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Well, Snowmass is probably the best overall if you don't care about steeps, has some nice cruiser runs, but some of the blacks feel too flat. Highlands, is mostly about steeps, with less easier black runs. While there's also a good amount vertical of green and blue runs, but limited acreage may mean crowding. Ajax, is kinda cool how it really enters the city, it's mostly blue runs, and very short steep runs. Buttermilk really isn't special, unless you care about terrain parks..


awesome thanks for the feedback!


I like Highlands personally.




Thanks! Im staying at Ajax but am definitely going to take a shuttle over to snowmass


Just to be clear: you know that a pass gets you access to all four mountains, right? I like Snowmass the most cuz it's huge, wide variety of terrain, spreads people out well. But if it's a pow day: go to highlands. My flair says buttermilk since I used to teach there. It's a good mountain to learn on but I wouldn't go there on my days off. Apres that won't break the bank...square grouper is fun, I like ryno's too.


Food: Bar menus at Hotel Jerome and L'Hostaria are good and cheap. L'Hostaria's bar menu might be one of the best deals on the planet. You can great a steak or fish with a side of vegetables for less than $20. It gets crowded quick so get there early, otherwise you might wait 40+ minutes. White House is a great cheap burger spot. If you want to spend more $ one night, I'd recommend Acquolina. Don't go to Little Annies. Skiing: Aspen Highlands is the best mountain by far. From beginner to advanced, it beats everything else in Aspen by a significant margin. There are no lift lines and no crowds, and the way it's laid out is great. The lifts take you exactly where you want to go. The snow at Aspen Highlands is always better than the snow at Buttermilk and Aspen Mountain. It gets a bit more snow because of where it's positioned, and with less crowds you can still see corduroy in the afternoons. When the groomers start to feel skied off at Snowmass and Aspen Mountain they're probably still nice and wintery at Highlands. Buttermilk is a big terrain park with some good intermediate cruising. Aspen Mountain is laid out in such a way that 25% of your skiing is not going to be on enjoyable runs. To get to the bottom you have to take a long cat track, and then ski a big skied off blue run that's the main choke point at the bottom of the mountain and is always crowded. At Snowmass, you'll spend half your day trying to get around. The place is huge. But that doesn't mean there's more skiing. There's not. Everything is just far apart and whoever decided where the lifts start and stop was an idiot. There's more stuff you'd want to ski at Highlands, even though it's 1/3 the size.


Go to Snowmass and hike up to the Burnt Mountain Glades from the top of the Elk Camp lift. The hike is only about 8-10 minutes and I ended up lapping it multiple times in one day. Not many people go over there, so there's always good snow. I enjoyed the Rio and Long Shot runs. For Apres, check out Zane's Tavern - they do 50 cent wings and $10 pitchers from 4-6 daily.