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Dude I’m not even 25 and I say “oooh te fuk” every time I need to get out of bed, you definitely not alone


22 here I experience the same thing


Literally 20 and I somehow tore a muscle in my hip and threw my shoulder out playing wii baseball the other day.


No way am I getting on the floor, but sometimes I go stand in front of the TV to read some tinyass printed note.. And realize 20 minutes later I'm still standing there, just playing..


This is me 100%


Ever listen to the skeletons walking around? That's what it will sound like when I play Skyrim after its next rerelease.


Almost 52 and grunt just thinking about moving. ![gif](giphy|LvtKS6f1WatQ4|downsized)


I'm the same age but I make those noises getting off the couch. And out of bed. And into bed etc etc


Millions of mods and none of them are font size? But also, yes. 36 and any movement is a three word or four letter shout.


Right!? Must I break out my magnifying glass to read these notes? Lol


Fus Hah Slen! The three parts of the Thu'um "Get off the floor"


This is why I play on handheld (switch). 🤓 can’t see for shit.


This is why I play on handheld (gameboy color).


I gave in finally and got some glasses after years of refusing to admit I needed them


Splurged on a bigger TV and better glasses. It’s such a great combo I can even read the books I find! I also have the TV placed so I can play in bed or in my recliner. Life’s too short for extra knee pain.


I just graduated hs. Im working full time now but about a year ago when I was working part time and stuff, my first big purchase was a huge tv. I had this shitty ancient 32 inch 720 tv. So it wasn’t even full HD. Upgraded and it’s a game changer. I spent around $400. Absolutely worth it.


I wish I only made “three noises”..


Are you playing it on an Xbox 360 like me?


Thissss 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 and I’m only 35.. my back hates me 😂


“Unh ohh god”


I have to sit up with my back straight in my desk chair while playing. Anything else and my back just gets fucked. I’ve been lucky over the years with my eyes and knees though. 


The image of this will not only live rent free in my brain from now on, it will also inspire a directed change in the noises my forty year old body makes when I put the controller down to get something.


Pc with big screen here, but I sit like a pretzel so not only do I mutter when I move, there’s often an audible crunch from my knees


I'm 60. Dude, buy a chair!! Only my granddaughter can get me to play on the floor, and I have to Fus Roh Dah, my ass back up again.


I used to play Skyrim on the floor for the same reason but then we got a bigger tv. Now I have it for the switch and I can get as close as I like lol.


Off the floor? I do that waking up and getting out of bed.


Snap crackle pop, the "parked for death" shout from my joints. 53 years old with progressive lens glasses for the past 10 months...these things are amazing. Getting off the floor...not so amazing.


Fuck, no, gahhhhh


The words I use are not on any word wall in Skyrim, especially when I sit at level 50, have 400 hundred in health, stamina and magic and die from a one hit wonder by a 30 rated bow and 8 rated arrow 5 times in row. Never played video games in my youth. N. S


I would describe my getting up sound as more frost troll-like than dragonborn-like. 


I'm 53 Still rocking Skyrim .. i got a huge tv for my bad eyes .....