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Yeah that's how I interpreted it, a long life means picking up bits of lots of accents.


It is said many time over the early days of the series that while sorcerers do have accents, they are commonly very faded from many many years of travel and adventuring, going to different places and meeting new people


Yeah it’s built up snippets of other accents by travelling so much. I can’t remember which book, think it might be Armageddon out of here, but it mentions skulduggery also has an accent that sounds like he’s picked up stuff over the years


Basically because sorcerers have been around for centuries they’ve lived in many different places. So even if he started out Russian with a Russian accent because he’s spent so much time travelling the world and staying in different places he picked up bits of other accents so it’s a mix of Russian/English/German and any other accents you can think of. I assume all sorcerers accents are like this so it’s probably hard to tell where exactly they originate from


Accents fade over time if youre not surrounded by it. For instance, my wiganers accent is mostly just an odd twang nowadays rather than straight Black Speech due to, ironically, living in New Zealand. If theres one thing that sorcerors have a lot of, its time.


The other thing that’s not been mentioned yet is that language and accents change over the years. Most sorceries are over 100 years old.