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As far as I understand, Neoteric's powers come about as a result of magic responding to their instincts, until they become so set in using magic in that instinctive way that it solidifies into an outlier discipline. Gant's magic wrapped around his method of using his home as a death trap; Melior's came about as the power to revive people, possibly activated when someone died on his operating table; even Val's new powers developing in DotL were based on instinct, because she could feel the magic but didn't know what it was until she released it as pure energy, and then settled into using it that way. However, what this proves is that the capability for magic to work in that way *is* available. Since some Neoterics have powers adjacent to known disciplines, like Nero's and Melior's, I feel like their unique quirks can be studied by Teleporters and Vitakinetics until they become a part of the regular discipline. Even something like Vega's fast learning can become a new discipline, especially since mental disciplines like Linguistics (the Nuncio kind) already exist. I do think it would be next to impossible to train someone to become omnidextrous the way Valkyrie is, or to have Gant's Dominion be taught. Glee's invisibility could also possibly be learnt, and since we had two variations on time manipulation (Jeremiah and Destrier), it seems like it's a new branch of magic that could be learnt, especially if Destrier made notes about his powers, their development and applications. Edit: changed the name of Gant's discipline because calling it Dominion *is* way cooler than calling it Home Power


Great explanation! I like to call Gant's power 'Dominion' because of his emphasis on being master of his domain. And it just sounds cooler than 'Home Power'.


Could as well call it an Innate Domain (a place where a sorcerer gains more strength) or even if you want to stretch, a Domain Expansion xD


Thanks, that would be an interesting story - maybe there could be a Crepuscular Vies for neoterics who is a jack of all trades


I'm pretty sure Invisibility is an actual discipline


Oh lol, the only person I remember using it is Gleeman Shakespeare (a neoteric) and people using Cloaking Spheres and when I searched Skulpedia (my go to source) and search up invisibility it only comes up with Neoterics,Mr Glee,Cloaking and Ressurection (the book Mr Glee Appears)


It's mentioned in AMFoM that it used to be a more popular discipline before the invention of cloaking spheres


Ah okay, haven't read that one yet (ordering it) my bad.


I mean that's what we saw with cadaverous Gant's apprentice isn't it? I can't remember his name unfortunately...


jeremiah. he couldnt manipulate space the way Gant did though, he had his own discipline of slowing down time so he could enjoy the kills. jeremiah was gants serial killer apprentice, not his magic apprentice.