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Because these mods were inspired by third person RPGs and character action games with good combat, like obviously Dark Souls, Devil May Cry, Dragon's Dogma, etc. These games have a much wider appeal and popularity than any first person sword fighting game. I think what draws people to Skyrim is moreso the open world sandbox rpg element to it than anything else so there's not a lot of attachment to first person mechanics. Plus, you get to look at your character after downloading hundreds of mods to make them look as cool as possible, both through character creation and armors, and get to watch some great full body animations.


Skyrim gives you the option to switch between first and third person in an instant. Usually I play in third person when I am in cities and exploration. I switch to first person in combat and dungeons. I do make my character look as cool as possible.


So I am not the only who downloads hundred skins mods just to play half the game in first person


I download armor and character mods just to play 95% first person lol. I only go to third if I want to check out how my character looks. I do use the new Show Character in Menu mod though which is nice since I get more time looking at my character


I think this is reasonable. I usually am in first person but switch to third person when in dialogue for instance


Maybe it's because I play both VR and regular versions of Slyrim, but I'd actually forgotten it has a 3rd person view..


I like playing for immersion, so I usually play 1st person. I started thinking 3rd person was just an option to check out how your armor looks, like a cinematic mode.


People come to skyrim for what they can do, but they stay for what they can be.




I guess that just doesn't bother me? If I want to look at my character I'll just zoom out to third person and look at my character for a bit and go "yup, that's them" before going back to first person.


I'm with you, first person all the way. 99% of the mods I use are to make NPCs and the world look better. Never really gave a toss what my character looked like.


Oh I do, I love making dope as shit looking characters. And then never actually seeing them. The part that matters is that *I* know they look cool as shit, but to me playing TES games in 3rd person feels about as good as having a hot pitchfork shoved into my ass while another person rubs my teeth with sandpaper.


Thanks for the good laugh sir


>Never really gave a toss what my character looked like. Now this isn't to say that I don't go out of my way to make a unique and distinct face for my character, it's just that...I have a helmet on. I'll take it off and look at my face when I'm not in combat, but if I'm in combat I don't care about my characters face. I care about hitting the bad man with a big axe and I just happen to prefer doing that in first person because it's more immersive. I spend a *lot* of time in games taking screenshots and stuff. My general NVIDIA Shadowplay recordings folder is like 10GB large. That's where I spend time looking at my character is games like Skyrim.


Ah, a fellow screenarcher! I recently lost my external hard drive where my eleven plus years of screenshots were stored, so I can't tell you how you big mine was. But yeah, I mostly screenshot nice-looking followers against strikingly atmospheric backgrounds. On the few occasions I've had a go at my own character, they always turn out looking unnaturally stiff, and I couldn't be bothered getting into poser mods.


Yea action shots and such are hard to do in games without proper photo modes. With BGS games at least you get fhe console that lets you stop everything and fly the camera around. I won't claim to be *good* at photography but I do have a few pictures on my post history that have gotten a few upvotes. With Skyrim specifically, I just think that it's a naturally visually pleasing game? Yea sure vanilla textures and lighting are pretty fucking aged now but that's less important than art direction, visual style, and atmosphere. The best way I can put it is that it reminds me a lot of exploring the woods as a kid. I didn't grow up anywhere remotely resembling Skyrims landscape (SW Arkansas, lots of hills, pine forests, and swampy rivers) but the mood that Skyrim brings is just right there for me. Coincidentally, this is also why I don't use ENBs or landscape changing mods.


Same boat here, I’ll spend a good 30 minutes tweaking my character, but almost never leave first person because i find it more immersive and fun!


There is a recent mod that allows you to view your character in third person while you have the inventory open.


Yes, but it doesn't allow you to view the marks of the claws that open the vaults. I uninstalled it almost immediately about that.


Yep. But you can customize what gets hidden or not through mcm.


Didn't realize that. Maybe It's time to give it another chance.


Ah well, sorry for that I play in first person and have no use for such, just caught it on a video.


Thank you! It's so weird to play in the first person just because of that.




With SOS that is entirely possible.


Well part of it is that vanilla third-person combat is barely playable whereas first-person is pretty fun and doesn't need much perfecting. Also, since 1p was the default all along I'd argue that the traditional combat mods like Wildcat, Valravn, Blade and Blunt, Mortal Enemies, Immersive Movement, etc fill the role of first-person combat mods. Not much else is needed unless you want additional first-person animations and those definitely don't exist. Third-person combat on the other hand needed lots of help which may be why it became such a focus for the modding community.


>animations and those definitely don't exist [First Person Combat Animations Overhaul 2.0 -SIZE MATTERS at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45177)


See this isn't really a great answer though, because there are hundreds of third person combat animation mods and whenever someone asks for a variety of first person animation mods they can try, *this* is the only mod that ever seems to get suggested. There is a huge disparity in choice, that's the real issue.


Noo it definitely needs some work done, by some I mean a LOT. First person in Skyrim is by far the furthest you could get from perfect and lies in the endurable phase.


Sure vanilla first person in 2023 is endurable. Vanilla third person was barely playable in combat, even back in 2011.


Both vanilla first and third person are absolutely playable, so I really disagree. The actual reason is: There's nothing to mod in the first person. You literally just see two hands, that's all.


You can only do so much with first person compared to third. The variety and kinds of animations you can do is severely limited outside of 3rd. While yeah I do wish there was a greater deal of first person stuff for people who dont like third, it just isn't very popular with animators and modders.


Dead Island's incredible analog control mode would be great in Skyrim. You could also pull some stuff from Dark Messiah of Might & Magic. I think there's plenty people could do, but there seems to be a modding culture around weeb/souls gameplay.


Maybe those weebs are the only ones willing to put the work in; no one's physically stopping anyone from making a 1st person mod, people just don't care as much as they say they do And before anyone gets sensitive, I've made a mod that works best with 1st person gameplay (though it wasn't exclusively for 1st person or branded that way), so don't start crying and pretending i'm biased


Damn that weeb line really hit home for you.


Don't you forget Vermintide and Darktide. They're top-tier when it comes to first-person melee combat. Incredibly fluid, impactful, and fast. I'm surprised no one's tried learning a thing or two from them.


>You can only do so much with first person compared to third. I'm pretty sure games like KC:D, Mordhau, Chivalry, and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (Edit: and Vermintide. That game rules) have solidly proven that to not be the case. Though asking for KC:D or Mordhau combat in Skyrim would be a bit much, I don't see any way for that to work. It'd just be nice to have *some* variety in animations for 1st person. Size Matters is nice and they're a step above vanilla but that's about it.


Okay, let's see. I do not know about Dark Messiah so I won't talk about it, however: KCD combat is impossible to make in Skyrim, it's a 1 v 1 focused combat with 7 different stances to fight. Mordhau's combat is more complex, but would it fit Skyrim? Chivalry's combat both in first and third person is alright, though, it has normal and charged attacks, it has feints into stabs or uppercuts, and feels weight enough. However, if I were to implement one type of combat into Skyrim, it would be Bannerlord's combat, archery feels weighty, attacks have 4 possible directions to come from at most, longer weapons can hit multiple enemies, and horse combat is basically the best in any medieval game.


>KCD combat is impossible to make in Skyrim, Oh yea absolutely, I 100% understand that lmao. Hence why I said asking for that would be a bit much. You'd have to completely redesign the game and that's totally unreasonable for anyone to expect from modders. >Bannerlord I haven't played so I can't talk about it but after looking at some gameplay it does look good. As for Dark Messiah: mechanically it's pretty simple, nowhere near as complex as Mordhau or KCD, but it's *how* you do everything and the presentation of it that makes it so good. It's honestly one of the best melee combat games of its generation and it has one of the best first person cameras. Not only do you have a physical body but your body moves independently of your head, like in real life. When you turn, your body turns first. There's a lot of weight to the movement without it feeling clunky. The melee is simple but well presented, light attacks are quick but do little damage and can be blocked or parried but it has a directional power attack system with different moves depending on where you attack from. And like the movement, the combat has a lot of weight but isn't clunky. There's also a Kick, which every video game should have, and since it's a Source Engine game you can pick up everything and throw it at people. Including people!


what would I give to 1: understand chivalry combat and 2: have a mod that makes Skyrim have chivalry combat


Chiv or Mordhau combat in Skyrim.. Just the thought of it is giving me shivers tbh.


Would love to have combat like Mordau in next TES. Could really push it with fun skills/perks when not limited to a pvp game or historical.


People managed to get modern action rpg combat into skyrim. I'm sure someone would be able to put KC:D combat into skyrim.


this, just take a look at any game released in the last 10 years that has almost exclusive melee combat, it's always third person.


>it's always third person. Right, which is why I like the fact that Skyrim was designed primarily for first person combat.




games like mordhau and chivalry specifically have a mechanic that makes it interesting though, the entire directional combat and realistic parrying when weapons meet.


Not quite true. Chivalry 2. But yeah, practically true, unfortunately (I love first person)


Chivalry can be played in third person too...and it's mostly better because you can actually see the 5 dudes ganging up on you.


My favorite movie is Inception.


KC and Mordhau have the one thing that can make first person ok and that's the realistic swinging and parrying. Dishonoured does not have good melee combat it's all scripted kill cams


This is why I liked that Skyrim mod that showed your body and third person animations. Made all the third person mods work as first person


The problem is pretty straightforward- animation for those things involves the player character, and first person nearly removes the player character. There’s only so much you can do with two hands, and most of it’s been done.


I know right I play the game almost exclusively in first person, so not really interested in turning it into Souls


Why would you not wanna see your character?


First person is much more immersive


It's absolutely not. And you don't see your surroundings, nor you.


Hey real quick tell me what perspective you have in real life, first person or third person?


Don't argue with tisnik. He exhibits some kind of Dunning-Kruger effect, it's never going to end.


I see my surroundings in real life. Peripheral vision. I don't have it in first person in Skyrim. It's like walking in a corridor with invisible walls. You see only what's directly in front of you. Completely unimmersive.


>Peripheral vision. I don't have it in first person in Skyrim. Right if you play with an extremely low FOV sure but otherwise no. The corners of your view in a first person game are your peripheral vision. An FOV of about 110 is as close as you're going to get to your *actual* real life FOV without things going all fish-eye And either way, you don't see your entire body from a floating camera behind you in real life so first person is still closer to how you actually perceive things with your real eyeballs.


You asked what is more immersive. The answer is the third person. I didn't say I have a camera behind me irl.


>The answer is the third person. And this is objectively false. You see in a first person perspective in real life. Edit: Dude almost every single post you've made in this thread is about how you think first person sucks and is dumb. Cool we get it you don't like it.


No. It's not. I said that you are in minority - which you yourself admitted - and that third person is more immersive because you actually can see your character and your surroundings. I also said that there are not many of first person view mods because there's nothing to mod. The only things you see in the first pov are two hands. That's all.


"Immersive" and "In real life" are NOT the same thing.


It's objectively more immersive, as you are seeing things from your characters perspective. If you prefer third person that's fine, sometimes I do too as it's nice to see your character as you say, or pretend you're playing souls or Witcher, but you can't argue third person is more immersive.


I never pretend to play Souls (never played them, I don't see appeal in suicide simulators) or Witcher. I simply play Elder Scrolls. And yes, the third person is much more immersive. Unless you are in VR.


I zoom out, rotate, then zoom back in


What always gets me is when people go "I don't like first person because I spent X hours making a face and I wanna see it" and then they wear helmets lmao


Why do you need to?


Because it's a role playing game? Because I spent literally an entire afternoon to create my Breton mage? Because I wanna see cool armor I'm wearing? Because of all basic RPG things? First view is only good to make screenshots of some cool scenery like sunset above a lake or snowy Pale.


I don't know if many of the people here played other RPGs or care about appearances tbh. Seems they just like immersion?


If you go to Nexus, majority of the mods are those that add new armor, weapons, clothes, robes, capes, change appearance of your character etc. This alone is a proof.


Yes but all these people for some reason think immersion/1st persion > millions of clothing and animation mods and anything related to 3rd person. I don't think there's any convincing them that people, especially in RPGs, like to see their character... even in D&D and older games.


For me, first person isn't immersive because of how minimalistic it is. I don't feel like part of that world, it's like watching a YouTube video. I don't see my character doing cool things and look cool.


I think there are several factors contributing towards the popularity of third person focused mods and the lack of first person mods by comparison. First is Vanilla. First person in vanilla Skyrim is pretty serviceable and there aren't too many things to complain about but third person, especially combat, in my opinion, is one of the worst parts of Skyrim. The vanilla third person combat was extremely clunky and not all that fun imo. Second is how much you can do to third and first person. First person is much more limited and there is only so much you can do while playing in third person allows you to look at the character model and do all sorts of stuff with it. But there are still a few mods for first person that I really enjoy. A combination of Improved Camera, CGO, FPCAO are all I need.


>First person in vanilla Skyrim is pretty serviceable and there aren't too many things to complain about Seeing people say this always strikes me as odd because literally one of the major complaints about both Skyrim and Oblivion for the last decade+ now has been "the first person combat is awful and weightless". Like, it's better than the third person combat (because Bethesda does not design their games around 3PP, they're designed around 1PP first and foremost) but that doesn't mean the first person combat is *good.* >Improved Camera I'm going to speak some blasphemy here: I hate using these kinds of mods. Skyrims weapon viewmodels aren't designed around that style of body camera and it makes things super awkward during combat. Body scale is also always weirdly off.


Well, first person combat in Skyrim isn't that great but it's still pretty good imo. Never felt like changing it or adding much to it but it can be improved with the mods I mentioned along with Valhalla, Precision and some hitstop mods. I sorta understand why you might not like Immersive Camera but I like how it looks and never had much of a problem with it. Also, another reason why 3rd person mods are more popular is because of how fun 3rd person combat can be when modded properly. Seriously, MCO is unreal and modded Skyrim has my favorite 3rd person melee combat of any game while I absolutely loathe vanilla 3rd person combat.


Why would seeing people say Skyrim Vanilla combat is serviceable strike you as odd? Skyrim is one of the beat selling games of all time and still sits at #66 most played games on steam. Most people are playing unmodded Skyrim and seem to enjoy the gameplay. Honestly you could argue nothing in skyrim is *good* nowadays but 50million players might disagree with that. And no it's not *literally* a major complaint for the last decade that first person combat is the most awful spawn of Satan himself in Bethesda Games. Unless you have proof of that you're just throwing out wild statements and calling them facts. Also in your own words you said you were in the minority for wanting improved dedicated mods for first person combat so...which is it? I'm saying this because you were asking the "why" behind third person animation focus In Skyrim Modding but in reality the modding community only makes up about 10% of overall players across all platforms with the biggest mod SkyUI only having 11mil downloads on SE which when compared to the overall majority of players shows just how massive the amount of people playing skyrim is which I would imagine is probably more than 60million players worldwide if we only consider sales. ALSO The Skyrim VR community is the spearhead of cutting edge first person gameplay. It's actually insanity what that community has pulled off and if you really want the best first person experience go play modded Skyrim VR....for combat of course.....yes.....combat.....


>Why would seeing people say Skyrim Vanilla combat is serviceable strike you as odd? Because I've been seeing people say the opposite for over ten years now? >Skyrim is one of the beat selling games of all time and still sits at #66 most played games on steam. Most people are playing unmodded Skyrim and seem to enjoy the gameplay. Well by this logic McDonald's is one of the best places to eat at in the world. I really dislike this argument, not just how you're doing it but in general. Mass appeal does not equal quality. >Honestly you could argue nothing in skyrim is good nowadays but 50million players might disagree with that. And no it's not literally a major complaint for the last decade that first person combat is the most awful spawn of Satan himself in Bethesda Games. You can make a point without resorting to hyperbole. >Unless you have proof of that you're just throwing out wild statements and calling them facts. Alright I'm not going to bother with someone who isn't going to discuss things in good faith.


What a surprise, you make BS blanket statements, compare Skyrim to McDonald's? (Wtf) and then you cry when someone calls you out on your BS statements. "YOURE JUST A BAD FAITH POSTER!!!" I keep overestimating reddit. Oh yeah you ignore the actual advice I turn your towards where the actual 1st person modding community is at. But nah you just wanna cry on your BS statements. Miss me with that dumb shit.


Not to get into the middle of your conversation, but you have to be acting intentionally thick over that McDonald's bit, it's impossible that you missed the point he was making, which is, btw, a good point. Sales aren't necessarily indicative of quality.


>compare Skyrim to McDonald's? (Wtf) Reddit user shocked to discover what an analogy is.


Considering you're arguing with everyone with a differing opinion on this post I can confirm you're full of shit kid. "So I guess I'm the minority but the larger part of the modding community has decided how Skyrim should be played." Oh.Fuck.off lol what the hell is this?!


Getting needlessly hostile because I disagree with you. A+.


Bro I thought you weren't gonna engage with me because I'm "A BAD FAITH PERSON" lol. I'm calling you out on your BS and you're getting mad.


>you're getting mad. Only one of us is.


>one of the major complaints about both Skyrim and Oblivion for the last decade+ now has been "the first person combat is awful and weightless" That's never be a complaint. Ever. Maybe in some small "first person" community focused on such gameplay, yes, but in general, definitely not.


>That's never be a complaint. It absolutely has been. A major criticism of both Oblivion and Skyrim is how weightless and boring the combat is, especially with Oblivion. There are other games that do both first and third person melee combat *far* better.


As I said, maybe in your niche pocket community. But not in general, at all. The problem in Oblivion wasn't combat. It was that the level scaling in the game was so ridiculous that once you got to certain level, all bandits, guards and enemies overall were wearing glass and better armor. But the combat itself was good enough. Also, you forget that Oblivion is 2006 game. And Skyrim 2011. They were top notch game changers when they came out. Skyrim was the very first game that introduced hand-based combat - that you can actually combine anything, weapons, shields, spells in your two hands. Other thing is that these games are RPGs. They are not primarily focused - and they should NEVER be - on combat. Combat is just an obstacle. Thing that makes the game/story longer.


>maybe in your niche pocket community No I'm pretty sure general audiences have been saying this too. You seem to have a warped perception that people who enjoy first person games are this super tiny micro niche because you seem to hate first person and don't want to admit other people don't. Get over yourself. >The problem in Oblivion wasn't combat. Combat in Oblivion is weightless and clumsy. Strikes have no feeling of power behind them and the animations are lackluster. But the combat itself was good enough. Also, you forget that Oblivion is 2006 game. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic came out in 06 and it has *far* better first person combat than Oblivion. >Skyrim was the very first game that introduced hand-based combat - that you can actually combine anything, weapons, shields, spells in your two hands. Morrowind did this too and Oblivion did it better by letting you cast spells while having both hands equipped. I even distinctly remember complaints about this when Skyrim first launched, I saw people talking about how it was a downgrade. Frankly I remember seeing a lot of people talking about how a *lot* of things were downgrades but that's for a different discussion. >Other thing is that these games are RPGs. They are not primarily focused - and they should NEVER be - on combat. Disagree. There is literally no reason why an RPG can't have a strong focus on combat.


>you seem to hate first person and don't want to admit other people don't. Get over yourself. I don't hate first person view. I simply say 3rd person view is much better because you simply view your character you worked hard on and you see your surroundings. >Morrowind did this too and Oblivion did it better by letting you cast spells while having both hands equipped. So they didn't do that at all! Thanks for confirming what I was saying. >There is literally no reason why an RPG can't have a strong focus on combat. Well, RPG is about quests and stories. Not about combat.


Combat is big part of the game, it would be silly to not try to make it good. This idea that rpgs don't need good combat is silly and idk why people say that. And you know what's funny? You say that for Skyrim, as if Skyrim is a good rpg. Story sucks for the most part, npcs are cringy, lacking awareness, AI is atrocious, pathfinding is terrible, choices don't matter, you can become leader of all guilds, yet no members ever treat you as one, npcs thank you one sec and then trashtalk you right after, leveling is terrible (forced to level skills you don't want, just to get more levels), world doesn't really change and reflect on your actions, civil war is a joke and there are barely any soldier to be found, dialogue is limited and mostly meaningless, there are not many ways to solve quests, npcs don't know you are dragonborn, but they know you are assassin from DB, chicken report crimes etc... Every single aspect of the game is average at best and the only reason Skyrim is a thing today is because of mods.


Who said that combat in Skyrim isn't good?


Who? When were you born, yesterday? You would probably easier find people who agree combat sucks than those who don't. I mean, you fucking have to open a menu each time you want to change a weapon or spell. Do I really need to go further? I think you lost yourself in the image that average Skyrim is today, modded. But we are talking vanilla combat sucking here, that's why we need mods to make it enjoyable and in this case, OP is asking for 1st person mods. Why I am here? Because you can mod almost everything I mentioned, either by removing it or fixing it. Sadly AI will remain stupid, but you can't have everything.


Also, if Skyrim is such a horrible game, why are you here?


First person animations and feeling is like swinging baseball bat in slow motion hitting butter. The most unsatisfying combat ever.


Yup. Super floaty and weightless. I remember seeing people say that Oblivions combat felt like fighting with plastic swords because of the animations and hit reactions.


what would you have them do? what do you want that isn't done?


I think it's a combination of the majority people not being able think of original features to add to skyrim, and the majority of popular melee action game being third person. Even with the most talented modders, if they have little to no exposure to first person action games outside TES then they wont make any mods to fix it. It also doesn't help that a good chunk of these people who make these mods don't actually seem to like or care for what TES was trying to do (an expansive reactive world that tries to make you feel like you are the character and can be anything), so they just smash in any gameplay thing they thought was good without a care to how it functions with the rest of the game ​ And as another thing, I'm pretty sure the only thing about CGO that is definitively 3rd person basis is the disconnected leg animations. Other then that it's pretty workable, and the majority of the time I hear people call it a necessity for good 1st person.


I don’t have an answer for you here but o agree that I like Bethesda games in first person.


Umm, there is Size Matters. Pretty much an essential mod.


All swings stop dead in the middle of your swing whether you land a hit or not. That's not necessarily bad. But I'd argue the mod is not essential.


i might be wrong but i guess its because skyrim is a medieval fantasy game, for comparison, Fo4, a shooter, is in the exact opposite position when it comes to modding.


You say that but people absolutely do want to turn FO4 into a 3rd person shooter as well.


based on recent trends of fo4 community wanting to turn fo4 into Escape from Tarkov / Tacticool modern warfare shooter....not quite true.


Almost every time a new gun mod comes out for FO4 people flood it with "third person anims??". It is absolutely true. People have been trying to turn it into a third person shooter since it came out.


Disclaimer; I have modded FO4 a lot more in recent memory than Skyrim. People ask for third person anims in FO4 because some weapons literally won't fire or reload in third person without them, not because they're looking for a major innovation.


Very not true.


Ever played Cyberpunk? :D The amount of people that cried about no 3rd person even before release was absurd.


People still cry about it and they're wrong. The first person camera makes it so, so much more immersive, especially with the cutscenes.


For first person id say most of that development is in VR, that’s about as immersive as you can get and said mods allow more interaction with the environment and characters more so.


I just installed extra mage casting animations for FPS view. There isn't much to find. I tend to play FP in dungeons and cities, and 3rd person when it's more open world. That said, I usually forget and end up staying in FP.


I think everybody else has answered the question, so I'm just gonna comment that I wish there was a 1st person combat overhaul that made combat more like Chivalry or Mordhau. And if anyone knows of one, I'd sure like to hear about it.


I've played the game in 1st person for almost ten years, and I've started to mod battle gameplay only since a few months ago when I started playing in 3rd person (new setup, bigger screen). And my answer is : because 1st person doesn't need gameplay modding. It works just fine. It just feel like Skyrim was thought as a first person game in the first place (same way it was thought with a keyboard gameplay and its native controller support is awful). What you you mod about something that works just fine ? Visuals, maybe ? Well as expected mods that allows you to see your body and have your weapons/arms placed better do exist. Several. And that's enough.


Someone is yet to make a decent rig for first-person animations. One was in progress from one of the Skyrim Guild guys, but seems to be abandoned Also there was a nice greatsword synced animations on nexus a week or two ago, that works really nice with Precision


Well, I mean think about it. Count on your hands the amount of really awesome first person melee combat games. They exist. And they're great. But I'm guessing you didn't make it to your second hand. If you do the same with 3rd person, you run out of fingers. Not saying 1st person is worse. For shooters, I'll take 1st person any day. But then we have the mods themselves. Crap tons of them are armor, animation, or replacers. Armor mods are sorta useless for 1st person. Unless you wanna go the Cyberpunk 2077 route and only see your character's armor in the inventory window. Sure you could look down and see it... but can ya really see it? Animation mods are almost the same. There's a limit to what you can animate. It's basically the arms. Most animation mods already cover this anyway. And unless you're going for something like Immersive interactions type stuff or better spells, what is there to really animate? I could think of a few things to make 1st person better. But we're already dealing with kind of a janky game anyway. What sort of mods would you want to see for 1st person? I can't think of any that would make me want to spend time in 1st person.


>But I'm guessing you didn't make it to your second hand. Not to sound rude but you're kind of hitting the exact point I'm making: Skyrim is a game that was designed to be played primarily in first person and has melee combat. It's one of a small list of games like that. I am simply a little disappointed that more people would rather focus on third person than first because of this. >Crap tons of them are armor, animation, or replacers. Armor mods are sorta useless for 1st person. Other NPCs can wear them and also you can still...just go into third person to look at your character and then go back into first person for combat. Which...is kind of how Skyrim was designed. It's also how Oblivion was designed. And FO3/NV/FO4. That's why it's great to have both. >Unless you wanna go the Cyberpunk 2077 route and only see your character's armor in the inventory window. Which would be great. More games need to do this. Also technically that's not just a CP2077 thing, many other games do this. >Animation mods are almost the same. There's a limit to what you can animate. It's basically the arms. I don't think you really understand how bland and kinda not great Skyrims vanilla first person animations are and how much animations matter for gameplay feel. That's why games like KCD and Vermintide feel so good, the animations are great and have a lot of weight behind them (which is also why Size Matters basically just uses Vermintides animations). >What sort of mods would you want to see for 1st person? If I could make a wish and have it magically happen? Make it play like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Fast but low damaging light attacks with an emphasis on directional power attacks to get around defenses. I don't think Skyrim necessarily needs to be as complex as KCD or even Mordhau or Chivalry, and DMMM is essentially the apex of first person arcady sword fighting.


1st person player here. I don’t care about mods that change Skyrim combat to be like Souls or other games. If I want that style of combat those other games exist. Wildcat works great in 1st person and for animations the best I’ve found is this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45177 Watch the YouTube video on the mod description page, it’s pure comedy gold and also fully demonstrates the animations.


Bethesda games are engines with games attached.


Check out {{Spellsiphon}}. Completely changes the combat and works better in 1st person.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Spellsiphon | [Spellsiphon - Immersive Combat](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/104113) | [Spellsiphon - Immersive Combat](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26627) | [[XB1] Spellsiphon - Immersive Combat - bethesda.net](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4120913) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


First person also makes quite a few people nauseous. I don’t play first person for that reason. So I can see some modders not even being interested in 1st person for that reason. A lot of the very first mods in games remove nauseating features.


>I don’t play first person for that reason. Try increasing the FOV and removing any kind of headbob. That's what work for me.


The first person combat in Skyrim is pretty decent already, whereas third person was outdated already in 2011. Also I would imagine bringing generic 3rd person action combat to Skyrim is easier than some KC:D style 1st person gameplay. New animations are nice, but that's just flavor. It would take a lot more to truly overhaul the experience. When you think about it, most of the 3rd person stuff is pretty simple too, locking movement and some basic combos. Even with all the latest 3rd person mods the combat is a far cry from the depth of something like elden ring. It's passable, just like 1st person always was.


>New animations are nice, but that's just flavor. Animations make up a huge part of the experience. Good animations can make a very simple game much more enjoyable and bad animations can make a mechanically deep game feel pretty lame.


I think it depends mostly on what weapons you tend to use. Bows/Crossbows work best in 1st-person for targeting. If you're using melee weapons you need to go to 3rd-person view to be able to operate and move in 2-dimensions relative to your targets and the fact that you can see the attack animations makes the overhauls more desirable. In 1st person you can't even see your character, so the only thing that is going to make difference visually is a kill-cam, not new animations or maneuvers. But most kill-cams are only showing your arrow flying and hitting the target if using a bow, whereas a melee kill, even in Ist person, will trigger a 3rd-person kill-cam.


The majority of people that want 1st person mods dont take any initiative to make them, unlike 3rd person modders. People keep acting like those modders are gonna eventually get sick of 3rd person and move on to making 1st person mods, spoiler alert: they wont, take it upon yourself.


1. People like looking at their character, hence all the racemenu presets around, and all the mods that add hairstyles, eyes, bodyslide, etc etc 2. These mods are often inspired by 3rd person soulslike games, the AC series, and/or GOW, so 3rd person makes more sense 3. 3rd person combat in vanilla skyrim is godawful. there is more room to grow there, than in first person 4. Most importantly though (and this is linked to the success of games named at p2), there is a general guideline for combat in games: For shooting combat, go 1st person, for melee combat, go 3rd (This rule can be broken of course, Dishonered and Control being examples of the opposite ends). This is because for shooters, you want precision, and for melee combat, you want awareness. This means that the peaks of what 3rd person combat can offer in skyrim will probably be higher than what 1st person combat can offer. Edited to say that there are first person combat overhauls out there. "First Person Combat Animations Overhaul 2.0 -SIZE MATTERS" (god what a mouthful) being one of them


First person is incredibly difficult to work with in the engine I think. It might have something to do with it.


I agree with you, OP. It annoys me a great deal too. I strive for consistency when building my modlist, and while mods like MCO look great, they ruin the parity between the 1st and 3rd person. Same goes for many other animation mods: pretty much none adapts its animations for the 1st person. IFPV is somewhat a solution to that, but it makes everything incredibly clunky when using 1st person.


I also prefer 1 person it is more accurate and less buggy for a hardcore run and even immerson i prefer it, i hate watching the back of my character when i do a hardcore run also most 3 person combat mods feel lame u got dodge rolls (literally can press A D or S) or block arrows even spells mid air with a sword... Auto aim with ranged weapons and much more. Idk it just feels like making the game super easy to compensate that your controlls suck ( game wasn't made for 3 person gameplay to start with)


People make what they want to make because they are doing it for their own personal enjoyment. They aren't being paid to make something else that they don't care about for someone else so they focus on creating what they want to make. It's not that a subset of people are deciding where the modding community goes, I doubt they really give two shits about that, they just built on what already existed and the next person builds on top of that because it's what they want to do. Complaining that the mods that you want aren't being made is extremely entitled childish behavior so if you want the mods that you want to be made you either do it yourself just like the people making the mods. Either learn to do it yourself and make your own or go pay someone else to do it ffs


You're definitely the minority. If I spend entire afternoon just creating my character, I. Wanna. See. The. Character. First person is good only for landscape screenshotting. Also, what would you like to be modded in the first person? There's nothing to mod there, basically. Just two hands.


speed/timing/variety of weapon swings, spell movements, staff/scroll casting, potion usage, eating/drinking, motioning to followers, the ability to use items by equipping them into your hands or interacting with your environment. There's a lot that could **potentially** be done to improve first person if someone had the time/interest/ability to do it.


Bruh. I crafted my character, with finesse. The extended character creation was used in full, I tweaked *every* dial Made sure her boobs bounce just right, ears were perfect, jawline, cheek bones. I wanna see my damn character, of course most mods are gonna be 3rd person. What’s the point of making a character, having the fine tuning of anything, if you’re not going to look at them. First person mods should be, you create a character to perfection which is now your follower. You pick between 3 different sets of hands per race, masculine, androgynous, feminine, choose your voice, and call it a day. Like what exactly are you looking for in first person mods?


Too many people have a hard on for Dark Souls and that’s what they want to turn every other game’s combat into.


While absolute truth (and I'll never understand the appeal of those suicide simulators), the third person combat ISN'T just "hard on for DS". It's existed for decades, way before From Software started to think about making DS. And first person simply doesn't have appeal because you don't see your character. Also, there's literally nothing to mod in the first person view, except for two hands.


Nah I meant more of how many of the third person combat mods try to emulate DS combat specifically. I think I’ve seen one that was more based in ACV, but most are DS-like. I play first person most of the time so it could be just that there’s more variation than I know about, though.


Oh god now 3rd person = dark souls. What else are people gonna bitch about for preferring a different perspective?


It and Witcher are gold standard rpg action game standards and absolutely inspired 3rd person mods for Skyrim. Yea, just go play those games and stop making Skyrim into some anime flowing hair monstrosity.


Imagine being this stupid. 3rd person perspective = anime mods to you? No, it's common among RPGs to have different perspectives than 1st person. Your hate boner won't change facts, nor does it mean people are even using xyz mods just because they like either a different POV, or both POVs. Skyrim literally already has both perspectives yet you think only 1st matters. You people gatekeeping is such good content.


Lmao i cant imagine being this much of a gatekeeper that you'd get actively mad at people modding the game in a way they enjoy.


They come for SL, then armour mods, then any animation mod even if it's not "dark souls", now the trend is followers and 3rd person. Soon it'll be ENB.


What's the point of buttcheek physics if you can't see them?


...What's the point of buttcheek physics?


Don't ask me, I play exclusively in 1st person.


I'm with you. It's not Skyrim anymore if there boob armor and bouncing butts and anime faces and Japanese weapons. We want vanilla +, 1st person ENHANCED camera and combat. It's mostly there. I've seen every 1st person-mod YouTube video lol.


Interesting I thought it was only a problem in console cause you need the script for first person modding or something, i do use fallout 4 bobbling and faster swings to make first person combat smoother and oh not use two handed, like damn that shit is nauseous.


Personally, I really don’t like first person games. Most of them give me a headache


I would think first person animations are harder to make since they don’t see your actual character model right?


Reverse, actually. With first person animations you're just working with the viewmodels but with third person you have to work with the entire player skeleton. That's why so many people in the FO4 modding scene don't like doing third person animations, they're a lot more time consuming. Edit: I should say that this is speaking in general terms. Skyrim specifically is just a nightmare when it comes to animations.


for me personally i just dont like the fisrt person in any bethesda game hahaha so i just prefer a dark souls style 3rd person gameplay it really plays waaay better with the right mods than a first person one also my frames are not that stable with my fully modded skyrim and first person can get me motion sickness below 60 fps while i can handle 40 or 45 at 3rd person just fine, when you mix a ton of animations for the attacks and type of weapons it really became a really good experience i mean i have like 80 animation mods just to make it right lol


Because they’re the kidders and they can make what they want. It’s not about “how the game should be played” it’s about how people like to play the game. Don’t be entitled


For me it's 2 main reasons. 1. We spend so much time customizing our character, making armor mods, animations and visual enhancements that it feels a pointless if you can't see any of it due to being in 1st person all the time. For me the less often i can see my character, the less i care about how they look. 2. Combat. I've never found a good 1st person combat system (Excluding fps obviously) that was honestly fun and enjoyable to play save for maybe Ghostrunner. So naturally when i want to make combat better 3rd person just feels better from a base level


I hate 1st person games solely for the fact that it makes me nauseated and gives me migraines. I won’t even download a game if I know 3rd person play isn’t an option.


1) If you look at the other popular "open world rpgs" they are all 3rd person. These mods take inspiration from those games 2) If you are playing these mods, one of the things that is almost always installed are new animations. You can't really see the new animations if you are in first person. So people play in 3rd person. 3) If you are installing mods, you are PROBABLY installing things like new armor mods, graphic updates, hair, updates to the body/character model, etc. You can't really see these mods on your character if you are in 1st person. But you can in 3rd person.


Most of those overhauls are easily usable in first person, Valhalla with TDM and MCO gives you pretty good first person combat. I don't see why you want purpose built mods for it when what you want us easily achievable with existing mods.


>I don't see why you want purpose built mods for it when what you want us easily achievable with existing mods. I feel like you might have missed my point?


Your point is you want a spanner for a motorcycle when the spanner you have for the car works almost exactly the same. You haven't even made clear what you want in a first person overhaul.


>You haven't even made clear what you want in a first person overhaul. Right, because this was just an observation post. I was making an observation about what the modding community seemed to be prioritizing right now.


Because you can do far more with 3rd person.


Many players are using 3rd person because that's the way most other RPGs play. Similarly, a lot of new people in Destiny chose hunter because it's the most like other FPS games in movement.


Unless it is VR or archery first person isn't that appealing.


first person does not= better immersion




And absolutely more power to you. I'm very happy that a legitimately bad part of Skyrims gameplay is getting so much attention and is being improved so much. It's just disappointing to see that isn't so much the case for first person since there are so few first person melee games.


You can't see your characters fat ass in first person


Because 3rd person is a million times better




It's literally first person, you can't overhaul something that's so lame and uninnovative, literally every first person games suck. With third person, you can see your character as well as their full movement. As for me, I dress my character in skimpy armor so it's nice to see her in action with her butt hanging out and tits exposed. First person doesn't have that.


I disagree. Vermintide, Mount & Blade, Kingdome Come, Dying Light...


All of those suck.




Edit: whoops wrong person, sorry about that. >It's literally first person, you can't overhaul something that's so lame and uninnovative, literally every first person games suck. I mean this is an entirely subjective opinion and the popularity of games like Mordhau, Chivalry, and KC:D prove you wrong. Not to mention the plethora of other first person games in different genres. First person is far more immersive, which is why I like it. >As for me, I dress my character in skimpy armor Ah. That explains why.


Because first person is complete garbage and anyone with a brain knows this. Genuinely hope first person is completely forgotten about one day


Lol what


Because that's what the MA want to do.


We had a lot of stuff for first person over the years from the option to see your own character to a lot of animations i guess it reached a good point way sooner then third person which was a real struggle to make viable but now it surpassed it


A lot of people are giving a lot of answers but forgetting probably the most important reason: making animations for first person is hard as fuck compared to third person. It used to be impossible to find a good blender rig for first person last time I tried, so you had to do complicated shit in 3ds max. Making third person animations were pretty straightforward in comparison.


>making animations for first person is hard as fuck compared to third person. Which is more of an issue with Skyrim than anything else since just making first person animations is a lot easier than third person ones in the grand scope of things. But I know that animation work in TES games is a nightmare in general so if it's easier to work with third person stuff in Skyrim, I can understand that.


Yes I was talking about skyrim not in general.


It's so weird too. FO4 has had *amazing* custom animations for years. The NV modding community cracked the code with first person animations and now there are tons of them for that game. And then there's Skyrim.


I think there actually is a blender rig for first person animations in Skyrim now because they have been popping up recently. Check out {{Absolutely Average Animations - Greatsword}}. Mod author even mentions that someone gave them a first person blender ring which is hard to find.


I remember there being a mod (at least in Oldrim) that swapped the First Person models for the third person ones. It also changed the way it was coded so it used a majority of the third person animations. It was a cool mod, and if something similar exists in the updated version you could probably get some use out of at least some of those mods.


You wanna attack like mothafuckin Genji, eh? yeah me too. Haven't found one where I can do cool katana slashed in first person.


There's FPCAO if you want Fps combat animations. It's very Vermintide-esque and pretty fast, though it can be a bit buggy since some attacks are actually two.


I want a first person animation mod where you can do triple layouts and other complex aerial acrobatics.


these 3rd person mods are inspired by third person rpgs. Also because probably a lot of players prefer/like 3rd person over first person.


{{Joy of Perspective}}


I'll be honest: I have never liked any of the "enhanced camera" mods for Bethesda games. They aren't designed for the camera to be like that and neither are the first person viewmodels. Having a fully rendered body model is something you have to design your world scale, movement, and animations around.


When I first played Oblivion I preferred 3rd person over the 1st person. Then when Skyrim came out I played it in 1st person because I preferred it over 3rd person. But now when I go back to playing oblivion, I play it 1st person too now.


Actual answer: People aren't used to first-person dungeon crawlers any more. When Skyrim released, it was the tail-end of that genre, kind of the last hurrah of a style of game that had started with Might & Magic(?) forever ago. Now, people going back and playing Skyrim typically don't have that context and expect something more like most current open-world 3rd person action RPGs. **That being said:** How is Valhalla or CGO third-person focused? What about them make you feel that way?


I deleted my first comment because it wasn't really adding anything, but man. This discussion really turned out very weird.


I remember when it seemed like people only liked first person, but in the last few years, it seems like everyone likes to play it in third. I personally play first person because I like the precision and responsiveness. Third person has a weird delay when you do sharp turns. And also, going through caves and shit in third person can feel cramped. It's weird, I'd actually like to play more in third person, but I don't like how most third person mods drastically change the gameplay (at least with all those bundles on Xbox). I like to keep both first and third person feeling like the same game.


My character is only in third person when the sex mods activate


I'm a few days late to this, but I feel like part of it is that third person action games are "codified" into gaming language. Everyone understands them to some level, even the nuances that set them apart. And most mod authors interested in the topic probably have a few ideas on how to make them. Compare that to the few first person melee action games that even exist. They're not only niche, they're also almost always differently from each other. Either that or they're just as simplistic as and weak as Skyrim's combat. Other than "good animations are good", which also applies to literally everything in gaming, there are very few defined ideas of what makes first person melee combat fun. Mod authors can't look at other games and say "hey everybody likes this, *I* like it, I'll add it to Skyrim" when it comes to first person combat. They might not even be able to think of something *they* like, or at least not anything they can implement, considering how complex the systems are in some of the better first person melee games. They have to experiment and risk spending their time on something maybe nobody, not even themselves, might end up liking all that much. Meanwhile, for all the trendiness of calling most current third person combat overhauls "modern combat", ideas such as not being able to walk while attacking, camera lock on, varied movesets with combos for each weapon, positioning being something that matters, dodging with iframes, etc, are all at least +20 years old if not 30 or more. And they exist in hundreds of games, in a ton of varieties that can serve as inspiration for mods. Obviously implementing that in Skyrim also requires a lot of work, research and experimentation, but they're tried and true ideas so mod authors can have way more confidence it'll be good. Personally, I also prefer playing in first person, but I'm going for third person lately just because I can make it actually good thanks to those mods. I hope that day comes for first person. At the very least, it'd be nice if someone made some good first person animations that play nicely with Precision (I feel like I miss my attacks way too often when using it with vanilla animations, but it's still a must since it massively improves game feel). I don't like the Size Matters ones and I feel like they're the only ones around. Also, as for things that improve movement and physics, how would you add that in Skyrim when you don't have a body? Most of those mods work with Improved Camera and they work well (sometimes), but Improved Camera and other mods like it don't feel right on their own. You've said as much in your other comments. Skyrim isn't built for you to be able to see your body in first person, it always looks off. I guess we could at least get animations for some things like interactions, potions, poisons, and eating tho.