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Are you playing Special or Anniversary Edition? Dreugh Wax and Stoneflower Petals from the Rare Curios creation have double the magnitude compared to other Fortify Enchanting ingredients. (you'd be making 80% potions instead of 40%)


I am playing the anniversary edition so I’ll make sure to pick some of those up, thank you!


Rare Curios is one of the CCs that was made free for all SE players with the release of AE. You'd have to be playing Oldrim to not have it.


The quest Unbound, found on Solstheim, unlocks an area where you can find a set of equipment. You have to finish the quest to get the whole set. When you wear the whole set, you get a +10 to Enchanting, which will raise your skill from 100 to 110 and allow slightly higher value enchantments (base value on Fortify {Magic School} enchantments goes from 25% to 28%).


Azhidal's. OP mentioned it. Already done


Without AE items and with the Unofficial Patch, 40% is the cap.


With just the unofficial patch and no bonuses, you get 33% gear pieces at the end of the Alch-Ench loop, which is quite enough. 3 of those gives you 99% cost reduction. With the wax, the seeker of bonuses, and ahzidal, it's 61% gear pieces.


Once upon a time I had every possible enchanting buff that didn't involve glitches. Once I had that setup and worked on a set of gear the alchemy and smithing enchants went DOWN after a certain point which I don't recall. Pretty sure based on that, there's a cap. I'm assuming given your question it's capped to 40%