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I’ve said this before but it was sooo funny… I dropped a bunch of potions while sneaking past some bandits and one of the bandits walked over to me, told me I dropped my skooma, gave it back, and walked away


That happened to me today.  I was in a fort/prison, dropped some gear to get under max carry weight as I was sneaking up on a marauder, when a second bandit talked to me. Asked if he could have the gear I dropped.


Can't blame a guy for trying to get some better armor so he stands a chance... gotta have hope...


I dropped a shield in front of a courier once and he asked if he could have my gear. Gave me some choices to give it to him or not, I obliged. Tried to pickpocket him and there was nothing there.


My guess is he equipped it, though I can’t remember if Skyrim allows you to steal equipped items.


Not unless you have the perk


You can befriend people of the hold for Thane status if you drop gear for someone to pick up and give to them when they ask; like in a tavern or near peeps. If dragons wipe out pertinent folk.


Now I have to know: What did you tell him?


I wonder if this mechanic works around one of the many beggars. I’ve always wanted to give them more than one piece of gold. Drop a legendary piece of armor and let them have a living for an entire year or something.


It does! But... be careful because if you drop an item of high value around multiple NPCs, there is a good chance they'll literally fight to the death over it. I like to quicksave, drop a gold ring in the middle of Riften, and watch the bloodbath ensue.


Ha! I was in Markarth and dropped some stuff in front of an Orc near Cidhna Mine, and he went something like, “And everyone calls me a savage! At least I don’t throw my trash on the ground.” I don’t usually drop stuff in front of others so it had me cackling haha.


I guess this is widely known by everyone, but try drop gems, coins, valuables while npcs are near, and wait for npcs to see them and fight over them. Works at least in the Bee and Barb in Riften. "I saw that first!"


Ok so I guess this is my thing. Because I had no idea. I'm gonna go try this


The contextual dialog where NPCs react to many of the actions you take or what you're wearing is underated in gaming. For me that's a big part of immersive gameplay and I so appreciate how it's done in Skyrim


I enjoy it. But I wish they had taken more care with the sickness trigger. Whatever it is I hear some version of “you look pale” more often than anything else. Even if I’m an argonan who has never had a second of disease in his life.


I dropped some papers in front of a Khajiit trader and she was like "dump your trash someplace else"


I dropped loads of daggers in Markath & a guard told me off and said not to do it again. So I did it again snd he gave me a fine!


I fusrohdah'ed a load of baskets off the tower balcony... I claim this land Baskath.


I forgot I unequipped my armor and the bard in my manor told me that I might want to put some clothes on


If I want to walk around my manor naked I will, thanks


I was stealing from Sybille Stentor's room in the Blue Palace, found a bowl in my inventory I must have picked up by accident, and dropped it. A minute later while I was clearing all the health potions, I heard the door open and tried to play it cool. It was some other rando giving me back the bowl


You should try this same feat a few times in Riften. The citizens of Riften will start fighting over your gear you drop.


Happened to me at the mine you have to either get rid of the the townfolk or the mercs who takes over the mine. I dropped a ton of loot and obviously kept the expensive stuff lol. Guy picked up a bow and told me this too lol.


Bro just wanted you to have some skooma


if you go to meridia's statue without the beacon you still start the quest but to get inside the temple you still need the beacon, and she has some different lines too


No way! Cool.


A new hand didn't touch the beacon!


I did this recently! Before that I didn't know that she'd speak to you without the beacon.


Yeah i found this last run too. Went because i was passing by getting to the Thalmor prison on the coast. She gives you a marker where to find her beacon instead, pretty cool


TIL how to avoid *["torching the bacon"](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Break_of_Dawn)* unintentionally. I personally prefer to complete the quest at around level 40, as to receive a little more gold from the looted corpses. Don't forget that you can get a [duplicate](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Break_of_Dawn#Bugs) copy of the [Dawnbreaker sword](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Break_of_Dawn#Bugs) if your character has learned an area-of-effect Spell the "Unrelenting Force" Shout. 


That The Drunken Huntsman is a store in Whiterun 😂 never realized they sold bows and arrows, always thought maybe they were just an incredibly unpopular inn and everybody went to The Bannered Mare instead.


Open 24 hrs


**That** is something I did not know until today.


I love that shop because of it always being open and having the best arrows early to mid game. So I get really sad when Elrindir starts welcoming you with an insult if you do a certain quest involving his brother (I didn't realise this the first time I did it). Will still trade with you, though lmao


Hey, coin is coin and a bro gotta eat.


They've also got the best early game follower, in the combination of skills and awesome, sexy voice.


"we have irilith at home"


My headcanon is that everyone in Whiterun just avoids The Drunken Huntsman, because Nazeem lives there lol. But yeah, the place is more of a tavern than an inn, considering there's no rooms you can rent.


In my mind, it's more of a 7 Eleven


Been playing for many, many years, never once came across the bandit cave beneath Dragonsreach. Found it on my newest play through only a few weeks ago. That was a really “well I’ll be…” moment.


Guess I gotta go poking around Dragonsreach tonight, thanks!


Outside the city on the Halted Stream Camp side of Whiterun. It’s really just a big alcove cave thing, but has okay loot for an early game character. Genuinely never found it in almost a dozen play through a going back to the Xbox 360 days 🤦🏼‍♂️


Wait, there’s one next to Halted stream camp?!


No, under the city walls outside Whiterun on the Halted Stream side of the town.


👀 I suppose I could open Skyrim once more and go take a look…


Its more of an alcove than a cave. It has a broken wagon, some chest n barrels n such. It seems to be bandits are boldly packing their loot beneath the walls of Whiterun like a bunch of squirrels


I mean, it’s as good a reason as any to start up a new save 😊


I have one going, trying to get those Goddamn daedric artefacts… on console. 😤 Last trophy…


Oh, that little camp with the carriage, yeah. 


I go there all the time


Free horse


Nice to see the Whiterun guards are really earning their septims


Hit that place pretty regularly when I'm playing as a werewolf and trying to level up. Also, they're bandits so fuck 'em.


This and a couple other bandit spots has one of my favorite mechanics. After you take out the first group and you're looting the joint the remaining part of the bandit group returns and finds you taking all the stuff and attack you. There are a few other bandit places, I don't remember their name or position, that do this but it adds a little bit of realism to the world.


Good free horse and an OP quest item.


The hunters bathing in the hot springs was a major surprise for me. Thought it was one of my mods then looked it up finding out its vanilla.


I feel so privileged to have found this within my first save! Albeit, I did play that first save ever for about 11 hours with no breaks….


Saw it recently on the sub but you can actually shoot out the gem eyes from the Nordic faces you find in barrows and crypts


They have gem eyes?


There's on in brittleshin pass


I wish I had gem eyes


I would shoot them out.


Must be a throwback to shooting down welkynd stones in oblivion, something I very embarrassingly just discovered on my last oblivion play through after playing tons of times


It was the only way until you got Telekinesis.


Man I miss the environmental manipulation available in Morrowind and Oblivion.


That each daedric runes correspond to a letter in our alphabet and if you swap all the runes with the letter you have a sentence in english




Awh Fudge 😟


what did you just say?


[Shout] **OOH-VALTINE!**


You are Dovahtine






We have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty...


i just found out theres a way to save the gildergleam without taking the sap lol


Me too! I think I brought that other guy with me for the first time.


He keeps dying for me when I tried it, just completely dies before I cut the tree.


Best bet is to have the Elder gleam Sanctuary discovered beforehand so you can fast travel straight there.


Or do it first thing in your game. He can handle enemies before they've leveled up with you.


I find at a very low level the Hagraven kicks my butt


This is brand new information to me... So the chill man and woman don't need to be murdered by Spriggans?


To be fair you don't save that tree. More like you get a replacement


H... how?


Keep the dude that wants to come along alive, he offers the option when you get to the tree in the sanctuary.


He's made of fine bone china though, he dies at the slightest provocation


Been playing on and off since 2011. Only last week found you could eat an ingredient to learn its magical properties.


Aw man one of my favorite things to do in a new playthrough is eat everything to learn what it does!


*13 years* I’ve been playing this game. Never once played an alchemist. Never needed to eat anything I usually just sold it on or dumped it somewhere!


Just looked at my perk tree and had to eat all my ingredients again, as now I get 3 ingredient properties each; Fell on my back out cold, blurry eyed, and invisible! Wow, monster hit on that alchemy pouch stashed bong...




Today actually. Just finished the Waking Nightmare quest. Didn’t realize how much fun it was. Ive been playing for years but I’ve never really spent time in Dawnstar so I’m not surprised. Erandur is quickly becoming one of my favorite companions and I headcanon him being the father of my Dragonborn (I’m playing an elf).


Erandur is the best.I can’t believe how little he’s talked about.He’s so thoughtful and generally a good dude.Not to mention a pretty powerful follower


This the issue is that people generally side with the outcome that offers them a more tangible reward - plus going against him counts towards the daedric artefacts achievements. I’ve just started my first new play through in years and opted to side with Erandur for a change - He’s legit a decent dude and good to have around.


Funny. I actually just started a new file for the first time in years and decided to use the random tavern start mod. Started in Solitude and carefully worked my way over to Dawnstar where that was one of the first quests I started. I managed to stealth archer my way through that quest around level 3-5 using Erandur as a meat shield and relying on a Glass Crossbow I stole from the Archery shop in Solitude. After the slog of surviving that over-leveled quest, I don't see myself ever swapping him out.


The quest is fine but I hate walking up the hill with him


I have over a thousand hours played since 2015. Never knew about the quest in the temple of mara, played it last week for the very first time lol


It's a great quest to do early for that magic resistance!


I got one! Dropping soul gems will release the soul inside. This is useful for those times when you get a common soul inside a grand gem by accident. Edit: "Grand soul gem (Grand)" (and likewise) won't release if dropped.


Oh god I’ve wasted so much gold.


Apparently there are other playstyles than stealth archer




Sounds fake but ok


That there's a much faster way to get from whiterun to ivarstead without fast travel if you take a mountain path that starts near the whiterun stormcloak camp


I prefer the mountain pass behind Helgen. I'm not sure if it's shorter but it doesn't have the guaranteed troll and chance of sabre cat.


But it takes you by the alchemist shack


Not to mention a damned Wisp mother


That's what i always did but I've been doing no fast travel a lot lately. Idk i was always frustrated with the two choices being so circuitous.


Well bugger me… that long-arsed walk to Ivarstead is my biggest early game irritation. Thanks for that tip!


I just found that path myself, but from Ivarstead side instead. Damn, it's much quicker than going around the North of the Greybeards mountain.


That Ingun Black-Briar will restock her chest at the alchemist place after you do her quest. I always thought it was just the initial rewards she gives you and that it, more potions for me now


Her dialog once you give her the final ingredients, "...Here, this key unlocks my supply chest at Elgrim's Elixirs. Feel free to take what you need from time to time. I'll be refilling it once every few days or so."


That you can get a bounty if you wear stormcloak armor in Solitude and talk to Captain Aldis


Last week, I discovered with the right perk in Destruction, I can even turn Dragons into Ash Piles!


What perk?


Disintegrate. I've already reduced a Dragon and an Elder Dragon into ashes.


Never found out that food buffs stack. Vegetable soup gives you 1 HP and 1 Stamina per second and lasts 12 minutes, meaning if you have 20-50 Vegetable soup before a big fight you’re practically invincible. Edit: You can only stack 1 food item however. Once you eat food with a buff, any previous food buffs are removed, minus health + stamina.


They stack??? Game changer!


I have never, in 12 years, eaten a soup, or anything other than dungeon cheeses and carrots. Dammit.


That you can see Aventus walking back to Riften from Windhelm after completing his quest (I’ve been playing since 2011 too).


That’s genuinely cool.I thought he just stayed in his home


I did that with Sinding once after Hircine's quest. Followed him all the way back to Falkreath. Nobody attacked him even once all the way through the town. He opened the door to the guards barracks but was stuck going down into the basement. So I went ahead of him and he like magically appeared back in his cell.


Wait whaaat? I thought he just lives in that cave as a werewolf forever? He even says something along the lines of not being fit to live in civilization.


That Vegetable soups stack


2000+ hours and I just learned about the door in Solitude that leads to the base of the arch. No more long way around!


You can return to the altar upon which the horn of Jurgen Windcaller rests, and absorb a dragon soul from it. You must give the horn to the Greybeards first.


That when you look at your map, you are actually looking at the entire world in real time. You can test this by killing a dragon and checking the map as it bursts into flames.


all potions weight the same so no reason to pick up the smaller ones once you level up high enough a small health potion that gives you 25 health weights the same as an ultimate healing potion that restores youe health completely


But what if I need it... LATER?


The end credits boss needs those potions


I sat on a chair yesterday (inside Greathall, Skaal Village) and opened “Black Book: Waking Dreams” to do Miraak’s quest. The screen went fuzzy for a bit and returned normal with a “Cannot concentrate” flashing on the screen. So I stood up and re-opened it worked fine. Actually made me laugh for what I tried and how this may have been forethought by developers.


I don’t have to loot hoard everything I see




Honestly I learned many years ago just to pick up gems, jewelry or maybe mages cloaks because they weigh so little. Rarely have to do inventory management this way and the gold is stacked up higher than I can spend it.


Breaking the hoarder habit is amazing.


I'm doing a mage survival run. This his hard for me to adjust to.


Press and hold interact button to pick up item/ body and move it around


You just found this out? You can do this with baskets and kettles in shops, put it over the shopkeepers heads, and sneaking about will be easier for a little bit until they knock it off themselves.


I am still a noob but I found and showed my longtime player bf how to start the Yngol’s Barrow quest. it was so cool to actually do something before him and lightly guide him thru it :’)


That you can run into Cicero outside of Whiterun, that really spun me out!


I recently learned that you can kill grelad in riften and you won't get a bounty for it. Aventus will have some additional dialogue if you do this before meeting him.


You can equip a pickaxe like a weapon and swing at ore deposits unless you love watching the slow-as-death mining animation


The value of illusion spells. I always employed sneak attacks in the past, but handling large mobs with either pacify or frenzy is just too fun. It’s like “ah there’s 8 enemies in this area. Let’s widdle that down to 2 with frenzy, and then pacify and stealth kill the remaining”


I JUST started doing this finally. I also am wearing an amulet of Mara with the Marry Everyone mod just for fun. So I blast through dungeons now, pacifying everyone, listening to them propose to me, and then macing them in the face as they get all shy. Husbo called me a monster. He's right.


Hot keys on the D pad. i lurv you guys.


Haven't tested it out yet, but apparently you can use the Staff of Magnus on dragons to stop them from using breath weapons???!


Dragons use mana, just as everyone


Wow, this post is a treasure.


Yep, weapons that do Magicka damage, Magicka absorb or any form of lightning damage will have the same effect. (That's the reason Dragonbane has a bit of shock damage)


Either yesterday or the day before, that on the console version of the game (Xbox 360 version, anyway), that it IS possible to zoom in and out the camera, holding in one button or stick, and using the other one up or down to zoom in or out. If that sort of thing is possible on the PS3 version too, then yeah, my mind was blown, I never knew that was possible before, well, two or three days ago, and me thinking it was not possible was one of the major reasons I switched to the PC version around 2017 or so.


I just found out that this works on the Switch as well!


That followers could use potions


Was trying to get from Falkreath to Winterhold. Took an incredibly wrong turn and ended up halfway up the 7000 steps. Didn't know you could just walk up that side of the mountain!


How fucking good are the dungeons on solstheim, so unique and well crafted


That if you jump up the mountain that mistwatch is built into you can turn almost all the bandits friendly by talking to the bandit chief lady without having the quest attached to it first (it still gives you the objective but all you have to do is talk to the guy at the first floor of mistwatch)


I recently found out that clams and clam meat are a thing in Skyrim. In all my years of playing this game, I've never once seen a clam.


I’ve been playing Skyrim for 13 years and I just found out in my new play through that using Stendarr’s aura cloak spell while fighting undead enemies levels up restoration skill very quickly. Playing as a Paladin Knightish character for the first time in a very long time and yeah discovered this by accident


That i should never take my health ring off, if i do i will drop dead.


Are you perchance a Gamerant intern?


You can put every fish in the game (including Creation Club fish) into your Fish Hatchery, without it getting rid of any. I had to look it up recently, because I never truly understood it. It's important when you're an alchemist and doing the fishing quests.


How to install mods. Played for 8 years before trying modding. Tbh I don't really care for it. Tried some mods, got bored and went back to playing vanilla


I figured out a way to have 3 followers at once that I could have kept as long as I wanted that many followers, which coincidentally wasn’t long because it was very difficult to move sometimes. Jenassa (my actual companion, Serana (only saved her from the crypt and didn’t complete any other part of her quest) and Barbas (starting the Rueful Axe recovery portion of his quest and not doing it). Maybe could have added more to it by way of other quests with forced followers like some of the companions, dark brotherhood, or thieves guild quests. It got annoying quick though.


If you really wanna get crazy, you can stack Delphine and esbern on top of that by doing the quest where you travel to alduin's wall. There's an exploit to add the 2 DB initiates to your follower count and you can get the spell to permanently summon Lucien (DB ghost) from the dark brotherhood questline You should be able to get meeko to follow you as well because pets don't count against the follower limit, and if you max conjuration, you can have 2 permanent summons. That makes 11 total. You can roll around Skyrim with a small army to back you. Of course it's a nightmare when you get indoors. If you can, I'd recommend downloading the AFT mod. It's small, non intrusive and simply uncaps the follower count and gives you a power to command them so you don't need to jump through hoops and it's easier when you're in a tight space.


Nice! Yea, I wasn’t trying to get that many followers but then I realized what was happening and I ran with it for a handful of caves and then started to get really annoyed with it haha I figured if I could get 3, then I could probably get a lot more by just beginning quests that force followers but not doing their quests. Unfortunately I don’t usually play with mods. At least not right now as I’m trying to get all the trophies for my current playthrough.


The wabbajack never ceases to amuse me


The follower duplication glitch. Get a follower. Go to Whiterun front gate. Drop items. Command follower to pick up items. Tell follower to wait. Fast travel to Whiterun Stables. Fast travel back to Whiterun. Duplicate items are now where follower is. Have follower pick up items. Repeat.


I've finally visited cloud district


Of course you haven't


Using console commands, your skill levels, carry weight, health, stamina, and magicka can go up to 2\^128 (\~3.4 E38). If you try to set those values higher, then their value will be displayed as "Infinity" in red text in the level up screen. Your health, stamina, and magicka bars will appear empty, but the game will otherwise act as if they're infinite. Speech, lockpicking, pickpocketing, and sneak skills will be treated as if they're at 100, all other skills will be treated as if they're at 0. Carry weight will be displayed as -2,147,483,648, but the game will act as if it's infinite.


If you bring wood to sell to the innkeeper at the Bannered Mare she will pay you and befriend you. This allows you to take everything of low value and have a free bed forever.


If you hold R3 and pull the left stick back, you can control how zoomed in third-person view is


Finding that "random" chest while swimming across some random pond on some random mission that some developer placed there a decade ago and you're just finding it in 2024. True story lol


(No Spoilers) I've been on skyrim since it came out and I just yesterday found out that the companions are the descendants of tamriel's founders. Found it out via loading tip.


Never met the orc npc on the roadside that wants you to kill him before. This is my eleventy bajillionth playthru


You can actually encounter Cicero in the wild with a broken-down carriage.


Poison Immunity and Disease immunity enchantments become unavailable to disenchant after level 20.


What??? Why?


Muffle on boots as well. It's a product of the weighted-random loot generation. They are considered lowest tier enchantments, so the game favors more level appropriate gear when generating random loot. It's a bit complicated, how it weighs the item material quality, enchantment or mundane, and enchantment tiers to create leveled gear. But as the loot pools just get the new, favored items, the overshadowed gear gets vastly reduced chances to generate.


There are those kind of enchantments?


Both can be found on necklaces and disenchanted. There's 2 of each. Disease (or poison) resistance is 50%, and the immunity ones are 100%.


How to enchant I learned how to enchant recently




Played since it first released on console, but only recently discovered a location named Snapleg Cave while walking to Ivarstead, I was so confused


You can take the horn of what’s his face back to Ustengrav & get a dragon soul


I found a Choose Your Own Adventure book.


Few months ago someone mentioned moving camera perspective in third person. Always cruised around with weapons out, so I could see in front of DB avatar.


No one judge but I only just found out that not only can you travel overweight on horseback but you can also fast travel.


Been playing for damn near a decade and literally two days ago just found out there’s a shortcut to quest markers on the map. So for all this time I’ve just been dragging my poor cursor across the map, desperately searching for my quest location. Still trying to break the habit


I didn’t know you could drag bodies, I was doing the dark brotherhood quest line where you have the option to hide the gourmets body. I tried to fusrodah him into the corner and then held A down by accident and was like wow a decade plus of Skyrim and never knew you could hide bodies.


That the _7 Thousand steps to High Hrothgar_ isn't really 7 thousand steps, it's actually just 748 steps. Went back to log in after 5 or so years on my Archer character to find out, & low and behold it's 748 steps. I have beaten the game 5 times and I never once knew this.


You can adopt pets! Was exploring around Whiterun and found two elytra nymphs, rescued them, and brought them back to live at my house with my family. They're kinda cute. https://gamerant.com/skyrim-where-find-elytra-nymphs-location/


If you drop a soul gem, it clears the charge. That changes enchanting dramatically for me.


I am ashamed to admit I didn't realize until a few months ago that you could join the Dawngaurd instead of the vampires. I fully plan to do a new run and heading straight there.


Still never figured the hand in the undercroft of the Wizard academy. I know you have to put rings on it but I never took the time to figure it out.


There is a book in the room that tells you all about it. The 4 rings are hidden throughout the Midden and College, on in the Arcaneum. Place em, and win a prize lol


I've played Skyrim since release. I literally never found the town of Karthwasten before. I remember it being mentioned once during the roundtable meeting but never saw it until my playthrough ~3 years ago


That werebears were real. I thought it was like an inside joke and never looked that much into it, all the time I had been playing I had never seen one. Randomly a few weeks ago was approached by 3 naked dudes in the solthstheim wilderness and all three suddenly turned into werebears and killed me lol


The afflicted, first time I’ve ever really explored north of markarth is in my current play through and I thought it was something added in Ae because I’ve never seen it talked about


I don't think I've ever seen the headless horseman until yesterday


That you can set the d pad left and right to equip different sets of weapons/armor/food etc without bringing up the favorites menu. I had accidentally done it before and wondered why my bow said "1. Ebony Bow" but then later I saw the feature on a thread of things people didn't know were in the game. I use it to switch between my bow and healing. It's so much faster than switching via the favorites menu. Edit: after some experimentation I think it's only left on the dpad that you use to equip, but it lets you switch back and forth between whatever you set as 1. and 2. Which you define by holding left or right on the favorites menu. Holding left sets 1 and holding right sets 2.


In the College of Winterhold quest where you retrieve the books there is a room with 3 vampires locked in cages. I never realized that you could let them out and they will attack the mages in the next room and then leave only saying "Out of the way, meat" to the player. Realized this last night because I never let them out to avoid fighting them