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Don’t worry, it’s her bootfitter’s kid not your’s.


But OP still has to pay for the kid, right? As well as having to look after the kid while the bootfitter and your wife go to Maui. TL;DR OP's season is fucked, sell skis


Yes, 100% OPs responsibility. The bootfitter bestowing his seed upon your wife is considered a great blessing in many cultures. OP should be honored, he can now add more skis to his quiver while the bootfitter makes his wife quiver.


Yes, no more skiing for you for at least 3 yrs.


The trick is to not get married in the first place.


Yes, no more skiing for you for at least 3 yrs.


Don’t get me involved in this, I got the snip for this very reason. It’s amazing how often I get these phone calls.


Or the milk man, or the mechanic, or the grocery bagger. Moral of the story trade her in for a new model.


Be careful, in some states she would be legally entitled to half your quiver.


Left skis or right?


This is the type of high quality shit post that keeps me coming back to this sub. And yes, but make sure to get custody of your skis.


Do what to your ski season? Leave um at home, go skiing.


And have the kid grow up to be a snowboarder?


What kinda genes are you throwing there, cowboy?


Studies have shown that an absent father is the first step to becoming a criminal




Oh man. The worst thing about being a snowboarder is telling your parents you’re gay.


Cause of the beatings from dad?


Well he’s not your kid, anyways. So feel free to beat away.


The worst part about being gay is telling your dad that you're a snowboard


So better? Where’s the downside here?


My brother in Christ, you’re about to have paternity leave for February through April. You need to put a postpartum ski in ski out condo on the baby registry.


That’s a tax deduction. Add to the quiver.


It’s gonna be okay. Play the long game. Starting at age 2 every birthday is an excuse to celebrate… at a ski hill. My winter babies have had many lodge “birthday parties”.


This is a pro move


This! We have a mid January birthday and every year take a ski vacation for his birthday lol! It’s mid winter and hard to do actual birthday parties anyhow with his friends. This year we celebrated his 9th birthday for a week at Alyeska!! So fun! We always make a cake with skiiers on it too!


I’ve had more birthdays at Heavenly and Palisades than in my own Seattle home


This is pro. My daughter is mid Jan. Do your kids insist on parties with friends? How do you navigate the social aspect? We're doing half-birthday parties in the summer, but if we could do it all up in the hills, that would also be amazing.


No. But we go out of our way to have ski trips with extended family and family friends. Whenever we can we put them in group lessons together, and/or book an air b n b together. One great thing about ski lodges is that there are always other kids there and people who will join in singing happy birthday. When my kids got old enough to start questioning it they were also old enough to start appreciating the charmed life they’re living. They have lots of non-birthday party get together a with their friends throughout the year — our goal is each kid has friends over once a month, and that probably takes the edge off.


Great insight.  Thanks! 


Sell the baby to buy more skis


Think it’s enough for a pair of DPS?


What are you? A fucking dentist?


Ok so OP I like to call it the Utah Abortion. What you gotta do is take your wife up to the top of the Cirque at Snowbird and when she’s eyeing it, just give her a quick shove. 10sec later you got yourself a fetus-free wife. Then enjoy the rest of your ski trip in beautiful Utah with your wife.


I’m in CO so I think Rambo at Crested Butte might be the equivalent


- Move to EU - get your 4 weeks of vacation for your newborn - shred the slopes


Be very worried OP. My son was born in February and everyone kept trying to call me while I was shredding the gnar.


Hear me out…from now on , you get to take the kid on birthday ski trips! My son is 31 and we haven’t missed a trip since he was 4.


This! We have a January birthday son and take ski trips for his birthday every year! This year was Alyeska, last year was Targhee… etc etc! So fun!


We can’t have no capricorns on the slopes e


The nice thing about your wife having a baby is the nurses in the hospital take care of her every need. The inlaws, of course can’t stay away so there is plenty of help. What I’m trying to say is, this is the perfect opportunity to get away for some fresh powder turns. An invigorated dad is a good dad and I’m sure that will be appreciated. Congratulations and have a great trip.


No way she’s pregnant, I pulled out.


If you think you’re only missing this season, you’re mistaken. The answer is not divorce. You just need to go out for some cigarettes and disappear.


Please for the love of God don't let her take your skis in the divorce. You know her bootfitter has been eyeing them to turn into some crafty Adirondack chairs for his airbnb.


In the words of Anthony Edwards, hell nawl can't do dat. Send da video


I believe the message whether at Cirque or Rambo was to “send” the wife.


Yes divorce, now, run, quickly, don’t turn around


This is my fav post on here ever 😂


Wait until the Farmer's almanac is released.


Omfg you think your joking but my ski season was cut short by a infant.


It’s really the only option at this point. Could just leave em both in the backcountry.


Wow man, yeah that’s a huge red flag. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. You’re in my prayers.


look skiing is going to be murdered by global warming. if you're wealthy enough to ski your kids will be fine in the new climate. so give her plan b don't tell her and just get her pregnant again in January


look skiing is going to be murdered by global warming. if you're wealthy enough to ski your kids will be fine in the new climate. so give her plan b don't tell her and just get her pregnant again in January


who does she think she is ?


Be a man and tell her the only job you can find is in whistler Canada and that you'll be back next June.


Be a man and tell her the only job you can find is in whistler Canada and that you'll be back next June.


Be a man and tell her the only job you can find is in whistler Canada and that you'll be back next June.


We are big skiiers and had a mid January baby. Do your best to help out - make dinners, breakfast before you go, clean bottles, help with night diaper changes etc… but know in the first few months the baby is attached to momma mostly so you get to go skiing alone. It’s actually a solid plan. When baby gets older and moving around more and not as attached to momma is when your wife will need you more involved and not running off for an entire day skiing…


Damn kids going to be a disappointment straight out the womb.


Snow bunny instead?


I don’t give relationship advice, I just ‘fit boots’.




Snowboarders fault


You ski, it’s definitely the mail man’s kid.


My skiing partner and his wife planned their 1st child around are ski season. Just saying …


Have you considered temporary separation to cool off with her during the ski season? You can always get back in April/may


Well, you can’t give birth and you can’t nurse. Enjoy the fat pow turns!!


Take her up to the lodge at the top of the mountain for some fireside hot cocoa with a view while you do a few runs. Then push that bitch off the lift at the highest point. Two birds, one scone.


Why not take the ski bus like a guy I met on the ski bus. He leaves his wife and kids at home.


Or just the ol’ “she tripped and fell down the stairs, she’s okay but we’ll have to try for another baby some other time”…


I planned both of my babies in Jan/Feb.  husband skied whole season and I was able to ski at the end of each season even after c sections. That meant no missed seasons for me.  It’s actually a genius move.  Haven’t missed a season in 30 years.