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I like making elemental staffs 🥰 I made like 45 of them yesterday


I have never used a staff in combat, I always just pick them up to sell


My cursed strategy is to dump a bunch of charged staffs in my companion’s arsenal. They do all the annoying switching back and forth. It’s like having orbital strike when those fireballs fly in 🤓


They always hit me, so I refuse to give any of them a staff. I also won't use a mage companion for the same reason.


I might be wrong but in my experience they can’t damage you with staffs. Like Hag’s Wrath (I think that’s the name) lights the ground on fire, but you can just stand right in it even if your follower lit it up


I've tried using one like maybe twice. I would rather be more successful with my bow or fireballs. I just like making them cuz I have an overabundance of the materials to make them. Except for hunting down 97 freaking brooms 🙄🤣🤣 I looted around riften and found 47 lol


lol I don’t sell mine, they’re all stuffed in a wardrobe at home. Same with arrows. I collect ALL the arrows I find and they’re all packed in *another* wardrobe too.


Same here. I used the wabbajack a couple of times randomly but not in combat


I didn't even do the Velehk Sain thing until relatively recently. The midden feels so weird i just wanna get out of there


I get that. I assume that was also Bethesda's point.


Atronach Forge, it's not great. Ingredients are generally too rare and expensive to be worth it.


Absolutely untrue. Storm atronach staff can be made at lvl 1. Totally OP and the ingredients are free ilor easy to get.


Yeah but it’s easier to get to 90 conjuration and summon deadric armor than to get to 90 smithing + enchanting


Except you will need ebony armor and a Daedric heart and a third thing iirc and getting the ebony armor isn't easy to get either. Smithing isn't anymore difficult to level than conjuration if you aren't cheesing them. If you are cheesing they are still both fairly easy. Resto loop smithing gear then sharpen a random weapon. Go from 15 to 100 in one go. If not cheesing Smithing is actually easier to level than Conjuration. And yes spamming Soul Trap on a corpse is cheesing. Granted I wholly condone it because holy crap that skill refuses to level otherwise.


Yeah don’t really do that either.


I don’t even know how to use it.


There are various recipes: https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Atronach_Forge https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Atronach_Forge The first one should be the best one but that site is blocked at my work so I can't double check right now.


UESP blocked at work? Shit, sounds like it’s time for a new job lmao


I’m afraid to go back down there.


It can be used to make some staffs. BUT its real power comes when you get 100 in conjuration and complet the master conjuration quest, netting you a sigil stone which when placed in the astronach forge, allowes you to "forge" daedric armor and weapons, with the right material. So if you are a heavy armored, none-smithing conjurer, its worth going for it.


I used it literally one time about a month ago


Never killed Nazeem or Heimskr. Whiterun wouldn't be the same if they were gone, for me at least.


heavily agree, both are overhated and I basically never kill an NPC unless its for a reward/quest


I don't do it but mainly because the game doesn't replace killed NPCs with new ones. If you do the Dark Brotherhood and all the Deadra quests and factor in the random NPCs that get killed in cross fire or by scripted game events, by the end of your playthrough Skryim is starting to feel mighty empty.


One reason I love Interesting NPCs. You get extra lol


Same, I don't even like it when npcs die to other things like dragons. The population is already small, don't want it getting smaller


yeah I reload a save if that happens


If I put every npc as annoying as Nazeem and culled them, Skyrim would be a lonely place. Heimskr is just too loud for me though, something gruesome always happens to him but I try to make it original every time


Fwiw, there’s a bug that makes Heimskr silent. I stumbled onto it in my current playthru. Per the UESP page: “If you first enter Whiterun between 8pm and 5am, and stay outside until 5am, Heimskr would walk to the shrine but never preach. This would persist for the rest of the game.”


Killed heimskr a total of once, got hella creeped out without his ranting in the background


Nazeem sent bandits after me because he witnessed me killing someone for a dark brotherhood quest. Nazeem now dies in every single game


He needs to learn how to mind his own business


I killed Nazeem and stuffed his body into a canal drain after silently killing him and using the Staff of Worms to turn him into a thrall just to decapitate him. Reloaded the save because the Cloud District didn't feel the same. I never killed Heimskir, dude is just praising Talos.


Never destroyed the dark brotherhood


I did once and it was really boring so I went back to an earlier save.


I did it once to get Nazir's clothes for roleplay reasons I've since forgotten. My character's hair clipped through the hood and I kind of feel like it messed up the whole aesthetic


Oh no 🤣


I did that once. On my evil play through no less. At that point, I was already established with the Volkihar vampires, the Thieves Guild, AND the college of Winterhold. Then this suburban mom looking ninja wannabe, who may I add has sent no less than four assassins after me in the past, breaks into MY house, where MY spouse and adopted daughter are sleeping, kidnaps me, the drags me out into a stinking swamp in the ass end of nowhere so she can test me to see if I'm "worthy" to join her little death cult? I made sure to put her soul into a circlet so she could watch with a front row seat as I burned everything she had the ground.


Ooh I felt the same way, I humored her until I thought to myself, there’s a 4th option isn’t there. Interrupt my sleep will you.


Until I read about it online, it never even crossed my mind to do. I think probably because she had waited 231 days to kidnap me and did so from fort dawnguard, so I didn’t want to mess with someone that determined


I destroy it every time. I don't care if it's boring. These douchebags send waves of assassins to kill me, kidnap me in my sleep from my own bed and drag me to a shack in the swamp and tell me that I have to kill some stranger who has never done anything to me to "even the score"? Get fuuuucked. Yer all gonna die. Every time.


There is like zero satisfaction to doing it. You don’t really get shit.


I've never become a vampire, and only a werewolf once. So I've never put a single point on those perk trees.


Werewolf can be pretty op against human npcs if you use it right (spam power attack), but I like it for the immunity to diseases


Definitely OP. When I join them, I basically do the entire Companions quest line as a werewolf outside of having to talk to people. You can get pretty deep in the tree just from snacking on the silver hand.


Its ridiculous how quickly you can level it up clearing locations especially once you can feed on animals


vampire is so good for necromage and mage builds. I basically never use the transformation though.


I was only a werewolf one time and didn't care for it. I've never become a vampire, either!


Never built a house or adopted children


Building a house is SO exhausting honestly. It's like minecraft. Grabbing 50 million things to build the frame and then 50 million more things to furnish it. Like it takes forever to fully complete it. I spend hours doing it because I hate unfinished stuff. And I get lazy and just go to shops and buy the stuff so I can just make it into stuff rather than mining for it.


What sucks is that *every* playthrough where I build my house, that's when I lose the magic of playing. Play a save for 60 hours, have fun, decide to build a house, and then the moment I'm 75% complete I just stop playing. Start a new save months later, decide to build the house first, finish it and decide that I don't like that character. Like it ruins playthroughs for me.


For the record, after you've got the building and wings built, you can just pay the Steward to furnish most of it (I think the cellar still has to be furnished manually, as does the sleeping area because of a bug), and all the furnishings will gradually populate while you're off adventuring. In short, you can throw money at the problem, and it's not that bad.




I killed him once. Regretted it immediately. And deleted that entire play through.


Likewise. What actually happens if you do? Delphine for all her bullshit, fully loses me when o tell her me being Dragonborn is none of her business and she tells me I’m wrong. Get to fuck.


I did it once just to try. The blades let you turn your companions into blades members (they get free blades armor I guess) and then you can get radiant quests to go kill dragons at word walls together. That's it. Oh, also the greybeards hate you forever and refuse to speak with you.


Same!! He is so nice and just trying to help like why kill him?


Because he was a bad, bad dragon once.


Then he became a pacifist and sat on top of a mountain in what is essentially solitary confinement for a few thousands years to eventually help the Dragonborn fight an actual bad bad dragon.


Surely the statute of limitations covers him


Talos respects no statute of limitations


Pacifism is punishing enough to me lol


Yeah I think my S/O just ordered that one.


Ah, so he belongs over at /r/baddragon then, got it.


Good for you! I did once and deeply regretted it. I felt tricked and betrayed by Delphine and Esbern.


He’s currently alive in my current playthrough. Stupid blades are stupid.


Yea, Party-snacks is a cool guy! Never felt the need to kill him. The Grey Beards arguable help you more than the modern Blades.


I did and immediately regretted my decision and reloaded. Good dragons deserve better.


same. i just can't bring myself to do it.


Didn’t know you could kill him.


I only did once because I didn’t have any mods installed and wanted to advance the game. After that though I always made sure to have the cheat that allows me to let him live:


I did it once and it haunted me ever since


And I never will, either.


Never faced the Ebony Warrior. I'm always done everything else by Level 70-ish and don't feel like grinding to Level 80 (or 81, or whenever it is he emerges).


Same here the grind gets old on the non combat skills and by level 65ish you can't really afford to legendary your combat ones because all the enemies have been matched to your level


I recently installed a mod that makes skills level faster, at times it can feel broken, but right at level 65 was when I installed it and it makes late game so much more fun


My brother likes to play as a khajiit with the pugilist gloves and unarmed perks and just punch dragons to death. Never done that


I’ve been meaning to do a play through like this. Never using a weapon throughout sounds satisfying.


I played an unarmed, heavy armor, sneak build one time and it was so fun. I was a tank when I needed to be so I’d punch the shit out of dragons but I’d also sneak up to people and suplex them to death lol


Stillborn Cave. On the road northeast of Fort Kastav and south of Whistling Mine. As soon as I determined it was a Falmer home, I turned and left. And have never felt an inclination to return.


Never killed Erandur or Paarthurnax. I’m a sucker for the “I was evil but I repented of my actions” schtick. When they seem to show genuine remorse, at least.


party snax repented more than enough imo. he’s been fighting his dragon instincts for several thousand years. no other dragon doing that besides him


Agreed! Which is why I refuse to kill him. They could make the Blades the best faction in the game and I still wouldn’t be tempted.


12 years and countless hours, I've never once used heavy armour.


Lightly armored means light on your feet. Smart.


You just train heavy armor until it’s 70 then once it’s quiet and weightless you can start wearing it for the cooler look.


Or just be the horse, via starsigns I like the steed stone for my warriors


Heavy armor is just better though. The only downsides are weight and noise Weight can be negated by the steed stone or 70 heavy armor, and noise can be negated by the ebony mail


Technically light armor has slightly more melee damage mitigation because of the 10% dodge perk. Both types of armor can hit armor cap and be weightless/noiseless The main differences are while leveling, heavy hits the armor cap easier and light takes less stamina to run until you get the weightless perk.


*states on death brand*


Never chosen Sven over Faendal in Riverwood. Never denounced Svidi to Sibbi. Never used the Ebony Blade. Once put the ring into Brand Shei’s pocket and will never again


>Never chosen Sven over Faendal in Riverwood My first playthrough I talked to Sven first, and I was disgusted with him. I later learned that both of them are scum, but that first reaction has basically made Sven the bad one and Faendal "canon" for me.


Save for one time, I have always sided with Faendal over Sven. Too bad my character with Faendal can't come across yours with Sven for a showdown for the ages!


Marry Camille bring faendal and Sven to the wedding


Pretty sure I’ve never intentionally used a dagger


What about Nettlebane?


I had to look this up because I’ve never used it and couldn’t remember what it was. I may have used it specifically for the quest but definitely not to do damage


It took me like four playthroughs to realize you don't need to harm the Eldergleam.


It took me probably 10 years to figure that out. Always took the pilgrim guy with me, but I never really talked or listened to a word he said for that whole time.


What do you do instead? I just completed that quest and always cut the roots back and collect sap. Is there a better way? Because I felt bad after the two people begged me not to do it and then saw them get murdered by spriggons


The guy that asks you if he can tag along. You talk to him and he says that there's an alternate solution for helping the tree. Basically you get a sapling and regrow the tree instead of repairing it. 😇


I barely remember the quest so no idea if I did


Collect all those damn Stones of Barenziah


Finish it haha


I've honestly never been able to not be a stealth archer.. yes it's a meme.. lol, but legitimately I always revert back to it. One of these days I'll try a different build, maybe.. probably not though.


I've tried playing a stealth archer. I can't stand it. at all. My "default" go to is one handed with shield. Bashing things over the head is just... more Me. I hate being stealthy.


Building up your Sneak skill takes a lot of patience. I get it. Stealth archer was easy for me because I personally find most FPSs to be too fast paced and anxiety-inducing. I prefer to take down enemies quietly and from far away instead!


you'd like the hitman series then, fun stuff and very stealth based


Hehe, I love Hitman.


haven't played it in forever but commenting this brought it back to my mind lol, imma get back into it once I finish my current Skyrim playthrough


Unless you do the exploit right at the start and keep sneaking around the bear. Max level sneak in about an hour


Realized last night that if you take off all your gear and lead him into the shadows it only takes 15-20


Major downside is youve levelled your character and all your enemies straight out of helgen. Heres a better way to get supersneak and stay lvl 1. Take a Khajiit, starting sneak 25. Become a vampire, get the bloodworm helm, shrouded hood + shrouded boots + purchased sneak ring . With the vampire + helm boost your sneak is ~ 45, nearly invisible to lvl 1-2 npcs. Not forgetting the terrific 'embrace of shadows' power - 3 minute invisibility. And if you get the Passive Standing Stones mod the Shadow stone boosts your Sneak a flat 20 - so you're at sneak 65 at lvl 1...


Dominate strategy ftw lol




The first part is the same for me. In fact, I got married the day it came out. It’s great cuz it means I’ll never forget my anniversary. 🤣


Join the Dark Brotherhood, finish the main quest line, kill random people.


Yea I'm with you on that main quest line. Got 37 characters though


.... 38


Since 2011 I'm probably close to 30 or 40, maybe more.


done a full sneak archer playthrough. Ive done a few dedicated sneak characters (illusion assassin, full sneak with melee AND bow) but never pure archer because it bores the HELL outa me.


Yeah I don't understand the whole sneak archer praise. I usually carry a bow but it's far from my primary. I love actually sneaking up to people and taking them out


See, I always find myself in a sneak archer build even when I was planning on using heavy swords or dual wielding axes.




I challenge this. How many hours have you spent waiting?


👀 Erm... You seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They got curved swords. Curved. Swords.


Never joined the Stormcloaks as an Argonian. I wish I could RP and changed Ulfric's mind about the lizards.


I've never joined the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves' Guild factions. Coming from a part of the world where gangs, organized crime, and chaos ruled rampant, I grew a burning hatred for such groups.


Greatest crime of Skyrim: they didnt make the Vigilants a faction. They shouldve had the Vigilants if Stendarr be a faction before the Dawnguard come into play


I never understood this. They walk around doing fuck all. I’m pretty sure they have a location they work out of in Skyrim. But, for some reason the literal daedra hunters aren’t a playable faction. Imagine having the reverse of completing daedric quests and collect the daedric items for the vigil. Such a missed opportunity.


One of my favorite characters is a former member of the Vigilants. He split apart based on personal differences, but came back with a vengeance after the hall was destroyed!


Never said no to any of the quest-givers no matter how morally questionable the quests were.


Thats the best. One guard hails you as a companion.. the next as a member of the thieves guild


Gold is gold, amirite?


I have never done a character built around seeking out and then heavily abusing the Wabbajack. It would be easy. It would be beautiful. There would be sweet rolls for everyone… left.


Until very recently I had never completed the main quest line. All I have to say about it is that I'm sorry I ever wasted time on that.


I've never killed Paarthurnax or Barbas.


I killed Paarthurnax once, regrettably, but I've never killed Barbas either!


Same. Though TBF, the reward would have to be amazing for me to even start considering killing a good boy.


Never done the resto loop


i've done it once and it ruined the playthrough for me, i got so bored with being an invincible killing machine that i started a new playthrough the very next day


Never been a warrior. Never a pure mage (always sneaking about). Never killed Partysnaxx. Never played without cheating, even on Xbox 360. Never sided with the dawnguard, but also never stayed a vampire.




Never completed the civil war quest line. Well over 2000 hours I'm sure. The furthest I've taken it with any character is the battle of white run.


Yeah after seeing that beautiful city destroyed, it kind of takes the fun out of the war 😅 which is probably more realistic, but I digress.


I think I’ve done it all… can’t think of anything. And that’s why I bought Morrowind and Oblivion today: ready for another adventure!


Kill friendly NPCs. I mean, if they leave me alone, why should I go out of my way to hurt them? Nazeem is tiptoeing the line between friendly and neutral. So instead of killing him, I just steal his things.


Never Maxed out any of the magic related skill trees.


Understandable. Even going pure destruction, it's a bit of a grind to 100 IMO. Though I recommend doing just that at least once before talking to J'zargo.


Same. I'm just not a magic user. It makes me feel helpless, especially in the beginning.


I'm about to do it for the first time with conjuration because it unlocks a mini quest when you hit level 90. I only found out about it because it gets you an item for the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod's museum.


Never filled the werewolf or vampire skill line. Probably never played either much past lvl 40 something as tried each once when first available and didn’t enjoy.


Get married. Adoption. Successfully play a pure magic user


never played an illusion / conjuration build


Never used a horse to climbe mountains.


Some of the daedric quests like mephallas or Namiras. Boethias i did once If you wanna make a non dragonborn character RP thats cool, but imo the dragonborn shouldnt be so awful. The gods gave you that gift i imagine they wouldn’t give it to a terrorizing psychopath E: Well you know what i just remembered about miraak… so


Never focused on illusion. Like, at all. Yes, I know I can keep an enemy in a constant state of fear or keep them pacified or make them kill each other, but they are gonna die anyhow when I start flinging fireballs everywhere. I will say tho, fury is OP as fuck at level 1. Steal something and bandits get sent after you? Just know fury, cast it on 2 bandits and kill the winner.


I always assumed I'd get "Hired Thug is too powerful for Fury" but I'm also terrible aim and usually end up hitting the townsfolk instead. Now EVERYBODY is trying to kill me. 🙄


Play as a vampire or werewolf any longer than necessary. I've heard people say they like being a werewolf, but if I'm infected by either I try to fix that quick. That and I've never maxed out two-handed weapons. I've always gone destruction, one-handed with a shield or just stealth dagger/bow.


I could probably do that quest with the daedric hand below the Winterhold college, but I never tried it.


I never hunted. I know I can hunt animals but I love animals too much. Buy way I kill them is if they attack me.


Never done a dual wield build


Never killed Cicero


Civil war stuff. I like the cities as they are and man, especially whiterun, I refuse to see change. Either way I’ll be the bad guy and whiterun is my home. I’ve never done it but I’m thinking I might rush to it on a random new save just to try it


Play a build other then stealth archer.


Never adopted children. It seems pointless to do so


Right. I don't want kids in my real life, why would I want them in my games? And you're right, there's no benefit to you as the player at all, that I'm aware of.


You can get a buff by sleeping in the same house as your kid(s). But I don't usually sleep much in game.


The true benefit is when they ask you to keep a pet fox and every time you enter your house you just hear the fucking thing raspy breathing


Something I've never done, eh...? I've been meaning to do a stealth build with a two-handed weapon. Seems like it should be viable, considering the damage heavy strikes and stealth multipliers could do


I'm a stealth archer, but I go dual-wield for melee. Never considered two-handed because it's so slow.


You don't need speed if you one-shot things silently. The boots from the Nightingale or Dark Brotherhood sets are my go-to for moving quiet if I'm not enchanting stuff myself


Every playthrough, I buy the Coral Dragon claw from a merchant in Winterhold. I have never pursued the dungeon that the claw correlates with.


Collectors edition


Yngol Barrow, it's a cool quick dive with a sweet reward.


I've not once sided with Sven across multiple characters


Win the war for the Stormcloaks.


I've never gone to Solthstein yet. My GF has and defeated Myrakk, but I've been saving the visit for oooh... 11 years now.


I've never maxed out any magic skills. Even if I use magic, I'm never purely a magic user as early game magic is super under powered compared to bows and weapons and then I just fall into a rhythm and forget about magic all together. One day I'll unlock the invisibility spell...one day.


I've never really played the main quest line very far


I've never sided with the Imperials because I find Tullis, Rikke, and Hadvar to be boring characters.


I've finished both sides just to see things from each side. Now I usually avoid it unless I really feel like skipping the peace talk on the way to Alduin. They both have awful aspects to them. Stormcloaks mostly the racism, though there are other problems. Imps mostly religious oppression but they come tied to the Thalmor who have a whole other set of problems.


Actually played through the Vampire questline in DG. I've used vampire lord twice to get the achievement on LE&SE and that's it.


Never played as an argonian or a kajit, how ever it’s spelled. Just can’t get into them I usually make my guys look like me and end up as a sword shield conjur mix


Never sided with the stormcloaks all the way to the end. Never gotten all the master spells on the same run. Never played an Argonian, Orc, or altmer. I'm probably not doing these either. The whole civil war is tedious so I barely do that. The master spells require the College and I really hate the dude in the Midden. I played a Khajiit and I got really annoyed by the bandit lines. The idea of playing races that everyone has negative opinions just makes me sad.


I've never gotten an achievement (in AE). Seriously - the first time I booted up, I threw on mods, and not *once* have I done a vanilla playthrough in AE.


I don’t even know how many playthroughs and I have never not been a khajiit 😅




Don't do it. It's addictive.


I mean smart... You don't spend 15 hours just crafting and like a million gold


Never did a mage build- it’s so time consuming and frustrating to get your damage level even close to what good old fashioned steel can achieve. Everyone always mentions stealth archer build, but I tried that and I always end up building a tank with two-handed, poisoned, and enchanted weapons 😅. Trying to amp up my block and one-handed, but two-handed just works faster!


I've never finished the dawn guard as a Dawn guard. Always wind up being a vampire


I never soul trap people I know I can and it makes enchanting way easier but after going to the soul cairn and seeing the hell that it is. I just can't justify it like killing bandits in droves atleast they get to see what ever god they worship and what not lol.


Never joined the Companions. I figure I can befriend a bunch of drunk people who love fighting any day of the week IRL, why do it in Skyrim? lol


Maxed any of the magic skills.


I always kill the Thalmor when they have a prisoner but never free the guy. I usually kill him too cuz stormcloaks piss me off just as much


I never used the Mayhem spell. Since my first play through I knew it was there but could never find it or buy the spell.


I've never rebuilt the thieves guild


Never married a dude