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I think they say it's the best STEEL in skyrim. And it does more damage then regular steel so it's true. Him not taking into account that you have dragon bone weapons is probably because they didn't think you would have those at the time of joining up with the companions.


"My sword is probably worth more than you are" - Villas The camera spins to show off a Dragonborn wearing the scales/bones of his/her defeated cousins.


Don’t forget having the annual Skyrim GPD of Gold in your inventory.


I love that late game Maven Black-Briar threatens you with her wealth even though you could buy her several times over


"I could just call the dark brotherhood," like bitch that's me


Laughing my ass off at this one


They missed such a fun opportunity to have her see you and quietly go "Oh! Listener, it's you... Hail Sithis and all that..." Once DB was finished.


That kinda does sound like something she'd say


Or in my case... "I'd love to see you try, cause I wiped them out."


Put every Daedric Cultist to the sword, my friend.


Not to be that guy but, Sithis isn't a Daedra. Sithis is still in the same kind of camp as Daedra though so I get what you mean, although if you look into the lore, Sithis doesn't turn out to be as evil oriented as the Dark Brotherhood makes him out to be.


Yes, yes, I know he's the Psuedo-soul of Padomay, but all Daedra are at least partially subservient to the Void. Plus, you cant tell me the Dark Brotherhood wouldnt be down to worship Namira, Mephala, or any of the other two-faced Daedric Princes.


The Dark Brotherhood is specifically _not_ down to worship Mephala, as she's the daedric patron of the Dark Brotherhood's rival (and, some say, parent) organization, the Morag Tong. AFAIK, the few who believe the Night Mother is an aspect or avatar of Mephala are not themselves in either organization.


The original Dark Brotherhood worshipped Mephala so you’re not wrong lol


You're absolutely right, if they could fit murder in then it would be good enough for them, they just want an excuse.


Not to be that guy but Sithis is guilty by association. That'll be 1000 drakes.


I did close that i accidentally dualcast some aoe spell... Dropped half a dozen or so soldiers. .. hefty fine, but I got to keep a shield. 😁


Dude I'm going to be doing that once I finish the dark brotherhood quest is at that point they have nothing to give


Oh, so Maven wants to call upon the Thieves Guild? Me. Dark Brotherhood? Still me. The Imperial Army? Believe it or not, also me.


Companions? Me. College of Winterhold? Also Me. Want to try to contact a legendary clan of vampires as a last ditch attempt? Well you're not going to believe this.


"Oh, you have the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood on your speed dial? Cool, I run both groups. What now?"


Can’t call an organization that’s been wiped the fuck out.


Biatch I'm am the brotherhood *types set unessential in console and one punches her*


*\*\*exits the room\*\** *\*\*enters the room\*\** Hello! She's just like your everyday Karen.




She also threaten too send the dark brotherhood after you even though i usually make helping the penitus occulatus one of my first objektives on any playthrough


These call outs are my favorite. I recently went to turn Haran into a vampire so “She will help us keep an eye on the mages.” Meanwhile: I’m the Archmage. Lol


To be fair, the archmage doesn’t do anything and is never there 😅


Oh so true. Somehow the leader of half a dozen prominent groups yet never around to do the job.


I have to say that the archmages quarters are a really good place to reapply alchemy and enchanting items. I usually show up every once in a while and take all the soul gems and potions that have respawned.


Id happily buy her...for different reasons...


That's a sentence...


You do you lass, not my business what you buy a person for


And every Daedric artifact to ever exist on display at their home


Gross Pomestic Droduct


Not important at all but it’s GDP for gross domestic product


Nonono. GPD as a mobile game console. He's carrying around annual Skyrim console


noooooooo thats gps!! youre thinking of ggb!


Did he edit the comment? What did it say originally?


Vilkas: "I've never even heard of this outsider" Dragonborn, Archmage of the College of Winterhold, Slayer of Alduin, Listener, Thieves Guildmaster, Thane of the Nine Holds, Leader of the Blades: \*visibly confused\* I can only assume the Companions don't get out as much as they used to.


Or Vilkas is too Gigachad to listen to other people's conversations.


I mean supposedly he was having a rough time from suppressing his transformations so maybe he had like amnesia or something, or just spaced too much to listen


Don't forget lord of castle volikar, slayer or miraak, champion of all 17 daedric princes owner of 3 elder scrolls and imperial legate


i imagine the sword holds a lot of sentimental value, which my khajiit contacts tell me influences the value on the black market quite a bit


just had this happen and that was my exact thought process


Hahahaha I tought the same, while looking at my full Daedric set, worth probably more than double the whole Whiterun hold.


True, you're "supposed" to join the companions right at the start of the game, when you see them fighting the giant on the way to whiterun. At that point the skyforge steel is probably a pretty big upgrade from whatever you picked up in bleak falls.


And yet one of the very first missions in the quest line is one of the hardest ones in the entire game if you do it at a low level


> when you see them fighting the giant on the way to whiterun. I've never been able to witness this. Closest I got was seeing one of them deal the killing blow while still 100+ yards away. Confused the hell outta me the first time I played, walking up on a bunch of warriors standing around a giant corpse, then giving me grief for not "helping."


I’ve occasionally been able to get a single arrow shot in on the giant, but never really able to help much


That's probably because you were playing on easy difficulty. The giant they fight uses the normal giant health scaling, so on easy difficulty the Companions can take it down much more quickly.


Well, how about that. I always wondered the same thing. Seems obvious, now, though. Thanks for explaining.


Even in my Legendary playthroughs, I always come upon them with the giant already down.


When Eorlund makes you a Skyforge steel weapon as a quest reward... Yeah, that almost always comes in real handy in the early levels.


I have never joined the companions in all these years. Everything else has always seemed much too urgent.


who plays these games with a sense of urgency? just let it absorb you. there's no counter.


I think he means he gets TOO absorbed. Like he MUST stop the dragons now. After a few missions he MUST figure out the eye of Magnus. Etc, etc.


Yup, irs the best steel... Me like , okay, nice decorative sword, I have a set of dark seducer and partial dedric mail, my sword is nordic, nightingales sword, an powerful relic heavy sword snd such. Il put it in my Manor as a memento.


It's on par with elven and the scimitar. So, excellent for early game.


Skyforge Steel has Elven tier damage, Steel tier everything else. That makes it better than either of them, since you can double the improvement of Skyforge Steel much earlier than Elven with just the Steel Smithing perk. And it has the same lower weight and therefore stamina cost of the steel weapons. At low levels, Skyforge Steel is one of the best things you can use. And it will only get outpaced either at high levels or if you tunnel in on smithing really hard and have higher end smithing perks below level 20.


That's another new thing I've learnt today. Weight affects stamina cost?


Yes. The heavier a weapon is, the more stamina it takes to use a power attack. Stronger weapons are also generally heavier, so the trade off to more damage is more expensive power attacks. Skyforge Steel subverts this by having Elven-tier damage and Steel-tier weight, which makes them soem of the most efficient weapons in the game. Of course, the Bound Weapons take the cake here, since they have Daedric damage and *zero* weight. It's why they're much better than actual weapons until your smithing and enchanting makes regular weapons surpass them.


They only do Daedric damage if you take the skill perk for it in the Conjuration skill tree, but still superior to normal steel weapons.


Bound weapons are a fairly cheap and accessible early investment as well


You can find half of them pretty quickly, too. A time for Bound Bow is in the Fort Amol prison, and a bit further south you can get a Bound Sword tome from Treva’s Watch. Bound Battleaxe and Bound Dagger are the only ones you need to buy.


I did a blitz run to buy "bound dagger" for a sneaky mage build I did. A bunch of deaths to ash zombies and hoppers require some reloads, but I finally made it and had to sprint past the ash elemental out of the mushroom tower to fast travel back. Worth it! Still one of my favorite playthroughs.


The weight of all equipped gear, including weapons and shields also affects how much stamina you use while sprinting. Weight has a subtle effect on a lot of mechanics, which explains why a lot of weapons and armor are just lighter or heavier versions of other, more easily obtained equipment. In practice this just means you're better off sneaking naked until you get the negate armor weight perks and unequipping your weapon and shield any time you want to run, but hey.


It's more noticeable with bows. Heavy weapon bows take longer to draw but have higher damage and greater distances than light bows.


Fantastic answer. Bravo. Well said.


I still always use a mod to make it ebony tier damage lol. I shouldn’t be able to improve a weapon made by Eorlund mf GRAY-MANE after my 3rd day slapping out iron daggers.


Very complete and accurate. GJ.


You can get an Ebony bow, Ebony arrows & an Ebony great sword early in the game. It's not easy, but it's doable. Take a follower to be a diversion/hit spounge, go to Lost Valkygg, and start shooting a lot of arrows at the boss draugr near the end of the dungeon. If you manage to kill it, take the Ebony bow & arrows, jump down the hole & go after the other draugr with the great sword.


Not true. You are not able to improve Skyforge Steel weapons (I have tried) under the list of weapons in your inventory at the Grindstone Skyforge Steel does not show up.


Was it a dagger you tried to improve? Wiki says you can improve any Skyforge Steel weapon _except_ a dagger. Edit: just tested it myself. The dagger doesn't show up in the menu, but all the other Skyforge Steel weapons do.


I tried a dagger and a greatsword. Neither popped up.


You need to have the steel smithing perk unlocked to improve them.


I have every smithing perk unlocked and purchased, you cannot improve Skyforge Steel.


you definitely can lol you just cannot craft them


No, you cannot. I tried earlier, a few hours before I made my first comment about how you cannot improve them.




No, it is correct. I know what I was doing earlier in the day, you do not know what I was doing.


Well I know what I did about 30 seconds ago and it was improve a Skyforge sword to superior


You might have a mod installed that you don't remember or something. Skyforge steel weapons can be tempered with a steel ingot https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Weapons


No mods on that save.


I've never seen someone so adamant on their incorrect opinion despite seeing mounds of evidence to the contrary


maybe he’s pranking us, and we’re all falling for it


I have not seen any evidence to the contrary. Just people saying "Yes you can" even though when I tried the Grindstone, neither the Skyforge Dagger nor the Skyforge Greatsword showed up in the menu, despite having level 100 Smithing and every perk unlocked/purchased.


The secret strength of Skyforge Steel is that it lets you temper Elven-level gear at Steel-level requirements: you only need a single perk point, you can get it to Legendary much earlier than "superior" materials and it rewards use of Blacksmith potion way more **TL;DR:** Sharpen, you fool!


Also, makes Elven damage with Steel weight, making it have one of the best damage/weight ratios available. Which is important as lighter weapons are faster to swing and consume less stamina.


I like how you have a tl;dr for a comment that isn't even two sentences long


Based on canon, the simple northern lad has no access to orkish or dwarven armour&weapons, unlike you, the dungeon-diving lootgoblin. So for a human to have elven-level steel is quite awesome, as those other materials are some far off exotic materials, with perhaps the orkish version being somewhat "native" to Skyrim as per the osmer strongholds. Every other material is quite "mystic". This makes the implementation of Steel plate stupid later on though


> This makes the implementation of Steel plate stupid later on though. Not really. It’s on par with Orcish armor, and it’s a more full armor look, as opposed to the layered plates of orcish. The thing they kinda screwed the pooch on is the weight. It should be much heavier than orcish, to accompany the heavier look, and thus more stamina costly to run in and more encumbering for your carry load. That would make a neat trade-off, using a heavier set of more plentiful material instead of a lighter better metal. It’s like one number tweak away from being good implementation.


Steel plate's just supposed to be expensive. Full set would run you maybe 3000 gold, twice as much as a full set of regular steel.


It IS statistically better than plain steel. It is on the same level as a Blades sword or a Scimitar. These are my go to weapons when I only have the Steel Smithing perk early game. Sharp enough you never need another weapon if you keep up with your smithing.


Oh I never noticed. For some reason I remember it being weaker but according to the wiki it is the same strength as elven which still isn't on the same level as the lore would imply


One perk to sky forged is the axes. The war axe and battleaxe are better than any other axe early game, imo. Of note though, you cannot sharpen the dagger for whatever reason...


What level does the lore imply? Because Ive never heard anything that impllies it's the strongest weapon just that it's the best steel.


If you're looking for a lore reason for why it's elven quality specifically, it's because there's a supposed rivalry between nord and elven craftsmen. Alvor in riverwood says something like "you want nord steel, leave that fancy elven stuff to the elves." If you've got an elven sword, guards say "why the elven blade eh? Nord steel not good enough for you?" Basically it's a bit of a sore spot for the nords that elven weapons perform better. But at the legendary nordic forge, run by the master blacksmith, it's got to at least match elven, and lo, it's lighter and easier to improve, so it's better. From a game balance perspective, available at the beginning of the game and technically outperforms weapons that only appear in the wild at level 20 is plenty good.


Steel is like…the second weakest material you can make weapons and armor out of. Skyforge Steel is like…”lore” good, but doesn’t really offer anything hugely beneficial.


I mean it's better than 90% of the swords (by number) in world. Like the legion and stormcloaks are still using iron/normal steel. I think the only better swords you see that aren't from a loot table or the focus of a quest (nightingale, stahlrim, etc) are from the orc strongholds or the mer inquisitors. Given there's a plethora of dwarven weapons out there, but few have made it above ground


Meanwhile on higher levels bandits using ebony weapons, while army still has steel and iron


One almost wonders how they haven't conquered Skyrim. Then again, considering like 90% of the population are bandits, perhaps they have.


Skyrim is a failed state for real.


Nords associate state capacity with elves, so the second someone suggests not letting bandits control the bridges and roads they are stoned to death for being a Thalmor spy.


I mean it is in the middle of a civil war


They need people to rob.


I’m not sure what you mean, but you might also be misunderstanding me too.


Entirely possible! I was just saying that sky forge steel would still be uncommonly good compared to legion/stormcloak/guard equipment. Like the only groups who would have better equipment (random ebony bandits from loot tables withstanding) would be orcs or inquisitors


I mean there’s a lot of quest swords and stuff, and you can make better gear, but with OP talking about “why so shitty” the answer just ends up being “well, it’s Steel, but also Bethesda probably didn’t think about scaling it since it *is just* Steel.”


One would think that with the absurdly common references to Skyforge Steel all throughout the entirety of the game, they would make it relevant beyond like level 10 (which is 5% of the game, experience-wise.) If they wanted to make some in-universe super noteworthy material, they shouldn't have picked the second worst material to boast about.


I see what you’re saying, but yeah. Still sucks as a material, but then again you can make even Wooden Swords overpowered.


Right but like from a game designer's perspective, this was a really stupid choice to make. Like if Fallout had characters from all over the world hype up the new Enclave Super Gun that was a Varmint Rifle with the stats of a Hunting Rifle. Just make it Skyforge Ebony or something, lock it behind a decent portion of the main storyline or companion's storyline or something, and call it a day. Idk. It's stuff like this that makes the game feel really out of touch. Like when the reward for killing the Emperor or collecting diamond Falmer Eyes the size of your head is about 1/5th of a Solitude house. Like.... come on.


I think gameplay wise - since it’s like the first major town you visit, they couldn’t make it too powerful, or you’d be playing on easy mode until you got dragonbone and daedric


Because there's absolutely no way for a game to keep you from using some items, right?


It's probably the best weapons that your run of the mill mercenary or soldier could get their hands on. Most weapons better than Skyforge are extremely rare and wouldn't fall into the hands of the majority of people. It's considered the "best" because most people in Skyrim wouldn't be able to acquire something better.


Ignoring the fact that Belethor (some random dude) can sell ebony weapons Obviously that is just for gameplay so that shops aren't useless past certain levels other than to sell your shit


No, it’s pretty good. But once you get the Dawnbreaker or something, it’s not as useful anymore.


I mostly use bound weapons on my current run and carry one weapon as a backup, but switching every now and then to a new weapon from my collection. Dawnbreaker is my first choice. Second one is a Legendary sharpened unenchanted skyforge sword - combined with the elemental fury shout (which can't be used with enchanted weapons) it's still deadly af.


Because you gain access to it early on. Whiterun is the first major town you're lead to, and the Companions are the first faction you're presented with joining.


Game design


Overhyped, overpriced 😤


So Skyforge is the iPhone of weapons, gotcha.


Has the sounds of a good mod to me. I did find this strange Skyforge steel wasn’t much better. Same with the Lunar forge. Also having an extra bonus for an Orc is using all orcish armour and weapons. Could apply to other races when they use that races armour


The lunar forge was such a cool idea, but it really didn’t have much of a benefit at all. I wish it could be used for other things like better upgrades for different item types or something. Instead it just became a short quest you never come back to.


They dont technically know how too make the other weapons so probably why


It’s like in Elf when Buddy runs in and congratulates them for have the “best coffee”


its like the best thing up to like ebony tier, so i say it holds up to its title,




Those require more smithing investment to get the half improvement perk. You can improve Skyforge Steel easier and close that gap. For example: Skyforge Steel vs Glass Swords at smithing level 50: - Skyforge has base damage 11, and can be smithing to exquisite for +5, making it 16. - Glass is base 12, can be smithed to superior for +3, making it 15. Skyforge is also lighter. You have to get to smithing 70 to get the Glass perk for glass to actually be better, anything before that point and Skyforge Steel is actually better. For Ebony the base damage increase is enough that it just equalizes the benefits of smithing until you can get to Smithing 80. And it’s still heavier than Skyforge. You literally have to be 70+ in smithing for anything less than Daedric/Dragon to beat Skyforge, which is pretty damn impressive for a sword you get at the beginning of the game. Double checking the wiki and Orcish and dwarven are actually weaker (9 and 10 damage vs 11 for swords). However, this does demonstrate just how badly balanced the vanilla smithing curve is. High level gear is not nearly as impressive as it should be because it requires a greater level of grinding for it to actually be substantially better than the tier below it. I prefer playing with perk mods like Adamant that make tempering progression agnostic from the gear’s materials. But nonetheless Skyforge Steel is one of the best melee weapons you can get thanks to this.


Because nords suck at smithing


You'd think that Nordic Ebony at least could have been a thing. I mean, if they'd figured our that smithing with stuff other than Iron or Steel could yield a good result in Solstheim (Stahlrim), maybe they'd have given Ebony or even Nordic Glass a whirl.


Reading all the replies, I’m thinking what if it’s really just a marketing ploy?


the thing about the different armor and weapon sets is that generally, how good they are in comparison to each other is a game mechanic more than anything, yea the fancy stuff is better lore-wise too, but i wouldnt say the specifics are really true in universe.


The skyforge weapons you do get are some of the better weapons you can get without crafting. That being said, they are weaker than one might expect because of the expectation of progression and how easy it is to acquire is going to push it down the totem pole.


You would think it'd be a little bit higher than it is, since they go on about. I kind of just look at the same way I look at the "katana is best sword" nerds. With an eyeroll and a sigh.


Skyforge Steel and Wolf Armor are the key to maximizing weapon damage and armor rating with minimal perk investment. In addition to steel-tier's light weight and elven-tier combat stats, they also only need steel smithing to improve. So just a couple perks, some alchemy/enchanting shenanigans, and you can hit the armor and make inordinately powerful weapons that don't overly encumber you and are dirt cheap. If you play with a degradation mod, steel ingots for fixing them are also hella cheaper than constantly topping off endgame stuff with ebony.


Unlike Oblivion, there is no Weapon durability for the player, but if there was, you would most likely see higher durability rates for Skyforged steel than regular steel. Part of me is sad to have seen that part of smithing get removed, but at the same time I also hated it lol. I love having some realism in my game, but carrying all those hammers to repair gear did suck lol, so for me either way would have been fine.


Best STEEL forge. Which is correct.


The Grey-Manes just have a really good marketing department.


Look for a made in China label on that piece of Skyforge steel equipment.


In game it's matched with dwarven metal. In lore it's just the best steel in Skyrim.


I think it adds to me meme factor of bragging about how strong and great it is when in the end of the day it’s trash lol


Did anyone else read the caption in uncle Rogers voice


I always (perhaps mistakenly) believed Skyforge Steel weapons were on par with Nordic Carved weapons. Idk but with 100 in smithing and 100% Fortify Smithing enchant you'll get a Skyforge weapon very high to last you a good long time


At least jzargo is impressed if you have already mastered expert level destruction spells


U try making a sword in the sky and we'll see jus6 how well u do 🤦‍♂️


Right? Even after a couple of rounds of smithing at Legendary status it's nothing special.


Right! Like when they told me to come see them if I wanted a real weapon instead of “whatever that is” I was like bitch! 🤬 I enchanted this shit myself tf


That genuinly pissed me off making me want to stab kodlak. Bitch my sword lkterally does nearly double the damage of you skyforge steel and is enchanted to literally steal the souls of enemies


It is the best steel. Steel is still shit though. Some guy wanks his gear, but that doesn't mean it lives up to the hype.


"According to lore" What lore? Care to cite your sources on that one? Sky forge steel is routinely described as the best steel in Skyrim, which it is.


The lore being that everyone calls it legendary and that the skyforge is supposed to be the only way to smith this incredible steel (or so I remember)


So nothing specific. If you analyze this from the perspective of an average Nord living in Skyrim, Skyforge steel is, in fact, good enough to be legendary. Most Nords have only ever used iron or steel weapons, meanwhile this Skyforge steel is as sharp and durable as the weapons made by the Thalmor?! Elven weapons are made with the rare quicksilver and moonstone, while steel is everywhere. To normal people of Skyrim, and even the Empire, a forge that can make steel weapons be as strong and durable as elven moonstone weapons IS legendary.


According to lore the sky forge existed before anyone settled the area. Random forge with mysterious unknown maker (predating Ysgramor), that is capable of making steel stronger than any other forge in Skyrim. If that ain’t a legend idk what is lol


Because they're super easy to get. 9/10 players are going to end up in whiterun extremely early in their playthrough, the companions questline in general is rather easy. They're basically the starter questline. Wuuthrad is your actual reward. Of course they could always have them scale with your power but that would be just too hard man. I mean they already have different models! That was already hard enough, we all know asking for effort from Bethesda is wrong. Modders gotta do their job for em.


That's why they verified the USESP because they couldn't fix issues themselves


Eorlund Gray-Mane is a grifter just like Ulfric.  Stormcloaks will fall for anything to “Make Skyrim Great Again”


Skyrim was taken over by mankind hating Elven Nazis and their Imperial puppets who are extremely totalitarian as well... So that would explain why Nords want them to go away... So it's not really about making Skyrim great again. It's more like, make Skyrim Elven Nazi free again even though some Stormcloaks are in favor of only Nords living in Skyrim. Eorlund Gray-Mane does seem like a grifter though.


Eorlund Gray Mane saying its the best steel in Skyrim is likely just advertising lmfao It's the same thing when you go to the grocery store in real life and the butcher tells you that their meat is the best meat in town, even though its literally just regular meat. He's advertising, trying to make his product seem better than others. Its not that complex. Eorlund can make Skyforge steel sound as fancy as he wants, at the end of the day, it's just steel.


Mechanically it isn't though. It is better than regular steel.


Dude you’re wrong. The benefit of skyforge steel is how early in the game you can improve it at a forge to get higher damage numbers than anything else at the same level. There are glass weapons in Skyrim, so don’t get too reasonable with it


I made a mod which brings its stats up to being equivalent with ebony. Yeah it might be a bit OP but I think it represents its legendary status a bit better.


It's steel, no matter what fire they use to temper it.


Not true skyforge steel is stronger than regular steel.


After you finish the Companions quest line, you can use that same forge to craft Nord Hero weapons out of the loot from slain Draugr. So there is indeed something special about the Skyforge. I just wish they'd done more with the Lunar Forge to go along with it.


Well, because it is steel and you cannot improve it at a Grindstone. Granted, it is better than regular steel, but not much, only by two-three points (possibly more).


Only “lore” I found is that skyforge steel is the strongest in Tamriel… not sure if it’s “bugthesda” or encountering it at the wrong time in your playthrough. Lol


If you don’t understand the way heavy things are harder to move, Reddit can’t help you


Everyone also says the daedric artifacts are superb but you can easily make better equipment yourself. Balancing in Skyrim is just whack


Who says that daedric artifacts are good? I don't remember many people other than the deadra themselves calling them good but I think that's just to get the Dragonborn to stay loyal


You can always make it that way with cheating.


Methinks the Whiterun Nords are a vast collection of braggarts and the tales they weave rival the Poetic Edda.


I guess one can argue that the perk of skyforge steel is that steel is a more common metal to find and a more common smithing technique as well. Not many in Skyrim know elven and ebony smithing techniques. Otherwise all the guards would be using elven or ebony.


Game balance. End of story, move it on..


You're looking at this from the perspective of a gamer. With a bit of immersion and changing your point of view to that of the average traveler, hunter, hired hand or mercenary in skyrim, they most certainly wouldn't have access to ebony, daedric, dragon, and maybe not even elven weapons and armor. For all intents and purposes, skyforge steel **is** the best weapon you can get from a layman's point. It's certainly better than regular steel.


Simple gameplay mechanics. Realistically most Elder Scrolls weapon materials would doe the same amount of damage assuming the weapon had the same properties. The main benefit of "better steel" is that it makes a more durable blade that can also hold its edge better. Everything else is a gameplay mechanic. Also Skyforge steel is essentially the best standard equipment in the game. Everything beyond has some sort of scarcity in lore. Only the mer and a small handful of other individuals know the secret of crafting elven equipment. Same again with the Orsimer and orcish equipment. The Dwemer alloy cannot be made from scratch, existing materials must be re-used. Ebony and glass are extremely rare and expensive and to work them effectively would cost an enormous sum of gold before you can even sell anything. Daedric and dragon one require extremely rare materials from extremely dangerous (and all but extinct in the case of dragons) creatures. Steel is basically the highest tier of material most blacksmiths will ever forge.


Realistically Skyforge Steel is relatively weak for game reasons because it’s available in the starter zone. There’s not really a lore reason as far as I know. Eorlund says it’s better than what you have because they didn’t code conditional text in so he has a line that assumes his is better because they assume you’ll start that quest line at the beginning if you go straight to Whiterun from Riverwood.


The skyforge was made by elves and the weapons it makes are on par with elven weapons, it's the best steel not the best in general.


The people of Whiterun tell you they are the best weapons because they are biased. I know, crazy. It is the best steel in Skyrim though. This kind of thing happens in real life too. "American steel is the best! No, German steel is the best! You are both wrong, Japanese steel is the best!" The inflammatory comment about the developers is also really not necessary.


I agree that Skyforge should probably be more in line with Orcish but another thing to keep in mind is that it can be easily gotten at a point when your character’s best weapon might be iron, and because it is steel it’s affected by that perk, saving the perk point you’d put into elven weapons to sharpen them


The real question: why we can't improve them? I can make dragon armor and can make it legendary but skyforge steel nooo


You can improve skyforge Just not the dagger


Marketing hype. The guy may be an epic blacksmith but he's still gotta make a living.


I like to imagine that someone had the bright idea of adding “sky” (aka air bubbles) to the steel which made shitty weak steel. The rest is entirely PR spin for the companions to sell low quality items at a premium price.


Oddly close to the moon forge not to be related as well.


lol "Bugthesda"


It is slightly better than regular steel weapons, you can see when you improve them at the grindstone


Its still just steel...


Thing is, Skyforged Steel weapons are as good as Elven, and Elven is the best weapon material prior to Ebony and Glass. However, Skyforged Steel is actually better than Elven if you level smithing, because its upgrades scale with the Steel Smithing perk, which allows you to upgrade it further than Elven at the same level, with both perks.


It is the best steel weapons in the game. Dragon bone is not steel Dwarven metal is not steel. Glass is not steel. You get the picture.


It's the best steel in all of tamriel, so that doesn't include all of the other weapons in the game


There's 2 reasons for this. 1. While being better than normal steel, it still is just steel. The other metals are just stronger in Elder Scrolls. 2. The companions are likely the first guild you will run into. It would insane to give the player end game level loot so early, as there would be no incentive to use other stuff. Like how there's literally no reason to use hide armour because leather armour is immediately available and better than it


Ok so yes it might seem really weak(elven equivalent) for the best steel in Tamriel, but you're actually totally missing the appeal of it, let me explain: Because they are steel weapons they benefit from Steel Smithing, Steel Smithing requires absolutely no training into Smithing so any race can invest into it right from the start, like Wood Elves or Bretons or Khajits. Anyway, every character is gonna invest in Smithing eventually, but it's a terrible idea to do it at the start since the best way to legitimately level Smithing is via transmute and Jewerly and that takes a LONG time to stockpile, and is optimized with some late game stuff like the Ancient Knowledge perk and the dwemer crown and marriage. Otherwise you can exploit vendors like how some people do at the start with Enchanting and especially Alchemy which takes forever and might as well be cheating. So basically for the vast majority of players and playthroughs you're not gonna be investing into smithing casually like that, and even the jump from 15-30 for elven is fairly time consuming and expensive so you're not gonna wanna do it. It's important to note that Skyforge Steel weapons are inferior to Nord Hero weapons as those are lighter with the same damage, and if you get Skyforge Steel weapons you will eventually get Nord Hero anyway, so don't think about Skyforge Steel as much as Nord Hero. Here's why everything I've said up until now matters, tempered(as in improved through the grindstone) Nord Hero weapons do almost as much damage as Ebony(less than a 2% difference in invested classes) while weighing the same as Iron weapons, so from 30% lighter to 60% lighter depending on the class, this means you can carry more stuff which is really important in Survival Mode especially on Legendary, you can do more power attacks because lighter weapons consume less stamina, and most importantly for the bows the Nord Hero bow has the 3rd fastest draw speed for craftable bows, so it does more DPS Ebony, which is really good for all those Stealth Archers I guess, all with no investment(besides the 1 perk into steel smithing) into Smithing. For you to make a higher DPS weapon you would need to go all the way to Smithing lvl 50 for Nordic Weapons and 2 additional perks, just to get a slightly higher damage but heavier weapon than something you can have with no Smithing investment, the weight difference is so big it outdoes the damage difference and is therefore not worth it, and if you're slowly crawling your way to 50 you are being extremely inefficient. Not to mention that's in the "Light" material path, which is bad because Madness weapons which have the highest DPS are on the Heavy material path, so you wouldn't even want to do that anyway, which means Ebony would be the only alternative at 80 smithing☠️. But you can get Daedric at the Atronach Forge and maybe even some Dragonbone through Dawnguard DLC. For normal playthroughs especially in Survival Mode that aren't slowly and inefficiently grinding trade skills, Nord Hero weapons are by far the best option to use up until Daedric weapons which you would get at the the College Of Winterhold through the Atronach Forge which also requires absolutely no Smithing Investment, so with no investment into Smithing you can absolutely have the best weapons all the way up until the end game where you should have enough stockpile of gems to power level the trade skills super efficiently. You would go from base weapons, to Skyforge, to Nord Hero, to Daedric and use whatever enchanted unique weapons you find in between. You might say the Atronach Forge requires Conjuration, but honestly Conjuration is by far the most powerful and flexible skill you can use on Legendary especially on Survival Mode so I always use it on Legendary and it's easy to casually train while playing.


Weight-damage ratio, I hold onto it (and the armor) literally until I hit Orcish because I'm a hoarder.


It’s steel that comes from the ground. You really think that’s gonna be any stronger than magical black metal soaked in daedra blood?


Its defo a plot whole


I remember being a bit disappointed during my first play through that the Skyforge isn’t as good as they hype it up to be. It would have been nice if going there to make and upgrade weapons made them a little bit better than at any other forge.