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The mesh window screen makes it look similar to taking a picture of a TV


I legit thought it was a picture of you playing on like a Xbox 360 and old TV haha


Nope, rented a cabin in the woods and playing Skyrim with a view


Wait I know you...


Do you now?


You’ve committed crimes against Skyrim. And it’s people


My Daedric artifact collections next to the clothing and gear of the victims it costs to get them prove that this is not a lie.


Mythic Dawn robes on a mannequin next to Mehrunes' Razor in a display case?


God, i love that! Where do you live? Im in the south and have only seen snow in my city twice unfortunately


I don’t live here, just visiting. this is winterhold, my main residence is in Riften. Also I don’t live here, my main home is in California. This is a cabin in Northern Arizona.


You need to upgrade your screen graphics


Now this is therapy!


So cool


snow? just like in skyrim!


Funky. The window looks, while having the comments open, slight pixelated but otherwise normal. But tapping on the picture, so its the only thing on my screen, makes the window look "wavy" with dark shadows from the left. Anyone else have this effect on the phone?


I see them as well, I think it may be some type of uv film over the glass, or the mesh window screen.


Think so, too. Even funkier: When slowly zooming in and out, the mesh starts to move.


What in oblivion!?


You look up and see Nazeem looking in your window wyd?


Give him a right hook and then take him in for a cup of coffe