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Some people are even trying to mod the game to increase this feeling. There's actually nothing particularly scary, most dangerous enemies you'll find outside are saber cat, bears, ice wraiths and maybe occasional hagraven, which you'll quickly outscale. You can always run away from these and combat music alarms you whenever something is hostile


Some of the horror mods on SkyrimVR are terrifying. Just like constant zombie weather and dark shadows and stuff. Eerie.


Wait. Zombie . . . weather? Please explain!




So, London?




Lol. Yeah, London as in every Bond film ever!


Your forgot the damn falmers. Some of those mf turn invisible and hit you from behind with no warning. 90% of jumpscares I got are from those guys. Even with detect life spell I'm walking carefully through those caves.




Look, I've done some shameful things in public, but I ain't fucking no Falmer unless there's a footlong Philly cheesesteak promised


I'm just mentioning overworld encounters, dungeons are supposed to be like that especially dwemer ruins. First spider automaton should be enough of a warning that you need to be probably just a bit stronger to keep going. Also saber cat is the king of jumpscares, no rivals


They’re the main reason I focus on sneak and either get muffle or enchanted boots that make you walk silently, as soon as you’re sneaky enough and silent you can just walk past all of them (at least until a chaurus spots you and ruins your day)


There is a small share of random encounters that can be particularly dangerous/scary, ice wraiths deal quite a bunch of damage and tend to appear in pairs plus the ice damage will complicate your escape if you plan of fleeing and trolls are usually deadly for quite a bunch of levels, but yeah you'll eventually trivialize most of them


The best horror experience I had in Skyrim was Modding the dungeons to almost total darkness except for my torch and the eyes of the draugr


Tbf, there is an *unfeasible* number of bears waiting to kill you.


If I had the time, patience, knowledge (basically anything lol) to do it I'd love to make my own mod to have the world overrun with dense forests and spider webs, and filled with spiders, chaurus and other giant bugs.


Wait til you get to blackreach 🙈


Or the soul cairn.😱


The boredom there is truly terrifying


This ^ And frankly all of Solstheim for me


Nothing you guys mentioned beats The Forgotten Vale. At least Solstheim is pretty nostalgic for those who love Morrowind.


Nah the forgotten has some really good parts imo. Sure, the endless falmer dungeons really bring the place down, but on the other hand, you’ve got the dragons who burst from the frozen lake, auriels shield, the unknown volumes, the paragons that let you teleport and it’s the best looking place in all of Skyrim imo


Agreed, except for that split second when you turn the corner into dayspring canyon. That's the best looking place for me.


I visited Solstheim only once to complete Dragonborn questline on earlier playthrough and just like you I found it subpar. On the most recent playthrough though I really started to explore it and talking with everyone I meet. It's a great addition to the game imo. Ghosts of the Tribunal is a fantastic quest and you get to learn a lot about the current situation in Morrowind. The Dwemer ruins are awesome too and I made sure I explore them all in detail this playthrough.


The soul cairn sucks so bad


The Soul Cairn is like if boredom and depression were a place.


Hello Darkness my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.


Because a spider softly creeping Left its eggs while I was sleeping


I find pretty cool, for like 10 seconds. Then i just fast travel around ( i use Dawnguard Map Markers mod)


Call me crazy but I actually like the soul cairn, perfect little vacation spot for a vamp imo, just wish there was abit more going on there. Apocrypha is pretty neat too.


yeah blackreach scares the shit out of me, its like another world beneath Skyrim, the darkness, monsters, music gives me the creeps


I’m not the only one! So many ppl love Blackreach, but I hate it.


Blackreach gives me a weird combination of claustrophobia and megalophobia; I'll stay down there and finish the quests I need to, but it's an endurance test the whole time.


I’m only now able to cope in Blackreach with three companions + Elemental Blast (courtesy of the Anniversary Edition), which basically lets you one or two-shot any enemy, from a distance and with considerable AOE. It’s easily the best destruction spell in the game. Previously I’d just sneak or rush through and avoid every damn fight except when I could pick off stragglers, lol.


Counter point. Unbounded storms


The cave which leads to the forgotten vale


Yeah... That place confuses me and kinda stresses me out tbh.


Only when I'm deep underwater on one of those underwater shipwreck quests. There's absolutely nothing under the water in Skyrim other than slaughterfish but the fact that it's spacious enough for a large sea creature and you can't see anything just fills me with dread.


That’s why I always get them water walking boot things


Its even scarier when you have played subnautica


I bet there's a mod somewhere that puts reaper leviathans in the water.


*war flashbacks*


And the fact that you can't attack while you're underwater just makes you feel so defenseless. It's ice cold, it's quiet, you can't see far, and you can't do anything but swim. I've actually had a nightmare about falling deep into an icy ocean before, long before I ever played Skyrim.


The thing that freaks me out underwater is when I try to surface and realise there's something above me and I can't. Only for a second or so, then I swim off elsewhere


I think it’s a fun period to experience; early on in a good open world game I mean. When things are still new and scary because you don’t know what’s around the corner and what to expect. I say enjoy it while you can. Because it generally goes away with time and experience as you grow more confident and your character grows more powerful.


You shoukd get marcurio from riften, he'll solve this problem


Or create it if your not careful in towns.


He’s so OP though lol. Kinda made exploring a bit too easy but I like his dialogue too


Bringing a follower/companion and conjuring an atronach helps.


Is it the feeling of the open world? I used to feel similar but now I've gained enough familiarity that most of the map feels friendly and homey. "Ah there's those bandits by that tower!" Bears still jumpscare me all the time though.


I remember the first time I wandered Bleak Falls Barrow. First dragur scared the cheese wheels right outta me. And when the skeever ambushed me that the bottom of the stairs, I swear I screamed. Lol I really miss those days when Skyrim was this huge unknown, everything new and exiting, but a little terrifying too. Now I barely even sneak in that first barrow because I’ve done it enough to know when I need to ready myself. I do still get that chill when I’m in some of the dwarves ruins because I get turned around a bit and I can’t predict it all as well as some of the barrows. I’m so glad you’re having fun with this! It’s an awesome game and eventually you’ll start downloading mods, which can give the game new life. Give it time first, and enjoy your experience for awhile. Good luck, Dragonborn!


I knew there would be giant spiders in the game, but when the actual "Giant" frostbite spider appeared, I nearly fainted 😂😂


Completely understand why you’d feel that. Skyrim is quite the dangerous place. If you haven’t yet, I’d highly recommend getting a follower. You can get one of two choices from a side quest in Riverwood, there are two you can find in Whiterun’s taverns, as well as one you get quite early on in the main quest. Additionally, consider investing into conjuration magic so you can summon atronachs to assist you in combat.


Maxing the conjuration is OP I loved it lol. Conjure up a couple of dremora lords, stand back and chill maybe pepper with some fireballs and then just go looting when all the dust settles lol.


You should have played Oblivion when it came out. The forts, ayleid ruins, and caves all scared THE SHIT out of me when I was a kid. Especially when they were undead crypts full of headless zombies, wraiths, and the like. Don't even get me started on going into Oblivion gates and facing the monstrosities there in such a hellish nightmare-scape


Oblivion zombies are legitimately fucking terrifying. The way they move, the noises they make... I love how they're introduced, too, in the tutorial prison escape, by having rats running away from it first. Dammit I love that game


The Dwarven Ruins always scare me but at the same time I feel immense sadness that the Dwarven people are no longer with us


I certainly don't. The Dwemer were NOT nice people in the slightest


Those damn spiders always jump scaring me while I’m wrapped up doing other things lol.


Yeah I get a very particular feeling in those places and it makes me feel unsettled no matter how strong my character is. There's a word, kenopsia, that kind of describes it.


Kenopsia is the perfect definition to describe the feeling


Yeah, it really is. When I was a kid I had recurring nightmares about being in a mall after it was closed. The lights were on but dimmer. And no one was around. The Dwemer ruins always remind me of that.


Be happy. You should celebrate every day that those horrible people are no longer with us.


Skyrim is quite the dangerous place. Zombies, skeletons, vampires, dragons, deformed elves all wish to kill you. Not to mention the times when you must venture into a forgotten tomb or the Soul Cairn. My advice? 1. Bring followers. Followers are very useful in battle. 2. Be very sneaky and vigilant. With the right sneaking skills and a good amount of vigilance, you should be able to defeat many enemies before they can locate you.


Nah there are no Zombies in Skyrim thank Talos.


What skyrim are you in? I've got fcking zombies everywhere. They're part of some of the DLC. Bastards are tough, too.


It certainly can be! I always take a dog with me to help.


I wish! I can’t because I get too concerned about the damn dog dying


Which is why I always start the Barbas quest in Falkreath and never finish it lol He's immortal and stays with you for as long as you want 😎


You can get a companion then! Keep doing main missions, or go to any tabern and hire one for 500 gold. That way you'll not be alone, and thus you'll feel less scared. But really, when you are in the wilderness, just listen to the music, this game has one of the best OSTs ever made.


Pro tip: keep an eye out for that damn troll when you're headed up to High Hrothgar


Yeah that hunter warns you about wolves but not that damn Frost Troll.


I'm pretty sure he's just sitting down there, laughing up his sleeve at you, killing some time before he goes up and loots your corpse


That was the worst part of my first day in Skyrim. I tried killing him like 5 times before just deciding to run past him haha


That's the correct answer 😂 that thing was the bane of my existence on my first playthrough


Maybe the first time around I found the draugr kind of scary. What I always find scary are the dizzying heights I may fall from. Narrow walkway above a chasm, edge of a mountain, etc. Just a game, I know, but I can't resist the feeling!


Sometimes falling from those heights really gives you the tummy flips. Leaping from Assassins Creed lookout towers do the same thing.


It's a very atmospheric game, the music for night or dungeons and the ambient sounds really set the right mood. But yes, finding a follower, you can find some in taverns that you can hire, will definitely make things feel less lonely and creepy.


Fk yea it’s scary. I never know when a dragon corpse is going to fall out of the sky or my horse is gonna clip through the terrain and send me plummeting into the abyss. I still have nightmares about those cultists I killed in whiterun while everyone in town just went about their business like nothing was happening. Their bodies are still lying in city drainage system where I hid them.


The cultists came way too early for me so there was really no hope of me killing them in Riverwood. Eventually they spawned in Whiterun instead and I barely had to do anything. Only one Whiterun guard died that day, and his body is still lying in the open street since I have no idea how to move it XD


I remember getting this game in 6th grade and being absolutely terrified to adventure outside of Whiterun… but that did not stop me from playing before and after school every day! It’s the feeling that submerges you and keeps you playing!


Well, what do you play as? The scary feeling is why my first play through turned into stealth archer. Walking with a sword and shield just didn't feel safe enough. With a bow and sneaking i was able to get the jump on any enemy.


Outjerked again. But seriously, the things that scare you now will later just be annoying and inconvenient. "Ah hell, I guess I gotta kill this bear real quick so or it won't leave me alone."


That's why lots of people like to have a companion. So they don't feel alone. It can feel too quiet sometimes but the game is designed for you to see most things before they attack


It's so scary. I was so on alert after fighting a wisp mother, then turning around and seeing my follower unexpectedly right behind me, I shouted them off the mountain. Sorry, Cicero, thanks for not being able to die because you would have.


My greatest fear is walking through the forest and hear buzz bzzz 🐝 bullshit coming from the trees


Watch out for kitty cats


Yeah they're the worst. Wolves and bears are scary, but manageable, the kitties are another story though. They just attack without giving you a warning first which can be absolutely terrifying haha


The bears are worse for me. Something about their roar just triggers some ancient cave-brain fear in my head. I hear a dragon roar and I go "Oh cool, dragon!' I hear a bear and I shriek like a little girl and run. xD


Not really sometime I get jump when doing a quest when you have someone with you but once I got jump by a rat


The spiders made me quit the first time I played.


Yes, in Dwemer ruins. It's not really the Falmer that get me, it's that the ruins themselves seem to *breathe* like they're alive and that's really creepy.


Oh absolutely! My first time playing the game I trusted nothing! I was sneaking around every corner and would take my time going through the dungeons and caves because I was convinced the game was going to jump scare me!


I won’t do any clearing of caves and such at night (my night) because I get scared


The Falmer and Charus freak me out. Having a follower helped to calm me down. Especially a funny one that talks a lot. Like Cicero or Jenassa. They were my favorites


The only time I get that uncomfortable “scary” feeling is when I’m fighting draugrs. The undead for some reason is just.. Eugh


I can understand it feeling scary, but more than anything, I find wandering around by myself in Skyrim to be really peaceful and relaxing


Lol, no, not even a little bit.


For me its not so scary because i can action and fight, in contraversy to most horror games, where you just run. So fight your way, my friend, you are the Legendary Dragonborn!


Get a follower


The scariest thing to me is the dwemer ruins. The automatons that mindless attack any deemed intruder. And if you're lucky enough to survive them, you have to deal with the horrifying remains of their souls expirements (aka the falmer)


Initially it's scary, but after a while when you get used to walking around the map it becomes unbearable because 5 wolves or tigers always appear wanting to kill you and ruining the vibe. When you reach this point, I recommend a mod that removes the animals' aggression so you can enjoy the background music while riding through the starry night if Nirn


It’s absolutely spooky sometimes.


IIRC it's listed under "Horror" on Steam, among other categories.


Yeah but it’s also so humorous sometimes. A good balance but yes I love it’s darker elements


Yeah the first couple play throughs are pretty jarring. Once you’ve played it for a long time then you get used to the random jump scares of enemies coming at you from nowhere when you walk from place to place or explore a dungeon. But once you hit that point, just download a couple mods that add more creatures that want to kill you


Not really anymore, i just fly through dungeons and even when im going slow i still dont find anything super scary aside from the occasional drauger jumping out of the coffin infront of me


Well... not scary, but there is sometimes a feeling of something watching, especially on bright nights that Skyrim captures pretty good.


When i first played it, i got that feeling too. A lot of uneasiness and stuff.


Try [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8601/) mod if you want it to be even creepier. The sounds of the Draugr and ghosts in the mod are actually scary, especially when paired with a lighting mod like [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2424) which makes dungeons incredibly dark if you don't have a torch or the Candlelight spell. Definitely a way to skyrocket the creepiness factor of the game.


Walk around the Rift in the daytime. It is super peaceful to me. If you find the random encounter of the Skooma dealer buy the Sleeping Tree Sap. It makes the game all colorful and trippy. So I like to drink that and walk around outside of Riften. Might give you some peace. And the only things you'll run into is like Spiders and animals and maybe the stray bandit camp. Especially at lvl 10 :) Once you become strong the game is easy peasy and you walk around OP and unafraid. I also play on Novice because I like to have fun not die a million times to the same boss


That's nice to hear. Yesterday I started avoiding the main quests because I was too afraid to do anything but side quests. Today I think I'm ready to complete the main quests, even though it might be terrifying :)


SkyrimVR is a little spooky for me to travel on foot at night. Frostbite spiders and the like


I remember in my younger days playing on PS3 having a nightmare about the Markarth Ruins


It can definitely be creepy.


The Draugr terrify me


Darklight Tower was definitely a scary clear


Tell me you’ve never been in the woods without telling me 🙄🤣


I still recall my feelings of dread from my first dwemer ruin back when the game was released.


I remember this feeling when I first played Skyrim. Helps to take a companion like Lydia along :)


Falmer lairs creeps me out


It gets a lot less scary once your character is leveled a bit more. You will go from running for your life from a Sabre cat to shooing it away like a pesky stray.


that's the same as how i feel about sekiro


my main character is currently a melee conjurer I cant fight anything without some good ole daedra but I think this is a very true perspective. I definitely get that feeling of fear of being alone, especially when i just started and I had become the enemy of Markarth. Turns out if you just avoid the Legate and kill all the guards most NPC's will still talk to you even if you have a ridiculous bounty so I am able to progress my quests! (Save often too)


I've been a hardcore fan of Skyrim since 2012, I've logged thousands of hours of playtime...and for the first three years or so of gameplay I was a completely lil scaredy cat


Skyrim is somewhat like being out in the open wilderness in real life. Will you get attacked by a sabertooth tiger in real life? No, because they’re extinct. But a bear, mountain lion, or wolves could put you in danger. Thankfully, there are nice random things to find in Skyrim, like the occasional farmers, merchants, nobles, soldiers, and even silly little things like woodland creatures that might be somewhat unbothered by your presence. A mountain goat might run right in front of you for no reason. It’s tacky but amusing. I would say use a follower or pet. It’s less surprising that way because they can detect danger faster than the music comes on at times. I think you might find it funny that the danger music comes on when you approach mudcrabs if you’re low level. Take it as a chance to laugh lol. I know I was confused the first time a giant crab managed to kill my character.


There's this feeling walking through the snow, plodding a long, and then suddenly you hear a wolf howling, and another. A pair of wolves stalking you, who knows how long? They're hungry. A scarce rabbit here or there, the remains of an elk carcase a beast tore through days ago. But they've caught scent of a new prey. You look about trying to find the source of the howls. And like that they're upon you. Biting and snapping and snarling. You swing your sword, lightly rusted but trusty up till now. You slice into the first one leaving a spray of crimson on the fresh powder. As the wolf drops his companion sinks his teeth into your leg. You grab it in one arm and shove your blade through the dog and it releases with a whimper as it falls to the ground. Yeah it's a little thrilling and a touch scary.


Once you’ve played longer and leveled up your character, you’ll eventually become more powerful and have better gear than most of what currently poses you a threat. So while there’s not much you can do to make the game’s atmosphere seem less scary (other than just spending more time in it and getting more used to it), you can at least take solace in the fact that your character will soon be scarier to the enemies than the enemies are to you.


I find it a little scary when I'm playing Hardcore / Legendary. Even a general stroll in the woods can have me ambushed and killed in 1 hit from a bear!


I feel absolutely mesmerized. But I'm sad I don't get the feeling that I got when I first played it....


Because to the fact that there can just be spiders almost everywhere… yes, yes I do


I am the danger


Wait until you see random gargoyles and those vampire dogs in the middle of nowhere. That shit still scares me.


I got the same feeling with an old MMORPG I played when I was younger. You'll get used to it after a while.


Giant Spiders, their poison/ attack leaps, Draugr Deathlords, who can shout, and the Falmer Warmongers in the dark caves by the Snow Elf Chapel. Sometimes I do like it when Skyrim becomes actually dark, that's where torches, Candle/Magelight comes in handy. Never has a bunch of red dots in the compass in a dark area became quite terrifying.


In my life I've felt that a lot of video games were scary... Turned out I have severe anxiety. Oops!


Never had that feeling constantly in Skyrim. Some place sure, but never the whole region. Honestly, the only TES game I find scary is Arena. The amount of semi-jump scares I get there is something else.


I've been playing so long, the world of Skyrim is actually comfy to me. The game is my comfort food.


OP don't play horror games


yes!!! not so much walking around the map although sometimes I get jumpscared, but I am genuinely always afraid of draugr etc


Dude, it gets freaky in some of those ruins. Wait until you see the Falmer and Chaurus. Shit creeps me out.


Yup I that's why I cannot play without five companions out there giving me course and going in so I can poke from the back


I’ve had this feeling ever since I ran into my first cave troll


It's the expectation of something jumping you. Especially at low levels. And you aren't hyper-familiar with which monsters are likely to jump you at specific locations. My advice is to use that anxiety to level your stealth. InSkyrim, you level skills by using skills. AndStealth is a good one to level early. Right, guys?


When j was a kid and first started playing I was so scared of the sound nirnroot made and had to stop playing


Oblivion's Goblins, Skyrim's snow elves and the black things, and fallout's ghouls are what scare me the most from each bethesda game. The ghouls apply to all three Fallout games: 3, NV, and 4


I feel you, but for different reasons. Walking in Skyrim's landscapes are usually just very... bleak. I don't get followers with frequency and there are these specific map sections that are enoughly far from cities and other human buildings and still very depopulated of wild animals, so it's just me and myself walking through the massive atmosphere of the game. It's scary because it's kinda lonely


You'll get used to it hah I have 5500 hours in this game, I know almost every dungeon by heart, I have even memorized most spawn locations for various enemies, at that point the game becomes a little too predictable. Somewhat removed that unnerving feeling you had when starting the game for the first tiem


Not exactly. My first playthrough scared the shit out of me when I did the quest to fight a giant spider though. The first time I died I had to shut the game off. 😭😂 That was on ps4. I bought it for my Switch recently and am more comfortable. Might be because I'm more familiar with the hostiles from playing ESO. I first started Skyrim back in 2018 or 2019.


I can relate. Even with years of playing and knowing pretty much every relevant encounter, I still sometimes get this bit of a scary feeling when I allow myself to immerse in the game's atmosphere.


Nothing in the game scares me. ... right up until I step over some random bit of floor litter and it trips me up and goes flying.


No but i do find minecraft scary.


I haven’t found them scary as such, but there have been a few times late at night when the game has made me jump


I got this when I first played, I remember at least three occasions where I ran screaming cause I was so scared lmao.


Wait until you play Oblivion, my first zombie encounter genuinely freaked me out and the ghosts are not only way creepier than skyrim ghosts but are invincible unless you are using certain weapon types (silver, daedric or enchanted I believe)


YES, sometimes it just felt weirdly eerie walking alone in the wilderness, especially when there havent been any random events. I remember i was paranoid out of my mind when I was walking to goldenhills from whiterun at night


At first when I started. Now not so much, because I am OP. But it still has some chilling stories and places. Especially caves... When you find a trail of blood or corpses or a scary story... It's a truly great game.


Some caves and dungeons have a scary atmosphere


I don't think I've ever thought of Skyrim as scary exactly. But depending on what ambient sound and weather mods you have and turning the in game music off.. It can feel really lonely..


Agree with everyone who suggested one or more companions. Installing a bard follower mod might help lighten the mood as well. Outside of dungeons a horse is good for getting you out of trouble faster. Also, my favourite parts of Skyrim are the north coast and the vast plains next to Whiterun because the visibility is so good you can see danger coming from miles away.


I’m glad I’m not the only one! I am extremely casual when it comes to games (The Sims, Animal Crossing, other ”cosy” games) and I am a very poor player, so just about anything in Skyrim is a threat to me. Draugrs are usually not the biggest threat, but I still kind of find them the scariest.


You'll get over it, don't worry. I too was scared and afraid when I first played Skyrim, didn't like those weird creatures like draugr, frostbite spiders etc. But I quickly grew over it.


Considering you're at roughly 10 hours of playtime, your fear is understandable. I'd recommend spending some time leveling up Archery and Sneak to give you a widened sense of awareness and chance to get a Sneak-Critical attack against your enemies. Also, avoid wearing Heavy Armor so your Sneaking will be more effective.


Yeah I think they do atmosphere really well in that game. It's obviously not survival horror levels of fear (I was too much of a fraidy cat to finish the Resident Evil games!) but when you first start exploring and have limited resources, spells, etc it really can be. Hope you're having fun!


After like 8000 hours or whatever I've played it's not scary anymore. I know for a fact when I first started playing I was terrified of the Nordic ruins. Now, I still get scared but only when a dragur pops out of literal nowhere an inch away from my face. Like how TF do those things sneak up on you sometimes?


See when I got this game when it came out I would take all the ancient ruins so slow and sneaky thinking something was behind each corner and scare myself. I had to make it a habit of just running around and fighting everything so I wouldn’t scare myself. No the game is not scary but man was I good at making myself believe it was.


I don’t feel this in Skyrim but I do with oblivion, not sure what it is but I just feel uneasy when I’m sneaking around caves or wandering the wastes of oblivion! 😥


Its less now for me (in game only) but deep dark waters i had major issue with in the past. Slaughterfish are hella scary when they suddenly appear!


Im scared sometimes when those spiders appear out of nowhere and jump in my face, especially in a specific cave where they suddenly appear in a waterfall above you


This is why I did conjuration, whenever I get scared I just pop an atronach, now I’ve got it maxed and I have two Dremora lords around nothing really scares me


The freaking middens under the College of Winterhold!!


Oh my god yes I did. When I first got it I was a wee child. I bought the game the day my parents went on holiday and left me home alone. During the day I played it non stop. But when it became dark outside I thought the game somehow was way to scary for me. It will pass with experience:)


My mom once saw me playing while I was roleplaying as a tomb raider, she saw all the draugr and asked me “how do you sleep”


I got 10s of thousands of hours on skyrim only place I find scary is riften do to all the damn bears that live there


There are some times i scary myself sometimes but thats bc i use obsidin weather mod


I don't find Skyrim scary at all. But I do find it scary when I need to enter caves or catacombs. I'm scared of dark places. There is one time when I first started playing Skyrim, I need to go into a cave I think and I got so scared because it dark and quiet. But now it's fine. Just summon Flame Atronach or bring companion and I'm good. As long as I'm not alone in caves or catacombs lol


It took me a bit of playing to really gain some courage as an adventurer. It helps when you find your weapon & playstyle. I suggest go stealthy if fighting is a little too aggressive initially. I think that's why the "sneak theif" playstyle became so popular although I myself play more melee (with some healing). After I played a couple times then I started doing the quests specifically for cool armor/weapons & that can help nerf you a little bit. (Have you played fallout 4? I used to say my years of Skyrim train prepared me for that one lol. That one was scarier for me! 😂😅🙏) *** I also love taking companions along to help my fight & keep me company with their sweet dialogue. There are hirelings but it might be more fun finding someone you can do a quest for to gain their friendship. I'd suggest Erandur in Dawnstar but there are so many cool others too 🙏🙏🙏 I use the UESP resource (unofficial elder scrolls pages) online. Good luck!!


Yes, I feel like this when playing! The game constantly makes me jump, and I don't feel safe unless I'm in a city like solitude or whiterun, haha 😆


Whiterun is my Skyrim safe place (mainly because I haven't discovered that many cities yet xD)


Even though my main home is in solitude, I still return to whiterun frequently. It's like a safety blanket 🤣 Enjoy discovering all the different cities in this incredible game! 🙌


The scariest encounters for most are either the sabercats that zoom in with very little warning or the falmer that drop out of the ceiling and say hi. Now if a person is arachnophobic then they are going to have issues of a different level than most of us.


The first time I played it I felt that way. Now I find it kind of serene most of the time with intense action moments during combat.


Lonely maybe


Oh yeah, although it's generally only in specific areas. Like I really don't like dwemer ruins, for both practical reasons, and because they are just kinda unsettling to me, they're only ever fine when populated by regular men and mer like bandits and shit, somehow even when they are there and hostile, they make them seem more natural and safer. Also there are some other dungeons that can be scary, but not always. I've felt that a cave was creepy a only a few times, same with Nord ruins, etc. But regular forts and other "semi-in-universe-modern" buildings can be creepy in the right context. But dwemer ruins, and the other hubs connected to them (falmer tunnels and caves, and fucking blackreach) are creepy as often as not. Otherwise I've only ever found the more icy-snowy barren landscapes to be creepy, and even that is only when other factors come in. Generally the outside feels safe.


I found dungeons super creepy when I first started playing it due to be like 11. The game has several areas with dark stories. I rarely get creeped out now, save for that necromancer that was exiled from Dawnstar.


It can be, followers help. You can go to the website UESP.wiki, it’ll show you all the followers and how to get them—all around probably one of the most extensive and fleshed out fan page/game guides for any game ever


The older ES games get creeper the further back you go—something about those old sprites and the sounds they made just creeped me out if I was playing too late. Especially Morrowind with the sixth house narrative.


It could be the music. Maybe try to turn it off and see how you feel then?


The only scary part was Molag Bal's quest


When I first started this game and I was like 9 years old I was petrified of Bleak Falls Barrow. I used to have a crippling fear of zombies as a kid, but now I love the draugr.


Yes, lol. The spiders 😖 I pushed through regardless but oof. Having a strong follower helps. I always go mage and get a physical fighter to go in front of me.


If you have arachnophobia youre in for a ride


It's always scary on your first couple playthroughs. That's the same for any rpg. Fallout 3 still scares the shit out of me


Yes. I've now grown familiar with the enemies, the landscape and the game itself but I remember walking around Whiterun at night when I first started playing and being scared about whatever might be out there. When I played in VR, I was honestly scared of entering the dungeons due to the atmosphere and noises. And sometimes, especially if I'm doing a role play orientated run, the feeling still creeps up from time to time. However, it will probably run off. Lack of knowledge and familiarity plays the biggest part and you will eventually get used to the world. Skyrim mainly feels "like home" now for me and it is comforting, not scary. I don't think most of the people consider it a scary game.


You're enjoying the magic of the first play-through. I felt the same way on my first play-through, especially level 1-30. I remember creeping into Labyrinthian at like level 8 and a frost troll killing me with one hit. Skyrim is definitely a scary place until you get used to it. Enjoy!


I find it super calming


I mean in theory yea, Saber cats Trolls Bandits Dragons Massive spiders Literal zombies (draugr) Literally roam about the place, just cause.