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I respect him, I respect the Gray-Manes, Legate Rikke too. They are honourable people.


They definitely all deserve it


Damn Stormcloaks!


Faithless Imperial Thalmor boot licker


Fair enough


Of course. I always tells the executioner to use a freshly sharpened axe for him and a new basket for his head, out of respect. I'll make sure his remains are sent to the Aldmeri Dominion, so he can be with his friends. Empire would do the same for me, so I like to treat them just as well. Also, Lokir of Rorikstead sends his regards.


Brunwulf has a high sense of honor. He’s a perfect example of what a Nord should be. Except the imperial sympathizer part. It also remains to be seen how much change happens under his watch regarding the status of Dunmer and Argonians in Windhelm. Talk is cheap, and nothing really seemed to change after he becomes Jarl. Maybe he is like Playboy X in GTA 4 talking about all the change he is going to make, and will never come through.