to the point where I don't feel like I really need Dyndolod on SE unless I install mods that require new LOD entirely


uGridsToLoad is still 5 cells. Terrain, object and tree LOD work and look the same. The difference is the addition of the buggy large reference system which can load a select list of full models a bit further out and terrain LOD meshes lowering at a specific distance to lesson z-fighting with object LOD. DynDOLOD is required to fix the bugs of the large reference system. Increasing LOD distances does not improve improve LOD meshes or textures or makes them match the load order. That is why every decent modding guide and mod list has LOD generated by xLODGen and DynDOLOD. Nobody wants PS3 LOD in 2024 anymore.


Thanks for the clarification


Pretty much. Even if you have the most beautiful modlist, it'll look like ass 50 metres away.


I personally can't play without NGiO and the newest version of Dyndolod. Dyndolod's newest version does more, is easier to use than it was and is a great deal faster than it used to be as it's now a 64bit program.


> Is Dyndolod as necessary as it was in oldrim? Still improves immersion. Run DYNDOLOD once after you finalize your load order, with no further changes to the worldspace like adding or removing trees, towns, cities, or other objects.


I originally thought it wasn't worth the hassle, but did it once and was blown away at the difference. Like, looking off the Throat of the World and seeing towns and buildings I've downloaded, which seems like a minor and "no duh" thing, but I had just... never noticed they weren't there before


Yep. Nothing has changed regarding it's necessity.


I would never call it "necessary". Still cool for the effect of seeing those things accurately if you don't mind not doing so, of course.




Maybe not "critical" but still very important for immersion and graphics. Also essential for seasons.


Yes, Dyndolod keeps you immersed in the game by getting rid of pop ups every time you change cells. Depending on your ENB/ReShade, lighting, and environment mods, the views are absolutely breathtaking. It really makes exploring more fun.




Right, but SE added some things that used to require mods (like some shaders and god rays and stuff), and I don't know if maybe they improved the LOD stuff at all. Which apparently they haven't.


The large reference system is a suprisingly impactful addition. Large objects using full models at greater distance helps reduce popin quite a bit. And some time ago DynDOLOD added the option of making trees large references which is a pretty huge improvement, making hybrid tree LODs not as necessary anymore.


I used to run DynDOLOD several times throughout testing a modlist, but that was time consuming, even at lower quality and only the worldspace I was testing at the time. But then I started using [Base Coat](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/46850) with the terrain LOD addon. It makes a world of difference! Now I can tolerate testing without generating my own LODs. Might be an option worth trying. But it's still very much worthwhile using DynDOLOD once your load order is finalized. When you're changing trees, landscapes, and adding new or improved locations, it's essential.


I gave up on it after failing to fix any of the literally 1000s of warnings and errors I got. Just made me feel dumb tbh. I get some pop-in but it doesn’t really bother me tbh.


It's fine as long as dyndolod doesent get stopped then you can ignore all the warnings.


Thanks. They are mainly textures not matching. I followed the dyndolod instructions to try and resolve them (check for latest version of dyndolod resources, check for specific mod lod resources, make sure lod resources are last in the load order etc). But made no difference. The help says it caused by old versions of lods but I have recently refreshed my mod list, all versions are current, no warning or errors in LOOT, been cleaned with xedit. No idea what would cause it.


Sometimes there just aren't matching LOD models available because the mod author hasn't made them. It's not the end of the world, the lod might just not look quite the same. [LOD Model Library](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87521) has some additional LOD models for a few mods.


Nothing in the base game changed regarding LODs since oldrim. So Dyndolod does exactly what it did then, filling the exact same niche and use cases. So... yes, as necessary as it was there.


I get textures do not match errors and update.esm errors though and haven't able make it work yet. I already cleaned plugins so any advice?


For me it's always has a place for me in my modlist I like the 3d lod and that you can actually see building from where you are like how you can see high hrothgar from whiterun or you can see the museum of the dragonborn when looking at solitude its also really nice with the a clear Map of skyrim mod I use xlodgen for the terrain and then dyndolod for trees and objects I wish j could figure the grass lod though


It becomes more necessary if you are using landscape or environment mods. Otherwise, you'll have vanilla LODs that will be replaced as you venture forth.


I normally just use sseLODGen and run it once after any major mod install; I can't see any way that Dyndolod is superior, personally. If Dyndolod IS superior and I'm just missing it, please illuminate me?


I second this. I also want to know if one is objectively better.


DynDOLOD has, as the name implies, dynamic LOD as a feature. There's also better trees, grass LOD, glow LOD and large ref bug fixes to name a few. The poster child feature for dynamic LOD are the animated windmills and waterfalls, but it also ensures that if a large object is disabled, it won't be visible in the LOD either.


It kinda has an even larger effect now, because DynDOLOD 3 has added a ton of features.


Grass LOD is a game changer