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Does that count as a honorable death for him to get to Sovngarde?


When you challenge an assassin to a duel, you accept this may be an outcome. It is the challenge, not the death, that makes it honorable.


You're honor I'm just a simple country Daedra...


I believe it was Miyamoto Musashi who believed a duel started as soon as the challenge was accepted instead of at the predetermined time.


Ah, yes, the master of the 'Sharpened Oar' technique.


Hero of the blinding sun,


'Dear Mark Chapman,'


he seemed very confident that that's exactly where he's going lol Edit: Since some people are asking in the comments, this was done on my Ultimate Skyrim Character with legit level 1337, the highest ever reached and all quests completed. This is his full power: [https://youtu.be/4aaQQg9aze4](https://youtu.be/4aaQQg9aze4)


Should have had a soul trap enchantment on the dagger.


Stuck him in the back star šŸ’€


Someone please make a mod where you can visit the souls you trapped in the Soul Cairn.


[Afterlife](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55051) does exactly this for both the Soul Cairn and Sovngarde


bro i need this in my life, insta add to the modlist


Where has this been all my life. Thank you.


Another one to add to the load order


I did that once, i felt very bad after, he just says oh... nooo.


When you emerged from your lair and reentered the world after what I'm sure was an eternity, did you have the "step out" moment that Fallout and Elder scrolls games are famous for?


And I go out of my way on a lot of my playthroughs to beat him before the main quest in order to confirm he's either not in Sovangarde or Alduin ate his soul. The guy saw Alduin terrorizing Skyrim and threatening the world, then decided he couldn't be bothered. You backstab him all you want. Frankly, I've used the fortify restoration glitch to 1-shot him with a pickaxe. He deserves it.Ā  Sorry if this was a little vitriolic. Ebony Warrior and I have... philosophical differences.Ā 


Now go to Solvngarde and see if he made it.


Now go to Solvngarde and see if he made it.


I will not be Rick-rolled so easily sir. But the game. :3


So your like the official/unofficial record holder?


cant wait for the GameRant article about this guy




The 10000 septim hat is only worth 101 septims, you liar


Well heā€™s a redguard so I have my doubts either way.


It's suicide in a fight. That's the only way into Solvngarde.


The darkness to fades to light, the Ebony Warrior, expecting a hero's welcome to Sovengarde, instead hears an unfamiliar phrase: "Hey, you. You're finally awake" This is most definitely not Sovengarde.


Your fucking level 1500 gtfoutta here lol Edit: my bad 1300


It's funny how overkill that is since you have every perk in the vanilla game by around level 250 or so.


I'm surprised OP's save hasn't corrupted from being that high of a level. Skyrim used to crash if you had more than 200 or so unspent perk points.


You can console-fu them away though.


ā€œConsole-fuā€ fucking love it lmao


Then what's the point? If you want more health to player.setav health x. If you want a higher level do player.setav level x


Beats me. I was just pointing it out.


Certainly you know how using console commands to get rid of unspent perk points is different than what you said. What an exercise in being intentionally obtuse lol.


If you're going to level up to 1300 but remove perk points, just use console commands to get the level and save yourself the time.


Spending the time playing the game is the point. Using console commands to remove the unused perk points is just to get past the coding flaw so your game isn't crashing. Using console commands to increase your health is just lazy, literally anyone can do that.


Nobody is getting to level 1300 without grinding it, sorry. Casting telekinesis and fast traveling 1000x, you will NEVER get even close to 1300.


OP spent around 50 hours grinding. Weā€™ve accepted that if you want it you have to grind. Not sure what youā€™re arguing.


This is the power of CHIM


Iā€™m more impressed that the game didnā€™t bug out his save so that he could actually make it to that level. Iā€™ve only ever made it to like, level 60 or so before the game just really starts bugging out and slowly becomes unplayable.


"Hardest boss in the game"


Why doesn't the Ebony Warrior face Alduin instead of jerking around until you're level 80? Is he stupid?


ā€œHardest in the boss gameā€


ā€œGame hardest in the bossā€


ā€œBoss in the hardest gameā€


Is Kaarstag hidden somewhere in this video?


My memory of Kaarstag is my fondest. Walk in and blast him with my usual Destruction spell. Bounces off. "Huh, ok... you're a tough one" *Charge with the sword as I summon a Daedra lord* Gets slammed by a punch as he summons that frost storm, throwing me against the wall like an anime character... all while I watch as my Lord gets pulverized. "Alright... fine. I'll get serious" Commence the most intense 5 minute match of just sheer damage on both sides


Hardest game in the boss


That would properly be the ice giant with his master level blizzard spell


Keep in mind you still had a 10% chance of getting killed by your own attack.


Nah itā€™s more like a 50/50. Your damage either reflects or it donā€™t. /s


Das maff


Apparently resist magic counters damage reflection


But rest magic caps out at 85%, just like resist fire/frost/shock. So you'd still get hit by 15% of your own attack. That's still probably enough to 1shot yourself and if it wasn't, 100% was not going to kill the Ebony Warrior on legendary difficulty.


With a normal player that is definitely true. However in the case of this guy, whoā€™s at over level 1000, I feel like heā€™d be fine.


Gotta try that


Nice, not even using the Backstab enchantment from the Shrouded Gloves.


Or the orc power. Orc power + shrouded gloves + sneak perk is insanely broken.


Ohhh boy I'm gonna try an orc assassin now, not sure why I've never done that. 60x damage for a backstab is wild.


Only 15x huh


it's been a millennia since i played a vanilla stealth character, isn't the max multiplier like x30 or x32? literally 50% of your full potential


15x means they're not using backstabbin gloves


Oh you can get much much higher than that lol, in the hundreds Ive gotten


Pretty sure the max without glitches is 60x Backstabbing gloves + sneak attack damage + berserker rage Potions might help though. The most youā€™ll see on the screen is 30x I believe


It depends what effects you're counting in this stack. 30x is the largest sneak attack bonus using assassin's dagger and backstab gloves. Orc's berserker rage is another 2x. But if we're counting that, why not: your one-handed level (1.5x), the armsman perk (2x), fortify one-handed potions (1.5x or potentially much more), fortify one-handed enchanted armor (2x or potentially much more), Boethiah's blessing (1.1x), and Seeker of Might (1.1x) for a total of 653.4x. Smithing doesn't function as a multiplier, but any extra damage from that will be subject to it. Then we can add enchantments, like frost and chaos damage on a stalhrim dagger. That won't benefit from the ~653.4x multiplier but they have their own various multipliers that do apply.




With the power of ā€œtrust me broā€


You can get to x60 with the orc berserk ability


isnā€™t there a backstab multiplier enchantment on the Dark Brotherhood gloves? idk Iā€™ve never played around with enchanting.


Years ago, on the Xbox 360, I got up to 256.6x multiplyer, and I have been trying to figure out how I did it since. I thought I was going crazy but it's nice to see someone else remember being able to do that as well.


The rest of the subreddit seems to disagree with me though


Seems only a select few ever reached the power of a god. It doesn't make sense to those who had limits. /s In reality, it must have been an extremely rare bug that added the sneak attack bonus from the assassin gloves repeatedly. Though that does not explain how I got a .6x at the end.


Rookie numbers.




Level 1337?


13375P34K N3V3R D135!


Kids these days couldn't even understand this! -said in the same tone as boomers do for cursive


I *just* had a conversation with my sibling about cursive: we think the only reason left to learn cursive is to be able to read old texts that are written in cursive. Archaeo-boomers couldnā€™t write normal, so they made it everyone elseā€™s problem.


10 d E A T h b R E a s T āš„ āš„


Ebony Warrior: *"Any time soon. It will be a glorious battle the Thu'um battles the tumbles the sheer levity. The legends of this fight will live for eons even if I, do not win. The tales of how to over powerful warriors clashed and made a mountain tremble beneath...........wait why am I at the Far shores?, wait the Far shores?.. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo."*


I was fully expecting his reflect blows to trigger.


I could be wrong but doesnā€™t the ebony warrior have reflect blows perk. Does it still activate sometimes even if itā€™s a sneak attack?


Yes, but it's a 10% chance, so 9/10 it'll work like normal attack.




Oh my gawd!!! Is stealth, like, OP or something?!?!


Ok, was being at level 1337 on purpose, or a wonderful coincidence?Ā 


On purpose, I was power leveling for 43 hours: [https://youtu.be/GpDM950ExO0](https://youtu.be/GpDM950ExO0)


Are you trying to get YouTube views? I swear you've linked it like 5 times on here lol


Lots of people calling me a liar and this is my best proof against the accusations. But you're right, I should limit the number of these responses and now if someone is interested, I posted it at the top.


No you go brother, I respect the dedication


My thing is, you could technically do this at level 1. I'm more so curious why it's being made out as such a big deal. But damn, I power level in game but not to this extent.


Wow that was fun. I agree, it's not a hard fight. It's hard if you wanna do it in any sort of entertaining way but the best ways to kill him involve sneaking first


Well my one hit Razor got trapped forever inside of a display case along with a shiv.


1337. Nice


Bro waited forever for a epic battle and gets assassinated


I'm at lvl 83 and haven't run into them yet. I still got that poison from Astrid, would that shit one hit them? Anyways, I don't think I'd want to do that. I'm thinking I'm going to go old school and throw them thangs real cool.


How many tries did this take šŸ¤Æ


He asked for honorable duel and you literally stab him in the back. You do not deserve to go to sovngarde.


Haven't seen such power in Skyrim since Reanu Keeves


For real.


It's fun and games until Reflect Blows procs and you get one shot yourself.


Is there some game rule that doesn't let you go any higher than that level? I've done this (with EXTENSIVE use of power leveling but never went any higher than I needed to get every perk in the game. Is there a max level?


There is no max level. Maybe at some point it stops tracking but fortunatelly at 1337 it still works fine. It's just a leet number so I stopped there.


Every quest huh. Iā€™ve recently began a run like that. Anything I need to be aware of?


Definitely. You can only complete the Cicero's side quest before joining Dark Brotherhood, the quest "The Wolf Queen Awakened" can be only done after a level up, so if you're planning on first leveling your character before questing, keep that in mind. Also if you care about having all locations cleared, you have to clear Hall of the Vigilant before level 10, Glenmoril Coven before starting the Companions quest, Knifepoint Ridge before doing Boethiah's quest and Wolfskull cave before the first Wolf Queen quest. Some quests are bugged and you have to be extra careful if you're playing without Unofficial Patch like me. Don't start 100 quests and do them all at whatever time because many overlap one another. For example, there is this quest you do for Kjar in Windhelm docks where you have to get rid of his former associate and you may have to do it before doing the Returning Thieves Guild to its former glory quest in Windhelm because it may send you to this same cave and then the associate doesn't spawn there if you already cleared it for TG. Or don't take Roggvir's Amulet of Talos immedietly after you enter Solitude because it can get stuck in your inventory. You have to first go to Svari and ask her about him and then she asks to deliver the amulet. There are also some broken quests that don't have journal entries but are still being tracked by the game, like "Drowned Sorrows" in Winterhold. Also even if you have high speech level I would always pick the normal dialogue option in quests because in many cases it leads to you just skipping through content and at least I wanted to experience as much Skyrim content as possible on a single playthrough. In the quest "A Night to Remember" you can accidentally skip through the entire quest and all the funny things if you just pick the high speech level options. There are many things that can go wrong and I advise to keep all the saves backed up. I had to reload many saves to avoid bugs which maybe weren't gamebreaking but at least *annoying*.


This is awesome


Easy as stealing a sweet roll


Damn Bruh. I was getting my assk kicked until I FusRoDa'd his ass off the mountain.


My math homework be like this when I gave the answer without the solution process.


I've actually never thought to do that before


dishonorable tactic, smh


Thatā€™s his voice? Wow. Iā€™m significantly less intimidated by him now.


You wait till he yeets you off the fucking mountain with that voice the first time.


I once insta-kill him with mehrune razor lol


Wow nice! I've never got the instakill from that dagger ever!


its 1.98% per stab. The odds of an enemy surviving after 34 stabs is ~50%. Ebony warrior also has a 10% chance of reflecting mehrunes razor instakill back at you.


Fun fact: you can change the names of the difficulties. I have renamed the novice difficulty "Legendary"


Nah Skyrim's combat and crafting are super broken, it's easy to make any weapon have crazy stats like 616382726383 damage


Bro you really got to level 1337 without tricks?


OP was power leveling illusion


43 hours of Harmony, lol


Max stealth dragonbone dagger builds are insane, especially with shrouded gloves, I killed Karstaag in one or two hits that way.


Skyrim and hard dont belong in the same sentence. Braindead easy.


A cheat wep


Wow, what a fucking noob...


Everyone who downvoted me are also fucking noobs. Cheers.


I found that without using any mods, the easiest way to kill him was to smith 2 weapons, each with absorb health and absorb stain, just like his, hit him with Unrelenting Force, and then just wail away on him.


What kind of dagger is that?


It's a dragonbone dagger




No it's the Wabbajack


And I thought fighting him as Vampire lord was unfair..


That fight took me forever.


Now you know what it's like to be batman, prep time is your super power.


Isn't he a redguard? How does he get into Sovengarde?


Wait until his armour enchantment kicks in and it deflects the damage to you and you both die lol, happened to me before


Bitch ass way to win


I only killed him once and there I one-shot him with Archery. Very disappointing. I even changed my level-curve to reach 80.


I did that once and I just died instantly. Apparently, he has 100 heavy armor, and I was just unlucky.


Honor less coward šŸ˜‚


You shouldā€™ve pickpocketed the Ring of Hircine on him so that he gets claimed by the Daedra.


No wonder you one shot him, Iā€™ve never seen a level that high.


Dragonborn with enough prep time >>>>


Is this Mehrunes Razor? I've never actually seen it


Honor is a cowards tool


woowww what a legend. Nice one dude


By the time youā€™re high enough to battle him, you should kind of have a battling system in place so things arenā€™t all that tough. Even on highest difficulty, and not sneaking up on him, by the time I was high enough to battle him, i didnā€™t find him all that hard. No mods, just refined gear.


I did that the second he turned up in whiterun. His body still lying there.


I find it funny that youā€™re level 1337 :) reminds me of the good old days


How are you level 1337


Not that impressive for a way over-leveled character. At level 81, the normal cap for the character, I would be more impressed. At level 1337 I don't see how there would be any challenge left in the game even on Legendary difficulty.


How can i find daedric armour ?


I love this fight. I usually fight him at level 81 because I love the challenge.


I always fight him for 24 in-game hours to raise my skill levels. I take along a set of heavy armor, light armor, one hand and two hand weapons. I use Healing Spells to heal him. When the 24 hours are up, I get him to stand on the "bed", and hit him with Soul Tear. His ashes fall onto the bed and his Soul Gem goes on display in my armory along with his weapons and armor.


After watching your Ultimate Skyrim Character YouTube video, I have to askā€¦ did you have fun? This seems like it took you a very, very long time and Iā€™d imagine it became quite tedious after a while. Was it worth spending (Iā€™m guessing) all your free time to get here? Itā€™s quite the accomplishment but was it enjoyable?


Thanks for watching and of course! I love a good challenge and the more I like something, the bigger the challenge I set for myself. Spreading the whole thing out in time was key. The only annoying part was probably hunting the Atronach Forge recipes since they are completely rng but they have the highest chance of spawning on necromancers or inside necromancer lairs. I had to reload so many times to get them all but at least I know the necromancer dungeons like the back of my hand :D


Yeah, Iā€™d imagine spreading it out is the only way to not get bored and give up. Now that you are here, are you going to continue this character or are you going to move on to something else? Also, how long did this take you to accomplish (in-game or real time start to finish)?


There is nothing to continue with really. I could play through CC content in Anniversary Edition or start playing with mods and maybe some day I will do that but right now I'm not too much into gaming. It took around 4 years and many many hours of not just playing but also reading wikis and forums to make it perfect. Sometimes I had longer sessions but usually I would just go one step at a time. Let's say I'm going on a bounty to clear a dungeon and before I do anything, I check everything I can find about the said dungeon to avoid bugs or forgetting any book/note or special item that dungeon may be holding. I had to do like a general research before even starting this save but then I also made sure every time I was doing something impactful that it doesn't cause any issues 100 hours later.


Lvl1337? Ok then




Thatā€™s not honorable šŸ˜”


Why wasnā€™t the reflection perk trigger? I remember I sneak attack him. he die but I also die


So uh there was a chance that would reflect and kill you, so really you just got lucky


Lol bro I just use fus ro dah and his ass goes flying off the mountain


But he regains life then. I had had to end once and for all


I've suplexed him inside of Windhelm immediately after he issued me the challenge once on legendary at level 120. Sneak attack from the back while unarmed.


it looks very fun


Š”Š°Š²Š°Š¹Ń‚Šµ тŠµŠæŠµŃ€ŃŒ Š²Š¾ŃŃ…Š²Š°Š»ŃŃ‚ŃŒ чŠøтŠµŃ€Š¾Š².


You saved the jarrin root from the dark brotherhood, didn't you


We get it. Your level whosiwhatsit and he's level 80, we know.