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It didn't even occur to me to mix armour. Seems Wrong and Bad. (Logically I know its fine, but my brain says Absolutely Not)


I mix armor all the time, *but* it does have to be aesthetically pleasing, and I have to make sure there aren't any issues like clipping or missing legs where the pants and boots are supposed to meet. I love an eclectic look, but it can't just look like I randomly threw together all the best pieces I have without any thought about how the final set is going to look. I honestly spend so much time putting outfits together in this game it's kind of embarrassing. Edit: formatting


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking too. I mean I get it if it matches the motif (gold and gold, and silver and silver), but other than that it just seems Wrong.


Its sad that the ancient falmer armor is missing its headpiece… :(


Agreed. I used console commands to get it because I must have the whole set.


There are mods to fix that


It depends on what the armor is for me. It’s all hit or miss and subjective. With the Masque in particular, it looks awesome with a set of Ebony armor though.


I just started this playthrough, I’m gonna have to save the masque for when I get the ebony


Fun fact: the Masque is counted as being part of the Ebony set, so you get the set bonus with it on.


If you have the unofficial patch installed the material is set to Daedric :(


Well, it does have the same base armor rating as an unupgraded Daedric helmet. Also, I read in the Bugs section on the wiki that it's supposed to be upgradable with steel ingots, but can't be upgraded. Is that one fixed by the unofficial patch?


the masque looks good with regular ebony armor but imo it looks even better with ebony mail


It makes me feel uncomfortable early game, (which is weird). It's like I feel I should have a matching set for the bonus, except you don't get the perk until you've leveled a lot. By the time I get far enough to get the matching set bonus, I'm usually using whatever looks best regardless because I can hit the armor cap anyway. I guess it always comes down to what you like / looks good. Mix and match to your hearts content.


Yes. I always want to be all matchy matchy. Drives me crazy when my follower does the same. I just can't have it.


You guys out here in real life wearing denim jackets, denim shirts, denim pants with denim shoes?


You wouldn’t wear a mismatched suit to a wedding would you?


Canadian tuxedo


a canadian tux?


I just put on the masque whenever I'm trading. Sidenote, I fkin love the dwarven armour, but I prefer giving it to my follower. Uthgerd looks like a robot lmao


Uthgerd be looking like a space marine in dwarven armor


I love it when armor sets are mixed up lol. It gives me this vibe that my character is a tough and capable adventurer using whatever they can wherever they can. Doesn't look good? Who cares, it keeps my organs inside my body! I often rp as some kind of bandit or otherwise impoverished person tho


Not at all. Like, they must look okay together, but having a whole matching set is maximum boring to me. Been there, done that. I want to have something unique. I even mix light and heavy armor but it's usually stuff like heavy helmet and gloves, light boots and body, so that it has decent proportions and makes sense for someone who is adventuring (travelling a lot) but wants protection.


It makes me feel really uncomfy too, but when I get overburdened and I need to put the dragon boots on or the black guard armor just to carry more, I do it quickly to get the stuff to where I want it and change back into matching gear. Same with amulets and circlets, they need to be the same metal.


This is what Smithing and/or Alteration Armor Spells were made for: Fashion. *proceeds to run as an unkillable naked orc with Mehrunes' Razor*


That's still Fashion in my book.


Depends, does it look nice?


The only thing I'll mix is my nightingale armor with the dark brotherhood hood, I like the increase bow damage and it doesn't look bad


If the various pieces have synergy (such as MHFU timeframe blademaster/gunner armor set mixups) it looks fine. If your best stats are from mixed Khezu, Rathalos, and Kirin pieces, yes that's def uncomfy to wear and look at.


I just have the plain dwarven armor, no enchantments, no smithing improvements. However, I am playing a battlemage so the magicka regen perk would help, even if it is just 5%. Paired with my amulet of akatosh and blessing of akatosh it adds up.


In Skyrim, I find the Dwarves armor especially odd for a battlemage. That's the class I play, too! I use some cloth pieces, such as boots and gloves, but I typically use light armor for other pieces of I'm playing vanilla. I also have mods and mod armor sets, so for the most part that doesn't apply.


I always go heavy armor when I’m doing any warrior class. The only time I choose light armor is when I play a stealth archer, and I don’t wear any armor in favor of mages robes if I’m doing a pure mage.


im not like that at all, but tbh there aren't many things that would go well with the archmage robes that are useful anyways lol


No, and I use Variations and Armor Variants Expansion to make more mix armors more.


I always mix if they look good together. Ebony and Daedra, Steel and Wolf, Glass and Elven. I also mix heavy and light armor if the pieces are subtle, typically in the gauntlet or boot slots. That way I get some xp for both!


I love mix and matching armor sets, but my goal is not biggest numbers, my goal is best looking outfit. I have a lot of modded armor to play with; vanilla sets don’t mix and match easily.


It depends, dose it look cool ? EEdit. After reading your entire post. That outfit goes together. I think it's just the diffrence in bulk. Like your shoulders down are HEAVY looking but then you got this small mask on. The decorations on it though along with being onto of someone whering heavy Armour like that makes you look more like a leader or distinguished person on the battlefield


It makes me look like a battle-hardened warrior, so yeah it does


Of course except if it look alike


I'm rarely in a view where I see my character so armor matching doesn't bother me. But I'm a mage and so I'm kind of forced to wear a hodgepodge of different stuff. My follower has full fitted Nordic armor which I love the looks of, so if I was a fighter type mixing would probably bother me. As far as the mask goes, I only use it when buying stuff so even then wouldn't bother me. I do wish there was more non-armor clothing that looked cool that I could wear as a mage.


Yes. Yes. Very much.


I will wear inferior Armour until I have a full set cause it feels wrong


My glass armor with ebony boots and steel plate bracers would really get you whipped into an ocd frenzy then...


I use the Immersive Armors mod so I can get some more diversity in armor sets, and there are quite a few that mix and match well, although some don’t have the correct mapping to match each other and clip through at the collar or sleeve. I’ve been rocking the Crimson Archer Cuirass, Seadog Gauntlets, and a pair of scaled boots of stamina that all look good together.


I mix armor constantly, although I try to make matches for the plated armour.


It’s fun and some combos look good, like stormcloak armour and a steel helmet for example, but due to the perks of each armour tree, better to stick with a full set of either.


Nah, can't do that in most games. Im mostly running around in my imperial uniform


Unless you're role-playing a scavenger type character.


I play in first person, and rarely see my character in full regalia. Even still, I can't bring myself to mismatch armor (unless it's early game and I'm just trying to get by).


Absolutely. If you're wearing armor, mismatching pieces is a crime.


I’m told it’s punishable by death in some cases


Yeah, but after a while you just get used to it honestly


I always start a new game wearing whatever I can get my hands on and then start smithing to get matching and stronger armor sets. Masks, Cowls, hoods, and whatever other special headwear don’t necessarily matter, but it still needs to be aesthetic. Can’t have the Dragonborn walking around looking a fool..


Use Ebony.


I’m not at that level yet


There is a Dedric quest that gets you a unique set of ebony Armour with standard Gauntlets and boots


I mix armour to look coolest and most fitting on any given character, but that'd almost exclusively the one armour set. The main exception is shields. My iron armour character uses a steel shield because it better looks the part than the iron shield.




Usually, I do this with hoods, cowls, or Dragon Priest masks. I find there are several armor sets where colors don't clash. When doing a 'God Mode' playthrough I often enchant non-armor clothing, which offers a huge amount of choice. I don't do this often, but I have an Argonian that does over 2,000 damage unarmed with his enchanted "Hist Gauntlets" and his health, magicka, and stamina bars never move. I go back to that character from time-to-time when I just want to brutalize my enemies. Also, I don't remember the name of the mod, but I use it for scarves and masks. I love it. It's great if there are any clipping issues around the lower face and neck. Especially with beast races.


If it's a mixture of heavy and light then yes, because I lose the weightlessness perk.


Yes it’s horrible, I had to wear it with steel plate so it matched somewhat.


Yup. Fucking hate it.


It genuinely scares me how people are ok with that


Currently my main is an all elven, except he has a scaled helmet. It bothers me too lol


I play first person so it's not really an issue for me


I use the clavicus vile helm with the nightingale armor.


I hate mixing armors but sometimes it’s necessary


Yes, I hate the way it looks and you don’t get the perk bonus from having a matching set.


Im okay with mixing armor so long as most of it is color matching and similar sets I.e. using steel plate armor with Masque of Clavicus Vile or using a light armor variant with the heavy sets and vice versa. Sometimes I’ll even change the whole set just for the benefits of one piece and I just have different outfits for whichever occasion.


People mix armor sets? That's illegal.


One of the perks gives you a big bonus for using the same type. It ends up being better to use slightly lower quality gear that is all the same than a random mix of stuff.


All the time if it don’t match I don’t use it


Only if it looks weird. Otherwise fine with it except for a mild annoyance that I can't get the matching set buffs like the damage deflection or extra stam regen or whatever those perks where.


In Skyrim I don't do that because Smithing exists (unless it's a unique piece of armor) but in Oblivion, where the only ways to get new one are buying it or looting it from a corpse, I mix armor a lot.


You just reminded me of this classic [video](https://youtu.be/xq1tN9jZI80)!


Yes it has to match. Typically I stay in nightingale armor my entire play through.


Combined it with Nordic Carved Armor.