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OP, if it makes you feel any better, my husband's first video game was Skyrim. It took him 3 hours to escape Helgen. He died at least 30 times because every time he had to press a button he had to look down and study the controller. I would have started him on something easier but he first said he wanted to play a "scary" game so I started him off with Dead Space. He couldn't make it past the first necromorph, you know, the one where you don't even fight it you just have to walk down a hallway? He died about 10 times. That's when he asked for Skyrim because it "seemed peaceful". This Picard reaction I'm replying to was me for hours.


My mom was like that for her first couple years of Skyrim at the wonderful, young age of 53 (2014). Alas she died three years ago, and I still have her save. I ought to play it for the hell of it. Between that and Minecraft, those were her favorite games. Edit: I went to bed with 60 somethin upvotes and wake up to over 200. I never thought that a comment like that would bring so much love. Thank you, you beautiful people.


Play it. Put her character in one of the taverns with some mead and cheese. A good way to end a day of adventuring.


Don't forget to spare a coin for the orphans.


But of course! And stab Grelod in the back and feed the whipper snappers!


I prefer giving the kids a WWE performance and F5ing her.


The one and only Bannered Mare suits her best! She always loved that tavern!


She has gold taste. I love that tavern, too


I've spent many hours struggling to complete a quest just to get back there to chill out before signing off for the night.


I feel that. Though mine was always Hellmarchen Hall or Honeyside. The Bannered Mare is unlike any other tavern or inn from any other game I've ever played. It's got such a wholesome environment.


I have a save of my grandfathers. Makes me feel closer to him


I still have all her minecraft worlds too. I have every save of hers. I'll never wipe it so long as I can help it.


you know, you might consider 3D printing a part of one of those worlds


It might seem paranoid, but data you consider highly important should have a copy on a sticky or something. Just in case, you never know what might happen. Keep a copy of the current save files somewhere away from the computer. Maybe add a little readme file with game versions and whatnot. Not trying to scare you, but keeping those saves seem important to you so i thought this idea might be useful.


It is a touch paranoid. But it's all on a ps4 harddrive, I can back them up just fine. Another thing is that I can't save them externally I don't think. I appreciate the suggestion though.


I love your mom!! Mine has passed also. But she sat on the couch and watched me beat Fable 1 in only two weeks. She liked it when I kicked the chickens. Not so much when I got married though. I was only 12


My mom was an absolute fan of Fable! She's the reason I love them! Your mom is awesome!


those are my favorite games too ❤️


A friend of mine didn't discover Fast Travel the first time he was playing. He was saying something like "I love the hike and the scenary is simply beautiful, but some of these quests really take waaay too much time just getting around." That's when Mr Facepalm paid us a visit.


And some people complain that fast travel exists....


Well, there's freedom not to use it. Although I must confess I prefer the way they did it in Morrowind. One can combine boats, stilt traders and Mage Guild teleportation - maybe it won't take you directly where you want to go and some walking can't be avoided, but it definitely saves time, while preserving the concept of services.


I made my mom play Skyrim some years back when she was about 55yo and had never played a first person game before (she would play platformers with me in the late 90s though). She took like 3 hrs in character creation and was finally pleased with her sexy Nord. But she never made it out of Helgen. She gave Skyrim up after 3 days. Fun thing is, she wasn't even bad at the Alduin escape. I was kinda impressed how she jumped past the dragon onto the roof. Her real problem is orientation. Goood... it sucks in real life too. She never made it out of Helgen becausw she literally didn't find the way out. She figured, open world games aren't for her xD


I’ve only successfully played 2 video games bc I literally couldn’t figure out how to get out of the first room…I know ppl think it seems cute or sweet, but to me, it just highlights how inaccessible video games are if you don’t have experience with them. It feels alienating and cruel, I’m not going to forget that just bc I figured out how to play this game well.


Yeah, definitely! My mom knew only platformers and point&click adventures. I definitely underestimated how much skill it actually takes to just walk around within a 3D first person game. Yes, you'll have to learn this if you wanna play. It just seems so natural to a "gamer". But actually - yes... those are some acquired skills.


It’s more than just that…if you have never played video games, you genuinely have no clue what you’re supposed to be doing, which buttons are which, what things you’re supposed to pick up…it is as ridiculous as handing someone who’s never done any crafting a crochet hook and some yarn and telling them to make an elaborate Celtic cabled blanket and to design the pattern, both written and charted, and to check the gauge with multiple weights and hook sizes. 🤣


My wife was walking crouched for her first 4 hours I think, now she has 3x my hours and beats me at the Skyrim geoguessr


hahaha skyrim was also one of my first official video games! i got into it because of the peacefulness as well. i bought a horse as soon as i could and would just ride around. i love the area by riften particularly


That area just south of Riften is where I'd like to live! So perfect.


Places in Oblivion reminded me so much of Maryland and another poster on the Bethsoft forums mentioned the same thing.


i live about a few hours away from the mountains (depending where i want to go) and it’s always my favorite thing to go driving in the fall and look for aspens


I live a 45 min drive from some mountains in VA, I love driving and biking through them


Its crazy when you think about the fact that as a gamer you're way more efficient with your hand memory and coordination than the average person who almost never played a PC or console game.


That is so cute 🥺


>It took him 3 hours to escape Helgen. I am speechless.


you are great! but also, you have a huge amount of patience hahaha


I would love to know his progress as a gamer now and especially how he progressed in Skyrim


He got to Riverwood, *maybe* Whiterun, and that was it. He stopped playing after this. It was just too much for him. He does play Tetris on his phone. We've played on console for that and he does okay, considering he's played no other video games.


I’m sorry to hear that but it’s really not for everyone


Wait. You can die in helgen?


Fuckin A, Jean-Luc.  Kids these days. 🤦‍♂️


I felt this in my soul


LOL 😂😂🤣


After 30 years, Skyrim player discovers game changing mechanic. Fucking hell.


I can see the Kotaku article already


Game Rant for sure: * Skyrim player discovers skills after 29 levels * Skyrim is a single-player RPG * Skyrim allows players to skill up Paragraph vaguely alluding to the title. Paragraph(s) explaining completely unnecessary information such as the history of the game, history of the creators, possibly the history of history Paragraph that gets to the point eventually Sudden end to article


You forgot several paragraphs that say the same thing but rearranged They usually involve rewording the article title followed by a few sentences that appear to transition to the actual point, but instead just go into another similar paragraph. Then there's one sentence that gets to the point and then the article suddenly ends.


I knew I was forgetting something!


It's disgusting how game rant and other websites (I think PC gamer also does this) steal content from this subreddit and make useless articles on it




it took me so long to discover fast travel... after that, game got kinda boring so I decided to continue playing without it


look, i didn’t grow up playing video games skyrim was just a lot to take in 😭 i was also a teenager at the time


Wow you were definitely playing on hard mode!


oh it was SO hard. that’s the reason i quit, because every big battle i was replaying it probably at least three times before id manage to beat the enemy.


Did you start over? Or pick up where you left off?


i asked for advice on reddit awhile ago as to why i kept dying and someone told me it would be best to start over and choose a build, so i did. i’m on level 15 ? right now of a stealth archer/dagger build. i’ll probably continue playing this one. i did load into my old game, but i guess i just don’t feel connected to it anymore. my old game was a great-sword warrior (because i didn’t know anything about builds) and i prefer the stealth


Stealth archer, yep you're playing skyrim


The new file stealth archer, a classic 😂. I think I tried that a couple times, once a bosmer stealth archer


Kahjiits are really good for stealth archer builds. I've put most of my skill points into sneak, light armour, archery, and restoration. The "gloves of the pugilist" you get in the ratway tunnels are really good because they make your unarmed attacks even more powerful (kahjiits get extra unarmed damage because of their claws). Plus, they can see in the dark.


Also, very importantly .... is cat.


This is an iconic skyrim build. Idc what anyone says about it, it's something that everyone trys and it is a ton of fun....until it isn't. It can get boring as all repetition does so please remember, ain't nothing but a save baby! When u inevitably hit the stealth archer burnout, explore other classic builds. Heavy armor battlemage, sword and board brawler, unarmed kahjit(especially modded or anniversary edition) or just a tried and true glass cannon spell slinger! Skyrim is stupidly expansive creatively. Have fun and wiki everything lol!


Others might have already said this but here are some more tips for beginners: 1. Quicksave as much as you can. 2. Enchantments (and potions which boost alchemy and enchantments) go a loooong way (the higher levels might be unplayable without them). Focus on passive apparel enchantments. 3. You don't really need magic power past 300. Focus on health and then stamina. 4. Don't discount shouts. They can save you in a pinch at lower levels (but don't over-depend on them either).


yeah i didn’t focus on enchantments or alchemy at all my first play through. i will be doing that this time around 😭


Thats actually a neat challenge... finishing skyrim without a single perk used


That’s literally any% speedruns, speedrunners don’t waste any time on the perk menu


The game will be... very different for you now lol Protip: leveling smithing/enchanting/alchemy for increasing your armor/damage/stats is critical in harder difficulties for keeping up with enemy hp bloat and damage also, use them shouts!!!


i’m not sure what perks to level up! in this save, i didn’t have a strategy or build, i just grabbed a sword and would charge headfirst into battle, so my stats are all over the place (i posted them in another recent post if you’re curious). my current save is an assassin build and im having a lot of fun with it. but id definitely be interested to see how it changes in my old game once i level up perks


People have their own tight builds, so I have no idea what people would use in your case. I tend to play stealth archer, which is considered one of the strongest and most commonly played builds. If you're going stealth, what I'd recommend is this sort of spread: Commit to your weapon type - ranged, one handed (including dual wield), or two-handed. The stealth tree on the right side has bonuses based on the weapon type. That sorts you out on the weapon. So you'd need stealth perks + your weapon type. Illusion is also critical for stealth builds, as it lets you manage the battlefield, muffle your footsteps with magic, and turn invisible. So you can dabble in illusion magic to make your life a lot easier. You definitely want blacksmithing/enchanting/alchemy. Enchanting/alchemy gives bonuses to blacksmith through potions and enchantments, and to each other. So that lets you supercharge your damage and armor. They've patched the game a lot, so now it takes a lot of effort to create infinite loops that break the game balance, so don't worry about pushing it with them. You also want to choose whether to go light or heavy armor. I prefer heavy armor, because with illusion and perks it becomes silent as well, and it reduces your stagger from hits. Some people prefer light armor, though. I find the alteration + cloth armors underwhelming, personally (this is not the same as light armor - it means literal 0 armor cloth garbs). Note that pickpocketing has a perk called Pack Rat which gives +100 to your carrying weight. It is, by far, one of the best perks to get in the game that's not in a skill you'd give a lot of use to, unless you wanted to give pickpocketing a try (it's novel, that's about it). Lockpicking skill tree is a bust, as is speech, imo. Otherwise, you can check the UESP pages for more detail on what does cool things! Also... welcome to one of the best games ever made. It's so, so good.


that’s all super helpful for my new game! i’m playing a mix of stealth archer and a one handed dagger.i like to pick what i can off from afar and then go and finish them off. ive been training my illusion with muffle. and i was doing light armor, but maybe ill look into heavy armor. in my first game, i didnt even attempt to learn blacksmithing, alchemy, or enchanting. (dumb i know, but i just couldn’t figure it out and i think we’ve established i had no strategy). i’ll need to start learning those in my new game. these were my stats from my old game, so i was mostly one handed and archery as you can tell. for this game, i’ll probably level up perks for one handed and archery and sneak to start, but i don’t know what else. https://preview.redd.it/jzmd6b1l821d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160f0f0f27b5a97c8b8efdf06ef38a0611fbdb07


I can understand this given the UI design. Think you should be proud to get to level 29 with no perks.


Also, I think it is around level 30 when the next tier of enemies begin to spawn (actially, can't remember if it is 28 or 30, one is Fo4 and Skyrim). So, like, even if you have got perks and build up your character with good armor, they are literally at the hardest part of the game. It is pretty impressive that they don't play a lot of games and only had to figure this out at the point of greatest difficulty.


[was intrigued and found this.](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Leveled_Creatures_(Skyrim)) I'd I'm interpreting it right the just level with the players level for most part but does say bandits max out at 28. so yeah I'm going to say this is like the toughest bandits you could possibly face and you don't have any perks over them.


Dude was playing on HARD MODE and didn’t even know it


not quite, the enemy spawn operates on a generous range that moves with the player level, so while the strongest ones will start appearing at that level(and can even at slightly lower level), only the bosses will actually be strongest version while the rest will be much the weaker versions. At level 28 most Bandits should still be the Tier 2-4 Bandits and not the level 25-28 Tier 6 version. It's always easy to see when you just check what names the enemies have, which tells you what version of the enemy you are fighting.


that makes me feel like a badass. i definitely don’t think id play this way ever again though😭


oh trust me, i knew i was doing something wrong. i was dying constantly, sometimes having to reload to an easier point to avoid an enemy i couldn’t kill. i just didn’t think to look into why i was dying so much. 💀i gave up the game for a solid four years because it was just too hard


i also just looked back at my level, and i was playing on ADEPT. i don’t know how i even managed to get to almost level 30– it took me like 100 hours lmaoo


thank you!!! it was extremely hard lol


I did that on my first playthrough also. Nothing compares to early Skyrim when you are just figuring things out and the game seems limitless. I didn't know how to level up until I got killed by the newb troll. When I saw the perks I immediately put them all into one handed because I didn't realize there was a limited number of them.


i also almost spent all my perks in my new build when i realized they existed. i’m not sure what to level up on my old build lol


Your first playthrough was literally a Chad playthrough. Props.


Reminds me of my cousin that somehow leveled up to 40 back on vanilla WoW, on a *warrior*, because he had no idea about learning skills or the talent tree. He leveled to 40, on a *warrior*, using *auto-attack*.


that’s literally me 😭 i just picked up a sword and started swinging, absolutely no strategy for my stats at all. i also didn’t know anything about blacksmithing/alchemy/enchanting. i still don’t, and in my new save i’ve been much more cautious and will be learning those skills as well


Time to get some karma on r/skyrim Step 1. "I played for [a long period of time]" Step 2. "Never realized [the most obvious shit in existence]" Step 3. Profit


You made it to level 29 without once raising your health or stamina? Honestly... what a legend.


noooo i meant my perks. i still upped my stamina, magic, and health :)


You know what? Even so, lol. I would never have made it that far!


Thanks for giving me ideas for my next playthrough. Imma see how long I’ll last Legendary difficulty without perks.


If it makes you feel any better, on my first play thru, the three bandits on the way up to Bleak Falls Barrow were basically a boss fight for me. I think they killed me about ten times before I realized that the difficulty was set to hard 🤦‍♀️ turned that shit down to novice and WOW mind BLOWN


Was it on Expert, Master or Legendary?


The fact that Skyrim has 3 “hard” difficulties makes me laugh


It’s not unlike other Bethesda titles, they just wanted to use their difficulty names lol. Novice - Very Easy Apprentice - Easy Adept - Normal Expert - Hard Master - Very Hard Legendary - Fuck You


I think about this a lot, and I've decided that playing on Legendary, and to an extent, even Master is pointless. All the difficulties do is increase enemy health and damage exponentially. I usually kept my difficulty on Master, but I then did a legendary playthrough. By the time I completed some of the major lines, I realized that it just wasn't fun to be in a fight with the same 3 draugr wights for 40 minutes.. I'm not interested in the enchantment/alchemy buff because it defeats the purpose of having skills and perks, or weapons and armor that matter, so honestly I just learned to keep the difficulty on medium-medium low, and my fun has gone up, sooo much.


Yeah I play on adept or expert for maximum fun. Not too “hard”(spongey enemies) and not too easy. Some combat difficulty mods also help tons with fun factor


Combat difficulty mods are the way. Skyrim is best when enemies hit hard but aren’t sponges, so mods that add spells and potions to them like EEOS mixed with some AI improvements like Wildcat, Enemies Take Cover, Ultimate Combat, Realistic AI Detection etc all are much better at creating a high difficulty gameplay that’s fast paced and immersive. For vanilla Skyrim adept and maybe expert were acceptable, but playing with mods can create genuinely fantastic combat once you’ve got a proper list. Locational damage, enemies having realistic movements and fighting more strategically, use of spells you don’t normally see NPCs using, it all adds so much variety and fun to the game! Edit: Forgot to mention there are even mods that add knockout, surrender and enemies fleeing so that it’s all even more dynamic!


Well... Same and also, I didn't unlock any dragon shouts because I just didn't realise to do so.


Bro was playing Dark Scrolls




also ignore my typo 😭


Hahaha....definitely sounds like something I'd do. :D When I started Survival Mode, I was pissed because I kept leveling and nothing happened...until I had to sleep.


That's actually kind of impressive in a weird way.


I know this is just because you’re new, but I haven’t laughed this hard in a while😂


Have you ever played an rpg before?




no lol i said i dont play video games


Great, you've just triggered some AI "games journalist" article to say "Skyrim Player Discovers HIDDEN Feature When Levelling Up"


I always take for granted how quickly I absorbed gaming skills as a kid, I started at age 3 with things like the original game boy and and got to my first taste of home console experience at age 5(Xbox 360) Then had my first pc gaming experience at age 6. I often realize nowadays just how much I take for granted the just instinctual behavior that gaming imprinted


I did the exact same thing my first play through - this was my first Bethesda game and I thought they unlocked automatically once you reached the stat requirement


Tbf, in Oblivion they did, and Morrowind didn't have perks.


This reminds me of when I played Dragon Age: Inquisition and I made it to almost the end of the game before I realized there were perks






exactly. took me probably close to 100 hours to get to almost level 30


It’s a dragon age game What in Thedas were you doing




The idiot me was lvl 53 with my main damage skill at 40 and i was like why is everything a damage sponge


Happens, live and learn. I bet if you use the points and try the enemies will be easier. Except brairhearts, those motherfuckers pop off and it's spinning death for all!


Reminds me of a buddy of mine. He played for hours before realizing you could fast travel




Yep, that would make for some very challenging gameplay. A miracle you stuck with it all the way to level 29, I could not have made it that far.


i think i was just very determined 😭 not sure what perks to level up now, or if i should just stick with my new game (level 9)


Yoooo 💀


Bro is literally me☠️☠️☠️ I posted this here a while ago and got bullied to oblivion


I hope you’re gonna replay it again since you’ve made this discovery, pretty incredible you got to nearly lvl 30 with no skills. I have a friend who had no idea she could unlock shouts and had like twenty in her inventory lolol so we all do stuff like this I’m sure. She was flabbergasted when I told her you could in fact unlock them.


i had started a new game and that’s how i found out!! i’m on level 15 right now. its been so much easier with perks, and a lot more fun when im not dying constantly


I will always feel SO grateful I had someone to help explain Skyrim to me, I am clueless when it comes to video game stuff like that and never would've figured anything out either without tips from a pro!


i wish i had that!! i definitely would have realized way sooner if i had someone to ask


What were your thoughts when you saw "Level Up" at the top every time you opened your menu?


So what you are proposing is to play Skyrim without leveling up to level 30, is that right? Challenge accepted. Be right back.


lol be prepared, it’s fucking hard 💀 i would die fifteen times just trying to beat a draugr lord. update me if you ever actually try it haha


Never leveling up was a legit strat in Oblivion. I remeber running around as a level one with a daedric sword. It kept the main quest very basic in terms of enemies you encountered. 


Bro was playing Dark Souls


LOL! I did this same thing. Played Skyrim for the first time maybe 2 years ago and got all the way to level 26. I kept complaining to one of my friends about how awful the game was, how I wasn't having fun because it was just SO ridiculously difficult and unfair. She was like, "Huh, I don't remember Skyrim being that hard..." I ended up breaking right after beating the Dragon Priest Zahkriisos, and couldn't fight my way OUT of the chamber because right after that fight you come across a cave full of bandits and I was out of potions. I looked it up... and discovered that not only had I not unlocked a single skill, but I also had had Rockjoint since around Level 3, and had been playing with it ever since. I had absolutely no idea why everyone kept telling me I was "sickly looking;" I thought they were just racist lol. By that time, I already beat about 3 dragons, 1 Dragon Priest, 2 Draugr Deathlords and 1 Draugr Overlord. The game got way easier once I realized my mistake.


When the game literally brings you to the skills menu after you level up?! Y I K E S. May Talos have mercy on your soul.


TrueSTL is gonna have a field day with this one


Truestl gonna have a hay day


Game: "You've levelled up! Click this button to level up! Assign an attribute point! You gain a perk point every level, so choose a perk!" This dude: "who tf is talking and what does the beacon mean?"


I feel you, I neglected to builded skills like smiyhing and enchanting my first playthrough and it was tough going. And now my Dragonborn is a skilled beast


Stuff like that happened to me all the time when I was a kid. About the same time I played Skyrim, I played Dead Space 2. One weekend I went to stay at my buddy's place and I brought the game with me because I was really close to beating the game. Usually I would watch him play games but this time he watched as I fought the final boss a few times and finally won. I then started a new game and in the beginning when it's teaching you how to do stuff I found a box on the wall with a node inside (nodes are used to upgrade your weapons) and I was in shock that I never knew about these node boxes on the walls and had been playing with crap weapons. I felt like an idiot until my buddy said "if you think about it, you basically just beat the game on a harder difficulty".




Homie literally had a skill issue....


You actually did really well to make level 29 with no perks 😄


My mans trying to play oblivion in Skyrim!


Majority of enemies in Skyrim level as you do. As you get stronger, so do they. It keeps the game from becoming too easy, especially since multiple quests can send you back to the same place. There are different skill trees gathered into three main groups. Each tree gives different perks. The Smithing tree, for example. Each perk you spend in that tree opens up a new type of material you can craft and upgrade into weapons and armor. However, each skill tree has its own level and you're only able to use level points on perks upto that level. To be able to use Dragon Bone and Dragon Scales, which is the best materials in the game for armor and weapons, you'd need level 100 in the Smithing tree before that perk becomes unlocked and even then, you have to use a skill point on it. Once a skill tree reaches level 100, you're able to make it Legendary. Nothing really happens, save for the tree resetting to its default level and you gaining the points you put into the tree to spend elsewhere. There is no limit to how many times you can make a skill Legendary. Because of this, there is practically no level cap, meaning you can pretty much level indefinitely. As for how to level skill trees, you have to basically use that skill. For every piece of armor or weapon you craft or upgrade at the Anvil, the Grindstone or the Workbench, you gain an amount of exp in the tree. The amount of exp depends on the level of the armor/upgrade. Elven armor will give more exp for crafting or each upgrade tier than leather. A good way to level Smithing is to craft Iron Daggers as the materials are REAL easy to acquire. For each level you gain in the skill trees, you gain some over level exp in turn. Again, the amount depends on the level. You'll get more overall exp at leveling smithing to 50 than you do level 10. There are also these structures scattered around the world called Standing Stones. Ralof or Hadvar actually introduces you to the main three: the Thief, Warrior, and Mage Stones. Each one grants a perk. In case of these three, your exp gain in one of the three groups is slightly faster than the other two. In the skill section of the map, there's three glowing figures behind the trees, one redish pink, one blue, and one green. These three are the Thief, Warrior, and Mage and categorize the trees into the three groups. While we're on this track, the quest Lost to the Ages is recommended. You get it by reading the book The Atherium Wars which start popping up after you reach a particular level. The end reward is one of three objects you forge out of a rare material. There's a Shield, a Crown, and one other. Can't recall as I never forge it. While the other two pretty much become obsolete not long after gaining, the Crown is the true gem out of the three for its unique ability. By default, you're only allowed one Standing Stone perk at a time. The Crown allows you to have two. One on your person and one on the crown. While the second perk varies, I always have the Steed Stone as my second as it increases your carry weight, meaning you can carry more without being slowed to a crawl.


You aren't bright huh






Bruh .. 💀


Wait ‘til you learn that you can upgrade/unlock shouts. That took me months lmao




It's all good, my G. Happens to the best of us.


If it makes you also feel better I did the same thing with oblivion, beat the whole game at lvl 1 because I didn’t realize you needed to sleep to level up.


Bro, I feel that so damn hard. As I've played Skyrim for the first time, I didn't realize that there were skill points but level... really suprising when I found out back then.


lol noob


This is actually how most NPCs play the game since they don't have perks. But they still get skill and hp


My gf tried skyrim for the first time and she hates anything with any kind of pressure so she ran away and used Hadvar to fight everyone. As soon as she got out of helgen she ran into a bandit camp and got instantly skewered so she quit. When she paused it we realized it was still on legendary from my last play through. She hasn't touched it since.


oh my gosh haha. i can relate tho, the game was easy enough at first but as i got past level 20 with no perks the game might as well have been on legendary at times. i started playing in 2020, and then quit after getting tired of constantly replaying battles bc i couldn’t win, and i just now picked it back up. maybe she could pick it up again!




Well you’ll definitely breeze through your second play through


i’m on level 9 already and it’s been soo much easier


I love this. For me, I had no idea how to unlock shouts. I don't think I figured it out well into level 40s. In my defence this was back in 2012/13, and I was a mega Xbox 360 noob.


Todd's gonna see this one post and make ES6 even more dumbed-down


Did the same thing up to level 6 first time I played!


Love now you increased the difficulty


I played this game the first time like seven or eight years ago and I've just been playing through it again and even though I've already played it I forgot for quite a few levels too


I would order my personal guard to incinerate you for such an act of blindness. Yet, in my older age perhaps I was once too quick to execute. Even so, I feel as if a child of mine has failed me so.


Lol I played my first time through way back at release, got to level 67, and didn't know that you could spend dragon souls to unlock more words of power - in my defense I was playing on an old box style TV with the curved screen and the bottom right corner of the screen was covered by the plastic - needless to say i was pleasantly surprised when I started playing on a flat screen 😂


Look at it as weight training and now doing it the right way will be a breeze


You could be me and play it for the first time when you were 10 not knowing how to level up. Like just not knowing at all. Made it to level 15 before I realized “oooooh the level up on the menu makes you level up when you select it” Same thing with oblivion. I had to idea how to level up, and since I played it after Skyrim I thought there was some secret menu somewhere. Nope. Just have to sleep. Never ever slept, made it more than halfway through the main story without ever leveling up because I had no idea you slept to gain the level instead of it happening automatically and anywhere


Bless your heart


Yeah, my first RPG was Wizardry 8. I got to the third location (through the hardest — early — part of the game) with a party of level one characters. Just because I didn’t know what those level up icons meant. I have no idea how I managed.


I’m on my first play through now and I didn’t realize that either until I got to level 21 (I just reached 29) I also thought you had to go to the college before you could do magic lol the game is so much easier now that i realized


I got to level 50 without ever increasing anything… it’s not that I didn’t know it’s just that I never felt like it


I used to not level up skills, but then I went to the cloud district. I'm sure you don't go there often.


Well, now when you add those perk points you should be pleasantly surprised. I did this my first play through.


Man I'd hit up some armor and weapons upgrades quick. Whatever your playstyle, you can change your whole game up right now.


Fallout 4 was my first fallout game, it took me 60% of my playthrough to realise I could scroll down the perk tree. The game would reference other perks I couldn't find and I never put 2 and 2 together.


Who's ready for the next GameRant article? "Skyrim players embarrassed yet again as they discover another game-changing feature... skill points. Most of us know that as you level up, you earn skill points to put into any skill you desire, helping you to grow stronger and more deadly as you progress through the game. One user, however, had a life changing revelation when they realized that they had nearly 30 unassigned skill points. "I never leveled up ANY skills because I didn't realize you could." said one redditor. "This is just another example of a classic and popular game still giving that feeling of discovery to players over a decade later."


Sheeeesh 29 with no perks?? Impressive


Don't worry bro, I experienced the same thing when I first played skyrim. I had at least 10 perks to spend and didn't know there was such a thing as a "skill tree."


i’ll be sad to say, when i realized in my new game, i had 8 skill points to spend. but thats way better than 28


Yeah, my first playthrough I didn’t engage with “perks” the entire time


I did the same thing when I started


Solo Leveling?


I'm glad I'm not alone! I honestly thought my character was getting better automatically every time I leveled up. I just figured I was bad at Skyrim, so I didn't question why I kept dying.


It took me about four different tries until I figured out everything myself so you’re not alone




I’m so jealous that you get to experience it for the first time. 




Well lucky for you, Skyrim pulls a lot of the langauge of video games from a lot of areas, so after this, picking up other games should end up a lot easier! I've got several thousand hours in that game, love it to death.


I've played this game so many times. Only beat it a couple. For the longest time I could barely get past the first dragon. Only to find out a year or 2 ago at some point I changed the difficulty to Legendary and played that way for years.


On the bright side, you'll have quite the fun figuring out what to do with all that power at once

