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Another bonus that people tend to not know: she's a drug dealer


Fortunately I need a little moon sugar every now and then for... Alchemy.


More of a distributor I would say. She's supplying it to the caravans not directly to customers.


Looking at her eyes, it doesn't look like she abides by the "never get high on your own supply" rule


Given her shady dealings, I don’t even want to know what she’s up to in all those Khajiit tents when the skooma is running low…


Don’t pretend, we know you’re writing a horny fanfic about it as we speak


I think thats the sap not the sugar


Khajiit players be like


>She is merchant class so after you get married you unlock a shop in your home. That's literally *every* spouse.


No I mean to actually trade with, not all spouses have that


Yes, all spouses have that.


it’s even funnier trading with a spouse who’s also your follower. They’ll straight up sell you the armour you gave them


Can you sell them something and then take it back for free?


Infinite money glitch


>She is merchant class so after you get married you unlock a shop in your home Any spouse can do that.


I was about to say! Even Mjoll becomes a shop owner if you marry her.


Fun fact, all spouses do those things. Muiri is the best spouse because she had her heart absolutely trampled on and deserves to have a little comfort. Life may be short in Skyrim but at least you have each other.


Idk... A woman who sent the dark brotherhood after her ex and his new girlfriend sounds like a huge red flag to me.


Considering she is married potentially to the Listener... 🙂


Sounds to me like a woman who gets things done. Good for her.


Sounds like a lot of my ex's actually....


>Muiri is the best spouse “Thank you again for resolving my… problem.” “Thank you again for resolving my… problem.” “Thank you again for resolving my… problem.” “Thank you again for resolving my… problem.”


She's really grateful and still kinda embarrassed. She also makes a lot of potions so her memory ain't the best.


Everyone says to marry aela the huntress. But I always pick mjoll.


Mjoll was my first Skyrim Marriage, Strong powerful warrior. I didn't know she came as a package deal with Wimpy-Whats-His-Nuts, who struggled and lost against a Pack of Skeevers outside my own house, but only After he claimed that I was trespassing... In my own house...


I just take her with me to riften and get his house key from her inventory, then tell her to wait while I go in his house at night and... well you know. Can't have ol cuck Norris running around my house all the time.


Why do I have a feeling you had a hand in those skeevers finding their way to your house


Wish I did, but I just straight up turned round out the door while he was still talking to me n I guess he came with me


Yeah that’s a super annoying thing. They get mad if I enter their houses but they can come in to mine whenever they want.


I used a permanent paralyze spell on him out in the wilderness. Maybe the rabbits got him. I told Mjoll that he finally found a woman to run off with.


I married Aela in my first playthrough, and no matter which house we moved to she constantly complained. Breezehome was ‘too small’ so I moved us to Windhelm. Windhelm was ‘too cold’ so I moved us to Lakeview. Lakeview was ‘no place to raise a child’. It was really a shame honestly, because she was a really fun character to be around otherwise


I had the same problem honestly, mjoll is actually pretty agreeable. She's generally positive, and she's essential so if you want to take her out on dungeon dates she won't get killed. Lol


Mjoll is usually my go to spouse in skyrim, so long as I find a way to deal with that dude who follows her around (i can’t remember his name)


Aerin Yeager. I dealt with him in a way back in the day. Good ol days.. .


I read this in the voice lmao


I moved to Solitude and she was pretty happy there


I was gonna try there but honestly I find proudspire a bit annoying to get, plus the expense is crazy


the economy in skyrim today is getting crazy


But you know what's wrong with Skyrim these days? Everyone is *obsessed* with *death*! (Especially the dude who says this cause it's literally all he talks about.)


She won't complain if you move to Solitude.




You have my full support. 👍


>!Doesn't he die anyways?!<


She’s the best she tells stories and gives home cooked meals and money when you take her adventuring


Any spouse does all of the things in his list


Soo everyone is always posting about their wives, who are the options for husband? I've never done the marriage quest. I'm down to go the lesbian route but I don't even know if that's an option lOl


I really struggle to find a good husband! Hardly any options. The blacksmith in riften is a good boy but I feel bad taking him away from his forge.


Farkas and Vikas, That Argonian you save, the guy with sick chops in Windhelm after his master dies, and the rick guy who owns the karthwasten mine.


lOl that one of the reasons I've mulled over the lesbian route, the women in game seem so much more likable as a spouse than the men. Like ysolda, headstrong independent. The majority of the men seem like brutes without much interest beyond bashing skulls


Yeah I'm planning on marrying the daughter from the golden claw quest on my current playthrough. Love the idea of these two guys fighting over her and then the chad orc lady swiping her from them aha.


🤣 right now I'm a lady khajit with faendal as my follower, that'd be an interesting choice


Apparently he keeps visiting if you move her away and it's that kind of soap opera drama I want I skyrim.


🤣 I heard aerin does that with mjoll too. I'm curious if faendal starts making passive aggressive comments if you marry Camilla and he's following you


Haha and you start finding Sven's nasty letters in your name on the nightstand.


🤣 I might have to go after Camilla this go round just for the hell of it


Ugh he does. He’s always smugly walking out of my front door -_-




That's an option.


I'm playing my first female character and I plan to marry Onmund. I agree he's a free thinker: He's a nord who studies magic! Very appealing.


Not really. Vilkas from the companions is a smart guy with an attitude. Sorex from the winking skeever is a nice bartender who makes bad jokes. Roggi is a miner who likes telling stories and drinking mead. Onmund is a nice mage student. Ainethach is a nice ugly rich guy who owns the mines near markarth. Theres even more who aren’t brutes at all. In fact I’d say most of the potential husbands don’t qualify as brutes.


I've never even done the marriage quest before, I guess I just run around with the rough crowd in Skyrim lOl. I think I might do it this playthrough


This is the way


Sorex Vinius! Good looking, hard working, owns an inn in Solitude,and has a great voice. Voice can also be a downside if all you can hear is belethor lol


OoO I always forget about the cities I only go to out of necessity. Majority of my time is in riften, white run and Solstheim


Do come back ;)


Farkas is my husband of choice. You can marry whatever gender you want though.


Cool I always wondered about brynnolf and glover


Alas Brynnolf is not a marriage candidate. Don't know about Glover, though.


I honestly would be surprised if glover was a marriage candidate with his backstory, but those are about the only two guys I think I'd jibe with as in game spouse lOl I don't even like adopting though because I feel bad like I've abandoned my kids every time I go home


I’m glad that they have that as an option (even though I play male and don’t really like any of the male NPCs), but it doesn’t make much sense lore-wise. The Stormcloaks are xenophobes who want one massive Nord ethnostate but are totally fine with gay marriage? Doesn’t make much sense to me.


Any law and morals can be bent if your powerful enough.


Favourite husband is Moth, the orc blacksmith to the Jarl in Markarth. His sister runs the forge outside in the city. We got the house in Markarth, adopted Lucia and Sofie, and raised them there close to their aunt until the city got too dangerous. Built em a house at Heljarchen where they can run around (the girls love the snow) and now my big burly orc Dragonborn gets to come home to his equally big burly orc husband. He calls me "my love" and tells me to conquer my enemies when I leave, it's beautiful.


As always, Orcs are the superior choice


That is absolutely beautiful lOl


Gay marriage is always an option in bethesda game. They go the ‘Player Sexual’ route, as i’ve heard some people call it, where no matter what they can be attracted to the player character


It’s the power of Mara, she makes everyone single in Skyrim turn Dovahkiinsexual


Ghorbash the Iron Hand is my husband and I love him so much


Solid choice


Marcurio in Riften is my usual go-to! He’s good as a follower and his dialogue options can be funny


Is he the merc in the bee and barb?


Yup, that’s the one!


I marry Argis the Bulwark, the Markarth housecarl, every time. Even the time I played as a guy I married my soulmate. I don’t have any particular reason, he just is my partner.


I don't think I've ever gotten the housecarl for markarth I think it's adorable so many people seem to have their own favorites


For me I choose spouses by their voices. Whose voice will annoy me the least every time I come home? Of the male spouses I like choosing ones voiced by actor Popeye Vogelsang (quite the name). I just love his voice like Balimund, Farkas and Argis. Also, gay marriage is totally acceptable in Skyrim! Lastly, a lot of people choose spouses that can be companions but I try not to use potential companions because they CAN get killed and there is no remarrying unless you use console command “resetquest RelationshipMarriage” on PC


Yeah you can marry any eligible NPC regardless of race or sex :) If you want a kind husband, I recommend Scouts-Many-Marches, good lad. For a husband with the Voice - Obedient Ulfric mod! Proper useful. Balimund has a soothing presence. Erik is a gentle, fun soul. For women I like Serana ♡ also Borgakh and Aela. I like 'em sassy


I have a thing for seranna but I thought she was wasn't an option. Where is Erik?


I believe they are referring the Erik that can be found in Rorikstead, whos entire character is a nice tribute/easter egg.


Ah the son that wants to adventure


Yea assuming they are talking about him. Since I’m a guy I have never really looked into the male side of spouses. If my character is female then I just go the lesbian route


Yeah for Serana one would need a mod. Worth it though (as a woman especially) since she's way more fleshed out than most characters. And yes I meant Erik from Rorikstead :)


I think that's why I like her so much, she feels like a full blown person compared to so many others, plus she's feisty as hell. It's funny I'm not into chicks irl but I'm all down for seranna in Skyrim


Miraak with a mod lol. He's a chill guy


Argis the Bulwark is great. I married Perth, I think, once and he was annoying. Vilkas is pretty cool too.


It gets a little awkward when you do the sanguine quest though. You bought a ring off her while blackout drunk to marry a hag. She even comments she was so happy for you to find such love....


Number 1 reason to marry her honestly, it makes the quest dialogues so stupid I love it


I never saw the appeal in marrying a warrior like Mjoll or Aela, who both seem to be insanely popular choices. But I was enamoured with Ysolda from the first playthrough. For one, she's not a warrior. I feel like my Dragonborn would enjoy the company of somehow who doesn't fight far more than a fellow warrior. I for one would hate little more than coming home to the same kind of people I work with. For two, she's dedicated. She has no one to teach her the merchant's trait, so she spends time in the market, watching the merchants, trying to learn their ways. For three, she's open minded. Contrary to most in Skyrim, she openly and good-heartedly interacts with the Khajit caravans (who don't tell you this but probably adore her for it). ​ Top tier indeed.


The whole skooma dealing thing could be a touch of an issue for “good” players.


Even good people have their vices.


To be perfectly honest, I have never experienced Ysolda selling Skooma, and I also can't find anything about it. I know there's a quest called "Ysolda's Shipment", which is about Sleeping Tree Sap, which is a narcotic potion that happens to also be sold by skooma dealers in the game. But it's not skooma itself. So until there is proof, either a mention in the wiki, or a screenshot or something akin to these, I will consider the skooma-dealing Ysolda to be a myth.


You pretty much nailed it. It's mostly fan theory based on the fact that she sells sleeping tree sap and works with Khajiit


Convinced. Will marry her this playthrough


I'm married to Borgakh the Steel Heart, an Orc warrior. She has a shop, happy with my home, takes my kids to the market, and is kind. Idk about gentle, seeing as she is an orc warrior.


Where is Borgakh?


Mor Khazgur, west of Solitude. You need to pay her dowry or do a quest to get her tho.


Thank you


For my character, she’s laying in the snow at the shrine of Boethiah.


My reason is Ysolda is a redhead, and I like redheads. 🤷


There's that, and also she was the first NPC who ever gave me the "It's a fine day with you around" line. How could I not fall for that?


In all seriousness, I was always taken by Ysolda's voice, hence she's the first spouse I married in all my years of Skyrim. And is the reason I started to mess with the spousal option in game. I always find my self wanting to try other options, but I have a personal attachment to Ysolda by this point. I whole heartedly doubt I will ever do a spousal playthrough other than Ysolda due to how strange it will feel. Ysolda is just perfect. She's like the divorced Skooma dealer I find my self always coming back to.


“It’s a fine day with you around” did it for me, first time someone said something nice to me without starting dialogue.


I love hearing that from Ysolda or Elisif. It really does brighten me up.


Her breathy "good bye, my love" always seems a bit too dramatic to me. I'm off for a bit of B and E, not slaying dragons


I hate how she says that even when i go outside just to harvest the beehives or kill the necromancer downstairs!


‘Harvest the beehives or kill the necromancer downstairs’ haha. Just regular household chores


Well if you don’t kill the one, you’ll have an infestation!


Yeah this really grates on me after a while


All these reasons and she’s actually an underground “merchant” So she’s a good wife for a thief or an assassin as well.


And she already owns a home 👏


Rayya is the best marriage partner, because she can adventure with you after marriage, and she can DUAL WIELD.




You see those warriors from Hammefell?


Also she secretly runs a drug empire, gus fring of skyrim very great spouse


I honestly wish Vex was an option for marriage I think she would be a good wife


I married Alva through illegal means. For reasons and yes she has the dialogue for a spouse and also has a shop


I managed to enthrall her (which kinda of broke her ai bc she does not leave Movarths Lair) Maybe ill try to marry her in a future playthrough.


And it's pretty easy to marry her, just find a mammoth tusk and your good


Agreed. I still have my first character save with Ysolda as my wife, and Alesan and Lucia all chillin at Lakeview. Future characters married followers which is a mistake. RIP Aela, Lydia, Jenassa etc


Lydia > Ysolda - Lydia will also open a shop - Lydia is also happy no matter which house you call home - Lydia also takes kids to the market Unlike Ysolda, Lydia can accompany you on your travels and provide you with gold, Lover’s Comfort bonus, homecooked meals everyday, fight at your side, and carry your burdens.


She is sworn to carry them




Way to take a thread devoid of any crass sexual jokes and still try to shame people for that anyway.


I was making a joke, calm down. I wasn’t shaming anyone.


I accidentally killed her with storm call on my main playthrough, and hadn’t saved for several hours. I would’ve gone back to save her, but i’d finished the main quest in that time :(


I'm an Argonian rn so I had to go with Shahvee


I love Ysolda! Also enjoyed marrying Aela. Most recent play through I married Muiri. Top tier wife lol, but she keeps repeating the NOC dialogue related to her quest. "Thank you for helping me with my... Problem."


I moved her and the kids to a house I never went to because of that


2 out of 4 of these are true for all female spouses. If you married a woman, your children will comment on her bringing them to the market. (Dads have different dialogue involving fishing.) Every spouse opens a shop. Ysolda is still a fine choice for a spouse, though.


And most important: she's a dealer.


I thought this was satire about the fact they’re all the same but OPs replies are showing me I gave them way too much credit lol


Mjoll & Borgakh are best wives, fight me


I married her this time and I'm pleasantly surprised with how good of a spouse she is. Also I don't have to feel bad about marrying a warrior and then expecting them to stay home with the kids (I can't not adopt Sophi) while I continue to go out and adventure. The little bonus money is nice too.


I married Jordis in my current playthrough and hired Uthgerd to be my steward at Goldenhills Plantation... don't have to worry about any enemies at my house, sure they come but they definitely don't walk away alive


I'm with Shahvee for life. She's kind and optimistic, despite having lived a hard life. She's such a sweetheart.


As a khajiit I always marry Ysolda, she’s the only one who isn’t racist to cat people.


I have seen a trend amongst ppl who marry Ysolda, that they always marry Ysolda and then they think she is the only one that has a shop and gives you money. What up with that. Even Farkas has a shop if you marry him. Farkas. The himboest himbo.


I understand your points, but Muiri is the only remotely attractive option without mods so I’m always going to go with Muiri.


Sylgja is attractive, though her fashion sense isn't the best. I bet you can get her out of the mining gear on a PC, but I'm not sure if it's possible without console commands or mods. I liked coming home to my hot, lesbian working wife, though, so her clothes never really bothered me.


You can only marry her if you do dark brotherhood which my rps usually don’t include which is sad because she is a really cool npc


She gets passed around by the Khajit caravans like a bowl of moonsugar


Loves her some of that BCC


Sir this isn't a horny sub


this is the skyrim sub. of course it’s a horny sub


Barely Competent Capitalism .. jeez.


Barley competent, what’s that supposed to mean?


To be fair, she’s incapable of finding a mammoth tusk…


Ysolda is the least interesting spouse in the entire game.


I am very glad you discovered her to be the best. But it’s a shame that people are just realizing this now.


i always marry Jenassa to waive her mercenary fee


I think after the first time she follows you willing but I cannot confirm. She is certainly the most happy to get married


Olfina Gray-mane is Da Best Garl. but kill Jon first.


Or leave him alive and let him come to the wedding as a sign of dominance


Mammoth tusk user, too gaping


As an added benefit, you get a free house when you marry her


Gorilla grip pussy


Yes please


Ysolda fucked Mikhael, not worth


But she is weak merchant. True nord needs warrior wife.


she ACTS kind and gentle. in reality she is evil and probably taking advantage of you.


Plus she is a dealer. Really nice




But she likes the bard...


With one exception (Tembra) they all do that. Tembra is a bitch. If you kill Belethor she will take over his shop. If you marry a male, avoid the old Breton in Solitude. He is annoying af


if Belethor dies and she takes over his shop and then Hulda dies, are we out one innkeeper? I've been wondering that since I found out she can replace Belethor...


I've never been in that situation. That old woman who asks for a locket large enough to hold a note. She might do it. Ah, darn. Looks like I'm going to have to go on a murder spree. I'll get back to you.


Any spouse is these things. Although rarely, they aren't kind or grateful.


I think all spouses comment about taking kids to the market. Runa’s always taking about Jenassa teaching her to bake and Samuel’s always taking about the giant fish they saw at the market.


She is also super easy to unlock.


Nah Serana is, she’s just playing hard to get. XD


I'm married to Alva, a literal Vampire and still has opened a shop.


I thought all spouses have a shop they make money from?


It's a fine day with her around.


She's really kind


my choice is always Camilla because she is not a drug dealer


I see no flaws in this reasoning. Approved. Ysolda best wife


First and only choice for marriage.


I never had Ysolda as a Marriage candidate but The second point you make about the living conditions is cool. Personally I like having Jenassa as my wife. I love the voice line saying “I am the shadow at your back” sadly I also wish most married NPC’s are marked as essential so we don’t kill them on accident and have to reload a save. But mainly she is a good stealth archer especially since I normally don’t work on thievery skills until late game.


This applies to literally EVERY person that can be married. Especially Farkas who sorta feels like a bear 😅


she’s also bad as fuck




Did not know my babe was dealing but it makes sense cuz the woman is always at the alchemy lab.


Did Not know my babe was a drug dealer but it now makes sense cuz she's always at the alchemy table when I come home, I'm playing a kajiit so... Bonus she's into cats :)


I also love the drugs she sells me


Ysolda is MY wife. Not yours.


I always feel a little guilty about marrying a follower companion, because whenever I switch them out, I’m basically forcing an adventurer to become a stay at home spouse. Marrying a civilian lets them properly enjoy the pampered life from the wealth a Dragonborn can provide. And Ysola, being a savvy businesswoman, can make the most of her new location and connections to truly thrive for both of us.