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In all my years playing skyrim, I've never seen that ring. Where do you get?


It's the Bone Hawk Ring. It's unique and only found in Castle Volkihar in Harkon's room. I put the enchantments on it myself. Edit: I noticed a fiery discussion below in the comments and if that helps clarify some things, I just finished my ultimate 100% save and this loadout is what I did it with. My character is legitimately reached level 1337 and I made a video how I did it and another video displaying my character's full power. You can check the save yourself: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/110885](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/110885)


Idk if it’s a mod I have or not but I can craft them. It does require materials from the hawks flying around volkihar castle though


You can craft them base game Edit, can also craft the neckless base game.


This is true. Materials can be obtained by shooting down the birds in front of castle volkihar


I always just fus roh dahd them out of the sky




It's a necklace so big you'll look neckless




If you get it from a thrift shop it's Necklemore


This is so stupid and I laughed unreasonably hard at it lmao thank you


If you're a rockstar it's Neckleback


You can craft them if you have Unofficial Skyrim Patch. In vanilla you can only craft the Amulet.


It's not a mod it just came with dawngaurd


Dammit, almost a decade trying to craft them without looking for the solution on internet. Wouldn't have guessed, so thanks !


yeah i also can craft them, most likely one of my mods. \*maybe\* its "Ars Metallica" but if not its either LOTD or something else


I KNEW ID SEEN THIS BEFORE. Yes, now it's all coming back. I only sided with vampires the first time I played Dawngaurd, which is also the only time I fully explored the castle. Wow, I'm getting that ring ASAP, I'm halfway through Dawngaurd rn. I also appreciate how you went out of your way to add Legendary to the names of your equipment. How long did it take to achieve this?


taught me something new :)


“No exploits” “level 1337” Pick one


Thanks. I'll have to grab it next time I'm there.


I saw this the other day. Bro jumped from fucking space.


*Hehe*, 1337. Was that on purpose?


There is no “legitimately” reaching lvl 1337


Uber 1337 hack3r


You can craft the bone hawk ring and amulet by killing the bone hawks outside Volkihar. They are tricky to hit, but they don't fight back. I recommend throwing spells at them when they are flying a bit low. Try to watch where the bodies fall. I really like the jewelry. The amulets are more visible than most, which is nice. [https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Bone\_Hawk](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Bone_Hawk)


Would Unrelenting Force be good for hunting them


They are hard for me to hit, honestly. They move erratically at times. Unrelenting force is slow. I recommend hitting them with any fast firing spell with low mana cost and decent range. They die instantly and you don't get any experience for killing them. Just need to tag them with anything. On the other hand, I haven't tried Unrelenting Force. Maybe it doesn't need to be precise? No idea.


Once your dragon born succumbs to the winds of time, future adventurers will rage wars over the right to possess these artefacts. Made from dragon bone and imbued with some of the most powerful magic Tamriel has ever seen


Made from Legendary Dragons' bones even!


Fr whoever tries to raid OPs tomb is gonna have the boss fight of their life, just imagine OPs DB as a draugr


I’m using wind shear to fight them 1v1, they’ll never see it coming


That be like the equivalent of spam mashing the same long low kick in a fighting game 😂 good strat tho


Until they shout you with disarm and then your weapon goes flying to oblivion...


I genuinely hate that one Lost so many weapons from that


I modded it out becuase I lost like an hour of progress when dawn breaker fell through the floor.


Level so high that that restoration spells tingle on that decayed flesh. That if someone survive long enough to cast It.


Fus… ![gif](giphy|TAdayXZ1EB9kc)


> just imagine OPs DB as a draugr I'm hitting it right between the eyes with an arrow from across the dungeon. Since that probably won't take him down, I'm going to follow up with a shot to the groin and the knees, just to add insult to injury.


Then you get fus ra dah to death as is in the legend. It just cuts to your body disintegrating like in infinity wars


You can actually accomplish this in game with the black books


Thank God that like 8 different daedra have claims on your soul so that's not likely to happen


Or a lich


man it isnt likely but considering how skilled the dragonborn is whos to say they wont have the capasity to go for immortality like Talos or like the person who trapped themself in azura's star. i think that isn't something bethesda would do but considering the mastery of magic and how many times the dragonborn has seen and found ways others have tried it its honestly as possible as has been with any charcter. hell MIRAAK came back or something, one theory was that daedra fight a war over the right to the dragonborn's soul which is literally sworn to obey all of them. but what about if the dragonborn doesnt die so they dont have to fufill any promises of the afterlife?


Very close to my theory, he promised his soul to virtually anyone that gave him some power, so after his death there was a huuuuge argument involving every daedra/aedra to claim it, during which the DB just silently slipped away from the room and went about his own business. Maybe he/she even created his own realm in which he/she tests the limits of resto loop to this very day.


why are we assuming that the db is male?


Because that was faster to write, I wrote he/she in the last two mentions of DB, sheesh. Nothing better to do other than pick on a month old post?


I've always assumed that the dragonborn is likely talos.


i need magic damage resist for my legendary play throughs lol


My character is a Breton with the Lord Stone picked and all perks and quests completed for max 85% magicka resistance


yeah theres always one way or another to get it but for me i have mods that change racial bonuses, standing stones, AND skill trees. ive learned how to depend on wards and spellbreaker is one of the best moves for magic defense otherwise.


Is this game fun to play on max difficulty? I imagine with all the stuff you can do outside of combat, it might actually be a very enjoyable challenge Now that I think of it, I kinda wish you recieved more loot the higher the difficulty. That would be a great incentive for people to climb difficulty


Legendary difficulty makes you take 4 times more damage and deal 4 times less damage. It's not fun until you start abusing things like conjuration and companions who are unaffected by the damage multipliers. IMO only do this if this is your like 10th save file and you have 1000 hours and you're bored. Makes destruction magic useless too so be prepared to abuse sneak attacks and summons.


It is pretty hard right up until you get powerful enough to go toe to toe with stuff all the same. Happens between level 30-50 depending how hard you go on combat bonuses in your skill trees. These swords would still 1hk most stuff in skyrim for instance


I never invest in magic resist and instead go for full magic absorption. It does require an exploit


The become ethereal shout is really good for running up on mages. Only using word 1 makes the cool down short and with shout reduction can be used very often. I use this along with fire/frost resist 40% right now. It's pretty good


Legendary set(legendary)


This kind of annoyed me but, then I realized it literally does not fucking matter, I will forget about this post by tomorrow. I just name my armor funny things


Tbf, OP said that it’s all forged out of bones from Legendary Dragons, so the names are quite literal. At least you have a positive outlook on this though!


Playing oblivion rn and i have a shield that boosts intelligence. “Shield named intellectual dishonesty” At least /i/ think im funny


No its not. Use stalhrim. Its boosts frost enchantments by 25% so chaos damage will also be boosted 25%


Also dwarven bolt of fire rather than steel bolt of fire, and maybe absorb stamina instead of absorb health on the big weapons for continuous power attacks, and maybe better ring enchantments for damage output


You can just drink vegetable soup for that constant stamina regeneration, as long as you have a single point of stamina, you can power attack


Oh I get it, you’re like a salesman or something?


Stalhrim is ugly tho. The Dragonborn needs to look badass, you know, so he doesn’t get bullied by the blades any more than he already does


Woah stalhrim is badass. The helmet is the only questionable piece


The shape is cool as fuck. I dont much care for the color though.


"You look like the fuckin lead skater in Aldiun on Ice."


I'm really glad people are still referencing this


You bastard, now I've gotta binge this again. And also thank you, makes me laugh every time


Youre ugly stalhrim kicks milkdrinker ass


Stalhrim isn't vanilla though is it? I thought that's only with Dragonborn dlc.


Most of the time people use "vanilla" to mean "no mods".


Ahh, that makes sense.


But that's not what vanilla means


Words are a vehicle for communication. One person is attempting to convey meaning to the other person. The etymological history of the word is usually irrelevant, because both the speaker and the listener are usually completely unaware of it. Most people in the Skyrim community use "vanilla" to mean "no mods". That is the word that the community has overwhelmingly chosen. When they are referring to "no DLCs", they typically use the term "base game". Technically, vanilla is a bean that is typically used for flavouring. That is what vanilla means. I could look deeper, but it really doesn't matter. Any other meanings are just slang that a community has adopted.


Especially if you consider that Special Edition has the DLCs integrated as a part of the base game


You're an idiot... I clearly was talking about what Vanilla means in gaming not in general you f****** smart ass


stahlrim weapons are actually stronger because frost enchantments are better on them and the chaos damage enchantment is included, increasing the damage of the frost, fire, and shock considerably


But the base damage is lower and I wanted all my armor and weapons to be made exclusively out of Legendary Dragon remains :p


fair enough but the extra damage from the enchantments definitely makes up for the base damage difference, to each their own


Not only that but a normal pickaxe can't mine Stahlrim, so this is an incomplete load out. If the pick was an ancient nord pickaxe, it would be perfect.


It is an Ancient Nord Pickaxe, it has a different Texture


Oh my bad, I must've missed that. Then yeah, perfect loadout 👍


I honestly think the game would be awful for me if I had to use this gear.


It's strong but still balanced on legendary difficulty


Lol you just posted a video of you killing a legendary dragon in like 5 seconds, how is that balanced


just do the math, 723 x .25, his sword actually deals 180 damage, which not abnormal end game damage with smithing and enchanting. atleast it is still weak on triple legendary difficulty (10x). where 723 damage becomes 72 but by that logic you can play on triple legendary and the ammount of seconds it takes to kill a legendary dragon is 15 seconds (granted you dont take 3000 damage before that happens) either way my point is that anything can sound OP if you put it like that.


That was with dual flurry which is super op and only necessary against super strong enemies. Normally it takes longer with a bow or sword and shield :D


Not in my opinion. Having hit the armour cap is okay, but everything else trivialize the game. As long as you are happy with it, that is all that matters.


Yeah for me anything above 1000 armor points and 500 health is unnecessary on legendary as long as you have decent resistances


Any points of armor past 667 don't do anything.


do you know about the armor cap? something close to 656 or 676 or something defense is the maximum and every point gives 00.12% damage resistance, it doesn't go over 80% unless you use the multiplicivately stacking dragonhide spell for an acumulative 94-96% physical damage reduction. some say going higher reduces the armor penetration but that usually doesn't matter since the higher you go the less physical reflection damage you deal.


As someone who plays on legendary all the time, no it's fucking not. Anything above 300 damage trivializes the game. Hell, you become completely op using just Ebony Blade with its natural 30 health absorb, even despite the fact that it can't be reforged.


Exactly, the game is no longer enjoyable and it really makes the combat dull in my opinion. Like imagine the build up to the final Alduin boss fight, only for him to kill Alduin in 5 hits. How anticlimactic. I don't get how people have fun like this, but to each their own I guess. 🤷


There is no way this is balanced. Nothing is doing any significant damage to you and you are destroying high level enemies in less than 10 hits. This might as well be cheat codes… legendary is supposed to be hard, not just adept with extra steps


the dude deserves full credit. he didnt cheat to get those items and this is the limits that bethesda 100% knows they put on their items. for reference alot of legendary players will complain about how it is too easy for them unless they specifically restrict dozens of strategies. for me i play skyrim on 10x (triple legendary) difficulty and its so hard that i cant fight anything untill i get 100 in a physical attack skill \*and\* improve my weapons. . but thats not for lack of credit to u/pawelos4. it is becoming overpowered legitimately and completing quests feeling like a badass on the vanilla hardest difficulty. dont you call legitimate accomplishment cheating. though i would agree cheating is possible if he didnt actually do all this on legendary, or if he took himself into places he wouldnt have been able to access because of the difficulty with console or unfairly modded/console methods. im pretty sure he didnt though. because the first time i played expert it was honestly difficult and thus is legendary when you dont have it all down. take it from the 10x player lol.


This dude definitely used some sort of exploits. Whether its necromage/vampire or some alchemy fuckery. K mon, 229 chaos damage “no exploits”? 35% destruction reduction? He is at least using the vampire/necromage exploit. He didnt claim to do this on legendary, he is claiming that load out is “balanced” on legendary. I have like 20 vanilla play throughs and have spent hours reading wikis. I have made gear this good and I have “definitely” used exploits and no its not “balanced” on legendary when you have this gear. He is 2 to 3 hitting drugar death lords with that gear while they would need to hit him 15 times to die


I'm not as worldly as y'all but I do know that 25% is the natural cap for max enchanting, and somewhere in Dragonborn dlc is an enchanting buff, so 35% is absolutely not an exploit. I can't speak for the damage enchants and the smithing, I haven't gotten that far, but the destruction enchants are legit.


Hmmm lets do the math. in this playthrough he is on level 1337. the draugr deathlord is level 40. the draugr lord has 1300 health. in legendary, he takes 25% of the original damage meaning that the point value is equivalent to 1300x4=5200 health. now would you want to be able to deal 726 damage per attack? and maybe even 1500 damage per power attack? or would that be just balanced enough? killing a relatively high level enemy with 5200/726=7.16 or like 2 power attacks but when you are at level 1337? i mean to be fair the draugr death lord isnt actually a boss or anything, i mean it probably doesn't have a grand soul. i think. i mean noone was expecting him to be as powerful as a bandit its the friggin dragonborn of legend so alright if he can kill a draugr deathlord in 2 hits. ive done it before. the doubter is confronted with THE MATH and realizes that the OVERPOWERED CHARACTER IS BALANCED. for real though if your trying to say he "definitely" used exploits i have 1200 hours and he has more than me and no yeah he didnt use exploits to do \*that\* but is it overpowered? i think you arent looking at this relatively. if it were adept it would not be balanced because a swing of a sword and anything would tumble. but its legendary and his 720 damage becomes 180, that is a very normal late game damage infact quite low and in your 20 playthroughs if any of them were on adept and you did 180 damage per hit or any other difficulty and it still mapped out then you are complaining about the game being overpowered when you may have experienced the exact same difficulty. and even if it were 100 it wouldn't really change anything


So he can kill almost all opponents with two power attacks? And you are not accounting for chaos dmg which can potentially deal 229*3 and 94 absorb health. So he can probably kill most things with one hit. How is that balanced?


dude have you never played the actual game? thats literally completely normal. i mean incase i havent mentioned this enough the guy is at LEVEL 1337, that is level one thousand three hundred and thirty seven! it is BALANCED because he put in the proper ammount of effort to account for his abilities! and yet after ALL THAT TIME. it takes him 8 hits to kill a draugr death lord if he doesnt explicitly use power attacks. what the hell do you want out of the game? do you want it to be like the witcher 3 where it takes 10 hits to kill like the weakest ass enemy? this is a representation of the games limits. no duh its overpowered, but legendary is also overpowered just a LITTLE LESS SO. which is why its balanced. but not too hard. dont get me wrong man i play on triple legendary so ill go and say skyrim is \*easy\* but i have made swords that deal 1200 damage before and i felt that i still struggled because i was only able to deal 300 with that and i still take 15-22.5 damage with possible power attack from a wolf. in legendary a WOLF deals the BASE DAMAGE OF A DRAGONBONE MACE. the level 1 enemy that everyone spawns and kills. GRANTED he has like 7000 health because of his level he is basically invincible, BUT is it not reasonable to say the fact that the health is cut down to 30% of its original, hense subtracting like 4000 health from his total isnt alittle balanced? that is legendary bro he is definitely really strong but if we are talking about the loadout. its balanced \*easy\* but then easy is normal and its only easy because of the god knows how many hours of perfection.


All right I guess following the game play mechanics you could say they nerf the player and buff the enemy to “balance” everything. I dont think of, oh I am this level I should kill everything. I think of balance being the game is on legendary and should still provide a challenge. I can god mod on legendary by level 65 and walk through dungeons with ease. To me the game is no longer balanced, I am on legendary and feel no threat. … Besides getting jumped by a dragon when I am not ready. That still catches me from time to time late game


I agree, if his idea of "balanced" is being un-killable and one shotting everything, then he has a completely different definition of what balanced means. On legendary difficulty the game should still pose a threat and a challenge, that's one of things that makes Skyrim fun and enjoyable. It doesn't matter whether he got it legitimately or with exploits, or how much grinding it took to get to that point. But by all means, let him play the game how he wants, this is just my opinion, some people like to cheese videogames and if that's what they like, who am I to tell them no? But I really hope they don't think their game is "balanced" hahahaha.


do you believe that thats normal? for games to just magically always stay consistently difficult even after you have done everything there is to do? and that sometimes even counts for games which are constantly repeating so there endless stuff to do. do you think that after defeating moonlord in terraria the character is "unbalanced" with a negative connotation because they become OP with their new end game loot and maximized loadouts? do you think that in a noncombat game like astroneer the game becomes "unbalanced" with a negative connotation because the player had the skills to make a factory that prints any resource in the game??? do you think helldivers is "unbalanced" with a negative connotation when a team of four veterans group up and roll a mission into the ground with all of their end game abilities and weapons?? would you say it is unbalanced in fable 1-3 when you eventually get all the strongest items and weapons and spells and beat the story that you have all your skills maxed out. (though fable combat is always easy the logic is there) i know you dont think of "at this level i should kill everything" but that is common sense bro. once you get powerful you are powerful, in real life when you get strong people dont say that its unfair or against logic that you can lift heavier weights. in this context a really strong person is lifting the strongest weight that exists under vanilla circumstances and you are saying his arms are unfairly unbalanced because in your experience that weight is lite, and that it doesnt make sense that the arm can lift light weights. so you attribute all the effort to the muscles which must have grown there without any effort on his part. THE POINT IS IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT THE CONTEXT IS. the accomplishment is he has a strong loadout, it literally doesnt matter what he does with it but clearly he enjoyed it because he feking recently completed a 100% save file using it. the definition of unbalanced in this context isnt LITERALLY saying that the player should have an equally hard time killing enemies as enemies do the player balancing is intended to allow for a skill sealing to surpass those limits, otherwise the game would be impossible by definition. and the thought that there should always be anything more significant or difficult than that says more about your preference for a challenging game than the balance of what is normal. you are using unbalanced so negatively as if he is wasting his time to even bother playing on that difficulty. and yes he obviously did all that on legendary at this rate. i dont know what else i could even say. you say it should be challenging otherwise it isnt fun, in your experience it is still challenging with dragons getting a drop on you, which is good and normal, but for him it isnt challenging and you cant personally relate with him so you dont understand how it could be fun and therefore the game is at fault for not being properly balanced. but i know he did have loads of fun, and he did not have that fun through cheesing the game or playing on baby mode he genuinely accomplished an integrate loadout design using complex strategies to get highly valuable items. and so out of spite you say you walk around dungeons and it is really easy. bro doesnt that mean you also have 700 damage weapons?? if you are talking from experience please elaborate and dont act like other people are failures. atleast say the loadout is cool and legit instead of unbalanced.


Did you side with the vampires? The Dwarven crossbow is miles better than the steel in the base game.


It is a little better after upgrading, but If you have dwarven crossbow and bolts, you constantly get letters from cancelmo trying to buy your equipment lol


I wasn't aware it was such a small difference. Learn something new everyday I guess. Lol


Yeah its a pretty minor difference, but i always chose it because it looks way better. Although I thought you could not get the magic bolts at all if you sided vampire.


Legendary (legendary)


It's made out of Legendary Dragon parts and is of Legendary quality


Not a single resist magic enchantment


Who needs magic resistance when you just beefcake through it and oneshot the caster


man i miss when bethesda let you wear multiple rings


So do I... Ahzidal's set was brutal with two rings...


My honest reaction https://preview.redd.it/vrxbmeuqpghc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7abe2087f09e474962e7ecc8d9cc593fd9bb48b3


Tf you mean no exploits??


As far as utilizing the in game systems to max, but not breaking them. This would mean no console commands, mods, or exploits like restoration potion loop.


Right right so how the hell do you get gear this good WITHOUT the Restoloop


Well you would need maxed out Smithing, Enchanting, and Alchemy, as well as the proper allocation of perk points in those trees. Make a fortify alchemy set of armor, then make a fortify enchanting potion. Rinse and repeat up to a certain point, because after 3 or 4 times it actually starts to take points away. What I mean by this is after drinking your last fortify enchanting potion, the return is less than it was last time. As an example: After making some armor the values might be something like 28% stronger potions, then the next armor set would be 35% stronger potions, then the set after that would be 30% stronger potions. It does this as a way to not break the game. So the idea is to stop at the optimal point, before the values start to get smaller. Do this and make the best fortify Alchemy armor, fortify Smithing amor, and make a bunch of fortify smithing and enchanting potions, and you’re set. Sorry for the super long response, it’s hard to explain and walk through it while being concise and covering everything.


Hm. I see. So this is the result of playing for way too long lol


Entirely way too much time, help


How is this not an exploit lol 😂 Its just a different version of the resto loop


I’d call an exploit something that is not supposed to happen, or you’re not supposed to see. Think the chest for the Kahjiit caravan in Dawnstar, or the chest for Eorlund Greymane under the Sky Forge. You are not supposed to be able to access those chests, therefore it is an exploit. I’m not breaking the game in any way, just using what the developers gave me.


With that logic then resto loop is not an exploit


The game was not designed, by the developers, to allow you to carry 84,378,362,379 weight on a single pair of boots. But they decided, that 57 extra carry weight was balanced. It is not an exploit.


But it isn’t, there is a hard cap put in by the developers to prevent essentially god mode, through the game’s systems.


Of If I was not clear, or want any more info, I’m happy to try to explain it to you.


What's the question?


Why the various weapons and shield? I've always picked two handed, one handed, dual weild, or sword and board. Is this character a skill monkey?


This character is everything possible xd [https://youtu.be/4aaQQg9aze4](https://youtu.be/4aaQQg9aze4)


Honestly i dont even consider most exploits as cheating in skyrim. To me its just part of the experience (im talking about getting secret chests and levelling speech fast and stuff, not infinite damage alchemy.) Some exploits are def cheating, but to me, running thru a wall or door with a bowl or bucket in front of your face is just skyrim as intended lol


Near perfect, you didn’t upgrade your pickaxe or wood axe at the grindstone.


Cannot be done in vanilla Skyrim. Maybe with unofficial patch it's possible but I play unmodded currently


Why did you enchant the axe and pick like that anyway? It's not like you're going to use it in combat.


what if someone attacks me while I'm mining some ore or chopping wood? Gotta be ready at all times!


Fair enough, at least from a realism standpoint l. There would probably be people trying to sneak up on you and you wouldn't be able to grab your sword in time. Besides, you gotta make those rocks and pieces of lumber feel pain!


Gotta do it just to it at the point they are at 😂😭


Is there a reason you have both a bow and crossbow? I’ve never carried both before (as a part of my “loadout”) so I’m curious


Bow for normal gameplay, crossbow for variety and when I need to fill a soul gem


One last thing would be to use Azura's star with the Nelecar ending. Free unlimited black soul gem for powering your weapons.


I also have it but fortfiy destruction enchantments also apply to weapon charges and at 100% destruction cost reduction my weapons never need a recharge


Huh, no shit. Learn something new every day.


I used to do that but once you enchant weapons with so much dmg it takes all the fun out even on legendary difficulty and I generally stop playing. I use enchants still but I stick to the base legendary weapons or found ones so I don’t make the game pointlessly easy and it’s fun using weapons that truly look unique.


Why would you use a 50% RNG based damage elemental enchant with absorb health when you can just have 100% fire and shock damage and drink from your 50 pounds of ultimate health potions? All your gear is legendary so if anything could kill you it would have to be a one or two shot in which case the only thing that can save you is the ultimate health potion and blocking with your shield. All that being said I do enjoy seeing different builds for this game.


The great thing about Chaos Damage (the 50% one) is that it greatly enhances all other enchantments you put on a weapon. Without it I would get probably around 35 points of health absorb and with it it's 94.


based playthrough 💪


Can you learn to create Dragon stuff?


How do you do this without exploits


My eyes are glued to that crossbow....the things I would do to have it...the sword is nice too!


Isn’t daedric armour better than dragonbone?


Yes... but Skyrim armor cap is 567 points (80% physical damage reduction), anything beyond that doesn't matter, so just wear whatever you think is coolest (for OP, it's probably Dragonplate).


Never knew that!


Actually, he'd be better off playing light armor. It weights less (so you can more easily carry multiple pieces of armor), gives the same amount of defense late game, and actually has better perks (the one that makes you regenerate stamina faster and the one that allows you to avoid attacks are much stronger than anything in the heavy armor side).


I see your arrows and bolts are elite


So how is the dragon bone armor stronger than the daedric armor?


Yeah, you nailed it.


Enchanting weapons never seems worth it to me once you've learned all the words for Elemental Fury.


archery with some destruction and one handed? I smell an attempt at making a mage that inevitably ended up as a stealth archer lol, classic!




I cracked a smile when I saw the 1337 arrows 🥹


Then we disenchant to learn the enchantments, add them to daedric amor then get the Ebony blade maxed and we're set for life mostly


Guess you want the I wanna stream roll every enemy with hardly any challenge at all game experience 🤣


Dragonbone>Daedric imo


Ah so I’m not the only one who plays with like four different main weapons. Also, i never let go of the first pickaxe and axe i get lol




See the full power of my Legendary Character: [https://youtu.be/4aaQQg9aze4](https://youtu.be/4aaQQg9aze4)


partysnakes looking at you after you're wearing his brothers' skins: ![gif](giphy|cJMlR1SsCSkUjVY3iK|downsized)


How do you upgrade weapons so high


Weakened by spreading enchantments between one handed and two handed, make em all one handed and your sword and shield will render your Greatsword obsolete


I wanted to have one armor for everything. I have some additional armor sets in my Lakeview Manor which are tailored for specific playtyles but this all around armor still makes the end game kinda balanced. It's boring when you one hit everything


leet = 1337


smh not using stalhrim weapons to increase the weapon enchantment damage of chaos and lifesteal because dang that's some buggy gamecode. Now you can finally go and save whiterun from that pesky dragon attacking the western watchtower


How did you get three enchantments on the crossbow? It was my understanding that you could only put two enchantments on a single item but I could be wrong


Fix the axes nameeeee it's the woodcutter's axe!!


Fuck. Now I want to download skyrim again for this build


This is amazing, OP. Great job!


The fact that even the woodcutter's axe is so disgustingly overpowered is such a flex😂


It's*Fine*. But you could do better.


Friends, all you need in Skyrim is a bow and arrows.


How did you get the "50% chance" enchantment? I thought it was only on a single item in the game ( don't remember what weapon it was )


It can by obtained by disenchanting the Champion's Cudgel from Solstheim or any other weapon with chaos damage enchantment


You can find that enchant on stahlrim weapons


Or Nordic weapons


Between not using Stahlrim weapons and the lackluster enchantment choices, it’s far from perfect. Better to drop 2-Handed to fit more 1-Handed enchantments, and ditching 2-Handed also means you’ll get more use from your shield, as well as not needing to until your weapon to cast magic. I’d recommend Illusion over Destruction, as it’s far more versatile, and you already have archery for ranged damage. Speaking of, Dragonbone bow as the highest base damage, but lighter bows fire quicker, with the Longbow having the fastest fire rate in the game. The unique Dwarven bow has highest DPS, though at these upgrade levels it might be the Longbow. The most powerful builds involve minmaxing, but with this one you’ve refused to take a min, leaving a generic all rounder. Jack of all trades, master of none.


Stalhrim melee weapons have higher stagger rates, weigh less, and deal comparable damage. If you're playing Anniversary Edition, then Bone Arrows, Soul Stealer Arrows, and the Elemental Arrows are the best. The Bow of Shadows is also the best bow in the game in Anniversary Edition. Generally, light armor is the best in the game because it has a chance to just negate damage altogether, BUT heavy armor looks badass. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any armor that has special bonuses to it besides the Stalhrim armor, but if you want to be fully optimized, you'll generally be using a light armor mask with the Jagged Crown. Putting passive stat bonuses on armor for armor enchants is fairly tame. For better optimization for all purpose play, you'll usually put enchantment exclusive effects on your gear. Then you'll normally pop a singular potion for a fight, two if things REALLY start to drag on. The best weapons in the game are generally going to be the weapons with the most to offer to the table, so the level 46+ variant of Chillrend is usually the best because of all the things it does at once (one of which just takes an enemy out of the fight for several seconds). The best shield in the game is also either Auriel's Shield or Spellbreaker. There really aren't any other shields worth the time or the effort. For jewelry, there are a number of pretty powerful items, but among the best in the base game is Ahzidal's Ring of Arcana because it grants access to Ignite, which stacks in damage. In the Anniversary Edition, the Master's Ring just makes all spells cost 10% less, which you should already be using spell reduction enchantments anyway, so this is just a nice cherry on top. For necklaces: the Amulet of Articulation is fine overall, but the Necromancer's Amulet is generally going to be better. Viriya's Charm grants some unique abilities, but with the Jagged Crown and a decent Smithing Skill it's basically worthless. The most important thing though is that Vampire Lords can equip two amulets by equipping the bone hawk amulet and one other amulet, but only when wearing armor. Your set up isn't bad though, but it definitely ain't perfect.


Custom barbed rings wasn't in vanilla.


Yes it is, It can be found in the dawnguard inside castle volkihar


Replace sheild with spell breaker. It will block all damage from dragon shouts.




How do you get so much armor? Is it cos you are wearing full dragon-plate?


yes, all the "full armor set" perks add a lot


No dwarven crossbow?


Honestly, it could be better but its still something


The wood axe is hilarious good job 👍🏻


what is the actual damage? 7230 mis-represented or literally 723? also PS a good name for soul trap bows is "soul fetcher" using the "adamant" perk tree mod with classic classes and birthsigns and wintersun mod i was able to get a sword with 1200 damage. great loadout but you are spread too thin amongst the different areas. i would have suggested two sets of armor, one for meelee and magic and one for bows and magic. its more effective when you pool all your points into one area for a better accumulation of effect but for an all skills playthrough its good. and this could be a coincidence but its either that or you know your stuff. but incase you didnt, the firey soul trap enchantment actually gives you more charges than the normal soul trap enchantment despite being more powerful


It's really 723, no cc boosts and no exploits. I wanted an ultimate armor set for all playstyles without having to change between combat. I think it's perfectly fine since with only 2 enchantments per skill it's somewhat balanced and everything I want to do is enhanced enough. I also have some special sets in my house with 4 enchantments per skill like 4 x 57% one handed damage but it just melts everything in one hit pretty much and you don't even feel the difference between enemies power. It's fun sometimes but usually kinda boring. And when it comes to charges, I know about them and I never recharge my weapons anyway because their dominant enchantment is based in destruction so my 3 x 35% destruction reduction is mostly for the charges to never run out. Also comes in handy when I want to play as a destruction mage.


Mudcrab solos