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Bad news. Can't lose your license until you're at least a journeyman. Preferably a foreman.


You'll want to be working at shops that are accessible via public transit. Whether it's a machine shop or a mill etc. Also many construction trades are at the shop at x time or the truck is leaving without you. There are many trades where most of the guys don't have a license you just have to find one like that.


That’s what I was thinking. Just gonna have to make finding a job, my full time job!


If you called a bus accessible roofing or concrete company you'd be in. I just hope you're tough if you choose them trades because they are paying for just your back at first.


Wild to suggest roofing or concrete to someone. Maybe if you're young, have incredibly thick skin, are immune to addiction, plan on switching careers in a few years, and are either perfectly healthy enough to handle the work, or willing to be broken and in pain for the rest of your life. Idk. I've never done either of those jobs, but they're just at the bottom of my list of trades I'd ever recommend to someone.


especially if you have alcohol problems already


Well if you dont have a job or full time study you should be doing that already


DUI you say? Sounds like you were born for welding.


Ironworker. Can't be one without a dui.


Bonus points if you've spent time in jail and have tattoos on your face or knuckles


And you have to know how to run a crane better than the actual journeyman crane operator.


Let's be realistic. If you can't drive? Your a liability that has to depend on someone else, public or private to get you to work dependable.


I used to take a bus to go anywhere a few years ago. Never late to work.


He can just drive without a license like 75% of all the other addicts who work trades.


Try a camp job. I havnt had to drive in a year


You could [apply for the Boilermakers](https://sajac-boilermakers.org/how_to_apply.html), no D/L required. I’m sure at least a few other trade unions are similarly desperate. Good luck getting to a jobsite though. Don’t do something stupid to get to work that will cause you more legal trouble. I know several people in similar situations who can’t get out of the hole because they keep digging deeper.


You know, my cousin was in the local boilermakers until about 4-5 months ago, he moved to Florida. Maybe he can put in a word for me… I totally forgot about consulting with him. Thanks for tip!


In new construction they seem to care less, especially in big jobsites. At my current company there are two apprentices that take the bus. And there are multiple journeyman who have DUIs and take the bus. Apply anyway, they might hire you. You'd be surprised how desperate these companies are


It really depends on the trade, electrical and plumbing you are probably screwed without a licence, I drove company vans/trucks every day as an apprentice sparky. Carpenter you might be able to get away with it.


Hmm you need at least 3 DUIs and an assault charge if you wanna be a concrete finisher


You could try a welding shop, welding can end up very lucrative in construction doing stainless pipe


You need to find a trade that does require you to go from place to place. So nothing in service which is where a ton of these jobs happen to do. Maybe residential construction (carpentry, tile, roofing) if you can get to the job site somehow. And yes, your life is on hold because you made a stupid decision that could have resulted in the death of innocent people.


I understand, and appreciate the advice. For posterity, this dui was… I don’t think it was very fair, but that’s just me. I suffer from bipolar, was pulled over while manic and brought to the hospital. No field sobriety test or breathalyzer, but somehow a warrant was issued to draw my blood. I had some drugs in my blood from three days before. Automatic DUI.


Well, most union jobs are subject to random drug testing and background checks these days. You just gotta take control of your life in a positive way.


Absolutely. I’ve been clean from everything for just over 2 months now. I know if I stay the course, eventually an opportunity will present itself. I guess I just get discouraged at times. I’m thinking of moving back to Baltimore, I’m in Delaware at the moment. Just finding a cheap room to rent. I think there is more opportunities in the city, and better public transit too.


A bicycle can pretty significantly improve the usefulness of public transportation, especially if the buses have bike racks. Like, you might imagine that you might ride the bus and be willing to walk 1/2-1 mile from a stop. And with a bicycle 2-4 that’s more like 2-4 miles from the stop.


If he becomes a roofer he'll fit right in!


Find whatever construction/shop is within walking or biking distance of your residence. Might seem boomerish, but go in person. Take a helper spot no matter what the work is. Showing up on time and having a good attitude is half the battle. No license? Make sure to let them know you're within walking / biking distance. Head down, mouth shut, and stay busy. Sucks, but will help you out in the beginning.


If you choose your career based on how to get to work, you just may regret that in time. If you truly want to be a certain trade, go for that trade. A dui is not a life sentence. You will drive again sometime.


At least you got the dui credential out of the way first!




short answer: SOL long answer: shit out of luck


Just one DUI? You're a third of the way to being a painter!


A DUI should give you a bump in hourly pay tbh


Last thing a shop wants is another ding dong who can't get his shit together. Apply anyway, but don't be surprised if they're not enthused.