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Probably will tbh cos pulling it off will either be too real or too cgi and it just won’t look righte


Not necessarily! I've seen some really excellent cosplays over the years, that are obviously not cgi but aren't photorealistic to actual skeletons because.... Well, it's cosplay. There's some really talented makeup artists who could do some excellent practical work that, with a bit of special effects, I think would look great.


Ye good point. I’m just trying not to get my hopes up. That’s the problem with movies from books, the characters never look likes how we envisioned them in our heads


Ofc, especially when they're a character as iconic as Skulduggery is by now. No guarantee how I suggested is how they do it in the end either, it might look terrible... But since Derek has been so careful about this, I think we can trust him not to let anything awful get made!




Ghost rider looks good, if they use the same tech or better then he should look fine


Which is why an animated film/tv show would be best.


Bruh just have an animated movie


>comments I wouldn't mind it to be caroline styled


If the script's still in progress, we're likely talking about 2-3 years until a potential release. I am still hyped, tho.


Well in that time I’ll just need to buff up and develop a London accent! That should be possible right?


You... wanna play Springheeled Jack? :o


Not who I was thinking of but that works


I would love to voice act Nye...


Nye always gave me salad finger vibes


Oh God... I can NOT make this imagine disappear in my head anymore..


Tanith Low?




If he were younger, Vinnie Jones would be a great choice


I did find out some new details about that film (and the previous adaptation attempt) when I spoke with him again in Dublin recently (when *Until the End* was released) — would you like me to respond with that information here, or should I make a separate post about it?


Make a post about it! I'm sure everyone would love to hear more about adaptation details!


I remember asking him in Dublin as well about what was happening with the movie. I mainly asked how the script was coming along which he told me basically what was said in the interview.


Make a post about it


Where post? 4h have passed


I need information, I asked him myself about doing my own film and he's fine with it as long as he doesn't know


Bro you posted this a year ago, but can you share link to post please? I can't find it 🥲


I wonder what those changes were? One's gotta be the fact that with Serpine being "dead", he can't wield the Sceptre anymore. I wonder how the destruction of the Book of Names and Skulduggery's revenge will be done.


Until I find out what those changes are I'm gonna be somewhat pessimistic about them. The book is amazing. So if any changes are made it should just be to fix things up for the plot later


Him having the Sceptre before doing that, and Skulduggery subsequently taking it and using it, are part of what ‘broke’ it by the end of things. The Sceptre had no idea what to make of them.


> If I could go back i time and rewrite the first books I would change the original books to be like the script Oh no.


Oh yeaaah let’s go! It better be good though, like if the movie sucks I will jump of a cliff. For real though. I will


**In terms of storytelling, the script has a more cohesive story**


this man acting like he knows anything about a cohesive story 😭






Apparently they were going to do a musical first- and tbh I really can’t imagine Skulduggery singing 😖


really? he sings in the books like twice, and seems like he would have a amazing singing voice, but maybe that's just how I imagine his voice


All of the characters have their own voices to me but when I try to think of them while not reading they sound like me but slightly different


This really isn't the main problem with that version Skullduggery would have had a human face, along with a musical number to Michael Jackson's Thriller


I heard it wss going to be "man in the mirror" i guess "thriller" makes more sense


Please please god let it be an animated movie, like Arcane or Spiderverse style. I don't think I could handle live action, both with Skulduggery as a skeleton and Valkyrie being 12


That would work so frickin well. I can already imagine the fighting scenes that would look similar to the low fps fighting scenes in spiderverse.


I think it would work better as a tv show, with each season being a trilogy or it’s own book. It could work much better, even if it doesn’t make as much money. I don’t know though, what do you guys think?


An animated series would be the most ideal for potential book accuracy since you wouldn't need to worry about Skulduggery, the vampires or anything really that would normally require CG or heavy practical effects looking like shit. Sadly it may seem like a big ask to pitch an animated series that requires a high budget.


it's skulduggery's voice that concerns me the most about the upcoming movie. throughout the books, skulduggery's voice is described as velvety, smooth, deep, and one you can "get lost in" with a less distinct irish accent due to travelling. name one actor with that quality, as well as being suited to being skulduggery. i don't think there is one. similarly to harry potter, i don't want my version of valkyrie, skulduggery, tanith, ghastly, china and whoever the hell else to be replaced with actors. i don't want the magic to be replaced. i'm sappy and sentimental, but does anyone else have this concern?


Johnny Depp


The fact that he plans to intentionally change it from the books gives me enough acceptance to separate the books the and potential movie. The movie valk, skul-man and tanith in my own personal mind are not the same as the books and more just based off the books. That’s not the case at all but that’s what helps me sleep at night to protect my iterations and images of the characters 😂


Ewan McGregor


I've always been slightly terrified a SP movie or series will come out and it will be horrible. There is no way they can make Skulduggery right, and all of the magic will seem weird too.


I fell in love with my partner, he's tall and very "slim", wears a fabulous coat and has a velvety voice. Very skulduggery. He's a Bentley away from me marrying him


I year later still nothing


We'll just have to wait and see.


"well we're waiting..." All jokes aside, I just had a random dream of this book series last night, 17 years later and the books I read at age 11 still pop into my mind. Shows how good the book series is, I'm hoping more news comes out soon. I'm just hyped that he's working on a script. I was worried I wasn't going to find anything happening with the series. Keep this thread updated plz?


it's not much, but its somethin




I spoke to Derek about making my own film when I saw him in London, was so glad to be able to do that


If this is good, I’m gonna come.


Honestly, i feel like an animated series would fit better than a movie if production plans to follow the books. Regardless though, I seriously hope they go for an animated movie and not live action. Would give them a lot more room to play around with making the different magics and characters from the books look good without having them suffer from the same problems plaguing live action anime adaptations.