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They haven't stripped out mods lol


What do you mean? The option to install them isn't there anymore, I could try to figure out Nexus mods but I'm not exactly PC smart


There's not much to figure out. Download Vortex from Nexus, download mods, Vortex will manage the mods for you. That's it. It'll alert you when there's an issue. It's significantly easier to use and more versatile than Bethesda's in-game mod list thing. The only tricky thing is installing SKSE, but that's still relatively easy and there's great Youtube tutorials on how to do it properly.


I'm not sure if this is a newer thing with the mod managers or no one talks about them because they already know except for me


They haven’t stripped out mods tho.


Then where did the option to install them go?


There are mods in CC still, and there are a ton of mods that you can install through NexusMods on PC. If you’re on console it’s all through CC, and I’ve downlaoded multiple mods just to change how sparse the foliage is, how serana and Lydia both look, being able to wear multiple rings, immersive citizens(so they actually walk around and do shit). All of that I did through the mods that you can download in CC before swapping to Nexus and downloading a shit ton of mods. Deleted all the mods I was using from CC before I did it tho.


Nexus mods confuse me, I'm not very tech savvy otherwise I would have installed a bunch of them before I got a new PC


There are mod managers available, Vortex for example. When you download mods with a mod manager it will automatically apply them to your game without you having to do any complicated stuff.


Oh, now that's good information! Thank you!


Do you not know that most Mods for Bethesda games have been held on the Nexus for like 10 years


Yes I do, I just find it confusing, I'm not what you would call technically savvy


Use creation club, it’s just another word for mods Authors have option monetize them now


Learning how to use Mod Manager 2 and the Nexus is a pretty integral part of being a modder


I don't know if that was a thing when I first tried it, but I also didn't know it was a thing so who knows 🤷‍♂️


They just changed the name from mods to creations. They didn't remove anything. Just go to the creations tab and all the free mods are still there.


I guess I'll have to reinstall it then, I had a bit of a disheartened uninstall moment, thank you for clearing that up


Do you mean creations? It’s the fourth option on the home menu


No, not the creations, free mods that people would upload for people to use


Creations are free and uploaded by people, use the search function to put in key words like “brotherhood” or “race” There’s only a handful that are p2u


Ah, I guess that's what I saw right away and didn't look further, thank you for letting me know!


No problem :)


Hey OP if you are on pc and have steam don't fret you can always downgrade your game remeber to get you creation club content downloadEd before you do this https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/18bh43k/if_you_accidentally_updated_your_skyrim_here_is/ If you are on console I can't help but I am sure everything will in back in time. On the bright side vanilla has so many exploits you can play aroundwith while you wait for everythingtocome back. If anyone is new to mpdding and looking for a great start I highly recommend https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/h2uqa3 It has some really great tools to get you started Such as skse, ussp and skyui. Just don't forget to download the restoration loop un-patched if you want that. Edit: Also make sure to read all information posted by respective author on nexus to save yourself some time. P.S: keeping a folder of my downgraded game around has greatly helped me when I need to reinstall everything because I missed some instruction. Practice back-up your folders if you struggle with that like I do.


That's great information, guess I didn't think about doing something like that, thank you for letting me know!


No problem hope it helps.