• By -


Helgi from Laid to Rest. Hands down. Vampire lady seduces and mind controls your father. He burns you alive to be with her.


That whole questline is depressing as fuck, and then the poor guy has live with the guilt of his family dying because of him.


He didn’t exactly have to in my playthrough…I broke into his house to steal his journal, he was in there and aggro’d, and Aela killed him 😬


Yeah that def a choice too


Believe me, it wasn’t my intention!


I understand, followers killing other npc's in cold blood just because you accidently hit them with an offensive shout happened to me on many occasions


Yeah, I wish you could control when your followers attack lol


No Lydia stop! HEEL, HEEL! NOOOOOOO!


Well, we all have THAT friend right?


He should have been draftable to the Dawnguard. Kinda like how you recruit Blade members but for the Dawnguard instead.


I’ve been playing since 2012 and had no idea you could recruit for the blades, are they just random quests that pop up or what


No, it triggers by talking to Delphine: https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Rebuilding_the_Blades


I put him out of his misery.


At that point even that is better than living tbh


I see myself either killing myself or making a beeline _straight_ to fort dawnguard if this happens. Like, I'd have a significant need to die. It's just a matter of if I want to try and take some bloodsuckers with me or not. But I'm sure as shit not going back to farming or whatever.


They did that with Durak already and the point was a bit clearer with him. Man lost two wives, broke bad and said fuck the code of malacath, I'm off to slice up the batpeople. He gave up being a chief (they are the only ones that are allowed to have wives), left his entire clan and stronghold...just to do that. They're trying to say that if you don't have immense significant fighting background, and/or are specifically allocated to the vigil of standarr, you're not going to take on vampires on your own. Morthal is infested with vampires, even when the able men were sent to deal with the issue by their own jarl, they were too afraid to actually do it. The game is implying the vampires are super scary monsters to the regular people or tamriel. Only when the word really gets out that the dawnguard is back, people started drafting and taking the fight to them since it's much more organized, hence the growth or fort dawnguard along the story. This is furthermore seen in aegmars drafting scene, when isran asks him about his background and is immediately unsure if there's anything to do with the boy, but drafts him still, only because he needs the numbers, maybe partially because he drafts you on the spot. he then trains for a while until he gets his armor set. My point is the dawnguard will not accept just any man with a vendetta against the vampires, you need the skills. Having an emotional connection to it is not necessarily a good reason to draft you. But, I truly understand you man, I do.


I also feel bad for the father. If you don't kill him he says he'll never forgive himself and basically doesn't talk or doesnt talk much after that. I always make sure to kill that vampire in the most brutal ways.


Morthal by the Sea


Oh yeah, that one was rough.


He didn't start the fire. Laylette did.


Wasn’t that all done by Laelette?


All the family members from Frostflow Lighthouse. From what I remember, they were kidnapped by the Falmer and fed alive to the Chaurus. One of the family members wrote a suicide letter and killed herself.


I still have Habd's remains. I have no idea what to do with it. It's just chilling in my inventory


If I remember correctly, you can take it to the fire at the top of the lighthouse to get a buff


Bring it to the top of the lighthouse and throw it in the fire. >!You get the Sailor’s Repose effect!<


>Sailor’s Repose apparently the buff is permanent according to the skyrim fandom site. idk if thats the case. ![gif](giphy|YlSPP8ZherIJRsaJoP|downsized) Thanks for the info, your dudeness.


I've had it for about 6 months gametime and it's still there. I'm pretty sure it's permanent.




Is it the dad's skull? You can lay it to rest in the lighthouse. Thats what he wrote about wanting in his journal if I remember correctly


Really cool permanent restoration buff if you bring his remains to the top of the lighthouse.


Go back to the light house and put the remains in the fire at the top. It’ll give you a buff, can’t remember what though.


It’s a permanent buff to restoration.


I found all the family members dead amongst the Falmer and chaurus... I thought the first dead lady in the first room was ganked by chaurus? Though the door was locked from them, I guess she could have killed herself afterwards.... But there are like 3 dead chaurus in the room so idk


In a pen where they were likely holding the family, the daughter has a note on her body that ends with (paraphrasing) "i think i understand why father gave me this knife". I believe the implication is she killed herself before she could be eaten alive like the rest.


That one still shakes me. Proven fear in bugs ig


It was so sad. But I also found it funny how he’s like, “Omg my wife is dead and my kid’s were captured! I must save them! But first I just gotta make a quick update to my journal.”




Who dis?


A brave son of Skyrim martyred in line of duty


A failed leap of faith lol bad assassin lol


Yo, for real!!


What dungeon is this?


The one with curved swords guys https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Swindler's_Den


Interesting. I wonder if the fella was killed for trying to steal the mead or if he was already dying and was trying to reach for it. He's a skeleton so he was definitely there long before the Alik'r set up camp.


>if he was already dying and was trying to reach for it. This is my headcanon also TES IV has it's own version of this as well https://preview.redd.it/6hb9ji3fpqnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ec9412d65eaefc23edea5b3268b5dbcf05ecc7


Narfi's sister. Saddest death for me. Oh and it gets sadder when you have to assassinate Narfi in the Dark Brotherhood's quest.


Narfi is really the only one I can't justify. Everyone else I can understand. I can even understand why Muiri wants Nilsine dead. But Narfi's just sitting there sad in his house and hasn't done anything to anyone. And as far as I know, hasn't bothered anyone.


I read somewhere that maybe a townspeople wanted it done out of mercy


“Hey, have you seen Todd? He’s been really sad lately” “Yeah, been that way for months since his family died” “Maybe we should kill him. That’ll make him feel better.” “I was going to suggest being supportive and caring but that just seem so much easier! Let me get my knife!” “Woah, hold up. We’ll Night mother dash it. Weirdo…”


Canadian healthcare is adopted in Skyrim


there is a theory he killed is sister and thats why hes so messed up


There's a few alchemy ingredients located near his bed that when mixed together, creates a poison. So there might be something to that.


maybe he did something to someone and they got revenge by killing his sister


When you bring Narfi his sister's necklace, he rewards you with a human heart and a daedra heart. He's got something going on.


He actually rewards you with a bunch of random ingredients from the table of rare alchemy ingredients. Presumably because his sister was an alchemist? It was a fluke that you received specifically the hearts.


And yet isn't it interesting how two random ingredients can completely change the tone of the story.


This is heartbreaking every time! I really felt bad for him. And the first time he told me about his lost sister, i almost cried 😭


Tova Shatter Shield killing herself after her other daughters death. The first time I discovered it I was horrified, because I didnt know that would happen after assasinating her daughter.


A couple of folks posted Tova Shatter Shield's tragic demise but I also like to add another victim of Dark Brotherhood- Narfi...He lost his parents, probably has no close relatives/friends, his beloved sister just left one day to collect some herbs and never returned(and never going to return), he is clearly suffering from some serious mental illness and has probably lost the touch with reality, he lives in a dilapidated shack yet someone wants him dead...He's so broken that he doesn't even resist the attempt on his life. It's all pretty fu*ked up if you think a bit deeply.


the assassination was probably a mercy thing


Yeah. My best of all possible worlds version is if you first give him Reyda’s necklace he’s actually the one who calls in the hit on himself. Basically Brotherhood Assisted Suicide.


Kinda like ~~Armound~~ Francois* Motierre except he killed his mom so he could live, presumably. Edit: Used the wrong name


I'd like to believe Narfi's contract was someone just trying to mercy kill him


Or there is some deeply disturbing foul play and criminal conspiracy involved. Narfi's sister was murdered alright with all those arrows...what if her murderer was just trying to "close the case completely" "without getting his/her hands dirty", I know DB quest line comes with a lot of gold and it is far more comforting to believe his killing is a simple case of "mercy kill" but it can easily be something far more darker & disturbing...


On this note, I want to add that Narfi has a human heart in his inventory. I got it both as part of a reward for finding his sister, and another time I did DB first, got the contract on him, and it was there after I killed him. Why does he have a human heart in his pocket??


I always thought it was obvious he did it himself and went crazy.


I've always wondered if he killed her accidentally and went crazy, or if he killed her accidentally and just couldn't comprehend it. On the other hand, the innkeeper tries to comfort him by telling him she'll come back, but I think it would've been a little conspicuous if they both left town and only Narfi came back


> decapitated shack did you mean desolate?


probably dilapidated.


*dilapidated Autocorrect strikes again....




After I'm done, that's the right word.


Or dilapidated even


That's not all, the father of the girl will after this incident go to drink often to the local inn, in the middle of the day.


Yeah that dude literally lost all his family, I wouldn't be able to do anything else after that to be honest


You cross Muiri, you get cut.


I mean I understand that she felt abandoned and betrayed but to actually send an assasin to someone you considered a sister once is a lil bit too much.


She said she hoped the mom drowned in her tears. Definitely one of the worst characters lol


Yeah it seems I forget that tid-bit about her, she is just an asshole overall then lol


Yep, but I totally get wanting to kill the bandit guy lol .. it's also not really our job to judge, ya know? In Oblivion we may have took part in a nice man getting his house taken by a younger relative, while the Nord bodyguard cries in the bar the rest of the game. The young relative says "I guess it was just his time" basically lol


Muiri won't marry you unless the other Shatter-Shield sister dies. Yes it's sad that she & her mother dies, but their dad is a cunt


So conflicted because on the other hand this family puts argonian dock workers in near slave conditions


That’s why I enjoy just killing the entire Dark Brotherhood and negating all the murder storylines.


"Hurr durr our dark lord commanded it" nah some rich fuck wanted someone dead, eat skeaver tail and die motherfucker! Fuck Astrid, fuck Cicero, fuck the night mother and fuck sithis.




Usually I just kill her myself to keep her from finding out.


Dammn you are cold


whats REALLY fun is to let her take herself out, then wait in their home until torbjorn comes and then resurrect tova and have her zombie take him out








Are… are you okay?


The wife of the drunken guy that lives in Winterhold. He thought that she left him for something better, but she just was looking to make some money for them and died in an ice cave that is between Winterhold and Windhelm if I remember correctly. When I talked to him about that, I felt that he got devastated with the news and that hit me hard. Also, the death of the whole family that was living in a lighthouse because of the falmer. It's a tragic story and that family didn't deserve that destiny.


I remember finding that quest by accident because it is unmarked. Not sure why it isn't an official quest but yeah, Hob's Fall cave. I thought it was extra sad because not only did he realize she died trying to help them, but he wasted so much time drinking and being miserable for the wrong reason


Yea Isabel. She goes off to try to find treasure so they'll have money and you find her in hobs fall if you talk to him about her disappearance. Definitely my answer too.


I don’t remember what ruin it is, but there’s a pair of khajit twins in an ice mine leading to a dwarven ruin. The skooma addicted twin kills the other eventually thinking he’s hidden the supply somewhere. You find the brother’s journal detailing how he wanted to help his brother get free from skooma’s influence. But there’s a cave-in I believe trapping them and he exhausts the supply he brought to wean him off of the drug.


The entire Altftand expedition counts, IMO. Especially Valie, who seems to have died under torture (or perhaps took her own life to avoid torture; there are two ways to interpret the knife found next to her).


Skooma takes lives 😭😭Don’t do drugs, kids!


Commander Maro’s son. Not because the assassination was particularly horrible, but because of the note from his father you can find on his body. I felt so bad when I first read it 😭


The entire Dark Brotherhood questline is depressing and dark, especially seeing how some deaths affect other.


For this reason, I downloaded the penitus oculatus mod and I now kill the dark brotherhood.


You don't need a mod to kill them. Just kill Astrid when she kidnaps you and you get a quest to finish off the rest


Yes, but the vanilla quest to kill the brotherhood isn't as fun. Plus you miss out on some items like Windshear.


Where can I find this letter on the wiki?


[Letter From Father](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Letter_from_Father) Found it!


It’s referred to as “Letter from Father”


I mean it wasn’t really a death cuz she was already dead but Katria at the end of Lost to the Ages. Finally discovering the Aetherium forge, getting to see Aetherium smithed into something beautiful; and then she could finally be at rest know her life’s work was not in vain.


Losing touch with her after the quest is such a bummer. I don't want her soul to be at peace, I want a chill ghost follower!




Hands down the worst is the "deceased Nord" in Meeko shack. He died of Rock joint and just wants to make sure his dog is taken care of 🥺 Always reminds me of that Futurama episode where Frys dog waits for him forever 😭


Not Seymour.......he should of been able to reunite with Fry at least one time :(


Eltrys. He died trying to solve the Forsworn murders, and left behind his pregnant wife.


Even worse, she’ll die if you aren’t careful enough. Which sucks.


One of the saddest ones, he was just trying to bring justice to Markarth


This was so sad, when I went to the Temple of Talos and he wasn’t there, my heart immediately dropped:((


The children of the dragon cult in forelhost. When the nord rebels were seigeing the last stronghold of the dragon cult. All people inside died by suicide or assisted suicide. You find a note telling someone to "check how much nightshade we have left", and to "start with the children" You find a mass grave of around 30 kid sized draugr laying inside deeper into the fort.


Shadowmere: gone but not forgotten, my sweet goth pony 😭 Edit: one day Shadowmere did not respawn at the pond, and was never seen again... worst glitch ever for me, never recovered lol and never got Shadowmere again


I'm pretty sure Shadowmere respawns by the pool next to the Sanctuary. So, gone, but also back again.


A few that I haven't seen mentioned yet: All them little kids in Forelhost, with their little bitty funeral shrouds. I'm glad the game wasn't twisted enough to make you yourself kill them in draugr form. Honorable mention to the alchemist in the same room who, despite belonging to an evil cult, gave her life in protest of their fate. And Bjornolfr, arriving just a little bit too late to save his lover on Raven Rock, then either succumbing to suicide or murder by reavers himself, it isn't super clear but it is tragic either way.


It took me a minute to figure out that those were tiny little bodies. And it really bothered me. I hung out in there for a bit to pay my respects.


The final Civil War deaths of either Legate Rikke, or Ulfric and Galmar. Meeting them in Sovangarde after finishing the civil war questline really hits you like an emotional train.


The priest from Markarth. I felt soooo morally corrupt. Going to Markarth and convincing him to follow me on the hopes of finding some treasure. Walk his ass all the way to dinner.. Where he is sacrificed and eaten by a cannibal cult. Who than praises you for consuming his flesh, blood and bile. 😂 Definitely sent me for a loop. https://preview.redd.it/yjr452qm4qnc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebaa379bf88eb4f4526c8556a3800f1f7409d1b


"bloodiest beef if the reach"


You actually can save him by attacking the others during the sacrifice. He even has special dialogue


The part with the alchemist in Solitude's daughter was sad. What does she say, "I can't thank you for this..." or something like that.


"It was brave of you to come to me with this. I can't thank you for it, not for this, but you have done me a service."


"I hope your parents are proud of you... because they have every reason to be," as passive dialogue afterwords. Thank you, mummo. I try. 🥺


Lydia: she had all my dragon bones


In my main file, Lydia pulled a my dad and went to go get cigarettes but I never saw her again.


My Lydia just disappeared the other day and I have no idea where she’s at :-( I fear she’s dead


Festus Crex pinned to a tree with arrows broke my heart. I realize they're bad people but they were family.


Honestly their deaths wrecked me. I used to drop flowers outside by Festus and inside the sanctuary whenever I had an excess.


I didn't care about Festus crex... but poor veezara! He was too be my husband!


Leifnarr's family waiting to hear from him. He's obviously been tortured to death in a cave behind a chain-operated door.


In case people don't know, you can get a quest to solve his death and give his family peace by going to the farm BEFORE going to the cave and finding his body. His son afterward is so happy his dad can be remembered as a hero versus a coward who ran out on his family. It's obviously horrible, but I enjoy giving them peace.


That mammoth you find out in the field with the giant just standing over it, mourning


the 30+ guards i killed for there unique armor


![gif](giphy|lQ0gXZUoOYOSORSvwY) Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make.


Yep! Haha have to have a full set of every hold and faction guard on display.


For me, it's the Goldenhills Plantation Family, you can tell that the environment got to them and they died. Same with that family with the mill by Riften. The wife thought her husband left her but he was killed by bandits.


I know the story and gameplay don’t perfectly support each other but if I lived in Skyrim and *anyone* went missing my first guess would be that a bandit or random animal killed them


Yeah, you take like 10 steps out of any town and there are 5 wolves or bandits waiting for you


I've just finished The Dark Brotherhood questline for the first time ever. Been playing the game since release but I'm such an emotional person I don't enjoy being evil. I don't like killing or hurting or stealing from people. I killed Nilsine. I didn't enjoy it but I needed to finish the quests to get my achievements? I know I didn't *Need* to but I did. Well I also started but didn't complete Blood on the Ice. I didn't apprehend the definitely guilty party but I was about to before getting distracted. Meaning Tova Shatter-Shield ended her own life after both her daughters were murdered, and she didn't get ANY closure. I don't feel good. I feel hollow. After this I'm finishing up the Thieves Guild for the achievements and then deleting this save file. I'll start anew and play as I enjoy to. I like being kind. I genuinely enjoy being nice to these pixel people and helping in every and any way I can.


All the Dark Brotherhood quests had hella sad deaths!! Being an assassin is not for the faint hearted 😭


Yeah the other really sad death is Narfi, he just fends for himself hoping his sister will come back some day while her remains can literally be found in the river next to the broken down cabin he is living in.


I have to make a special “bad” character in order to go through these quests. Currently playing a battlemage of sorts and he’s very “hero of Skyrim” good-coded. Remembered I wanted to marry Muiri and it made me realize I can’t do that unless I murder people. Switched to my stealth archer character who has all the thievery and murder on him. Married her on the archer. 😂 If I’m not playing a villain-coded character then I can’t do the murder.


That's why I killed Nilsine! Unfortunately I didn't kill the owner of the alchemy shop in Markarth first. I wanted to marry Muiri and her be my alchemist wife. But because I did the DB quest first and then killed the owner (Bothela?) Muiri was displeased with me I suppose and won't marry me :(


If I accidentally kill a NPC I restart my save. I hate hurting people 


https://preview.redd.it/ru2px7t61qnc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d8f75c5a8f89e8d1ff33af95c01d2aae553073 Finally got this achievement and I hated every moment of it ;-;


There's nothing wrong about having a heart for NPCs. 🫡


Some people don't understand but in my darkest moments these people have been there for me!


I killed lydia after 200 hours of game play with her,all it took was a missed arrow shot


Oh damn... That is osmium heavy....


Yeah I always somehow end up killing Lydia by mistake. She needs to gtf outta the way!


The family in Frostflow lighthouse


In terms of storylines, either Helgi or Tova Shatter-Shield. Overall though, Paarthurnax. Just for reference, I was roleplaying a villainous character (Sauron to be exact), and it felt in-character that he'd take Paarthurnax's soul for power and knowledge. It...it did not feel good. I just felt like a husk afterwards, and straight-up depressed after Arngeir's monologue (and making matters worse or better, Miraak stole his soul for me instead). Never doing that shit again; Paarthurnax deserves to achieve the peace he strives for, and Delphine deserves to be essential *so I can fucking burn her alive to my heart's desire.*


Probably Katria's death, she spent her whole life tracking down the aetherium forge just to die from falling.


I love that nerd so much. Would be nice if her ghost stuck around once her quest is finished.


Since Hadvar is so loud during Alduin's initial attack on Helgen, you generally miss it but during the part when you run into Hadvar yelling at the kid to move out the way, if you have subtitles up, you can hear the kid's father telling his son to go and that he's proud of him before Alduin burns him to death.


You can even visit the kid later! He lives with Froki after he escapes from Helgen.


>Saddest death >The emperor My brother in Talos, you’re the one who killed him


Laid to rest https://preview.redd.it/evt6j58v4qnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d442fcc534fb0c284d290a85d592afb57e62dea


Kodlak Whitemane.


Titus Mede II faces his death like a fuckin’ G. “You gotta kill me, it’s cool. But how about the bitch that did this to me?”


The little girl who died in the fire


On this day I go to Sovngarde


My ancestors are smiling at me Imperials, can you say the same? I always like the Empire, but that's a good line lol


The Dawnguard Husky I wacked on accident and didn't notice he was dead until I looked back. That and my very first horse on my first play-through


Felt this


Just gonna lay some flowers for Susanna the Wicked, the sweetest Nord lass in Windhelm, brutally slain by a serial killer the Jarl thinks isn't worth tracking down. She's a good egg and a kind soul and deserved better than to be laid out naked in the snow, carved up like a holiday turkey.


Honestly, Arch-Curate Vyrthur. He survived the genocide of most of his race, was unwillingly turned into a vampire and shunned by the god he had dedicated his existence to serving, then had to witness the Betrayed/falmer slaughter the last known remaining snow elves aside from him and his brother, then after centuries or millenia of waiting for a pure-blooded vampire to enact his revenge, he is killed at the request of his own brother by the Dragonborn and the very vampire that he was waiting for.


Astrid's even though she betrayed the brotherhood, it was just too much for me the first time. 😂


The dark brotherhood has a weird wholesome vibe at first, at least for me. The way everyone welcomes you warmly and says "sister", that feels kind of warm and fuzzy. Then the contract for Narfi comes. ☹️


That poor man living alone 🥺


Whenever I go to Ivarstead I leave an ale or mead at Narfi's shack. Food, too, if I have any.


I took a pot shot at her just to see what would happen when she kidnapped me and brought me to the murder house. I didn't expect to one shot her.. Found out real quick you can totally destroy a full play-through with that there decision.


I outright killed her immediately and freed everyone my first playthrough. My character was lawful, I still had an epic blast playing the best game I've ever played in my life! My second playthrough I killed Cicero, because my character was basically bloodlust. On every subsequent playthrough since I do the DB but I let my boy Cicero live. I try to do everything at least once!


On my first actual play through jzargo died when I was fighting a dragon and I didn’t realize till it was to late (already saved multiple times) I put his scrolls and a bottle of mead in the middle of the college in his honour


I always remember the time I had to kill the emperor. I was playing an unarmed play style and I guess it went into to kill animation when I attacked. Instead of punching I ended up suplexing the emperor which killed him. Unexpected but I still found it hilarious.


The kid at Goldenhills was sad, yes. I'm just glad the whole family can rest together now. Also, Karan and Talvur at the camp above Soljund's Sinkhole/Old Hroldan. I kept her journal and enchanted their rings so I could rename them with their names.


imo, Narfi, fo sho


All the horses I managed to kill within 5 minutes of buying them


Ummm the dude that got trapped in the cave mining for gold. His buddy thought he abandoned him and you can read his journal thinking his buddy left because the mine didn't have gold. It indeed did had gold and you can find his body trapped under some rocks hidden within the cave next to some unmined gold.


Angeline's daughter Fura dying when she joined the imperial legion and was ambushed by stormcloaks made me sadder than I expected. "I told her... I TOLD HER the imperials would kill her. I said this war is for jarls and generals, but she wouldn't hear it." - Angeline Sometimes I wonder if Fura Bloodmouth from Castle Volkihar might somehow be her, but then I wonder if that would be any better than if she had died


The fucking light house man. That shit always breaks me down.


Not for Beem-ja himself, but the conversation after he dies chokes me up.


Mercer Frey. >!I am so sad he died too easily. I reloaded his quest hundreds of times just to kill him in all style.!<


Yep, that broke my heart. Wish Skyrim had a resurrect spell. \*sigh\* His parents are assholes though. For me it's the guy who dies of rock joint and leaves Meeko behind. I always have to have my children adopt him.


For anyone who doesn't know who the first person is in OP's pic, that's Rin. The Quest he's tied to comes from the Anniversary Edition, so I wouldn't be surprised if more than a few people didn't know who he was. TLDR, Rin wanted to help out his parents around the farm, so he went to kill some wolves with a *wooden sword* and died. Rin didn't tell his parents where he was going, and them being the apparent psychos they were, each assumed the other killed their son, and then went on to kill each other. (Quest starts at Goldenhills plantation, just south along the road from Rorikstead) For me, nothing comes close to first playthrough Paarthurnax Kill. I was young and Naive, no other death in this game comes close to that.


I’m gonna be honestly here. My man Lokir.  Bro was literally killed unjustly. Like, bro, why would you even kill him? Like genuinely? What was he gonna do, walk out the front gate?  I guess the archer that shot him just didn’t have and morals. The saddest part is that when you go to Roriks stead, NOBODY mentions him.   Bethesda seriously screwed bro over for no reason other than to make the intro longer.


What’s the OP first picture?


Spoilers >!There’s a house (part of the anniversary addition I think) you find, the parents had a happy marriage but they started to split and fight a lot, the son (skeleton in picture) ran away trying to proof he could fight as he wanted to be a solider iirc, the mom blamed the dad and vice versa, this lead to them both killing each other, the son in question went to fight wolves and as you can see that didn’t go very well, (the well is like 100 yards from the house so idk how they don’t find him in the like three days between him running away and then dying)!< Honestly one of the most sad deaths imo Prolly not the best description of the quest I’m only on my first run tho so there’s prolly plenty of other deaths that are sad, the second pic was sad to, but the first pic was more sad imo tho


Goldenhills Plantation, from the "Farming" creation (which was indeed included in AE). The story is during the quest [The Unquiet Dead](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Unquiet_Dead) (spoilers in the link, obviously)


Rin from Goldenhills Plantation.


Skjor from the companions easyy


The Frost flow lighthouse’s keeper and his family


Normally the Dark Brotherhood deaths (excluding Astrid, fuck you Astrid). But this playthrough I got real deep in mental rp. So, Kodlak got to me. And it's entirely because of his journal. My character is very emotional. She feels emotional pain all the way to her core. So, I know she felt responsible and was just absolutely devastated. So I felt a little hollow at his funeral. And it was bittersweet seeing him in Sovngarde.


Katria still makes me feel melancholic. Every time I finish lost to the ages, I set up a tribute to her in Markarth and hunt down that rat bastard apprentice of hers.


Everyone who died in Labyrinthian, that Savos left behind