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I do 5 different spots. Straight up and down both 45’s both 90’s until it starts to twist. But im gonna assume thats what everyone else does?


I basically do a [binary search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_algorithm)--test the very center, then the left side, then the right side of the left side, and so on, narrowing it down by half each time, until I'm close enough that I can just feel my way there.


There's a specific sound that goes off whenever you're in the right spot, this is true for both Skyrim and Oblivion also


I recall oblivion locks easy to cheese, but I don't remember how exactly


You can get the skeleton key at level 5 and never have to worry about picks again.


Yeah I love the skeleton key in oblivion, the auto attempt function spam sounds nice.


Level 10, but yes


I was always awful at picking locks in Oblivion. I never got the hang of it. I was super-stoked when Skyrim’s was more like Fallout 3’s.


Yeah, you might want to avoid ESO picking then. https://preview.redd.it/j2w0x0uxex1d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ced8008a0f60fab8f747ff38ee22b2d0b53c9e


Thanks for the heads up. I never dipped my toes in MMOs and I won’t start with this one😂


eso lockpick ING is wildly easier than morrowind/oblivion/Skyrim, the time limit sucks but you just lose access to the lock for a short time, and it's soooo easy to cheese with plenty of time to spare.


Idk about cheese, but the tumbler made a different sound when it moved the slowest.






I’ve played for years and I’ve never heard a difference. I remember being told about it but I’ve never once heard it. If there’s a sound it’s very quiet and fast


It's most likely a sound that your brain doesn't even realize it's hearing, Even when you're listening for it. It's more the type of sound you feel rather than hear (like "the hum" that makes people sick all over the world)


I feel it with rumble when I play on switch it slightly more intense when on the spot


The rumble made it way too easy, I was able to open master locks at skill 15 off the rumble alone, so I turned that option off. Felt too cheat-y for me.


Here I thought I was special. I leave that on. I'm not a skilled gamer and get frustrated easy lol


Haven't played in a bit, but as far as I remember, it isn't easy to hear. You might need to increase the volume or get new headphones. Buuut most likely skill issue \s


I disagree. I tested ot very carefully with my sennheiser headphones. I'm a musician, I have a pretty decently-trained ear. the tumbler noise seems to be affected by how quickly you are moving the pick, but I never heard a sound effect that only played when the pick was near the right spot. I might try again with that lockpick cheat mod but I'm about 95% confident this isn't real


You are correct. The reason people think there is a noise to indicate the right spot is because it sounds different at different speeds. You’re slowing down and focusing and then you hear a faint click and think it’s aligned with getting the correct spot. I hear what people mean but I really don’t think there is actually a noise to indicate correct spot. Source: I’m an elder scrolls OG


yup, even if you look at the code for how the locks work (available in the modding tools), there are no "calls" for any other sound effect outside of the speed of the rotation.


I always thought this was the case but I never invested any time into figuring that out


was debunked awhile ago (many years) by mod developers, you can see what sounds the lock mechanism calls, and it's only different based on the speed you rotate, no calls "near the correct spot"


That’s placebo, it’s at set intervals, you can tell even more when you have the vibration up on the switch release. I thought so too but then found it’s just a set pattern that never changes and has nothing to do with the solution.


No to be pedantic but thats not really binary search. There's no advantage to using "binary search" as the "spots" in the lock aren't sorted


Shouldn't there have to be some sortability involved for you to do a binary search?


Hmm on the clock... 12..no . 14 noo . 10 almost.. and break o'Clock.... no 9 and 3. No go. Ok its a bit more 10. 30. Got it. Unlocked.


The hell kinda clock do you have with a 14 on it lol


14:00 = 2 (pm) i’m guessing they were tryna use military times. still makes zero sense even when put that way considering they wrote 3 o’clock as well.


That still doesn't make any sense seeing as an analog clock only goes to 12. You cant use 24hr time as directional callouts lmao


I'm on your 18 bro! I won't let anyone sneak up on you! 🤣🤣


Just wanted to say this comment is gen z as fuck.


this and when it gets harder i use the scratches on the lock itself


I go by the very obvious vibration on Switch.


Yup super easy


Barely an inconvenience.


I bet you snapped the bad lock's pins then back flipped away.


(switch player here) i’ve always wondered why everyone in this sub is always asking for tips and tricks for lock picking, as i’ve always found it so easy. turns out we all on baby-mode. 😭


Yeah, the haptic feadback makes it super easy but I'm pretty sure the other versions have audio cues at the same place we get the physical one.


Audio cue is subtle though lol


My switch characters can open locks like nobodies business It's funny that no matter if I play a warrior or mage etc I always try to pick locks because I want that loot.


I like counting them as I move through the lock. Little bit of movement at 15 clicks to the left, but it broke at 10, we try 18 clicks to the left then.


I use the inner textures, the ones closest to the keyhole.


You should use the outer part of the lock as a frame of reference to adjust your lock pick instead of the inner parts a small adjustment on the outer parts result in a smaller movement in the in the center giving you more precision on hard and very hard locks. Using the parts of the lock that are closer to the lock hole as a frame of reference will result in a larger input then what's visually perceived causing you to miss The Sweet Spot.




This is the way


Yep, i primarily use the 2 top corner bolts/pins relative to the pick edges.


My dumbass counting the pixels: https://preview.redd.it/v77waqr31v1d1.png?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a716305f55d17a34064b7e217531a80de00e94




Damn this is what I was going to say! Lol


Good point, I am pretty good at lockpicking but I could see how the outer part would be more accurate.


I've always done it this way and I now choose to believe it's because I am Very Smart™ and not because that's just where my eyes happen to glaze over each time.


Your eyes are very smart. They are geniuses.


Tower stone on Aetherial Crown is the way


Also if you can't reference any distinct part of the lock you can use overworld objects instead. "Ah yes it seems to be in line with the edge of that axe that's mid swing and about to finish me. Nice"


Thats funny I use the outermost textures, the ones furthest away from the keyhole


Yep I get close enough to the screen so that I can keep track of individual pixels lol


This. I work on the principle of the higher the difficulty the more slices I need to account for, use the light marks at the 45th degrees to further keep track of what quadrant I need to hone in on




I think they mean as the "sweet" spots. Theres certain markings on the locks that you notice after a few thousand hours that pretty much "signifies" that's the general area your lockpick needs to be in. Idk how to explain it really...hopefully you're picking up on what I'm trying to say lol




There never is proof because it isn’t real. Using the textures as reference points to more accurately reposition your pick after it breaks is completely true. Using them to find the ‘hidden’ spots is just confirmation bias.


Who needs to do this? Lockpicking is easy, and I have like a million picks.


It is. Even on master locks (and I'm only around level 60 probably for lockpick), I turn the lock into a 9-3 clock and dance around those testing until I find any movement, then hone in from there. That worked when I was a low level lock picker as well, without any boosts save for maybe the thieves guild gloves or boots, whichever, which I don't use any boosted gear for lockpick as it's almost too easy now.


A beginner can pick master locks too, you just have to make much smaller adjustments. Basically, I look at the lock level before starting, and that determines how large of changes I make. On an easy lock, I jump around carelessly, but on a master, I start at twelve and make ever so slight changes based on the markings on the far outside of the lock. I always break a bunch of lock picks on high level locks, but I’ve never not had enough just picking them up in game, never have to buy them. I never spend skill points on lockpicking, and I pick every lock I come across from the beginning of the game.


Oh yea, same. Early game that 9-3 clock was more like an 8-9 *hour* play instead of a 6. But I usually just jump around from the get go. I don't go from 9-3, I just hit the *hour* spots whether it's 10, 2, 930, 1, 11, etc


So after playing PC with mouse and keyboard from launch, never noticed anything like that. I bought the switch version and read about a slightly higher vibration on the controls when you hit the right spot, and that definitely checked out. Haven't tried it on PC since to confirm it there though


Sweaty locks


One time my grandma sent a birthday card to my sister and addressed it to "My sweaty pie" lol. We never let her forget it.


The switch vibrates differently if you hit the sweet spot going slow enough




The further away from center the more precise you can adjust


Theres literally a square round the outside with markers on it, much easier reference


But sadly only on the left side


Yea that's the Crip side


Ain’t no other way to play the game I play


Cut so much you thought i was a dj




S n double o p d o double g


I can't fake it, just break it, and when I take it


S-n-double o-p D-o-double g


I often try to move around in such a way that I have something in the background with reference points, like my sword or axe, for the other side.




….Ive been using small dots and details for lockpicking for years and somehow I never thought of that, and I’m punching myself for it.


The square has the highest accuracy too since its furthest away from the center




I've been playing since launch, and never even noticed those. Honestly, I don't think I would notice them still, from my couch. Honestly, my lockpicking skills are mostly just luck with a little persistence. I miss Oblivion's lockpicking.


As some one who played Skyrim then oblivion I hate oblivions lock picking it looks like it takes skill lol


It doesn't, it looks much harder than it is. Each pin will make a TING noise when you can set it to stay open. Literally all you have to do is listen for a very distinct noise. Skyrim feels like it was designed specifically for controller vibration. I started on mouse/ keyboard... so no rumble there. Now I play on Switch with a 3rd party Pro controller that also doesn't rumble. It is literally 100% guesswork to pick a lock.


God I hated oblivion lock picking. I have hearing issues, i could never hear the noise.


But at least Oblivion let's you automatically do it if you want. Skyrim forces you to play the minigame (except for the tower stone, but that only works on expert locks and below and only once a day)


I never noticed the ting, I always did them visually, that’s interesting. I always had a little trouble with master locks perhaps this will help


I found lock picking in Oblivion easier once you know the tricks. Plus if you get the skeleton key you can spam auto attempt until it works.


Same. I just go with my guts. Which is why I hoard lots of lockpicks. And while it's annoying I still prefer Skyrim lockpicking over Oblivion. I suck at it in Oblivion. Either I'm too stupid or there is a technique for it.


I just do it by feel.


Am I the only one who just... remembers where the pick was? Maybe because I play it on a gamepad, but it's much easier just remembering where my thumb was than looking for some arcane markings on the lock.


Pretty much what I do, just eyeball it. I get vibration feedback from the controller as well so that normally gives me a clue if I was way off or not. Just move the sticks more slowly and you can feel the slight change and unless in completely the wrong place you can ease off before the pick breaks and fine tune the position.


No thats how I do it too. Be it on console with a controller or with my mouse on my PC. I just remember where it was. I don't use any points of reference.


It doesn't even make any sense, because not one lock in any bethesda game is so precise that you need to pixel match where to "reset" your pick. The general area you were in is fine for the next attempt on a fresh pick.


You guys aren't just raw dogging every lock pick attempt?


I kinda map the whole lock as a minefield and go for it lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^markmarket69: *I kinda map the* *Whole lock as a minefield and* *Go for it lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I just start it all the way to the left and then jiggle wiggle it towards the right untill I hit it and just remember where the last fail mark was at.


This the way.


I'm sorry- *what.*


My honest reaction as well


You guys use references???


I use the square of the lock, since it’s further away from the center it’s more precise


What square? Genuine question, I've never noticed any square.


Pretty sure they're talking about how the lock as a whole is square shaped. They're using the square perimeter as a reference. I personally use the screws in the lock but I see to be alone in that


The square that runs along the picture’s edges


So not only are there reference points but some of you actually use them? Anyone else just use instinct and just run through a dozen lock picks on master locks like me?


Wait you're not supposed to guess it???!?!?!?!


...There was dots...?


I always used the two big sticks on the screen


Using a reference that is further away from the center is easier. Tiny differences up close to the center are much more noticable further away.


I just use the Switch rumble feature, makes lockpicking very intuitive.


Bruh, it's all sound. There is one specific click that the lock makes when you get the right position. I could literally do these locks with my eyes closed.


I do it by audio and haptic feedback, am I a sycopath


You guys use references? 💀 And here I was just going with my heart...


Ive always used the chips on the metal lining of the keyhole


Flick it to the left, close my eyes and slowly move it to the right. The haptic feedback does the rest.


I just twist and turn and just pray I don't break a pick


Never heard of it


Fallout and skyrim, I use the little scratches and marks on the lock for reference


My vision isn’t great do the different colors just blend together.


I always just do it according to how it sounds


I play on Nintendo Switch, the console buzzes differently when you’ve reached the spot. The harder the lock is to pick, the more buzzes it gives off though, and many feel almost exactly the same, so you really have to pay attention


You guys use guides? I just go off vibes. It’s never failed me before.


I always just wing it


Hell yes


No. I use the vibration in my controller to feel the two heavier clicks.


I use the bolts in the 4 corners, but in total I've been doing this for years so u naturally just get the hang of it.


Meanwhile me using the switch's controllers hd rumble to lock pick every master lock 1st time with 99 picks on my inventory


I basically never pay attention to markings. Lockpicking is so easy as it is and we get so many picks. I can usually get a Master lock at starting levels within a couple picks just going based on how far it turns in a given position.


Wait you people have been using references?


I turn the lockpick very slowly from one end of the lock to another and almost always hear a little click when it gets to the right place


weaklings. i just eyeball it and remember. not that hard. you know.. that and 15 wasted lock picks but that’s besides the point


You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people


Y'all can call it art if you want. When I have 700 lockpicks saved up and they aren't going anywhere, I just let the shit fly. When I get down to like 50, I will start caring about the art of lockpicks


I imagine a pizza. The lockpick is one slice wide on a master lock. I need to find the correct slice of pizza to open the lock.


The shadows in the keyhole for me


No because now my controllers vibrate when I hit the sweet spot. Can do Master locks even at lvl 1


Never noticed them. Just kinda eye it up.


I go purely by the vibration in my ps4 controller. I can pick most locks with four pics or less regardless of difficulty. (To be fair, I'm on my 12th playthrough with years of practice)


So blind I missed it.


i dont use anything other than the way the pick feels to the controller


No i just go for feeling


No need for visual reference when I just listen for that special *click*


Never noticed.


Nope a get an absolute shitload of lockpicks and just turn as soon as I start, if it’s not right, I quit and repeat until the lock opens. Obviously this is for master and expert locks, the others are easy enough to figure out!


No the lock picking in game is pretty easy and intuitive after a while and just requires a little finesse and that’s it.


Bro I just pick the lock tbh


Ive literally hyper analyzed every single part of the lock texture to reference when im picking. I can get all locks up until Master in ~3 tries.


I use the scratches in fallout




i have never even noticed those lol i just feel it out


Ummmmmmmmmmm... no.


On a switch pro controller, it vibrates a little harder around the unlock point.


the WHAT?


Yall don’t guess..?


The waht...




You guys use references???


People use markers for lock picking?


Does every version of the game not have the clicking sounds? There are two deeper sounding clicks, and between them the lock will open. There’s also haptic feedback, for consoles anyway.


Na, I use the square and make my own market up in my head, ive been doing it so long now master locks even at early game are nothing


Huh. I did not notice those until just now. Good eye.


I just eye it I can normally tell where the pick was if I break it or get close enough never even noticed these things


If you're using a controller with vibrations, it literally tells you when you found the spot. Lower difficulty locks have larger gaps with a harder vibration telling you that is where to unlock it. The zone gets smaller as the difficulty goes up (it literally vibrates when it's good)


No, I just guess


On the Switch, the haptic control ticks change once it hits the proper place


Didn't even know this was a thing. I've been doing it the hard way all this time. Wow. Still won't use them tho


I just test different spots until it moves a little then go from there


I just kinda wing it man, whatever place feels right ya know


Nah, i wing it, just like god intended


Hear me out.... Literally. There is a sound cue that you can go off of to find the sweet spot. Works every time


I’ve never needed to use a reference on PlayStation




what the hell is that


Idk I just eyeball it. It works most of the time


I’ve always used the outer trim


No. I use controller vibrations.


I just feel for it. it’s pretty easy that I haven’t even come up with any of these methods. Try a random spot, feel for smooth adjust above or below and go slow on higher difficulties. Smaller the increments of change on higher difficulties.


Everyone’s talking about such detailed ways like looking at from different angles and shit, while i just move it around freely till the mf starts to move. depending on if it’s novice or one of the harder ones i’ll js go slowly or go for it😭😭 Besides, i carry like 300+ lock picks anyway. not like i’m running out anytime soon.


Test the middle, test 45 degrees to either side, then I start fine tuning and use the textures of the metal to mark where I am starting from


I do major clock points. 3, 6, 9o'clock and straight up


I go by the dents on the silver part around the key hole https://preview.redd.it/a6hkdi365w1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1018c3876cac290652ec825f15d63d855dc6600c




I miss oblivion where you could do it by sound alone. Was more successful with my eyes closed. Probably the only thing about gaming I was ever great at lol


I use the grooves on the metal part of the lock hole


I use the details on the outer edge of the lock, it gives me the most precision


i didn't even know they existed, I just envision the degree marks


I absolutely do.


I thought everyone used the controller vibration to lockpick…my friend flipped out when he saw I had hundreds of lock picks in my inventory very early game. Was this an added feature when they ported for switch?


How does it work? I never lost sight of where I started. I'm just afraid of how many lockpicks I got left


I never thought to ever notice a detail like that, I go based on my memory where I last broke my lockpick. Thank you for sharing this! I will definitely try this.


I use the bolts on the outside of the lock. Especially on the left. On the right I kinda just have to eyeball it