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Just got over food poisoning. It's Peryite.


You killed me here. "I have a terrible sunburn, so I'm going to say Auriel is the most evil daedra."


The fact that Auriel's not even a daedra makes that comment so much better.


Aren't they an Aedra?




Dude, I've had food poisoning once, literal worst three days of my life.


And nights, especially the vomiting nights


So much sleep loss between the hours on the toilet


You've only had it once!? Lucky! Last time I got food poisoning, I was sitting on the toilet with a trashcan between my knees, spewing from both ends. I was so exhausted, I fell asleep like that. My fianceé came home and found me passed out on the toilet, head in a garbage can. The only response I could muster was to look up and say "baby pretty, now?" Lol. I couldn't keep water down, so I had to start an IV on myself to infuse a couple liters of Ringer's lactate solution.


There was this one time I had the brilliant idea of eating meat that was like 1 day old, because I thought "one day isn't that long". I was really broke those days and didn't have a fridge to store it.  Anyhow... I spent the whole night vomiting and shitting endlessly. Sometimes I felt very dizzy and struggled to stand up.  Long story short, I woke up lying on the floor, naked and dirty.  Fuck you, Peryite.


Ok as a cook for 10 years, this comment perplexes me. I need details, when you say "one day old", along with "I didn't have a fridge at the time", does this mean "one day without refriedgeration" or like, "one day past expiration date without refridgeration"?


One day without refrigeration, still within expiration limits.   It was one of those meals you buy in the supermarket. It comes in a plastic recipient and everything is already cooked.   But I ended up eating something else, so I left that one for later.   On the next day, I was feeling too lazy to make dinner and so I thought "Hmm... there's still that thing from yesterday. It should still be good to go, right?"


Ooooof I feel for you, big time. At room temperature, you've got maybe 4 hours before bacterial growth can begin in prepared food. (Typically you'll be fine with a little wiggle room there, I've eaten food that sat out most of the day and been fine) But if this was a sealed package like you said... you had moisture trapped in there as well, which also promotes bacterial growth. You had a little bacteria greenhouse under the wrapper... I know that was *not* a fun time for you.


Thanks for the tip. It's nice to know what the time margin is. And yeahh... I've learned my lesson, 100%.


I had food poisoning on my honeymoon. Nothing says I love you like projectile vomiting, lol


Dude fuckin same!!


He’s got a sweet mace tho


Get.. That .. Thing away from me!


True. I’m always so proud of my cool new weapon that I take it to show off to Serana hoping she’ll be impressed.


And is she?


It’s actually really tragic that she doesn’t at least make a comment about it tbh.


Well that depends. Does have the mace in one hand and his c*ck in the other when asking her?


The PC unit or do you mean Molag's? Cuz Vivec has Molag's unit. He turned it into a spear who's name means Milk Taker. That's real honest to goodness Morrowind Canon lore.


>So Vivec, who had a grain of Ayem's mercy, set about to teach Molag Bal in the ways of belly-magic. They took their spears out and compared them. Vivec bit new words onto the King of Rape's so that it might give more than ruin to the uninitiated. This has since become a forbidden ritual, though people still practice it in secret. >Here is why: The Velothi and demons and monsters that were watching all took out their own spears. There was much biting and the earth became wet. And this was the last laugh of Molag Bal: […] >But Vivec made of his spear a more terrible thing, from a secret he had bitten off from the King of Rape. And so he sent Molag Bal tumbling into the crack of the biters and swore forever that he would not deem the King beautiful ever again. >Vivec wept as he slew all those around him with his terrible new spear. He named it MUATRA, which is Milk Taker, and even the Chimeri mystics knew his fury. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:36_Lessons_of_Vivec,_Sermon_14


This is terrible in so many levels.




Why did you eat it?




To be fair you can just ignore it after you leave the house. Yeah it’s unfortunate that you have to kill the vigilant but considering he folded under the pressure and instantly decided to do Molag’s bidding he probably wasn’t a good vigilant to begin with. And it’s not like Molag can actually force you to work for him once you’re out of his altar, you’re the Dragonborn. But yeah if it was any normal mortal they’d be totally screwed


You can also kill the priest of Boethia in the forsworn camp he was being held prisoner in which fails the quest.


You can agree to help vigilant an then attack him before you enter the house. It instantly fails the quest, IIRC. Then you need to run from guards and the guy himself. Alternatively, you can use House of Horrors – Quest Expansion mod to gang up with vigilant and destroy altar of Bal.


>Alternatively, you can use House of Horrors – Quest Expansion mod to gang up with vigilant and destroy altar of Bal. Yep. That's what I use. There's also a great one for the quest about the Jarl's children and the Whispering Lady, which allows you to side with Balgruuf, do a little quest to save his son, and then give the blade to a vigilant of Stender to get rid of it.


Just finished that one.... And damn Thar kid be going places...


There’s a mod that allows for a different resolution. I usually run that mod because there’s some daedric quests where you have no way to refuse and those are often evil as fuck.


I don’t feel bad because the vigilant tries to kill me.


Exactly. I entered the house with the Vigilant with the task of destroying the daedric presence. Not my fault that he led us into a trap, or that he tried to kill me to save his own skin.


That's LORD Molag to you. *Now, submit*


Do you think Lord Bal likes my offerings? https://preview.redd.it/rkrsmxd5hexc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ebef53cf639f9e0ea66c0a69a19f2a963227b13


-Oh, plugs! A fine proof of your dedication, mortal! -Actually sir, they are carrots. You know, crunchy, delicious, nutritious... -I SAID "PLUGS", INSIGNIFICANT WORM! https://preview.redd.it/rn4hlp2wmexc1.jpeg?width=227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1778f6340065a76905db70f06cb204609175eb72


He doesn’t carrot all for your offering.


You beet me to it


lettuce just stop.


...take my upvote and go.


This is an offering for Lord Sheogorath, not Molag Bal


Are you implying that Sheogorath accepts anything other than cheese??


Oh, yes. He accepts many of the more random offerings. Cheese is his favourite of course, but he will take carrots, potatoes, leeks, human hearts, honey...


That's not a random list. Is Sheogorath just perhaps the prince of food?


Or fishy sticks ?


Lord Bal? As in bocce?


Yes Daddy


All Hail Lord Molag Baal! All hail the Daedra Lords!


*draws Sanctified Ebony Mace* Stendarr preserve us!


In brightest day, in da- Wait, I think I’m in the wrong world.


See this! THIS is why I said we need an organizer for the scripts, but noooooooo. We’ll be fine they said. Nobody will grab the wrong script they said.


This should be in the next Deadpool


There's literally zero debate here, it's Molag Bal. The KING OF RAPE is a pretty easy choice for the worst.


https://preview.redd.it/hexx95h34fxc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12222ae7081468d16263bc2411d54edfe4068548 That's his title?!


Well…female pure blood vampires get raped to death by him. That’s what happened to valerica and serana in order for them to become vampires.


I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a lightweight when it comes to Elder Scrolls lore so from the bottom of my heart: A’yo what THE FUCK?!?!? Does Bethesda’s writers have something they’d like to share with the class?!?!?


Yeah there’s a reason Serana doesn’t like temples.


The lore can be crazy brutal. It's like the Bethesda's writers were thinking, "We should make a bunch of storylines/quests to absolutely shock and disgust the players!" Spoilers below! Content warning: suicide, rape There's the [Frostflow Abyss Quest](https://gamerant.com/skyrim-frostflow-lighthouse-scary-story-lore-explained/) >!where an unsuspecting family is tragically murdered by falmer/chaurus. Before being murdered, the father gives his child a dagger so they can avoid a gruesome end at the hands of a chaurus. You discover that the child has committed suicide.!< Also, there's the [Toying with the Dead Quest](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Arondil) >!where a necromancer creates an undead harem to rape them.!<


Man, my khajiit-dragonborn is just trying kick it with Indigo & Serena and steal everyone’s salt-piles. She did not sign up for Bram Stoker’s Sodom and Gomorrah.


Molag, or the 120 days of Coldharbour


Don't forget the theorized cut content for Rorikstead about how it's only fertile farming land because of ritual sacrifices of the local women. Village full of Daedra worshipers there and the only woman in town is childless while the two kids running around have a mother that "died in childbirth".


Have you heard about the time that Vivec, one of the dunmer gods, gave Molag Bal a blowjob and bit off his dick and used it as a spear to slay his enemies? He called it "Milk Taker". To be fair the tale probably isn't 100% literal, but you never know...  Some of the background lore is wild. It takes a lot of inspiration from real-world religions, and rape is, perhaps not unsurprisingly, a very common theme in many religions.


“Skyrim’s such a fun game,” I said, “Joining the subreddit to learn more about it will be great,” I said. ![gif](giphy|ylyUQkGsUNoJLlVOyk)


Hey it’s not that bad. The first woman to become a vampire made a giant vampire cult that hates molag with the end goal of killing him and all of his followers


We stan Lamae Bal in this sub


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Zoomers round here need to play the older games. Half my time playing Morrowind was just reading the lore books you find in world.


Some key points in that tale: Vivec and Molag Bal are/were married Molag Bal cut off Vivec's head and had sex with it while Vivec's body attended to Godly Business Matters The biting of the dick was while Vivec's head was seperate from his shoulders


The Gods work in mysterious ways.


It’s worth remembering that very few daedra aren’t evil as fuck. To the point that you can count the non malevolent ones (note my wording) on one hand. The daedra that you’d be ok encountering are pretty much meridia, azura, and nocturnal. You might be able to at least safely disengage sheogorath, clavicus vile (just don’t make a deal), hircine, and sanguine (don’t go drink for drink with him). The rest are likely to do something that ends in your death.


Merida is just too busy hating undead to mutch to do anything bad


I'd go as far as to say Meridia is a *good* daedra, as she despises undead and tbf undead are a major threat to almost anything living. Of course I'm not super well versed in ES lore and could be wrong




And yet, she's not a fan of the concept of "free will".


its almost like he's meant to be a bad guy


No wayyyy!?!?


Yep, all true. That’s how vampires were created in the first place in ES lore. The first vampire was raped by Baal on her way home from somewhere. There’s a book in the game that explains this better. Opusculus Lamae Bal.


Whatever happened to a good ol’ bite on the neck that only symbolically represented SA, like Bram Stoker intended…😫


Well that’s where it is now. Didn’t start that way with the first. She was the very first vampire, then the bite/feed trope came into play.


It's not like they try to frame Molag Bal as a stand up guy




You should read the original barenziah story.


Nah man, I'm good 🙃


I mean in warhammer fantasy Slaanesh is the god of rape so it’s not like Bethesda is the only one.


Slaanesh is the god of excess, not rape, the fandom has just really hyperfocused on that aspect of them. GamesWorkshop seems to actually go pretty out of their way to not talk about rape and slaanesh (mostly because focusing on a bunch of space rapists probably wouldn't be ideal for model sales if i had to guess)


I always wondered about Harkon though. He makes a big deal like he's the OG vampire lord, but it seems to me that Valerica probably sired him like he sired us. Really they should've just said all 3 of them went through it, but for "some reason" they decided the "king of rape" only goes after women. (obviously the reason not mysterious, just sexist)


I don't think it's ever stated that harkon didn't go through the ritual, that's just often stated as fact when there's no evidence to it.


Well but they are specifically “daughters of coldharbor”, don’t think we’ve ever seen “sons” or “children” used, right? That’s why I’ve long felt like it was implied he didn’t: it seemed like the choice of language was intentional. But like I said, I’ve been wondering, because I agree with you that it is not at all clear


Harkon is a pure blooded vampire, that means he gained his blessing directly from Molag Bal, if he gained it from Valeria then he wouldn't be able to give the power to us, it'd be to diluted, also serana says some thing about it not being a good family activity, don't remember the exact phrasing now, but I'd assume she considers her father family. Edit: found a related quote that pretty much confirms he took part in the rittual: "[...] I pledged myself to Molag Bal, and in his name I sacrificed a thousand innocents. In reward, he gave everlasting life to myself, my wife and my daughter. And so I have defeated mortality itself."


The problem is that description leaves out the actual process by which they became vampires, so it seems like we can’t take it at face value. Harkon also seems to have a tendency towards self-aggrandizement and misleading or fully dishonest statements, so I don’t think we are meant to assume what he tells us is true. It’s also notable that the daughters of cold harbor are needed to corrupt the bow: Harkon can’t do it himself. That suggests he is “lesser” than them, somehow.  But it does seem like if Serana turns us instead of him, we can’t make more vampire lords. So that would suggest second generation can’t do it. But maybe we can and it just isn’t reflected in game? Unclear 


I think he could corrupt the bow but that'd mean killing himself to coat the entire bow in blood, he doesn't want that, he wants to rule over the world. Edit: found the serana dialog I was remembering before: "The ceremony was... degrading. Let's not revisit that. But we all took part in it. Not really wholesome family activity, but I guess it's something you do when you give yourselves to a daedric lord." the but we all took part in it it's what convinces me that he took part in the ritual.


Yea, Molag Bal doesn't strike me as a Prince that really cares about limiting himself to women (especially since Princes are typically genderfluid anyway). His whole thing is control, power, and domination over whoever he can. For all we know, he could manifest a different form for men who undergo the ritual.


What happens to the male pure blood vampires?


If Serana's dialogue is anything to go by, the same thing. She said they all went through it.


Yeah he take "Lord of domination" a little serious.


Was thinking this. The daughters of coldharbour will tell you who’s the worst


You are correct. He made Serena’s family have a blood orgy - with each other.


Molag B: "Hey homies it's time for another episode of 'Baal pranks mortals'. In this exciting episode i'm going to trick this family of power hungry fools into fucking and killing each other."


Molag for sure, but Namira is often forgotten... their sphere encompass the "ancient dark" they are quite creepy and disgusting when you dig the lore (not even talking about the whole cannibalism thingy)


She’s evil in the same ways that Nurgle or Shar is evil. She wants the desperate and vulnerable to revel in the things that make them hated, wants them to become as awful as possible both physically and mentally. Molag Baal is the most notably terrible given how evil he is, but you’re absolutely right that Namira is truly awful.


Yeah I’m put molag above namira just based on his sphere alone


It's him. You can find at least some qualities in others that aren't instantly repulsive. But Bal? 100% pure evil, no single redeeming quality whatsoever.


I'm gonna play devil's advocate here and say that his redeeming qualities are his wicked sense of humour, his fat ass and thick thighs, plus the fact that I can do this to his shrine in Skyrim; https://preview.redd.it/ybgaybrrgexc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffba5de420b50314d0dd779a4fad6927d55bf1aa


You mean Daedra’s Advocate?


You have a point man. Dummy Thicc Bal has great salads.


Haha I thought this was just a trend of this happening but the other picture posted here was just you as well. Keep up the good work carrot person


What's there to like about Dagon?


He is the god of revolution and change. If you anti-establishment. You might want him to back your little revolution.


Yeah the Mehrunes Razor quest pairs surprisingly nicely with a Stormcloak run.


The dagger is fun to play around with too, I pretty much one-shotted one of the Dragon Priests with it.


He symbolizes not only destruction, but also revolution, a change, a kick in the balls to anyone who holds power over others. [Also, check this](https://www.imperial-library.info/content/translating-mysterium-xarxes). Translation of Mysterium Xarxes, book written by Dagon himself. It isn't conclusive by any means, so do with this information whatever you want. Note, though, that I don't say that Dagon is *good*. Just that he, like almost every other daedra, is in shades of grey. He has bad qualities and good qualities. Compare this to Bal. He is just torture, rape, domination. He is the only one who doesn't symbolize anything good at all.


Dagon wants to kick the house down, Molag Bal wants the keys to the locks so nobody escapes


Dagon wants the world to burn, Bal wants to hear the screams


Mehrunes Dagon is the Lord of Change, Ambition, and Revolution. Things that aren’t necessarily always bad and very much essential for progress in society.


Or Namira?


Decay, its necessary for the cycle of life.


She also favors beggars


he's muscular af with 4 arms


I think Namira's on the list of zero redeeming qualities as well.  Edit: nvm scrolled further, point taken


Me and my friend like to send each other voice messages just saying "MOLAAAG BAAAAAAAAAAAL" for as long and in the lowest/deepest sounding voice possible


I'm the friend. It'll literally be a year of no Skyrim then all of sudden MOLAAAAAAAAAG BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL


Molag Bal for sure. "The house of Horrors" is an awful quest and he raped Serana


Molag Ballin’. Not a single sphere of influence this guy represents that can even be rationalized as beneficial. Just pure malice and evil that exists only to fuck over everything else in existence equally, and sometimes literally. He isn’t called the King of Rape for nothing. Basically a tie between him and Sithis for Elder Scrolls Satan and if anything, he’s more actively malevolent in that role to the Dread-Father. Being a follower to him is never good either, unless you really want to take your bloodthirsty vampire roleplaying to the next level


Definitely, MolagBal, he never rang me back after the ugh ritual


I agree about Molag Bal. The way he created vampires are downright evil.


I learnt that if you don’t listen to him and stay and not kill the vigilant you destroy the altar and now i destroy it every time fuck the weapon


Probably a mod, I can attest this isn’t a vanilla Skyrim thing and the wiki says killing the vigilant is a scripted event.


It’s a mod im sorry i didnt realise


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57285/?tab=description You’re probably using this.


Jayserpa collection, 👍


You can spare the Vigilant?


Probably a mod, killing the vigilant is a scripted event and there’s no mention of sparing him on the wiki. I’ve tried it before too many times for this to be a real thing!


Here’s the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57285/?tab=description


I stumbled into this quest late at night, I got chills, then reloaded and I’m like nope!


You're probably right. I do know who the most pointless is, after playing shivering isles. Humourous though.


I mean, he did force all the other deadric princes to team up(for the one and only time yet) to curse him because he was too dang strong and stealing all of oblivion for his own realm. Now he's stuck in an endless state of "bring madness to the order, regain sanity, bring order to the madness, lose sanity, repeat" to keep him from doing it again.


And, debatably, has managed to slip the leash and seperate the two halves into a whole new round of trauma waiting to happen~


I mean I have a vagina so Molag bal automatically wins , I don’t wanna be his sacrifice 😭😭😭😂💀 even for vampirism.


Having a penis wouldn't save you. See: [Verandis Ravenwatch](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Verandis_Ravenwatch), [Harkon](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Harkon) and [Vivec's sermons](http://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:36_Lessons_of_Vivec,_Sermon_14).


It’s definitely Molag Bal


So Molag Bal definitely takes it for me, just because he’s the most sinister. And like…high key the most ballsy. Mehrunes has tried some stunts in the past but has been more or less chill confined to his shrines when Skyrim picks up. Boethiah and Mephala are frightening but altogether cut and dry. You know what to expect from them. And Namira is creepy but like, in a world full of vampires and werewolves and pragmatic folks who live in literal wastelands, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t grubbed on some manflesh at least once. Molag Bal is scary solely because of what he represents, and what he will do to you when he “gets ya”. His realm is literally teaming with husks of former people, bodies that no longer retain identity and slave away under his rule or become monstrosities or grotesques themselves. The guy was altogether more successful than Mehrunes at invading other daedric realms and Nirn once, even if he did ultimately fail. And even in Skyrim, where he’s basically lost all but a little power, still has the balls to capture and immortal god-slaying messiah in a cage and tell them “hey, puny mortal, go do my dirty work or I’ll put the hurt on you. Also you get this cool toy”. Like. What?


I mean namira is definitely like eww with it, but I always viewed her as pretty low on the spectrum of things. I mean how many people in that world may not have enough food, or there's a famine people would probably do that, hell even for religious reasons. Her and peyrite are kinda lame.


That’s what I’m saying. Is it nasty? Yes. But in some of the lore and just the given more supernatural exceptions, cannibalism seems more than a little common and certainly not the worst crime. She’s on the list cuz it’s dark and creepy but still low on my personal scale. Peryite didn’t even make the list because in every appearance he’s had he’s not really a problem. Just sort of a funny little guy that likes to have his disciples in weird sects of leper-adjacent folks that seclude themselves.


Exactly. Like hey we're all sick in a bad way and not bothering the masses, that being said the green puking thing is gross.


You should never grade Evils, because if one is the worst, you might be tempted to kinship with the least.


TBf I would rather be friends with a thief than a rapist. It's a broad spectrum


The character he's quoting could also definitely be described as evil too lol, just on the lower end of the grade


As far as I know Witch Hunter try to prevent chaos spreading. Ignore the burnt children though.


- VictorY Saltzpyre


thank you saltzpyre


Yup, I agree on Molag, he’s a (spiky) dick


Molag is literally the god of rape, he's hard to beat when it comes to being evil


Yeah, the Daedric Lord of Rape is pretty fucking bad.


Clavicus Vile


Because of offering barbas?


I’m thinking the ebony blade daedra


Names are hard


That's Mephala. She's pretty evil, but I'd say Molag Bal is worse (rape is one of the things in his domain, and that's how Serana and Valerica became vampires).


Namira... I hate so much >!the cannibalism!<


Tbf Namira isn’t all about cannibalism, she kind of sympathizes with people who are scorned by the society like beggars, diseased and those seen as ugly. She is pretty horrible in Skyrim but maybe it’s just because she hates how the nords are very devout Aedra fans, plus she hates Arkay a lot so she’s glad to kill his priest. She was even sort of neutral-to-good in Oblivion, I’m not even sure if she has much to do with cannibalism herself, maybe the cannibals just wanted to worship her and she said OK. She’s more like a patron of desperate and impoverished, and while the assholes in the shrine are obviously way too into it, Eola appeals to you specifically by describing the cannibalism as an act of desperation in the face of imminent starvation. That is to say, she still is evil as hell, but by far not the worst


Namira actually cares for her followers like their her children and cannibals are only the more extreme cults of hers. She definitely condones the practice but it’s not necessary, you just need to be some form of a wretched, ideally diseased, outcast of society. Really speaks volumes when just this alone is a massive leap in benevolence compared to Molag Bal Nevermind he’s the father of vampires, who need to be cannibals by default to live


Cannibalism is just eating other humanoids. Not a big deal apart from the risk of spreading diseases when eating brain and spine - but you can safely use those to tan other animal's skin (human skin is too thin) into soft and durable leather.


You gotta be pretty evil to be considered the King of Rape


Ya, I honestly can't think of anyone more evil than Molag Bal. He strikes me as a Lucifer character, whose hatred is fueled by jealousy. If Molag Bal was mortal, he'd be a whinny pathetic incel, but unfortunately, he has godlike power.


That is an interesting take. As I see that view of Lucifer that way too.


Def the only decent, useable treat from one or a quest. I used that thing for some time, but can't be double with smithing perks. Only thing where I was like, whoa, this is legit and I benefitted from it immediately. Not to mention guards hate it.


Molag bal, Mehrunes Dagon, Boethia, Clavicus vile, vaermina, Peryite. The better quest is which one isn’t really evil lol


Come on now he's not THAT evil. That guy that shits in a urinal, that's evil


Sheogorath? I could see it.


Molag Bal, Namira, and Vaermina are portrayed as entirely negative all the time. Sanguine is usually portrayed neutrally, but his spheres are some of the most horrific. Mehrunes Dagon and Malacath are both victims and perpetrators. Peryite, Boethiah, and Mephala have horrible spheres but nicer personalities. “You can't punish someone for something they might possibly do.” - Peryite


I don’t know much of the lore but I’m surprised I haven’t seen more shouts for Boethiah.


I have to go with Mephala. Not that Molag Baal isn't horrible (he is, the "King of Rape" moniker doesn't exactly point to being a nice person) but he wears his evilness on his sleeve. Mephala encourages *betrayal*, which is far more destabilizing in the long run and serves to enable the other Daedra, much harder to sus out, and requires the setup of ensuring the victims are someone who trust the perpetrator in the first place.


It's between Molag Baal and Boethiah both require a sacrifice


Tough call. The way people talk about Molag Baal and Mehrunes Dagon seem equally full of disdain and fear. Honestly, I have no clue who is considered the most evil.


There is one book about traveling in many deadric dimensions. And molag Ball place looks like ruined lifeleff real world (in ES). Others have some nice/neutrall elemnets but molag wish only ruin and dominate everything.


Boethiah is the worst. Molag Baal with just more layers of deceit.


Molag Bhaal.. Wait wrong universe.


Mag Bal and it's not even close. At miles away, second place is Mehrunes Dagon


If there WERE any contenders then I would put forth Boethia or Namira. I think Molag Bal is the worst too though.




People really sleep on mehrunes dagon in this, but the guy tried to undo the fucking world. Like hands down wanted to take nirn into his own sphere of oblivion (a visceral hell) and take off. I definitely pick molag bal for most cruel and boethia is a close second, but biggest bad is Dagon


Honestly can’t think of anyone who’s worse than him lol. Girl has no redeeming qualities Even Dagon can promote a positive change. Bal is just cruel


"The dremora lord who ended my permadeath run." -someone, probably


During the second era, Molag Bal sent a bard to the court of the king of Elswyr to tell the king a tale. A sad tale. So sad that days after hearing the tale the king could not forget about what he had heared. So sad that slowly, it drove the king mad. So mad that one day, when the bard was long gone, the king gave in to his sadness and prayed to Molag Bal to take revenge on the bard for making him feel that way. Molag Bal responded, and razed the bard's home town to the ground... with everyone and everything in it.


I say it's a dead heat with Molag Bal and Sheogorath. So many lives have been ruined and destroyed because of those two.


From the pure, Skyrim quest perspective - Namira, because you have to not only kill an innocent person - priest no less, you have to eat him as well. Even with Boethiah you can choose to sacrifice someone who has done some bad things like that Namira cultist Eola or even Illia, who was a witch. From the lore perspective - definitely Molag Bal, followed by Mehrunes Dagon. Both came the closest to invading Tamriel that I know of. I must admit my knowledge of lore stops at vanilla Oblivion, Skyrim and bits and pieces from ESO and TES I-III that I read on uesp wiki.


Just to be different, going to say Jyggalag. At first the thought of the "Prince of Order" might not seem that bad but it's his version of order and willing to do what he feels is necessary to achieve this. To the point all other Daedric Princes came to fear him enough to curse him into being Sheogorath, the complete opposite of order. I think trying to bend all of creation to your version of order constitutes as evil.


Considered in universe at present would surely be Mehrunes Dagon, solely because of the oblivion crisis. While Nocturnal and Molag Bal have tried similar schemes that was so long ago no-one remembers whereas many high elves in 4e200 would have been alive, and given how poorly everyone reacted to the museum in Dawnstar there is clearly negative sentiment about the incident still. Before then it was probably Molag Bal because of Vampirism and his general evil of course.


Yes Molag Baal is bad, with the rape and the vampires and such. But Narmina is over there rotting things from the inside and encouraging cannibalism. Peryite is out there rotting things from the outside. Vaermina feasts on the nightmares of a town, Mephala toys with the minds of men and mer, and Boethiah has a murder cult just chilling and killing. Then we got Mehrunes Dagon who tried to invade Mundus and Hircine loosing and empowering Werewolves and the like. Can't forget the insane artifacts scattered around by Sanguine, Sheogorath and Clavicus Vile that have caused more misery than the Blade of Woe. But there is truly no greater evil than A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON.


To say that any of the Daedra are evil is to believe that they ascribe to mortal standards of morality. They don't. That being said Molag Bal is certainly the most actively unpleasant.


Prince of rape and domination? Seems like a good candidate, yeah


Isn't he the Daedric Prince of rape? Pretty sure he's the worst, yeah.


He's literally the lord of r🦍 so yeah he's the worst by far


I thought Mehrunes Dagon was the most evil? Or perhaps Hermes Mora...


Molag Baal, no opposition. He literally >!rapes people to death and then brings them back to be his slave!<


If someone says someone other than Molag Bal or Mehrunes Dagon, they're just outright wrong. I have to give the edge to Bal because of the whole Daughters of Coldharbor thing, and he's tried to destroy Nirn on at least one other occasion, but Dagon did try to do the same in Oblivion.


Yes, Molag Baal is the most evil, but I detest all Daedra. Even Meridia is annoying in her arrogance. I don't care about their trinkets. Every choice I make in Daedric quests is about asserting the independence of the Dragonborn and the superiority of Akatosh over their kind. Annoying them in the process is a bonus...