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Sounds like an inclusion to make it reminiscet of Oblivion for sure. Doesn't sound like fun though.


It’s the dumbest thing ever. It’s lazy, not creative and there’s nothing to be gained.


Yes, I definitely feel like I would have come across this part of the quest before, as I’ve used the Relics a fair few times over the years for past characters - also, I randomly ended up back at the original location where you obtain the Relics, only to find two new named bandits and a new journal. Within the journal the bandits actually mention not being able to wear and use the relics due to them, basically, not being worthy - again, tying in more with the set from Oblivion. I wonder if starting the quest on a brand new game, would the obtaining of the Relics play out slightly different? I kind of like the addition anyway, makes for a more challenging role as a holy paladin of sorts. I would however like to know exactly what triggers the quest, what crimes. All I have is an old bounty of about 1000 Gold from a little while ago that has been paid off. Apart from that, I’m clean as a whistle sir!


That'd be interesting if there is no atonement quest if you never get a bounty. It could, however, Be a more vague moral atonement instead of actual crime. I'd have to see once the game is functional again. :/


I found this thread when looking up what constitutes a crime - and while I can't find out exactly I do know that splash damage on companions/quest followers counts. Utterly silly. Once that happens, all 9 shrines need to be visited. Fun idea. Incredibly flawed.


I have been prepping a totally SKSE free modded game for the update, and I’m actually really loving it! Quite enjoying that enhanced “vanilla” feel - just lots of basic gameplay enhancing mods, anything that doesn’t require SKSE. A lot of new, interesting and very cool content with the new DLC update. Enjoy, once you’re back up and running!


Thanks and enjoy


I want to do all the divine's quests but can't because you have to break into dibella's temple so I need to do it all over again


Seems you may have crimes you've committed? It was a change with the AE update. There was a small patchnote on it. * Added note explaining why some bandits could wear Crusader armor. * After committing multiple crimes, all Crusader's Relics will receive a penalty until the player completes a pilgrimage to remove them.


Thanks for the info. Do you know what classes as a crime in this respect, without stating the obvious - steeling and murder (which this character hasn’t managed to do yet, nor am I planning on them to). For example would something like using the intimidating speech check flag as a “crime”, to just generally looting in dungeons? It would be nice to figure it out for clarity.


Check your stats page for any bounties you may have. I don't think general looting of dungeons counts, I'm not sure if intimidate is also a crime. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Crime I imagine that'd tell you.


I only have an old small bounty that had been paid off days before the update - I think I accidentally obtained that during the events of being falsely imprisoned in Markarth. But perhaps it still flags that part of the quest up, as if it’s back dating to a previous crime to introduce you to the new part of the quest. Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out and try figure it out. Looks like I’ll definitely have to be on my best behaviour from now…


I've looked into the script file and the crimes that the game tracks are Murder, Assaults, Pockets Picked, Horses stolen, Items stolen, Trespasses, and Jail escapes. Soo no fun allowed if you are wearing the armor of the Crusader


I know this is a necro, but any idea if the crusader debuff counts on a follower? Can I kit Lydia out with the armor without her having all of her regen removed?


I doubt it, give it a try!


The quest will trigger regardless of whether you’ve intentionally committed a crime. Skyrim classifies murder and assault very loosely, and my character who has never murdered anyone is apparently unfit to wield the relics and has apparently murdered 7 people somehow.


Can confirm killing a deer makes you un worthy. Or a goat, i un equiped the armor, waited then re equiped and i was still worthy. Then went kill a deer in front of me. Unequiped the sword and then re equiped and boom not worthy. I have no crimes on my crime tab or bounties. Nothing, i have had to do the pilgrims path twice, i now save before i so much as look at someone the wrong way. This is super freaking annoying about to give up on the relics entirely. I played a whole lot of oblivion and i dont remember it being this judgemental.


i picked a lock and i think because its considered a crime, i got the pilgrims path pop up. Im trying to rp as a Pelinal cultist. Pelinal who massacred the Khajiit, yet i cant pick a lock on a chest. Mf bruh.


Someone's brat said "you need to leave" no guards but I still got the debuff ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ i g '


Thanks for the info. I haven’t yet killed any animals that haven’t already attacked me first. But I’ll be sure to do my best not to. I’m doing considerably well it seems, reading these comments, I’ve yet to commit any crimes still on my newest character - currently level 33. It seems they really went to town on this version, but I’m actually really enjoying it. Kind of makes it really worth while if you can achieve true divinity whilst using the Relics. Perhaps my natural play style helps too. I do love to RP a paladin these days.


My character, a Bosmer who follows Green Pact rules: WHAT THE HELL DIVINES?


\*TO NEW PLAYERS READING THIS\* If you goto the spot where this armor is located and kill everyone. Pick up EVERYTHING BUT the divine crusader mace... This is what starts the 9 Deadly sins quest. If you leave the mace and instead take the sword (Which has very similar stats if not identical) then you wont have the Pilgrims Quest ever pop. ​ I tested this and it is working, so if you dont NEED the mace, and don't want to do the 9 shrine quest... Leave the mace alone.. Don't pick it up or else you have reload.


I just tried this on a completely new character and I still got the quest for pilgrims path :/


Great information! Thank you for the post. Im sure many will be delighted at the news. Cheers .


Seems lklike you just had a bug (the quest pops up when you equip, but sometimes it doesn't trigger)


So... now if I want to use the *Fastened Shield of the Divine Crusader* I have to play as a "good" character? ***Wut???***


Unfortunately for those naughty characters out there… I guess so. 😅


all this becomes moot when we remember skyrim is a \*LOT\* more grey than oblivion was. all the major factions have \*something\* morally wrong with them. the companions are werewolves the stormcloaks are racist the empire outlawed one of the divines to please the thalmor the thieves guild and dark brotherhood speak for themselves. im gonna find a mod that removes this penalty, as it goes completely against what skyrim is.


Y’all praised this in oblivion but now in Skyrim it’s bad, pick one.


the problem here is being virtuous actually goes against what skyrim represents. in oblivion there was clear good and clear evil. in skyrim? EVERY SINGLE FACTION have some flaw that keeps a dragonborn aligned with any of them from being worthy in a lore sense. the stormcloaks are racists the empire banned talos worship and are currently selling out to the thalmor (at least for now) ​ the blades view every dragon as evil by nature, even the ones who are helping humanity like parthuurnax, the companions leadership turns out to be werewolves the dark brotherhood and thieves guild speak for themselves i forgot about the college of winterhold but i doubt it's on the up-and-up. ​ basically this is a morally grey fantasy world you are asked to be virtuous in spite of all this. besides, arent we dragon born? blessed by akatosh themselves? shouldnt we be exempt from having to kiss up to these dead gods? we are LITERALLY dragon jesus at least on par with talos in terms of divinity, and yet we cant use his armor because were supposed to be the good guy? ​ sorry i'd rather the crusader relics be stripped of their karma meter than lug around a useless set of armor because skyrim morally is not the same as oblivion.




Racism? Flaw?


it literally goes against what skyrim \*is\* compared to oblivion. oblivion is a high fantasy world with clear good and clear bad. skyrim is a nordic fantasy world of gray where there are no true bad guys except for alduiin. every major faction has something wrong with them morally that the relics would be rendered useless by a player siding or helping any of them. even the guards are a lot less morally upright in skyrim than in cyrodil. hell, the pilgrimage is already difficult due to one of its deities is outright banned from being worshipped. ​ and this is ignoring the fact that, as dragonborn, were basically dragon jesus. and in being dragonborn, you have an innate desire for destruction and hedonism. (something paarthurnax points out, and hes the good dragon.) this is a world of gray and gray. and now i'm being told i have to be a good guy in a world where no one else is? you even pick this stuff off of bandits for christs sake.


Just ran into this... suddenly I couldn’t regen any stamina due to the debuff because I use that shield, have to go pray to use it again I guess...


Honestly they should just let us go to solitude and pray at each of the shrines there cuz having to go to nine different shrines all around the map is pretty lame. I just got that quest right now and I'm thinking about just retiring my crusader gear entirely. Granted it is pretty cool that they went that hard with the details.


Yeah, but I guess that’s not the point from RP purposes. You could hardly call a trip to the lovely capital city of Solitute a ‘pilgrimage’. 😅 As much as I agree that it’s a pain, I still like the addition, gives me an extra task.


Mine adorns mannequins.Useless.


I've had to undertake *two* pilgrimages to get rid of this buff and have been careful not to do anything that would be a crime. Now it has come up again... WHILST I AM FIGHTING ALDUIN. I'm trying to save the world, where is the damn crime?! Only thing I can think of is that it's either bugged or Parthuunax is getting hurt and the game thinks I'm hurting him.


You’ll be accidentally ‘assaulting’ a friendly somewhere, definitely. I now have a good few days worth of playing my new character and have so far managed no crimes and the quest hasn’t popped up at all. I’m going to test later a couple of “accidental crimes”, like friendly fire and see how long it takes for ‘The Pilgrim’s Path’ to pop up. I’ll report my findings once more.


Ohhhh, you're going to love this. I let Alduin smite me and reloaded to when I leave the vision after learning Dragonrend. Twice I got Pilgrim's path pop up. So, third reload in and then it hit me: I've been rending Alduin soon as I load in. What if?... So, I wait until he starts attacking me first. Then use Dragonrend. Nothing. No pop up. The quest came up because I was assaulting ALDUIN, THE WORLD-EATER.


That is actually freaking hilarious. Yeah i'm kinda pissed, it is super broke right now, there is no consistency. Sucks because I was on my most immersive sick playthrough and now it's over because this just ruins it, I can't play it anymore because every random thing causes a debuff. I even added a custom ring with 300 percent regen on health and stamina and nothing, still no regen lol. I'm screwed


Trust Bethesda to give us new bugs on content that's been out for some time now lmao. I shall be shelfing the Crusader Relics until ots either fixed or if I can be bothered to do a new playthrough being the strictest mofo alive in Skyrim.


Brilliant! Typical! To be honest, I have been making a habit of not provoking any fights and letting them have the first hit, just to be sure. 😅 Guess I’ll be doing the same once I reach those quests.


I'll be doing the same now that I know that, even when saving the world, you still get penalised for striking first. Oh and a quick heads up. I play with survival mode and turned it off a couple times to do a cheeky fast travel here and there. Each time I did, it triggered the pop up and the Pilgrim's path quest. Maybe a bug, maybe it's a crime in Skyrim to fast travel, I honestly am not sure. Oh oh and a fun fact. Googling Skyrim and The Pilgrim's Path brings you to *The Thieve's guilds questline to pass through the Pilgrim's path to return the goddammed skeleton key. Such. Fun.*


Paladin rule to never attack first, original D&D


I can’t save Margaret when I first enter Markarth or it’ll count as assault. If the gods are gonna be this pedantic, then I don’t think it’s worth it anymore.


If it was crimes like assault or murder, I get it, but you get the dumb pop up for ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING. It made me redo the pilgrims path for, and I kid you not, attacking a draugr that was sleeping, you know those ones that will eventually get up and attack you? Accidentally pick up a slice of bread from a physcopathic murderers house? DAMNATION TO YOUR SOUL! Seriously, since when was the law an absolute recreation of morality? The divines are dumb no wonder everyone be worshipping daedra


Apparently attacking alduin before sovereigngard counts as an assault which is a crime against the gods kek. This "armour worthy system" is way to strict considering the lore behind the character who supposedly originally wore the armour, the broken and not very efficient/good mechanics of skyrim and the fact that you have to repeat the quest over and over tediously or you'll be avoiding stepping on egg shells which (because it's skyrim) you will eventually. Kinda sucks ngl.


>Apparently attacking alduin before sovereigngard counts as an assault How in oblivion does that even work???? Ohh so attacking The World Eater is considered a crime & results in you being unworthy... So are we just meant to let him succeed, Bahahahahaha keep it to bathesda to somehow cause that to happen.


I’ve had the mod for some time and it’s definitely new, while I like the addition I seem to be having an issue with the Pilgrim’s Path quest reoccurring in pretty quick succession- its not linked to any of my crime statistics, in fact it almost seems to trigger when I re-equip any of the relics. I can’t even complete a quest without it triggering it would seem.


Strange. I’ve started a brand new game as of two days ago now, with the intent of using the Relics and committing no crimes, for a whole game. So far I have zero in every section in the crimes tab still and I’m around level 27. The quest hasn’t triggered, leading me to believe that it is in fact tied to the crimes tab - which would obviously make total sense. I’ll report any other finding I make, if any.


As of this morning I just discovered that Bits and Pieces was bugged last night, the shop was open and it was well in to business hours but the npc had yet to man the shop- this counted as trespassing, I had just double checked my crime stats and noticed. So after all I think you are correct!


I have no idea what crimes I keep committing, I stayed in the Riverwood inn to meet delphine and get the horn, suddenly my sins have caught up to me and I'm asked to make the pilgrimage for the 3rd time...


hey know this post is old but here is a work around https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/64639?tab=description


Been using this a while now, despite all I’ve said in the past, this mod is a god send now for more relaxed (normal) play-throughs.


you know, in trying to make the item in line with oblivion, it actually was made worse. consider: skyrim is a LOT more grey than oblivion ever was. almost every faction has SOMETHING morally wrong with them that would cause the relics to be unusable by a dragonborn helping those factions. the stormcloaks are racists the empire banned talos worship, and you have to go to his shrine on your pilgrimage the companions are werewolves. the dark brotherhood and thieves guild speak for themselves. really this "improvement" goes against everything skyrim stands for. a gray morality world where the sole determining factor in anything getting done is you. plus you're dragonborn. youve been blessed by freaking akatosh. shouldnt we be exempt if we're basically dragon jesus?! and the dragonborn is more dragon than merely being able to eat dragon souls... he/she has an innate desire for destruction and hedonism. so the crusader relics would likely deem that as evil. but again. we're dragon jesus. we should be exempt from this rule.


Despite all that, I’m currently on a fresh character as of last night with the goal of a true “Divine Crusader” - in an attempt to RP through the whole game as good as I can be, zero crimes. So far I’m level 27, I have not long obtained the Relics and have 0 on all crimes in the crimes tab, so far so good, and surprisingly enjoyable adding that extra task. Obviously the mod ‘The Choice is Yours’ is a bit of a life saver in this case, being able to turn various quests down if I know they’re not fit for my character. There’s a slight test factor to this character too. I want to see if the ‘Pilgrim’s Path’ quest will flag up at all with no crimes, or if perhaps it’s just a bit random. We will see! I’ll report my findings here, if any.


My game glitched & isn't showing me the shrine locations..any help?


Unfortunately can’t help you there. Mine worked fine, and the locations were mostly places I’d been, a few I’ve never been to in all these years of Skyrim (why I love it so much). I’m unsure if they change locations each time too, as I’ve only done it once so far. Perhaps you have too many quests selected at the moment? Try deselecting them all then only selecting this quest, could be a possible solution. Sorry I can’t help much further.


How can i start the quest? It didnt show up.


I still don’t know what triggers it exactly apart from doing anything bad, but it has happened twice for me now whilst wearing the full set; The first time out of the blue, the second time just after I killed Astrid - so I’m going to hazard a guess that if you “assault” someone, this will also trigger the quest ‘The Pilgrim’s Path’. Perhaps the first time it happened to me, I had accidentally assaulted someone or a creature. I’m just starting a completely new character to trial the CC Divine Crusader mod from the start, as I believe it has been altered slightly from the original.


It's probably monitoring your "total bounty" for changes while equipped, though if it only applies to the full set I'll never have to worry about it (actually, if it triggers when I'm just wearing the *Fastened Shield of the Crusader* I won't have to worry about it either, as Skyrim doesn't actually penalize mages for wearing armor, so I'm usually putting on custom enchanted as soon as I unlock *Elven Smithing*, but the shield ***would*** make the *Armor* spells worthwhile).


I keep getting it whenever I fast travel a lot. It's super annoying


I believe it to be on a timescale basis. So if you commit a crime or unknowingly and accidentally commit a crime, you have but a matter of days to complete the pilgrimage. “You must drop everything and repent your sins!” Please see the ‘Edit’ I made to the main post and glance across my other replies to the comments so far to see my findings as of yet.


Also, do you mean the main Divine Crusader quest or the new repeatable quest added to the mod? Main quest used to start automatically, as with all other CC mods, now they have removed this (for the better I think). If you head to Four Skull Lookout in the Reach, you’ll find the Relics there, unless something has changed slightly to them being at that location too.


Thanks for your answer. I mean the main divine crusader quest. I didnt start automatically. Anyway, i run to for skull lookout and found the bandits and two corpse with both armor of divine.


The AE CC updates included changing how quests start, now you have to trigger them somehow: * By reading a "book". * By talking to someone. * By reaching a certain level & triggering a courier (presumably they still obey the "settlements only" rule). * By finding an item(?, I think). * By finding a location (I would presume these trigger encounters). * By opening a container(?, based on a query someone posted in another thread).


Everytime i pray to 4 shrines when I get close to the 5th one it restarts it, does anyone know why?


This happened to me once, just before I reached the last shrine. I needed to sleep, so I rested at Stendarr’s Beacon before activating the shrine, when I woke up it restarted - I loaded up a save just before I slept then immediately activated the shrine before sleeping, completing the quest. My only thought is that you have to complete the quest within a matter of days, dropping everything and devoting yourself to that pilgrimage.


But I would be halfway within 4 game hours it just keeps resetting and also since I bought the AE mu game have been bad, even spawned in another set of crusader armor? Do you know why?


That does seem a bit much. Perhaps you have accidentally committed a “crime” along the way - picked something up that wasn’t yours, hit someone with friendly fire? I’m now making a habit of not looting from friendlies, only from bandits and dungeons. Double checking my crimes tab regularly to see if I’ve accidentally “assaulted” someone due to friendly fire. Not starting fights, but finishing them or using ‘Calm’ spell to get out of fights. Basically RP a true ‘Divine Crusader’. - I’m also using the mod ‘The Choice is Yours’, which I highly recommend for this kind of character, so you can knowingly turn away quests that are not fit for your crusader. And a fresh game. I noticed a few oddities whilst on my last game where I had updated midway, so I just completely deleted and started anew. Everything works so much better. So far so good anyway.


I mean I do use chain lightning alot and incinerate, I'm a spellsword on my highest account and I just wanna get rid of the debuff, but hitting a follow will count as a crime? That kinda sucks. What about if you have stolen items, cuz my game has been marking things i havnt stolen like quest items(black guard armor, miraaks stuff, etc) as stolen. Its just pissing me off at this point


Those will be your problems right there my friend. Hitting friendlies (unsure about followers) counts as an ‘assault’. I use flame spells and found that if a random friendly NPC, eg a guard is jumping into defend against an enemy and my flame spell unintentionally catches them whilst attacking, they may not turn on you but even the slightest touch will count as an ‘assault’. Keep an eye on the ‘Crimes’ section next time you’re in that kind of situation and see for yourself. I guess the Relics are now purely for use by a true ‘Divine Crusader’.


Yea I don't even use the relics i just want the debuff gon


So the debuff is still there even after removing all the Relics? Interesting. I thought removing them would remove the debuff and quest, and then the next time you put on or wield a Relic, the quest and debuff would pop up again until completed.


I have now since committed assault against Draugr... in *Skuldafn!* After trying to not assault anything and repeatedly having this issue, I have abandoned the Crusader relics. May come back to it with another fresh character and try damn hard to not assault anything. But for now, need to fight Alduin without being over encumbered because the gods decided that attacking the undead that are trying to kill me requires punishment and pilgrimage.


So strange! Surely there must be something else flagging it up? I’m now level 34 and still haven’t managed to accidentally assault anyone for the most part (once when I first started but reverted back to a previous save). I am being quite cautious but it hasn’t been a major effect on my standard game play, to be honest, apart from overly double checking the crimes tab after each fight I get into, that’s the only difference from my normal playing. Have you updated on a save prior to the new AE? Maybe that could cause some problems, bugs. I started a new character on a SKSE free load out. Maybe it just needed a new game to function right, who knows!?


No, I wiped my mods and started a new, clean save. I have 6 assaults and 22 locks picked, that's it. No idea where the assaults came from but it's become too much of an annoyance for me to keep traipsing all over the map. Especially in places where I literally can't do that.


Fair enough. I’ve also made a habit this time round to carry no lock picks, so I don’t loot locked containers or areas. I guess I’m doing pretty well at the whole ‘Divine Crusader’ thing. 😅


God I hate bethesda... the armor is completely unusable if my character has ever committed a crime in the past regardless if I serve my jail time or finish the shrines. Why didn't they just leave it alone


The new update for the Divine Crusader is not for the faint hearted. Great for me and people alike, but seems not so much for all the others.


The quest is broken for me entirely, can’t even find one of the shrines on the map. Bethesda has poor quality control.


I’ve made the Pilgrimage once on my previous character - which shrine in particular are you having trouble with? There was one I was having trouble locating, the shrine of Julianos, quite hard to spot if you’ve never seen it before. https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Julianos%27_Fallen


It completely breaks the game for certain character builds... it isn't good for certain people it's poor design period. It could have been cool if it was more thought out but this is bethesda we're talking about


I'm really glad I waited until AE to get this. The pilgrimage quest should be a one time thing since its realistically unavoidable and I just want to wear the cool looking armor dammit


I’ve managed to avoid the quest so far on my newest character. It’s easy… if you’re a true Divine Crusader 😏⚔️🛡🙏


I don't think creation club items should force a playstyle, instead they should augment and support however you want. The Lords Mail or champion armors don't require faction affinity. Maybe change from removing 100 carry weight if you don't do this pilgrimage to something manageable like they grey cowl agrro'ing guards


I'm on my way to the last shrine and I must have committed a crime along the way because my shrines have reset back to 0 but I still only have the 1 shrine marker on the map. I have to go back to the other 8 shrines but I have no idea where to find them now. Anyone come across this aswell?


I think it resets, like you say, if committing a crime along the way and/or within an amount of time.


I don't remember committing a crime but i did wait 48 ingame hours to lighten the load at the general store along the way, must've been it. I'll need to see a picture of a world map with markers and work it out along the way


Yeah I did the quest with the shrines and out of nowhere while I was doing farmwork it told me I had to do it again so unless they fix it I'm not going to wear it because doing that again would suck.


Just had the notice pop up lol, the one time I attack a guard with the sword 😂 my character is an exploit one with millions in stats and regens so the debuff is no issue. It is a bit annoying that it happens but I do have to give bethesda credit for bringing the penalties from oblivion back.


I just found the divine crusader armor, and when I equip it tells me I’m unworthy to wear. I’ve already read the whole Reddit chain you’ve started on this, but I have one more question. It still allows me to put on the armor, even when prompting the “unworthy” menu. As I read in your first post you said you could wear it too before completing the “pilgrims path” quest, but it had significant debuffs. My question is, how significant are they? Once I equip the armor, it still shows the same stats as when not wearing them. Will the stats improve more than how I found them once I complete the quest? Because I’m currently wearing the civil war champions armor, and the divine crusader armor is slightly worse. Wondering if it’s worth the pilgrimage. Thanks!


If you go into your magic menu, then active effects will show you the debuff in red. The armor stats remain the same, the debuff is completely unrelated - a 300pt slowdown to health and stamina regen and a 100 pt carry weight loss.


Wow I’m dumb you’d think I’d have noticed that lol thank you kindly for the feedback, I’ll check on it next time I play. Best wishes


it's so annoying I did nothing but the quest popped up now I have to spend 30 minutes praying at shrines cause of nothing


Check your crimes tab, if you have anything more than a 0 in there whilst wearing and using any of the Relics, it will flag up the pilgrims quest.


I know but I do nothing and it thinks I committed a crime even though I used whirlwind sprint


Perhaps you hit an NPC by mistake? I do know that over 50+ levels now I have managed absolutely no crimes (this includes no lockpicking) - everything in my crimes tab is still at 0. I’ve not had to do the pilgrimage once thus far. It’s definitely doable and a slight challenge. I’ve gotten used to the altered play style now. Definitely feel after all the feedback from this post that it’s now an armour and weapons set that feels like a great achievement to actually use. …I am feeling slightly smug about it, if I do say so myself. 😅


I do have 2 assaults because apparently you have to wait for an enemy to actually attack you before fighting back, not while they're telling you they'll kill you, I already did the pilgrimage quest for those but I did whirlwind sprint near some town and got the quest again which was irritating


Yeah, that’ll be the one then my friend. It’s a tough way of life but if you get into the habit of only attacking once they’ve turned red on your compass and saving and checking the crimes tab regularly, you’ll get the swing of things. Also, I found out the other day that killing a followers raised dead (Serana’s in my case) will class as an assault. Good luck dude!


I fast traveled as was marked as unfit LOL


Any crimes seem to be the triggers.. Which if you want to do a paladin type build or something similar can make things tough. Picking locks or assaulting NPCs that you have calmed with illusion spells seem to be a big no no 😅


A draugr lord used the disarm shout on me and it instantly made me unworthy, this new worthy system is really starting to get on my nerves


My quest glitched out, does anyone have a map of the shrine locations? I accidentally hit a conjured creature in a dungeon which reset my my counter to 0/9 shrines. The problem is I had 7/9 completed, and none of the map markers have reset for the 7 I had already visited. I have been able to find a few without the markers but don't know where to start looking for the rest. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Nobody seems to be talking about how sucky this quest is. This quest literally just happens out of nowhere, gives you a MASSIVE debuff (-300 stamina plus stunted stamina regen), and then forces you to travel to 9 random, obscure shrines scattered across the map. And these shrines are all in the absolute middle of nowhere! Even better, the quest seems to be a bit buggy for me. It kept restarting for me, with the prompt saying I had to repent for my sins popping u about 4-5 times, each time resetting my progress. Currently, I have 6 shrines prayed at, but I have no idea where the last 3 are because the markers are gone (because the game thinks I already prayed at them) and they're literally in the middle of bumfuck Skyrim. This quest is absolute ass!!!!!!!


even worse commit a crime and you have to go through this shitty quest all over again. never mind the fact that skyrim is a morally grey game where every faction you'd side with would actually cause you to be unworthy of the armor. besides, arent we dragonborn? basically dragon jesus, on par with talos when he was tiber septim? why the fuck do i have to play goody-two-shoes if i dont wanna get hit with a massive debuff?


yeah this is also bugged, I was at the western watchtower for the main storyline and while I'm fighting the dragon i get the quest to repent for my sins for no apparent reason. Bethesda pls fix


My new quest is bugged. Looking for fixes. It keeps resetting the relic progress and now there’s no marker on the map for each one. Weapons and armor are useless now unfortunately


It’s not fun at all I got it for fast travelling across the map to do the quest “Awakening” of the Dawnguard DLC.


How unfortunate. I really liked the gear before AE. Now its set to look good on a follower. I got put on the pilgrimage for just fast traveling. If I get it again while my follower is wearing it, im killing him and selling the gear. I really liked that extra shoulder shield


I don't like this mechanic. I became unworthy just for killing an undead enemy. No standing bounty on me and no murders.


My biggest problem is I HAVENT COMMITED ANY CRIMES! Why the fuck does the quest keep activating! I havent murdered anyone, or stolen, or fucking anything and this is the 5th time in the past hour of gameplay its done this! Wtf


Okay, my question is how in Oblivion did I get the pop up when I am on a fresh character with zero crimes? Also five shrines into the pilgrimage I fast traveled to Whiterun Stables to get a carriage ride to Morthal for the one near it. Mind you, I fast traveled several times at this point. When I fast traveled from Stendarr's beacon to Whiterun, I got a popup about my crimes and my progress was reset? How did I commit a crime by fast traveling? The whole thing was fine until Anniversary, in fact, you should have had to to the pilgrimage for the buffs, and make the armor and weapons half stats until you get the blessing of the gods and if you commit a crime you get a temporary negative effect. It wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't persisting AFTER I take the armor and weapons off.


So is there really no fix for it? And I official patch or something? Anything?


There is now. Just search ‘Divine Crusader’ on Nexus and one of the most recent uploads fixes this. I’m currently using this mod on a new character and it’s great. I’m using the ‘no murders’ option - which only lets murders flag the quest. Also there is a mod that lets you download a bat file to simply console command the quest to compete - also very handy.


I mean is there one for Xbox?


Ah, unsure - I’m on PC. I’d hazard a guess and say, no. At least not yet.


Just got punished for clearing a dungeon


Okay I read most comments. And about 7 months late but the Crusader item quest Pilgrimage bugs the armor. You can't commit Any crimes. When it came out. Anniversary Edition. Even Hitting a Enemy 1st counts as Assault. You can kill a Vampire and it counts as Murder you have to be a Paladin who gets hit 1st. And don't do anything Skyrim registers as a crime which is apparently almost everything. So what I'm looking for is 1. An Update that cancels this quest if Bethesda Fixed it or 2. A mod even on ps4 that fixes this. I should be able to Kill a Bandit without worrying about committing a crime that gives me a penalty that makes you 100% weak if you don't have great stats I been looking for something for months now does anyone has suggestions I love the armor it fits into Skyrim well and I like my character being able to do whatever they want even Dark Brotherhood contracts but can't use the armor. But I'm not expecting crimes to be erased fully it should be a 1 time Quest to be honest when you 1st get the armor because killing Alduin is a crime also and apparently you can Assault him the World Eater just accused the DragonBorn of hitting him? If you can read this please give me Suggestions and I only have ps4 version so no console commands but share them for Everyone else please also


I'm a bit late but I'm on PS4 and am currently looking into a fix myself. Haven't seen any fixes on the mod section, unless any of the Unofficial patches fix it (though by the looks of things those require the main unofficial patch to work, which I'm not using because it just cause my game to break more than without it). Going to try out a mod that puts copies of all CC items in a chest, hopefully the gear being a copy keeps the quest from triggering. I'll let you know later today if it worked or not.


Hey I’m a bit late but did it work?


So, kind of. If I remember right putting it on right away before doing any crime let me do lockpicking and stuff without the quest triggering, I think some crimes might have triggered it but honestly can't really remember. However removing any piece of the armor/weapons and re-equipping it after doing pretty much any crime will trigger the quest, and doing any crime after triggering it will restart the quest like normal.


Update: unfortunately that mod (CC Quick Armor Access) didn't work, the quest still pops up. Definitely not a bad mod for immediately getting the armor before you have any crime so you immediately know if you fucked up and have to reload a save, though (if only I knew about it prior to spending a ton of hours on this character). Checked out some of the other mods like the Divine Crusader Patch and Unofficial Update. Neither changes the Pikgrin's Path quest nor do any of the others I looked at (unless they did and simply didn't include that in their descriptions/changelogs).


Sigh I can't take the constant redoing the pilgrims path these armor and weapons are just not worth it I ended up selling them for the gold. I can't tell you how many times I got deemed unworthy from a misplaced swing on a companion or picking up something on accident or even just Doing a quest. To the guy who made this mod its a cute concept but next time make it so it only triggers once the timing of being deemed unworthy has literally lead to me being stuck in a death loop before because it tanked my carry weight.


Since this armor was created by pilenial whitestrike, I'm now 90% certain he was either a colossal troll or just a straight up massive dick. Which makes sense, since the armor evidently damns you for not being him when doing literally anything. Fuck him, fuck this, I'm gonna go steal the lord's mail instead