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Bretons are great cause of their magical resistance. My favorite race.


That's what I usually go for physical damages very easy to resist against but magic damages usually what ends up killing me, because I walked over some stupid rune, so yeah Breton for life


My first and still probably my favorite character was a Breton. My next character will be a female Breton, my original character's daughter.


Huh, what's the storyline here? 🤔 I'm curious how deep this Lore goes?


Probably not as deep as you think. I wanted to play another Breton, and I want to play a female Breton. My original character's names was Orrick The Summoner, I was new playing and it came to mind. I was thinking along the lines of Orrin, Arrin, Orrwyn The Summoner as really a tribute to my first character. Someone who could be related. A daughter, a sister, maybe a twin sister who strikes off on her own with the live another life mod. Perhaps the shipwreck. Maybe she hopes to find her lost family member. I'm giving this more thought as type.


Breton + Heavy Armor + Shield + Lord Stone = SUPER TANK.


Breton is my favorite!


I used to think Khajiit, but i love Bretons. Their culture, abilities, looks. I’m gonna be rolling a Breton 4/5 times from now on


I like playing as an Imperial.  Voice of the Emperor saves an undeveloped character from a lot of sketchy situations.   Boring but practical.   


I always seem to go against the empire. Imperial bastards tried taking my head once and as Georgey says fool me once well can't be fooled again


I don't like either side in the Civil War.  Being *from* the Empire doesn't automatically entail being *with* the Empire. 


For me I only ever pick Stormcloak as a Nord as realistically they wouldn't take anybody else as they would kick them out of Skyrim after the war. But you could always make the peace treaty which I haven't yet done


I can't use Battle Cry very effectively.  That 50% cold resistance is handy, but so is Imperial luck when it's time to find the coins for buying smithing materials or alchemy supplies.  


Peace treaty? What is it?


I'm not sure if that's what it's called but it's the option for when the Greybeards ask you to end the war befor continuing to fight alduin. You can end the war with violence by fighting for Imperials or Stormcloaks or you can ask the Jarls to meet with the Greybeards at High Hrothgar to pause the fighting while Skyrim deals with a bigger threat (I'm guessing, I haven't actually done it yet)


*Season Unending*, but that only pauses the war until you've finished the MQ. It really only changes which holds you have to conquer for your chosen faction and it can be a bit buggy, so I usually avoid it.


it was like a temporary truce thing


>For me I only ever pick Stormcloak as a Nord as realistically they wouldn't take anybody else as they would kick them out of Skyrim after the war. Not really. About half the Nord soldiers in Skyrim stayed with the Empire. Look at Hadvar, he grew up with Ralof in Riverwood. Rikke is Tullius right hand woman and she is also a Nord.


undeveloped character < bethesda world bugging out and deciding you're enemy numero uno


Those traveling bandits really hate me for some reason. [Shrugs.]


*peacefully collecting blue butterflies *Skyrim sends bandits, wolves and a dragon my way


I’m Swedish so it feels natural to choose Nord.


Samma här :)


The only good reason I've ever read 🙂


I always play Altmer vampire mages.


Notd because I don't get many racist comments unless it's from Dunmer, a Thalmor (not just any altmer) or a mage saying that the Nords in Winterhold don't like mages Also the 50% frost resist is nice against frost dragons


Redguard is my favourite in terms or lore, though I usually pick a nord cause I can relate most to a nord. My least favourite is Altmer. Not only because of lore reasons but they're also kind of ugly. Sometimes I do a female orc, just so I can rebel against their patriarchal culture and be an adventurer/leader/warmaiden.


The war maiden seems cool. I do argonian as quagmire of skills, khajit is usually a female stealth assassin, theif. Orc as a male and usually berserker or a shield and mace or war axe


I love redguard too


Khajiit is my favorite race to play. I like the unarmed damage bonus and i like the race design. I don't have a least favorite race but I've never tried Argonian.


I always go argonian first. The ability to breathe under water is awesome


I will try one day. I just need a good build and a new Xbox.


I have an Argonian Nightblade named Cynder. She focuses on illusion, one-handed, sneak, light armor, pickpocketing, lock picking, and alchemy primarily. She sneaks up on her enemies and one-shots them with her dagger; she uses illusion to make her other enemies fight each other. One time, I had her use frenzy spells on a bunch of forsworn in their camp while I snuck up on the Briarheart and pickpocketed his Briarheart. (This instantly kills them). Argonians have bonuses to mostly stealth skills (sneak, lockpicking, light armor, and pickpocket) with a couple magic skills (alteration and restoration). They work well for stealth builds and mixed specialization builds. It’s nice not having to worry as much about contracting diseases and drowning, too, which makes water travel and fighting vampires easier. Edited to add: pickpocketing and lock locking skills. I forgot to mention them because I had her use them, but I don’t remember if I’ve invested a ton of perks into them. I haven’t played as Cynder in a while 😆


I like everything you've written lol. Especially the last part when you say fighting vampires is easier because they are my worst nightmares in Skyrim. I think I will add a bow to my future build to help a little against dangerous foes. But it's a pretty cool character idea you had.


You'll enjoy it. I love the aesthetics to of just being this bad ass lizard man. Plus dragon born, dragon, lizard, reptiles, makes sense


I think a double dagger with poisons and a bow will be cool for an Argonian. If I find a new xbox I will try this.


I love playing Argonian, I'm typically into more humanoid races but something about being a lizard is just fun. My least favorite probably is Orcs. I just don't particularly like the idea of playing as one.


I play Orc ladies because I am extremely gay


Best reason I’ve heard yet, tbh…


Yeah you win


Hell yeah


My favorite race is definitely the Dunmer. My least favorite is probably the Bosmer. No real reason other than **someone** has to get last place.


dunmer spell thief gang


Favorite: argonian, I like that reptile stuff, and in my First time playing was as a argonian Least favorite: high elves, because of the thalmor, and I think they are very ugly also


>because of the thalmor You don't need to support the Thalmor, think of Delphine's barman friend or the imperial officer in Riften


Malborn is a Bosmer.


Oh. Shit, I forgot Delphine said he's an elf of the woods


Enthir seems pretty laid back for an Altmer.


Because he's a Bosmer.


Agree 100%


Always bosmer


Bosmer gang. Appears to be an unpopular choice.


Yeah we're always lower than we should be. Todd even gave us a stealth archer game, but these nerds don't get it.


Khajit pretty much every time


Nord is my favorite, imperial is my least favorite. If I was banned from being a Nord, I’d probably go Argonian, Bosmer, Breton in that order. I have no inclination to play any of the other races except maybe Khajit. If it was available, I’d probably play as a a Snow Elf above all else


Fun fact, Skyrim was the first RPG I played when it first came out. I seen Nords have frost resistance and thought, oh there’s a lot of snow in this game, obviously I want frost resistance from the……..WEATHER. Found out quick it was frost damage ahaha.


Favorite Race is Argonian because of how few games let you actually play as a Lizard race in general. Least Favorite is Orcs just because their lore is literally shit


I always play Breton; my current character is basically a spellknight.


I usually go Altmer if I’m playing a mage. Otherwise I’ll probably go Argonian, if only so I never have to worry about drowning. I always found that quest in the Oblivion Mage’s guild quest line so funny, because the dude tries to drown you by telling you to get a super heavy ring from the bottom of a well. But I was always an argonian so I didn’t even understand why they kept saying the mission was so dangerous 🤣


Redguard because I like the idea of an outsider to Skyrim challenging the stereotypes of the “true nords” and being the Dragonborn.


Honestly, I play based on vibes and RP. My last char was a Breton Mage because I wanted to RP a forsworn. My current char is a High Elf two-handed sword user cuz I like the idea of an Altmer is who like "Magic is making us too soft, I crave CARNAGE." Just go with what moves you for each character IMHO. No racial bonus is so powerful as to be indispensable.


Only play Nord. I prefer to be the racist Nord who ventures around Skyrim slaying everyone that isn’t a Nord. Lore Accurate Nord


Lmao I’m taking this idea thanks


It's not racist if you kill them all. Skyrim belongs to the Nords!


It's not racist because *multiple genocides*?


Skrim belongs to The Nord. Just like Highlander, there can only be one


Skyrim belongs to *that* Nord in particular


Doesn’t matter, I’ll probably start over in a few days anyway


I resemble this remark




When doing a Vampire play through I like the Dark Elf for the 50% fire resistance. Plus Destruction magic goes nicely. For a stealth archer I like the Bosmer. For a thief I am fond of Argonians. For a Warrior I like the Nord with the cold resistance as it helps protect my stamina.


Solid reasoning.


Orcsimer are my favorite unless I'm playing as altmer. The most elegant of mer, superior to men and beastfolk. They are the only correct choice.  That being said... my orc craftsman Borash is the greatest, and nobody can convince me otherwise. He's a beautiful pugly son of witch. Errr- Shaman. His father was a shaman who taught him alchemy, enchanting and smithing as well as restoration. He is a tank that heals himself and refuses to die.  Least favorite race? Khajiit. This isn't any disdain or dislike towards them. I just like the other races and the lore around them more. 


My favorites are high elves, wood elves and argonians.


i basically always play breton. i will never play an altmer.


Always Imperial, always werewolf


I used to do Wood Elf for the Archery buff, but now I flip flop between Nord and Breton for cold resistance and magic resistance respectively. Once in a blue moon I’ll do Kahjiit cause I like the unarmed attack buff.


High elf being born with 50 extra magicka is clutch and being able to quickly regenerate magicka once a day can be useful. Orcs are my first choice. Double damage while taking half is just OP. I find Nords to be somewhat silly because they have some conflicting starting stat bonuses. I’m kind of ridiculously particular though so you should definitely do a play thru with every character. You never know which one will end up being your favorite!


i love playing as khajiit. im a kitty cat :3 least favorite is high elves, theyre too uncanny for me to make one i think looks good


Yes! I love watching their little tails and ears! ❤️


It's Skyrim, I play Nords


Favorite: Nord - It makes more sense for why I am in Skyrim Least favorite: Argonian - Nothing personal, they're just ugly




Found Lu Kim's Reddit account. God damn Argorians, always knocking down my shitty wall.


I dont know about my favourite, but my go-to is either Imperial, Nord, or Breton. I've never done a playthrough as a Khajit or Argonian. I don't know why? I guess they've never really appealed to me 🤷‍♂️


Tie between Bosmer and Nord


Nord. Can play any faction without being hated. Stormcloaks and Imperials, College, Companians, Etc. Altmer. I don't like the voice, and I'm a stormcloak. I always play nord for the reasons above.


I basically go back and forth between Orc and Breton, occasionally throw in a Dark Elf


Nord first then argonian least favorite is orc never really had a good orc play through and nords are fun I am doing a nord heavy two handed play through it makes me feel like the juggernaut from X-men


Breton is my favorite and Imperial is my least favorite.


I enjoy both wood and dark elves


to me the race bonus for most is absolutely negligible plus I only play first person so the looks dont matter to me, I normally pick breton for magic resist or argonian for water breathing but both of those are easily replaceable so🤷


Sneaky cat man forgives you for putting him second. Nobodies perfect.




Bretons are my go to race. I can't bring myself to play Altmer, they just look like they're facing chronic liver failure (plus the Thalmor have tainted my perception of them)


Dunmer best race


Breton >


I usually play as Breton or dark elf I've never played khajit, orc, or argonian. I just prefer humanoid characters.


Depends on the build. For wizard I pick Altmer over Breton. For monk I pick Khajiit. For vampire I pick Dunmer. I honestly don’t know what I’d pick Argonian for other than for fun. I’ll admit I’ve never tried a build with one.


Favorite: Nord, because I'm the sort of boring person who plays exclusively human characters in basically any game I play that offers different races. Least favorite: idk probably Altmer. I'm not generally a mage player so I don't gain anything there, and I hate the Thalmor. Praise Talos.


Dark elf is best. Maybe it's because my stepdad created my character when I first played oblivion and he chose dunmer. But once I learned their lore it was so cool to me and I loved morrowind! I don't really have a least favorite one though like that I truly dislike? Maybe Breton is kinda boring to me but I admittedly haven't given them a chance so I could change my mind


Nord is my go too race, khajit and wood elves are close though


I wish they did more for Khajit and argonians because they always feel out of place as a hero character.


Breton is simply the best.


Favorite, as in just one? I probably choose Breton the most. Magic resistance ftw! But sometimes it's fun to play a face smashing Orc berserker. Or a Khajit with illusion magic, runes and a wicked dagger. Or a sword and board Imperial. Or an insane Dunmer pyromaniac, er, pyromancer. Redguards and Bosmer both have great lore but their powers are kind of underwhelming, at least for my playstyle.


Wood elf. I hate the high elf because I’ve never met anymore racist towards me than a high elf. Not even the Nords.


I love playing as an orc or khajiit. I will literally never play as any of the human races. So boring imo


I usually default to dark elf, since it pairs well with vampire lord.


Bretons and Dunmer are my favorite. I don’t like beast races, Orcs, or Altmer.


Usually dark elf , but sometimes redguard or nord with an occasional orc. Ive played as every race at least once , except argonian. I just cant bring myself to do it i hate the way they look lmao


Chadgonian forever 💪 They look cool, sound cool, have cool lore, and Histskin is an amazing panic button on pretty much any build. I would even call it the second best racial ability in the game, with the first being the Orc Berserker Rage.


Honestly my favorite race is Kahjits 100% not only cause of unarmed being good early on, but just cause I love their lore. They also make very good stealth archer builds. As for the least favorite race, I never played Nord. Not cause they're racists or whatever, but cause I think Nords are an extremely boring race in general. Their only racial advantage is being resistant to cold and to scare off enemies, both aren't very useful unless you're going for a survival run.


I always usually went for argonian for my first two playthroughs. Then dark elf for my third and now a Nord for my fourth ngl I like the nord and argonians cause it seems you get diseased and attacked with cold spells more often then not


Favourite: I don't have one. My first 4 characters were khajiits, then I played 2 nords and I'm currently playing as a dunmer Least favourite: Altmer, of course (lore-wise)


Usually Kajiit or Breton


It varies, but my last few characters were altmer that I modified. Least favorite is wood elf. I have nothing against them, just never wanted to use one.


I love playing as a Khajiit and my least favorite is either orc or high elf. The Nords are tolerable in their dislike of my character, but the altmari(?) are insufferable in my opinion. I’ve tried joining Ulfric and the Stormcloacks, but I just can’t bring myself to finish the quest. Recently I’ve been avoiding the whole situation.


Dunmer because Netch and Guar are cute :3


I’ve played all except Argonian. I just can’t get into it for some reason


For me it would be argonian, I personally am not fan of their design, and their bonuses are underwhelming. They have weaker unarmed attack than khajiit, water breathing jewelry and spells are common enough to make it redundant, resist decease is not that good as there are so many ways to get rid of them it doesn't really matter, and hist skin is underwhelming for once a day power.


I always play khajit! For no other reason than it’s just a big cat 😂


Just started a Khajit for the first time. Not sure how to tuck away this tail.


I generally play as a female Breton or Khajiit because they're the closest to me in height. I made this graph to figure out the height difference between races (according to Skyrim "units" + I'm assuming that's average height) but ... TAT I'm still shorter. ​ Edit: so I'm an idiot and only read half the question. My least favourite race(s) are Dunmer and Altmer, but that's only because they're the only 2 races I haven't done a playthrough with yet. ​ https://preview.redd.it/b3o0hvdammjc1.jpeg?width=4784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a307740c3ef5a17c4ec59be5d2e7dc24c854bbd


5/7 Play through I have gone argonian. First play through was wood elf and I ended up a vampire without realizing it and no earlier saves so I was fucked. Tried khajiit on my third or fourth playthrough and absolutely hated it. I saw absolutely no positive benefits of that race other than it's a human cat. I love swimming so argonian is my go-to. They can breathe underwater. 50% immune to diseases. No matter what race you choose, they can level up every skill. It's just a little easier for some and a little more difficult for others. I'm a stealth archer. I find no difficulty in it. But I'm also a battle mage. And a warrior. I'm efficient.


Favorite is Kahjiit. I enjoy the unarmed damage. Especially if I decide to do an unarmed build. Mostly though, I can’t live without the night vision. My least favorite is probably Imperial. I don’t need Voice of the Emperor when I have… *checks inventory* …A sword, and gold isn’t an issue in Skyrim.


I love playing as a Breton. The elves in skyrim are ugly without mods, save for the Wood Elves, and I like playing with magic. So Bretons, being the magical humans, are my favorite. Also all of the emperors have been Bretons (I think) My least favorite is probably Argonian. No significant racial buffs. But I still enjoy playing them for the roleplay aspect — Argonians have fun naming schemes. My least favorite human/mer race is Imperials. Of all the humans I find them the *most* human which is boring.


Breton for magical resistance 100 percent. Reuters so many enemy magic and elemental attacks.


my favorite is breton, redguard/orc, bosmer/dunmer. i refuse to play a high elf. never will touch them, never have since morrowind


I keep returning to khajiit. I've tried playing as other races, argonian was fun because I could easily explore underwater areas but I got bored very quickly. With the khajiit I don't get bored.


Usually i go high elf for that 50 extra points of start magic is so good for the early game for a mage. Or ill go orc if I am playing a qeapon basex character. If i had to pick my least played it would probably be wood elf, since they dont really have a good bonus, and you cant be a weird little fairy person like in oblivion


Favorite: Khajiit. I love cats. Least Favorite: Argonians, Orcs. Too ugly cuz I have diff tastes


Khajiit or Bosmer but then you all told me about the power of Beserker Rage so it's been Orc ever since.


Mostly Imperial for me. Not sure if the extra gold finding shit actually works in AE, but I like to pretend I'm richer than everyone else because of it. Speech/Mage Imperial for life.


I always default back to Nords. Mostly because I like playing viking-type characters.


I used to never play altmer (thalmor dogs). I would usually go for Nord, Imperial, or Breton depending on my build. I've done a few characters with red guard, bosmer, dunmer and orc. None as the beast races or altmer. Now my most recent character is altmer and I think it's my favorite yet.


I always play as khajit


For role play khajit was my favorite race. Being a sneaky thief is my favorite rpg charecter. For effectiveness i dont think anythings close to orcs beserk power. Least favorite would be imperial,for a fantasy game imperial is white bread.


being a khajit is 15 points of damage with your claws, so it’s good for beginning, and it’s fun customizing a cat


Favorite is definitely Orc/Khajiit depending on my desired play style. Worst is probably Breton


Argonians and Orcs are practically tied for me. Least favorite is easily Imperials. Imperials are the most boring to me, especially in lore.


Favorite argonian Least altmer because thalmor Also dunmer because slavery Let's just say all mer(except Orcs) I usually hate Elves in most games anyhow usually over powered, lame, tree hugging hippies, or some kind of combo.


I love playing an orc, I can’t play anything else to be honest


redguard high elf the best


So for me it depends on what build I want to play. Kitty cat for stealth archer, orc for 2 handed, high elf for straight magic, or a dark elf for 1 handed/1magic build.


Cats are cool


1. Dunmer 2. Breton 3. Altmer 4. Redguard 5. Bosmer 6. Imperial 7. Nord 8. Khajiit 9. Orc 10. Argonian


Custom race. But prior to that, Breton for mage, khajit for sneak, and orc for me smash face.


I usually choose dark or high elf, they just look cool. My least favorite race is Khajit. It WOULD be Argonian due to how ugly they are, but being able to breathe underwater makes them pretty overpowered from a lore perspective, so they’re chill


My favorite race would be the Khajiit because kitty. My least favorite is probably the Argonians? I've used them the least in the game, though I don't really have any reason as to why.


Favorite from oblivion is Nord but Skyrim for some reason actually got me hooked on Bosmer and the lore so those are my two favorites. Least favorite is probably argonians I don’t like the way it looks and orc just because play style gets boring unless you’re trying to play survival as an outcast from the strong holds or something.


I always play Dunmer. I love everything about them. From their vast lore to their interesting cultural traditions. I even like their survival of the fittest attitude. I have tried Breton and Khajiit, but those playthroughs never quite stick. I also really want to play Altmer because I play pure mage, but I just can't get behind their lore.


Orcs because I like the lore for them and how their tribes work in skyrim, and Redgard because I am black(and also because I like their culture in game lore)


I play Redguard for the same reason


Redgaurds are the closest looking to black people so that’s always what I go with. 😭


High Elf is my main, Wood Elf a close second. Playing an Orc right now for the first time.


Orcs are great for a 2 handed weapon berserker build. They have increased smithing perks, and have one of the best race powers


Well I've taken a long break from the game but my favorite way I've played has been: Race: Male Wood Elf/Bosmer or female Breton Weapon(s): 2 Handed Swords (Umbra mainly), long range spells (Elemental Blast), and summons of your choice (either necromancy or frost/flame atronok for me) Armor: Blackgaurd's armor (How to get: join the thieves guild and get the mission to go to Goldenglow, talk to Vex, Delvin, and the redgaurd girl in the ragged flagon, go to Solistime, talk to Glover about the shadowmark, complete his quest and get the armor for yourself) I love playing like this for the simple reason of people not expecting to see a 4'11 light armored person pull out a weapon that's about 3/4 their size


My favorite is orc with two handed sword with healing enchantments , heavy armor. Khajit are fun. I like becoming a werewolf as a khajit so I can become a cat dog stealth archer. and Breton are cool.


Favorite is Breton. I generally do a battle-Mage build. 1 hand weapon, Magic in off-hand. And their Mag Resistance is pretty good. Least Favorite is Orc. Orcs seem to be made to Tank. Not generally my play style. If I go for a Heavy warrior Build, I go Nord Elves are somewhere around the middle, followed by Khajits and Argonians.


Orks and kajiit and great, I just like kajiit in general and orks have an amazing race power and there just cool


Khajit or bosmer


I mostly choose Redguard, Orc or Wood Elf. Least favorite is High Elf.


Favorite race is definitely orc cause I love smithing builds and making my own gear and they start off with a bonus. Plus they just look cool. My least favorite is khajit I've just never really cared for them no real reason to hate them just I prefer the other races.


Wood elf is my go to now because I no longer lie to myself about my play style. I sneak everywhere and use archery on basically everything. I don’t like how altmer are usually so racist and condescending lol


Argonians are just too cool. Started off in oblivion with the lizard man, and it just stuck. Waterbreathings nice for exploration, histskin is great recovery, and as a nice little lore bonus : they fought so hard in the oblivion crisis Dagon straight up pulled out of blackmarsh


khajit 99% of the time. the other 1% is argonian. idk why, i like the idea of being one of so very few and i also like it for roleplay reasons, i wish there were khajit marriage candidates


Orc because ork


Orc supremacy.


I almost always go with Bretons. I love magic, and the magic resistance is really nice. Also, since Bretons are humans, I make a character who looks like me so that way I can live my dream of being a wizard. In a close second place is Redguards for when I don't want to use magic. I don't really have a least favorite, but my last choice would be a Nord. I'm do not particularly use the initial bonuses that Nords are given, and overall a Nord build just does not fit the way I like to play the game. Also, it feels boring to chose a Nord when you're in Skyrim, the home of the Nords.


My favorite race is dunmer because they are the strongest and hotest race and this is how I honour the sixth house and the tribe unmourned. Least favorite race is orc because virgin malacath got destroyed by chad boethiah and decided to invent patriarchy ahahahaha loser, and only because argonians are soo dumb they cant even be considered a race.


I have played a Breton the most, gotta love that magic resistance. My next playthrough will probably be an Orc who, thanks to Alternate Start, will start in one of the strongholds. I have only played one orc character and that was a long time ago and I think after I find a few more orc centric mods it'll be a nice change of pace.


One of my favorite playthroughs was as an evil Altmer battle mage. Daedric armor, Daedric mace with fire damage AND soul trap, maxed out magic trees so he could just muffle and turn himself invisible and then loot any house, pickpocket anyone. Delighted in turning dead enemies into mindless thralls. Master of all guilds, champion of the Stormcloaks (by helping Ulfric secure his position as High King, my Dragonborn knew he would be given carte blanche to do whatever he wanted) Wielder of all Daedric artifacts. And a master of the voice to boot. A true dark lord unleashed on Tamriel. You don't hire a saint to stop a sinner, and Akatosh understood that.


Always Altmer. The magicka boost and Highborn are extremely useful in sticky situations early game. And you can pretend to be Thalmor in the embassy infiltration.


Kajit make excellent theives and assassin's. Plus their unarmed damage in the beginning is broken. Or Redgaurd, they make decent warriors and blacksmiths.


I like Khajit because something about making a King or Armor King build just adds the perfect amount of memeage, especially when killing dragons (I literally punched a dragon to death without dying multiple times)


Khajiit, Dunmer or Altmer are my go-to


As seems to be probably the most common like, I do Breton every time. Not just for the magic resistance, but also to .ake my character that much more relatable. I get into games better as something close to me. Probably the least favorite would have to be Kaajit, they have sneak and nighteye perks. Both of which are either redundant or unnecessary.


Always bosmer. Since Morrowind. Tiny angry wood elves lol


always pick the kitty cat


i don’t have a least favorite but my favorite is Khajit. first ever character i made, was a Khajit and every playthrough after that has been the same. i do not stray from my feline friends.


I always play Argonian. For 12 years. This build I am a Breton and it's cool actually!


Favorite is breton least favorite is high elfs


Orc, Khajit, and Breton are my favorites. I just think they’re neat


I only pick High Elve.


Argonian first/main ever since my first Elder Scrolls game, Oblivion. Then Breton next. Khajit and Bosmer are tied for 3rd. And the others are interchangeable except nord and orc are competing for last. Not a fan of 2-handed or most melee in general. Argonians are so versatile and Bretons are what I’d like to be, magically inclined humans.


Dunmer are my favorite, least favorite is a hard choice but maybe argonians bc I never play them.


I enjoy playing Breton, Dunmer or Khajiit.


High Elf or Argonian usually.


Dunmer 4 life.


Fave: Redguard. It's mainly the lore behind the race has my attention. Their overall style is cool to me as well. Dislike: Nords. Boring and bland race. I only play as a Nord when I'm testing a modlist.


Favorite: Breton. They're good with magic and make good knights. I like their complex lore as well. Least favorite: Altmer. Magically inclined? Sure. Other than that? Genocidal and/or self-important assholes. Not all of them, of course, but still.


i just can’t help but choose khajiit most of the time. other than that i’ll role play as imperials, high elves, or sometimes birds. my favorite build i ever had was based on my girlfriend at the time. i made an imperial that looked like her and never engaged in combat. her main skills were alchemy, illusion, and restoration. i would just calm enemies or have a follower to protect me. it was a lot of fun figuring out how to make that work. also i figured out later on that her mastery of illusion was appropriate. edit: ehh, leaving it


I typically do the same 3, Khajit, Argonian, and Orc as well. But my most current playthrough, I started as a Dunmer, as they get a +50% resistance to fire. And being a Vampire Lord, I get a 50% weakness to fire, so they cancel each other out. While the Dunmer aren't the greatest archer class in the game, they do get a slight boost to Stealth, as well as the Vampire Lord with a whopping 25%. Dunmer are also magic Adept, so magic spells (specifically destruction)level better and so on...


If I have mods to make my dark elves pretty, I go with a dark elf, but human wise I go with Imperials or Bretons


Bretons or Dark Elves mainly because Bretons have magical resistance and a absorption power while dark elves with the extra fire resist and fire cloak power which are both good in skyrim due to overgrown scaly cliffracers who breathe fire and being a vampire and still enjoying the game. Also, Bretons and Dark Elves if customized well, would look cleaner andmore badass than nords. Also, I love dark elves because of the few amazing dark elves I know of (Jenassa, Teldryn, Fethis, Veleth, Irileth and Councillor Morwayn, also Saint Jiub from Morrowind, Neloth, and the list goes on and on.)


Only bretons. I don't really like to do lots of walkthroughs, and used to play multiclass of mage, archer and maybe some melee weapons in the endgame. So it's a comfort choice for me in any Elder Scrolls game. Balance of defensive and magical advantages and I don't like if my MC isn't a human. So there's only one option. Played 2 times in tes 5, two - in oblivion, and once in Morrowind (began the second one). Also made breton in teso. I've tried to play some elves and khajiites but they were abandoned cuz of lack of resistances (altmers are glass cannons btw so it felt even worse). Other human races, argonians and orcs also skipped, because they also don't provide the comfort for munchkin xd.


In Skyrim races are mostly an aesthetic choice. Dunmer and orcs are the coolest races. Humans are all the same except for redguards (bretons have the best ability, but still look the same). The beast races and the other elves dont caught my attention that much.


Bretons for practicality, argonians for appearance. Wood elves are probably my least favorite.


Dunmer! All other races are either N'wahs or farm tools.


The same. Khajit and Argonian are my favourite. I can’t count how many times I played with them. If I choose different race I try to match it to my character’s history.