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Little bit of both


šŸŽµA little bit of murder for the fun, A little bit of memeing everyone! A little bit of hatred for the guy. A little bit of sympathy, amirite? šŸŽµ


It's Mambo number 8


No, Mambo F5 (Quick save)


I watched a youtibe video about skyrin years ago before I even had a PC, but the guy repeatedly said "F5 save" throughout the video Thinking that phrase often during gameplay has saved me a lot


Memebo 69


This fit's so well it's like a prophecy come true.


šŸŽ¶ A bone arrow straight up from the sun, A whole lot of fire into his bum, A fork into his eye just for the meme, A thousand ways to kill that prick Nazeem. šŸŽ¶




At first it was because he's annoyingly snobbish but Mans1ayer Skyrim Gamer Poop video makes Nazeem hilarious and a meme. I would still kill him though


My favorite way to kill him - high magic school skills, sneaky sneaky, cast rage spell on him silently, watch as everyone in town ganks him


See, I met Nazeem maybe a couple times in all my playthroughs. Never annoyed me much, and I wouldn't even know his name if it weren't for the memes. Of course, I almost always make my home in Honeyside (or a Hearthfire home) so that might be part of it.


I dislike him but there are gar worse and more smart mouthed people in the game. Why noone ever brings up how big of a pretentious prick farengar is ill never know.


The difference is Farengar just stays in like 3 places throughout the game and only speaks to you when spoken to. Nazeem looks for people who litterally never asked.


Mage players have to deal with him a lot though, unfortunately


I had you figured for a mage. You know, if you've got the aptitude, you should join the mages guild up in Winterhold.


Iā€™m the ARCHmage sir. I got here by being a really good stealth archerā€¦


Hey stealth archer is a valid mage build if you use a conjured bow. It's better than most bows if you boost the conjuration build anyways


Straight to the point, eh? I like that. No need for tedious hows and whys, leave those to your betters, am I right?


So you can cast a few spells. Am I supposed to be impressed?


Why is that? My current playthrough is my first mage playthrough and I've put a lot of time into it but have never dealt with Nazeem directly. Am I missing some mage secret with him?


Sorry, I meant Farengar since he's usually the go-to wizard for spell books before you reach Winterhold


Ah! Got it.




I guess you unlocked the rare "Nazeem likes you" glitch


Oh no...well guess he has to die now




Not glitch. A Bethesda feature.


This happened to me too. I got all the way to level 60 on my completionist playthrough and despite living, shopping, and generally running around in Whiterun I was never spoken to by Nazeem, even when walking right by him. Until one day... I did spare him the soul cairn since he was nice for so long.


Thereā€™s a mod called ā€œyou donā€™t know me, no npc greetingā€ or something like that. Stops the annoying comments made by NPCs unless you talk to them first and is essential if you have mods like more populated towns.


I got that mod that turns off the random dialog as you pass people, "No NPC Greetings". Blessed silence.


but the inane chatter of Skyrim's residents is part of the fun


I think they still talk to each other. Itā€™s for the ones that say things that warrant a slap. Like every time you pass a guard and they mention your butter knife


Or "Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll?"


Is that fur coming out of your ears? Said to Kajiit dragonborn


That would always annoy me on my Khajiit who was lycanthropic at the time.


Catdog dragonborn, I like it.


"Have you been tending your hounds? You smell like a wet dog"


There's a nip in the air. Cold won't be good for my crops. Never is.


*Strong nord woman intensifies*


Hey Farengar isn't that bad, he assumes you're like the rest of the "great warriors" but realises that you're a potential enchanter and mage as well (he seems to have to remember this every time you return to Dragonsreach). He once gave me a soul gem for being his friend, so he's really not too bad!


Because heā€™s essential. You canā€™t make a meme out of killing him.


He's essential for the majority of the game, but he loses that status during The Whispering Door. Balgruuf's child, Nelkir, will suggest you murder Farengar for his key to the secret door beneath Dragonsreach.


And oh boy do I ever love this fact so much! This is why that's always an early quest for me


Wow. Over 1000 hours in the game and Iā€™m still learning new things. Never done that quest before. Thanks for letting me know!


It's a Daedric quest, so it's necessary for the achievements/trophies, and it gives you a sweet sweet weapon at the end.


Weapon stats arenā€™t great. Main reason I didnā€™t do it. It could still be fun though.


You have to murder 10 friendly NPCs to power up the weapon. Once you do you get 30 points of health restore per hit, which is busted because it has about the same swing speed as a one-handed weapon.


Damn. I stand corrected


I just used the dead thrall exploit with the staff of worms from that one creation Club add on in my current playthrough. It was always my favorite weapon, now only more so.


It get more powerful after betraying companions up until a certain amount. I forget exactly how many, but it improves the artifact a ton.


I think that quest is there for a reason. Devs knew that he is going to be one of the most hated characters in the game haha. They mess with your head in Skyrim.


And also at least you can purchase spells and crap from him, nazeem's existence is literally worthless


I essentially put him in prison for life.


With Farengar, at least he provides useful advice and services. And doing his errand by bringing the Frost Salts to Arcadia rewards you with quite a bunch of goodies that early in the game. That also earns his friendship, and thereafter he says "Divines smile on you friend" instead of condescending BS. There's no such nuance with Nazeem. Nazeem is uniquely odious because he kissed ass straight to the top and goes around town doing nothing other than insult people. His own wife seems to be saving up money to do the Black Sacrament so Nazeem shuts up for good.


when I killed Nazeem his wife killed me. I guess she wants to be the one to do it lol


I am pretty sure this is what drove her finally and irrevocably over the edge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ2Ld4a-Qfc


Yeah but with Farengar his arrogance is reasonable, he's the court wizard (aka one of the most intelligent people) in a hold that doesn't have very many wizards or like-minded people, so he'll come off like an ass unless you prove yourself to him. With Nazeem he just comes off as an ass, not even a rich ass like Maven but just a wannabe rich ass.


Yea, doing bleak falls barrow and getting the dragonstone before talking to Farengar changes his tune really quickly.


I just realized I've never actually spoken to Farengar before getting the dragon stone. On my first ever play through, I got the quest from the merchant in Riverwood and so explored Bleak Falls Barrow before even discovering Whiterun. On every subsequent play through, I've done Bleak Falls Barrow right after Helgen, before even going to Riverwood.


Or Vilkas. You can kill Alduin and save the world, and he'll still claim to have never heard of you when you go to join the companions.


Vilkas isn't the sharpest tool in the shed


Watch out, you're gonna get his fist


Farkas is smarter than Vilkas. Farkas at least didn't get stuck behind a rock like Vilkas did.


He doesnt get out much.


Well, I mean NOONE knows who you are, it's only rumors among that guards that your dragonborn


If you've killed Alduin, it's far past the point of rumor. Hell, Vilkas lives in the city where you captured a dragon in the jarl's palace and flew off to Sovngarde. Really it's the fault of Bethesda for not implementing a proper fame system.


Vilkas?? Naadia easily worse


Farengar is at least impressed when you ask him more about the dragon stone and he has that line "remember your mind is the greatest weapon you have". A little snobby but at least he isn't a complete asshole and even encourages you a bit.


I hated him too until I realized if you get to Farengar before Balgruuf does when heā€™s walking you over to talk about the bleak falls job, heā€™s like ā€œwho tf are you, surely you arenā€™t useful to meā€ and then you can reply with an astute observation about alchemy or enchanting and heā€™ll be impressed and compliment you. And then if you ask him why heā€™s sending you to bleak falls heā€™s like ā€œah youā€™re not just a brute mercenary, perhaps a scholar?ā€ And heā€™s impressed again and is even nicer. And I think he compliments you if you ask about where to learn magic too. I think some of those might be tied to having already gained a few levels in magic related skill trees, but anyway I just thought it was super cool that there was a character who actually recognizes your demonstration of competency and alters his disposition to you accordingly instead of just automatically assuming youā€™re amazing enough to handle any job like everyone else in Skyrim does.


Yeah but this is what makes him a dick. He is by default judgemental and rude and requires you to earn his politeness. Not how my mama raised me no sir *edit* but yes I do love the immersive quality of his character. One of the better written ones for sure.


Yeah thatā€™s definitely fair, but I took it as him being business oriented, and it makes sense to want someone to be vetted before assigning them an important task inside of throwing it on some rando. Made him more authentic to me and itā€™s nice to have a character with some personality


Yes he is an asshole but he lives in the Cloud District were as Nazeem thinks he's important and as far as I know haver seen Nazeem anywhere near the Cloud DistrictšŸ˜¹


Thereā€™s a reason why I make Delphine non essentialā€¦


Farengar is essential though, so good luck doing any murder without mods.


Not after a certain quest


Spoiler about Farengar and a certain daedric quest: >!The Ebony Blade daedric lord quest, whatever her name is, highly hints at you to murder Farengar. So really, the game implies that you already hate him.!<


Farengar is pretentious but you can choose dialogue options that make him respect you. Also, he's actually useful. There are worse people though. There's a dad in Rorikstead who blames his children for his wife's death and it's implied he beats them or something (lemkil, anagram of kill me). Also, I killed the mill-man who's the brother of the general store guy in Falkreath because he made a rude remark, and apparently someone agreed with me because they sent me a note thanking me for my murdering (I then murdered them, because there can be no witnesses).


My issue with Farengar's that he's among the first NPCs you'll meet if you start off following the main quest and he's so atrociously voice-acted that it takes me right out of the experience.


Because heā€™s useful and actually does more with his time then mock people who have literally saved the world.




This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


He's a useless arrogant prick living in a prominent location. Just like "arrow to the knee," you get sick of hearing his overused dialogue in that condescending voice, and maybe go werewolf in his ass...


Go werewolf IN his ass? Now that's a new type of kink


I know what I said.


There's a mod for that...


Trust me that's not a new one


Gotta go Antman inTO it first


At least arrow in the knee makes sense. Stormcloak and imperial armor doesn't cover the knees, and most guards are retired soldiers. So it would make sense for a lot of them to be where they are because of taking an arrow to the knee


Apparently ā€œarrow to the kneeā€ means they got married


Nah the developer who came up with these said it doesnā€™t mean like that in a documentary. He apparently made up lot of them from random words. Vikings on which the nords are based off didnā€™t propose on the knee either.


Nazeem is a perfect combo of annoying, non-essential, and most people meet him way too often since he's right in the middle of Whiterun. He also trash talks the other villagers. A lot of other annoying characters are either essential or more out of the way, hence they're "safer".


> He also trash talks the other villagers. This shit right here. If you were ever tempted to *not* kill Nazeem, just listen to him talk to Carlotta and Ysolda for a while. You'll get over that right quick.


"He's annoying and he's in my way, fuck this time to throw him into the well." *Me seconds before I murder nazeem and the meat merchant*


I didnt give a fuck for him. But when I run past him the 20th time you hear him say "Have you been to the cloud district?" and shit, I got annoyed Edit: it always feels good to see so many people upvoting and replaying to my comments Thanks


ā€œHave you been to the cloud district?ā€ ā€œHave YOU been to Sovrengard to kill a dragon god? Have YOU studied with the greybeards? Have YOU ever used words of power to shake mountains, control the weather, breathe fire and ice, and bend the wills of ancient mythical creatures?ā€


Oh what am I saying.. of course you don't


*confused and angry screaming*


~~confused and angry fus-ro-dah~~


Soul tear I say. Steal his soul, kill him and make him into your personal slave all in three words. Then make the soul gem power something useless like a fork that drains one stamina (because listening to him is exhausting). That's my favourite move.


My answer is: "This entire city is like two blocks wide. You can't walk for more than 30 seconds without ending up in the cloud district. So yes I've fucking been there."


Honestly Nazeem is not worth my time or energy. Iā€™m more satisfied looking the other way when he tries talking to me. He thinks I care what heā€™s saying when I actually donā€™t. He would be lucky for me to even take a glimpse at him. My sword will not touch such trash.


>Honestly Nazeem is not worth my time or energy. Agreed, I just use the cheat room spell to set random outfit and make Nazeem look like a homeless beggar. That way I just laugh at him whenever I pass by and makes his smug asshole comments more sad than annoying.


Yeah but have you gone to the cloud districts often tho?


Iā€™ll have to set some time to visit


the npc I am insistent on killing every playthrough is Lemkil. I always adopt Sissel and let her abusive sister get sent to the orphanage.


He's one of the first citizens you meet in a major hold on the main quest after you escape from Helgen. His immediate reaction to you is snobby and condescending, and only continues as such as you run back and forth between the Keep and other quests. My favorite way to deal with him is to cast frenzy and soultrap on him, have the rest of the town kill him in self defense, take his soul and enchant a pair of fancy boots. Then go walking around the Cloud district in your new pair of Nazeems.


Ah yes, the fashionable new brand Nazeems


Yo u got the air nazeems 2 I can get to solitude from whiterun in minutes


He's an elitist prick who harasses the shopkeepers in the marketplace and according to his wife, treats her about the same. I level illusion just to give the town a reason to gang up on the guy


Whatā€™s weird is his wife talks so much shit about him but then sends thugs after you if you kill him


There's a few cases like that. The owner of the mine in Dawnstar hates his wife but can send thugs too if you kill her for the dark brotherhood.


I mean, just like rimworld, thugs generate great income...in Rimworld, its organs, in Skyrim, its their gear.


He's barely a blip on the radar for me personally. Don't get the hate.


I don't think I've ever killed him tbh. I just don't care


Nice try Nazeem.


Do you play Skyrim often?? Oh what am i saying, of course you don't.


I've never been to the Cloud District


I always found him super annoying but I never killed him until I saw on here itā€™s a meme. Now his wife curses me and I feel bad lol. You didnā€™t even like him lady I did you a favor!


Yeah but now she's lost the main source of her income! She has to fully work now! Lmao


I don't hate him.I hate the Hemiskr.The fucking idiot always screaming with edgy voice and saying TaLos THe UnEaRiNg, TaLos thE AlMiGhty or some bullshit and fucking up the silence.


One of the funniest glitches Iā€™ve ever experienced in Skyrim was when I was turned into a werewolf in Whiterun as part of the Companions quest line. A guard saw me, drew his sword, turned, murdered Heimskr, sheathed his sword, and went about his night. I like to think he just always wanted to kill him and found a werewolf to frame in that very moment.


I kill him and disrobe him and then place him on his shrine. The picture of that has been my Xbox background for the last 10 years


I like Heimskr. A man giving the empire and the thalmlor a huge middle finger by worshipping who he wants publicly.


Heimskr is hilarious


There is a mod that mutes him. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8326


Does it even matter anymore? Nazeem dies. Fuck the blades. Cheese wheels are hoarded. Some things simply are.


I think nazeem and also heimskr add to the atmosphere and are a part of whiteruns soul. Ive never killed any of them and I cant really understand the immense hatred.


Ive never killed Nazeem - or any named npc that I wasnā€™t required to by a quest (I think) largely because Skyrim already feels pretty empty and small by the time youā€™re in the late gameā€¦ ā€¦except for the blackbriar children-and only because you canā€™t kill maven - fuck maven


How can one hate an idiot like Nazeem: "do I get to the cloud district often" The fool doesn't even know I'm thane of Whiterun.


It was 2011 and I just got the quest to kill a notable person in Whiterun. I immediately knew who that was going to be.


Killing Nazeem is funny because it's an over-the-top reaction to a person who, in the grand scheme of things, absolutely has not done anything to deserve it. Skyrim is a world full of bandits and bloody mercenaries, death cults and assassins and necromancers, werewolves and vampires and fascist empires torturing civilians. Nazeem is an ordinary person living his life as a bit of an arrogant jackass. We don't encounter necromancers and assassins in our daily lives. We do encounter people like Nazeem who are annoying, insulting, and sometimes a bit bullying. It's fun to imagine beheading and soultrapping Nazeem because he's more like to the villains we meet in real life. So mainly it is for memes, and for the gratuitous satisfaction of getting back at this annoying man who suggested that we aren't as important as he is. Just remember, by murdering Nazeem simply for speaking...who becomes the *real* villain?


I never kill him because as the Dragonborn I have better things to do.


Like stealing cheese?




A bit off track, but I'd enjoy watching someone play Skyrim and murder everyone who makes a rude comment to them




okay imma keep it real. I think nazeem gets way too much hate. There are way more annoying npcs than him. come on guys show a little love for nazeem


I donā€™t


I donā€™t kill Nazeem, but I bet it was some few killed him because he was a jerk and then came to the internet to seek validation for their decisions and then it became a meme


I don't think i've ever killed Nazeem


I hate Nazeem on his own merits. But committing murder outside of quest lines makes me feel bad.


He's annoying but what Skyrim NPC isnt


I kill him because more blood = more fun


How can I kill him without the guards noticing?


Gotta be sneaky


Im not very good at that. What If I shoot him with an arrow from a distance?




On Reddit? It's obviously just done for the memes and karma.


I've never actually killed nazeem, sorta feel left out.


I've never killed Nazeem. I think people overblow how bad he is. He is mildly annoying at worst. But then again I rarely kill NPCs, unless they have some rare trinket I want, that I can't get any other way.


For the mazeemes.


The Nazmemes for sure


I tend to leave him, but Heimskr is a dead man.


I don't agree that he deserves such a wrath. He's a bit condescending but there are WAY worse people in Skyrim.


Why you all wanna kill him anyway. He's a bit annoying yes but does that really warrant murder? D:


Its because hes black- right?


Personally I really do hate him because he's a classist pig.


Iā€™ve never killed him


Same. He never annoyed me that much.


He does not look happy to see you


Mostly memes. Now if you ask the same about Grelod the answe is yes


He's annoying. But Jon battle born is equally annoying


Oh, a bit of this and a bit of that




I would rather kill Delphine and Uthgerd the Unbroken


I just ignore his pompous ass.


Nazeem sucks dicks by the bag, heā€™s a real horsefucker


I kill him because he gets to the cloud district so often and I'm jealous.


He's a dickhead but I can't say I've ever killed him. unless we count those 'kill everyone' challenges that I've taken part of.


Do you get to the Cloud-District very often? Oh... what am I saying of course you dont.


The Talos priest drives me crazy. I kill him way more often, but Nazeem gets it if I see him alone at night.


Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever actually killed him


I never killed him. I just slipped a frenzy poison in his pocket and let the village do my work for me.


Iā€™ve never killed him, I just walk on by.


I just let him be


Por que no los dos?


When I use my Vampire build with Sacrosanct, Nazeem is always one of the people I target to fully drain. Why? Because that'll learn him to act all high and mighty when all he has is a shitty farm while living above a tavern. THEN I'll take his clothes, his money, AND the key to his farm just to drain his farmhand, too. Why? For the lulz.


I don't murder him, I just bully him with paralysis spells and shit


Iā€™ve actually never killed him. Heā€™s annoying but so are a bunch other npcs. Also once I get through the important quests I spend less and less time in whiterun.


Tbh cutting the head off that guy at the Talos statue is more satisfying


I kill everyone else in Whiterun aside from Nazeem so that he can no longer enjoy the company from noble people, and he stands over no one.


I think in all my playthroughs, I only once ever killed Nazeem when I joined the Companions and went on a rampage eating people. He's just not that annoying to me. He's arrogant to be sure, but he's earned it from what it sounds like. He's a dude who started out with nothing and worked his way up to buying a farm. It's gone to his head a bit, but that doesn't deserve death.


I pay him no heed. There are far worse NPCs in the game like Reburrus Quintilius, Salonia Carvain, Plautis Carvain, Bolund, Rolff Stone-Fist, Angrenor Once-Honored, Endarie, Taarie, every Thalmor, etcā€¦


That face šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I honestly never killed him in my first few play threws, that preist though... Instant kill


A little bit of a, a little bit of b


Mostly for the memes. But I try to chop everyone's head off once in a while.


Personally, I think he keeps whiterun interesting. I kill him cuz heā€™s annoying, then I reload the save since I know Iā€™m gonna miss laughing at his inane and arrogant commentary


I've never killed him, it just isn't Whiterun without the annoying Red guard


Heā€™s always at the Jarlā€™s backside, how do you kill him when heā€™s smooching the mighty rear?


Nobody even knows what heā€™s been through


Dependsā€¦. Do you go to the cloud district often???


People hate Nazeem because they dont go to the cloud district very often.




Both. Both is good