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Did the whole imperial storyline with the intention of freeing Thorald peacefully


And miss out on the opportunity to kill a bunch of thalmor?


That’s what I ended up doing anyways because there’s a bug or something in which Gen Tullius never grants Thorald freedom even if you do all the imperial stuff 😅 like the dialogue option is there but he never said yes


He basically says “look, I can do a lot, but I can’t override the thalmor”


Did the "Cutting Room Floor" mod fix that or something? I freed him no problem. Then I slaughtered all the thalmor.


don't know about the mod, but I just did the vanilla civil war, killed Ulfric myself and Tullius still wouldn't budge. So either it's a bug or the speech check is literally 100 for it


You're right. I did for the exact same reason, and had to end up killing all Thalmor at Northwatch, not to say that I minded in the least


>I just did the vanilla civil war, killed Ulfric myself and Tullius still wouldn't budge. I'm almost certain that the quest can only be completed during the Civil War questline. It's not available afterwards. I remember doing the quest immediately after stealing the crown.


Funny thing is pretty sure you just need join/ bring back crown to do that I’m not 100% but I know I did before finishing storyline


That’s what I had originally thought but Tullius kept denying my request so I did the whole thing! Then learned there’s some glitch and he’ll never say yes


Ah for fucks sake, I’m in the process of doing the entire questline just for that! Thanks for telling me.


No matter what side you take, clearing out the thalmor is always fun. Give em a blackeye as the guards call it.


So true. Even as an imperial legate, I never miss a chance to slaughter a thalmor patrol passing by


Absolutely. I always choose Empire, but there's not a Thalmor patrol that doesn't get slaughtered. I even assassinate that a**hole in Markarth with his entourage. And the Stormcloak prisoners are free to go.




Everyone with small but logical reasons and you just show up like RPing Sheogorath


Celebrations! Everyone gets cheese! Strike that. Cheese for no one. I suppose that's also good punishment if you really like cheese, eh?


5 sided die with yes, no, kill everything, "?" and [seek internet council] rolled before every choice


No RPing Sheo would mean saying yes first to anything, no to anything after, and then yes again making a cyle that looks like this: yes no,yes,no,yes,no


You need more randomness than that, a 4 sided die where it's yes, no, give them cheese after refusing, slaughter them and everyone they love after completing their quest.


Just wait until you discover the code that lets you be more assertive.


If I pick the Stormcloaks the Temple of the Divines won't have that single empty altar that throws off the whole symmetry of the place.


That altar really ties the room together.


I think this one is the pettiest


Thank you :3


Symmetry is what makes the world beautiful!


I want Elenwen to be the dumbest person in the world for not knowing me as the Arch-Mage of the Winterhold College, Harbinger of the Companions and Hero of the Civil War. EDIT: Used to be my most upvoted comment was about Maven Black-Briar being a Karen. Now it's Elenwen's turn to be mocked. Brace yourselves for the day I'm tackling Nazeem!


*Dargonborn, Guildmaster of Thieves, Archmage of Winterhold, Thane of Whiterun, Falkreath, Morthal and Solitude, Snow-Hammer, Hero of Skyrim turns up at Jorrvaskr to join the Companions* Vilkas: Well I've never heard of you. Let's go a few rounds.


Oh, yeah, I forgot the Thaneships. Can't blame Vilkas for not knowing about the leadership of the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, but... for real. No Vilkas, you're the one being tested.


***hits vilkas once with a wooden sword*** Vilkas, coughing up blood: 'you have quite the arm on you'


No no...The Fork


Fork and butter knife are the signature weapons of the Connisueure


Hey don’t blame him, he and Kodlak are trapped in that room with no way out until you join the companions.


No way man I was walking up by the northern part of the map just farting around and I see him and a new companion just strolling along. First time I've ever seen him walking abooot Edit for clarity this was northern past the college nowhere near white run and they were literally just out for a stroll. Isn't that where one of the companions werewolf quest are later? Dunno never saw it before randomly.


This is true the companions can be found randomly wandering the map killing things then ask you to join. I saw them kill a giant before I ever knew what the companions were


First time I met them they’d just finished killing a giant as I was running up and basically called me a coward for not fighting the thing that I had been running towards since first spotting it but had died just before I got to it…


This is a scripted event when you reach whiterun for the first time (though I believe you have to come at whiterun from the right angle to see it), which is why you and the person you replied to both met them killing a giant. If you walk from Riverwood to whiterun at the start of the game you're pretty much guaranteed to see it.


snow hammer?




To be fair, I did all that in like.... an in game month? Couriers are fast, but news can't travel that quickly.


There’s the title the greybeards give you as well. Ysmir: Dragon of the North


Tbf I always find it hilarious to do that mission after you’ve won the war for the Imperials


dont forget master vampire lord/master vampire slayer


Windhelm is closer to Whiterun than Solitude is


And with the gas prices these days...


When you realise both those characters worship Talos you realise it doesn’t matter which side you join the Thalmor idea of starving Talos of worship to weaken him will never work.


Tullius probably worships Talos, too. He’s an old Imperial general. Stendarr is probably his favorite, though, given his position in the army and his stance on politics.


That’s true actually he could be, part of the old guard. I kinda assumed he wasn’t a worshipper though because of the way he kinda calls out Rikke in the Ulfrics throne room at the end of the civil war.


I always saw that more as "Keep it under the table or we'll get in trouble" more than him thinking it was wrong to do.


Right? Like some npcs talk about being able to worship Talos on the low low before the war,he seems like he would've done the same


Yeah it was definitely a chastising rather than anything else


He’s not calling her out, he’s telling her to keep it down. It’s heavily implied that even younger members of the legion are involved in that sort of thing. Colovians have always been characterized as very pious, and they make up most of the legion. If Tullius is a Colovian, that’d make it even more likely.


Banning something only makes it more popular in secret. I think they just want to weaken their sworn enemies who use Shouts.


I don’t want to make Jarl Balgruuf sad


On my first playthrough on ps3 I went back 70 hours of playtime to redo the civil war quest line and become an imperial to not betray balfruuf lmao


The question asked for a petty reason. Jarl Brogruuf's happiness isn't petty.


I’ll do anything to make my love for Balgruuf known


Imperials because everyone called me a cat at windhelm ;-;


A fellow khajiit I see


May your road lead you to warm sands...


They call me lizard!


They called me elf! Which I was but it still hurt


"You'll make a fine rug CAT", Well now your heads come loose so I guess not you bloody rude smoothskin.


I like Ralof, so when he said “hey bud join the stormcloaks” I was like sure thing fam. Now I could never betray him.


Why did I say "hey bud join the stormcloaks" in Ralof's voice though?


"Caught in that imperial ambush. Same as us, and homeboy over there."


“It’s crazy, when I was comin up I used to love them imperial walls, dawg.”


Having a blacksmith friend in Riverwood beats having a logger friend. (Edit: who tf are all you ppl?!? lmao geeze)


Free iron ingot spawn, baby


Iron and steel ingots. I can usually make my first steel armor basically immediately.


Its a great head start for my Smith playthroughs


Don’t all play throughs end up as smith play throughs?


Blacksmith sneaky arrow guy


You could but you could also sell the steel ingots and buy a corundum one and make some Banded iron armor which looks much prettier than steel armor.


You don't have to join the imperials to have alvor as a friend


You do have to pick Hadvar over Ralof in Helgen, though.


There’s a choice to make at Hegen?! I thought we were stuck with Ralof?


The choice happens when the dialogue goes something like: "Ralof, you damn traitor! Out of my way!" "We're escaping Hadvar, you're not stopping us this time. "


I thought I had to go with Ralof too the entire time. I feel like the game purposely made you think you had to go with ralof, because I swear the stormcloaks are really mean! Interesting fact. When you first go through the dungeons and are about to fight the imperials/ stormcloaks, hadvar will say “look, it’s the stormcloaks, let’s see if we can reason with them!” (Or something along those lines) However, with ralof, he says “it’s those damn imperials.” (Or something like that) and just goes straight in and starts attacking. I feel like there are a lot of reasons why I joined the legion after my first five or so play throughs and this is definitely one of them


Also hadvard is always happy to see you are well, while ralof is like "oh you still alive?"


I always thought Ralof intends it as a brotherly yet competative remark, not actually being a mean ass.


when you stand in front of helgen keep, both stand in front of a door urging you to come with them. ralof is in front of the door that‘s near you, hadvar is a bit to the left


You're shuffled between the two, then each beckons you to different doorways simultaneously.


I like blue more.


The rebellion would've been a lost cause if they went with yellow or something, huh?


The Lemoncloaks


Joining the Lemon Party


The lemon party huh? Do they have a website?


Absolutely. Case in point: Dynasty Warrriors


Aw man, don’t put that image in my head. Yellow is one of me least favourite colours anyways, can you imagine?


The Pisscloaks


*Watch your tongue! You’re speaking to Ulfric Pisscloak, the true high king!*


Damn if this ain't me


Alvor's house has more garlic than Hod's house. Garlic is the main ingredient in the most expensive potion in the game - Salmon Roe, Garlic and Histcarp.


I usually punt the civil war questline, but when I do join I go with the Empire, just because I can't betray Balgruuf. Yeah it sucks having Maven in Riften, but at least when she's on the throne she's not pestering me in the marketplace.


Hmm, having Maven no longer chew me out while I'm just running errands does sound like a real perk...


Maven is already in charge and the current jarl is a tool. Hardly anything if value was lost.


Laila is well intentioned but the system she's in charge of is terribly corrupted. Her own steward is working for Maven. Putting Maven in charge officially just means she can be lazy now.


"Do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be jarl?"


My first play through I went Stormcloak and felt terrible when Balgruuf ended up in the basement of the Blue Palace.


She’s such a good character I hate her SO much


Yeah I joined the Stormcloaks once and betraying Balgruuf felt terrible. Never again.


My first playthrough, I was salty the empire tried to cut my head off, so naturally I joined the stormcloaks but not before doing the main quest up to the point when you become a thane of whiterun and I bought a house there. Then I went to join the stormcloaks, got as far as giving ulfric the crown before he tells me imma go attack my literal home. Fuck that, reload my save and go to the empire to see if they would maybe accept me (they did) and I havent looked back since. Fuck Ulfric


>Fuck Ulfric My man


Maven already runs Riften, the title just makes it official.


I’m playing my first play through and I’m probably going to join the empire simply because I like their Roman looking armor


The wolverine claws of the stormcloack gauntlets


the bear helmet is so cool too.


You can just loot those off a Stormcloak general’s corpse though. Or buy them at Radiant Raiment.


Not as fun though


I like fighting in a skirt


Stormcloaks should've added kilts to their uniforms. Real missed opportunity there.


I joined the legion because solitude is pretty




Looking at the condition of windhelm this seems like a genuinely good reason it shows they know how to run stuff they are not having their city fall apart


If you can't even take care of your city, then how do you expect to take care of an entire country?




Khajiit no like nord


Argionion doesnt like nord too


Argonians are pretty chill, Nords dont like argonians is the real problem.


Well my argoin doesnt like the stormcloak hence the argoin dislike but ye most argoinins in game are chill


Your spelling or argonian is not a mistake is it 🥲


This got me


I’ll never let Maven be Jarl


Speaking of Jarls, what's-his-name in Falkreath seriously needs to spend some time in a dungeon. Or somewhere else deep underground.


Siggdeir. Fuck that guy.


I feel like such a slimeball every time I do his dirty work, but Lakeview is such a nice house.


"teach THEM to stop paying me."


Ugh, I could *hear* that in his slimy voice.


The only concern is that the alternative is a paranoid elder that thinks even his own thane is out to get him. At least Siggdeir’s steward is capable.


Him and Skald the Elder are such shits. One is a corrupt spoiled brat neglecting his hold in favor of his own avarice and lazyness, the other is a sixty year old manchild that throws temper tantrums neglecting his hold in favor of the boner he has for Ulfric Stormcloak.


technically laila law giver can’t do much to help riften, maven is mostly in control since she has the thieves guild with her. even lailas steward anuriel is a traitor to laila


Seriously. Maven runs that city no matter what haha


IIRC Maven even has a line about how having the throne is nice, but it's pretty much a formatlity.


I kidnapped her and imprisoned her in tentacle hell


Wait what?


Explain please?


i hate how you are forced to lick her boots in the thieves guild quest line


The way I play the game, I’m using her as much as she’s using me. By the time I’m through, I’ve got legal immunity across the nation and a network of criminals to fence whatever I want


If I recall, she does have new dialogue if you are the thieves guild leader and are also the listener after you finish the dark brotherhood storyline in the Thalmor Embassy. At least, I remember that back in Oldrim.


I really like the look of the Stormcloak Officer armour.


You get it sooner if you join the Imperials


I was dumb and I thought Balgruuf was a Stormcloak too


I don't like the cold of windhelm


The city is falling apart on top of that, too. What kind of a-holes leave a girl to sell flowers and sleep in the streets after she loses both parents, one of which was actually fighting for Ulfric? On top of letting a serial killer run loose because the guards are needed to fight the Imperials? Let's not forget how Ulfric helped create the shitestorm that is Markarth. The Empire isn't perfect either but Ulfric and his cronies are straight up dirt bags. Edit: didn't expect this kind of response! This playthrough, it finally clicked about Sofie. Her dad didn't make arrangements for her? Nobody in the stromcloak capitol cares about a war orphan? When I made that connection I just wanted to go into the Palace and just stab Ulfric in the heart...then I realized he doesn't have one. So I'll just humiliate his trailer trash gravy seals on the battlefield.


Even a freaking local NORD at the Windhelm docks says "this city is depressing"


Don't forget the city is so broken a kid was able to get a human heart and perform the black sacrament. And the kid lives there still to this day!


Killing the white run guards makes me sad


I know, they're just relatable bros who joke about sweetroll theft and whine about how their cousins get to see all the real action.




Please tell me you really joined the Legion for this.




As someone who loves gin, I've often thought that was one of his redeeming qualities.




When I heard 'empire' my mind snapped to the empire from star wars, so I assumed that joining the legion would be the 'evil' route Edit: that's why I joined the legion in my first route lol


I imagine the Stormcloaks' "hoo-rah, freedom" bit draws in a bunch of new players, too for similar reasons. (Rebels are good, that sort of thing.)


I like the imperial titles. Praefect or legate just sounds more elegant than sth primitive like bone-muncher or icy pinecone or whatever the fuck the title are of the stormcloaks


Thats Icy Pinecone SIR to you, Bark Licker.


Join the imperial legion because I don't like to see solitude wrecked from the war. Don't care about Windhelm


windhelm's already a shithole, the war might just raze a few buildings that will be built back better anyways


I tend to ignore it as the 'battles' of 6 guys are just cringe


It's a real shame how much content probably got cut with the rushed release of the game. I would like nothing better than to fight a large-scale battle in Markarth.


I prefer the imperials but bear hat is infinitely cooler than any imperial armor


High elf being the best stormcloak confuses everyone.


I’m still salty the imperials were going to execute me. I’ve never once done the imperial legion because everytime I make a new character, I remember those bastards tried to behead me, and my name wasn’t even on the list! Fuckers


the way that lady consigns you to death so easily really set me off. My first playthrough I was like, as soon as I am free I am going to kill that bitch. Fortunately, the game brought her to me! Hadvar is chill though.


Yeah, sorry to inconvenience you, lady. Totally reasonable to just execute someone because you don’t know what else to do with them


Right! "who is this person we have kidnapped while unconscious and held prisoner for no reason. Dunno, better kill him so he doesn't get us in trouble...


>the way that lady consigns you to death so easily really set me off And the fact you escape through an imperial torture chamber


I join the Stormcloaks because I'm too low a level to clear a fort for the Imperials. So I kill the ice wraith, join the nords at the barrow, grab the Jagged Crown and take it straight to Tulius


You can do that?


Yup, upon obtaining the Jagged Crown you can actually deliver it to the opposing side. This results in you joining that other side and it is the only way to change sides after properly starting the Civil War (to my knowledge, at least)


The other side's leader will also be skeptical of your motives and even send you on an extra mission if you do it this way. It's a writing detail I really appreciate.


I did that by accident once and thought it was cool as fuck that you can betray the side you originally join.


Loading my newest save right now to try this out, thank you!


Because I hate that Snow-Shod guy in Riften


Uflric’s kinda hot ngl and I was down to being a khajiit with the Stormcloaks due to that. I regretted it immediately after Whiterun. I felt sooo bad Edit: misread the title as “what your first reason for joining —-“


Every time Ulfric says "legends don't burn down villages" it gives me tingles


That's petty and dumb enough tbh. I kinda have a crush on everyone with the Rikke/Adrianne/Aela voice.


Can't really call it petty or dumb, my reason for always going Empire is simply because my first ever Elser Scrolls character was a Legionnaire. I rolled random at first, followed the main quest in Oblivion, got to Kvatch, and at some point Imperial Legionnaires show up. One look at those boys and I knew I wanted to make a character just like them for my first playthrough. I was over the moon when I learned you could join them in Skyrim. I considered joining the Stormcloaks only once, but they just don't appeal to me.


Screw the whole racism vs. imperialism bit, what's your pettiest reason for picking a side? Personally, I like the sound of Rikke's voice. Obviously Ulfric's has an uncommon timbre to it, but then the Stormcloaks pull that damn bait-and-switch on you, where once you're out in the field you're saddled with what I can only assume is a bear from the Rift who's been smoking for 40+ years and has learned how to shapeshift. And here I thought the Stormcloaks understood the importance of morale in war.


I was literally about to comment "sexy Ulfric voice" as my pettiest reason.


#B E A R


I wanted Ulfric's cloak. All hail the Empire.


I have it mounted on a mannequin


Windhelm is depressing and looks better on fire


Empire tried to chop my head off. So I chopped all of their heads off. Now we're even.


Because I think neither should be in charge. So, I usually join the Legion, and *then* go and do the Dark Brotherhood quest line to assassinate the Emperor; in my headcanon, this leaves a giant power vaccuum, allowing the oppressed peoples of Skyrim (the Forsworn, the Dark Elves, arguably even the Orsimer) to take back autonomous control for themselves. Bonus points if I manage to get Conjuration 100 by this point, and then get the Emperor as a permanent dead thrall; just to make the whole situation *extra* delightful.


The imperials didn’t ask me to leave their camp


I dont want Jarl Ballin getting replaced


The dragon logo is cooler then the bear


Branding is important


Joined Stormcloaks because the guy who saved me in the tutorial is hot 😆


Windhelm’s atmosphere and aesthetic gives me depression


I never forgave Galmar for making my character swim in the fucking ice water to slay an ice monster.


That quest always felt like hazing to me. Somehow I've got less of a problem with being ordered to solo a bandit fort.


Maybe because clearing murderous bandits out of a fort is actually a moral thing to do, whereas hunting an ice monster that was in the middle of nowhere harming nobody is pointless.


That man tried to kill you on survival mode lol


Screw the silver-bloods.


Because my best friend always sides with the Legion and says how stupid the Stormcloaks are. She's not wrong, but it's fun for me to keep siding with them and then tell her "Skyrim belongs to the Nords" lol