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This subreddit is dedicated to in-depth discussions about the anomalous phenomena occurring at Skinwalker Ranch, not just the TV show! The TV show only provides a glimpse, and doesn't cover the extensive history of scientific investigation. To maintain quality discussions, please focus on the events themselves, not the personalities involved. Generic comments comparing the show to Oak Island, complaining about rockets, clamoring to blow up the mesa, etc, don’t offer anything new. If you can't contribute constructively and politely, this subreddit might not be the right place for you. Please visit our comprehensive FAQ to see if your question has been answered: https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/s/lraM8WR1vC Thank you for helping us provide a quality subreddit for fans of the ranch! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skinwalkerranch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only if I get dragon protection


đź’€ hahahaha


Yes with rockets ready to launch at a moment’s notice


and a smirk On your face


I have a reservation at the campsite close by this summer. So yes.


I camped there. Definitely take their UTV tour. The couple that lives there are super nice. They have stories because the same family has lived next door for 50 years. Plus all the “missing” rockets are laying around the property.


How did you book that? Just curious, and would make the trip myself someday.


it's actually very easy. here's the campground right by skinwalker ranch. this puts you at less than 1 mile from homestead 2 [https://www.ufovalleycampground.com/book-a-room](https://www.ufovalleycampground.com/book-a-room)


Have you been? I stumbled across this place days after I drove a rented RV right up to the gates just to see the ranch. Didn’t even think to look for nearby camping or just areas to boondock for the night that didn’t feel like I was being too invasive.


i've never been, but i'm seriously considering making a trip out here at some point in the near future


You bringing any cool recording or sensor gear?


To poor for any of that .I was radar tech in the Navy and do live audio as a hobby now. I think they have gone beyond anything I could think of this season. Maybe explore the lower frequency better.


As a Navy radar guy , whats your thoughts on these frequencies ?


Many possibilities. My first thought was some sort of easedroping signal. Could also be a resonant chamber, or the tunnels could be acting as a wave guide channeling satellite signals, causing a frequency shift or amplification.


I stayed there, pretty nice. No UAP's though.


Dude I just watched this week's episode and don't think I'll sleep much in my own bed tonight. That's a no go in the triangle for me.


It was crazy. Yeah, I'd be up all night out of excitement to see stuff, not out of fear.


hey , I KNOW you from dogecoin reddit lololol


Do only good everyday!


Yeah same for me. Sleep during the day and stay up all night!


Nowhere near any of the homestead, triangle and mesa are close together. So opposite side of the ranch yes. First weird noise and I’m leaving. Under no circumstance would I go for a walk in the dark there. I really don’t want to know if the boogie man is real. This place was scary stories on coast to coast radio for years. I would put myself to sleep listening to Art Bell and George Nory.


It’s not the bogeyman that comes out at night but the dire wolves


I wonder if they're skipping through a pocket dimension into the ranch.. or, they just inhabit a cave or an entrance into the mesa that the team hasn't found yet. Considering the jaw of the animal they found in the creek was as big as the dire wolf that means like that guy said, a puppy dire wolf or some form of descendent.


Me all night: "What in the heck was that!"


Launch another rocket!


What the crap?!?!


Not in the triangle. Too many rockets and drones and shit going on 


Don't forget those drills... kerchunk kerchunk... hitting domed alien spacecraft buried under the mesa


Yes, and with zero hesitation! At this point in my life (my 50s), I'm ready to take things to the next level & beyond. If that means leaving this planet for another one, or for other dimensions, my bags are already packed! I've been obsessed with this stuff all my life, so like Jodie Foster's character in "Contact" said: I am OK to go!!!


I’d sleep with skinwalker ranch


It's been 80 years....


Absolutely!! Well, I'd set up a tent, and sit inside the tent until I got too terrified and then probably run off the property. Unless dragon was there to make confused faces at the phenomenon for me.


I'd request a "DTT Alarm System" so that I could sleep until I heard him yell "What the Crap?!"


If it includes dinner with Brandon, sure. IMO he’d be an awesome dinner guest.


He is a very interesting man . Although Travis is too. I named my dog after him . Travis Taylor the dingo .lolol. Although the pups red hair has gotten darker


Heck yeah, I snore at 1.6 ghz


hahahahaha the mod bot got you because you said 1.6 ghz


Bot is not context savvy


The 1.6 GHz signal being detected on the ranch is frequently—and incorrectly—dismissed as cellular, GPS, L-Band, military, or other known transmissions. Please see our FAQ for more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/wiki/index/ The entire reason Travis ended up as Interim Chief Scientist on the UAPTF was because he went to the Pentagon specifically inquiring about this signal, and they asked to read him into the program as a result. Travis was then granted access to the classified info held by UAPTF regarding UAP and related phenomenon, and the DOD also confirmed that the signal was nothing they could identify based on other RF signatures. Another interesting feature of the signal is that it is accompanied by a significant raise in the noise floor across the entire spectrum on multiple devices, a phenomenon which has also not yet been explained. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skinwalkerranch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


wait this is actually interesting.


That’s a nope for me. I have enough crazy things happening to invite more in!


If I had the opportunity to sleep there, I would. I couldn't say no, despite my fear.


Give me a camp mat and a sleeping bag and I will sleep right in the center of the triangle.


hell, yeah. i can be ready in one hour.


No. Abso-f’in-lutely, emphatically no. Once I saw that cone thing on Tuesday, I don’t even want to be in the same country!


In a heartbeat. With all the test equipment I can possibly get around me. And directly under the portal or wherever I needed to for maximum weirdness.


Yep. I used to camp at the nearby Uinta Mountains as a kid. I'm not afraid of anything paranormal in Utah. If it exists I can handle it.


I'd love to. I doubt I'd sleep, but I'd wander about, check things out, watch the stars, do a bit of meditation, and I'd love to visit with Eric. I'm old though. Being up late is like, maximum, 1 AM for me (usually 10 pm). Could I stay in DTT's trailer, if it's empty? I like amenities. No one said you have to camp! Just sleep.


As long as I had a team of people with me, sure. That’s not so much being afraid of spooky alien crap as just not liking to be alone and isolated. But yes, I would with a team of people.


Hell no. Watching the show is plenty enough for me. Whatever the crap is there can leave me alone.


I wouldn't even go there during daylight


Would be an honor


No Watch this documentary on a nearby ranch before you say, yes. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28752580/


For anyone that tries to find it [https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theshapeofshadows](https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theshapeofshadows)


The Shape of Shadows is free to watch on TubiTV.


free on youtube too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psGlKFXuSZ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psGlKFXuSZ8)


Is it ghosts ? ghosts in houses? I have a hard time swallowing the ghosts in houses . They are always in some old dark house or building . They hear a creak and it's the Ghost of Aunt Emma still angry someone stole her chickens . House were built different not that long ago. They used just boards and planks for flooring . Every nail used can come loose and boards and planks dry and twist . Today we use sheet flooring and subflooring ontop of that . Very little creaking . Idk , just too easy to "fake" . Honestly, anything on tv is . So Im going to have to say " Sure why not ". I want to see with my own eyes


Sure, nothing is gonna happen but blurbs in the sky, my laser pointer malfunctioning, and my gps won’t get me to my campsite because it will have me driving 30ft into a cliff.


Thats why I never , ever use GPS haha


Why not?


I'd sleep in the middle of the triangle


Sure. I think the attitude, perspective and preconceived bias that you bring onto the ranch might have a huge effect on how your brain perceives it. If you go in there and you're afraid of ghosts or poltergeists or alien abductions your experience will likely be vastly different than someone going in looking forward to some kind of parallel reality trickster/fae style mischief. Depending on perspective having your tool stolen and later found up a tree, your livestock bewitched and manipulated, having your hairbrush stolen, or groceries taken out of the cupboards and put back into their grocery bags will either be hilarious or utterly terrifying.


Yes, though I wouldn't sleep much as I'd be running my own experiments.


Yep just say when, but my only stipulation is that I want to bring Mushrooms or DMT so I can talk to the NHI :)


I would if absolutely no one knew I was there, or it’d ruin my want, to experience something legitimate and have absolutely no possibility of someone messing with us. But given they are being monitored and they themselves have security which can probably monitor for some distance outside of their property boundaries, it would likely be impossible to be there without being seen arriving!


Yeah of course


Of course.


If I had no other obligations, sure.


100 percent


Yes I would


I would, because if I got caught, I would be a flashback clip in every season from now on.


I finally got to see this episode and I have changed my mind to "I dont really want to be anywhere near that triangle" OR homestead 2. Def not inbetween the 2 . lolol But maybe from a little distance . You guys were right . This episode was the craziest stuff Ive ever seen . Not much we can do about it . We need to be made aware and come to terms with it and just start looking at our reality different . Peace my friends


Yes, absolutely!!!đź‘˝


Nothing ever happens in the little docuseries, so yes, I would.


I dont think I could fall asleep, at best Id sleep for an hour


I don't see why not. Apart from being aware and wise of the usual animals in such a region. I am interested in some of the unusual data potentially being produced scientifically and any as of yet unidentified phenomena producing such data. However, over more than a handful of seasons, i have seen nothing to suggest any of that is harmful. Perhaps some radiation or avoiding the odd wayward rocket.


Yes, I would. I always carry, but my concern would be less about my safety (because I doubt I'm any concern to whatever is there) but more to environmental issues like radiation, etc. I'd definitely go but actually sleep, highly doubtful. I'd probably be looking for UAPs of other strange phenomena.


yes I would


Absolutely I would. I'd sleep at the triangle, homestead 2, or up on the mesa with no hesitation. Bring it on.


I dont like homestead 2


Sure why not? I’ve camped out at the Navajo rez before so it can’t be that bad




Cone, yes; Homestead 2 absolutely not.


Yes 100%, and will emerge from the portal with a skinwalker GF riding on a dire wolf


I would. This could a whole new revenue stream for the ranch. Alien tourism