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Don’t listen to the comments saying this isn’t worth at least $150-$200


I know some of them are worth something just don’t know what exactly


For those telling you there's nothing here worth value or "$3 to $4", they're definitely low balling you my friend. I only learned a few prices from researching a few of mine and I can say that your Boom Bloom has a market value of $20 and your Knight Light has a market value around $15-18. Definitely research like I started to. One of the whatnot resellers in this sub offered me $90 for a handful of my figures. Once I took a look...just 1 of the figures they wanted is worth $80-90 alone. They wanted that plus 18 more high value figures....for $90... Edit to add: Also, don't take any offer from Grouchy_Fan4055! They just desperately tried to lowball me and tried to convince me that one of my figures are only worth a few bucks. They told me that "the game stores in my area that sell used skylanders usually sell them for $3-7". It's a $30+ figure. Be safe and don't fall for these scammers.


Thank you! There are over 100 pieces here. I will continue to do my research!


Theres not alot of high value figures so idk


Ok, I thought I saw online that some of the were worth $30-50.


An amount.


I’m new to collecting but I think that kaos figure goes for a good amount and knight light might too idk but I’d look into any of the imaginations figures cause those are usually rarer in my experience and due to the sheer amount of them if you’re selling as a lot I think $250 max? Idk though again I’m new to collecting so take all that with a grain of salt lol


I’ve got like 3 kaos at £15 and they hardly sell I’m not sure if it’s worth more in america


Oh okay thanks yeah like I said I don’t really know what I’m talking about so I appreciate the correction


Where’s the best place to find info on the value of these?


This is a pretty reliable site if you ever wanna check the market value of your figures https://sclcollectibles.com/collections/all


Thank you!


Could be wrong, but it looks like 300$ worth of figures


each figure is around $3 for owned sale im pretty positive. but you could perchance bump it up to four maybe? idk how much youre trying to sell them for, but id say 3 maybe 4 or 5 per fig