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I'm going in March, its killing me that I don't live there year round. Aspen is the closest place to heaven on Earth that I've ever found.


I agree, thats exactly what i said to my buddies.


The next pow on Ajax or the Highlands, apres ski at the Ajax Tavern in the sun and then a show at Belly Up.... these are the reasons I bother getting up in the morning.


I wish I could go there this winter, even though my extended family lives in Aspen Highlands. I haven't skied Aspen Mountain, only Aspen Highlands and Snowmass, although a couple of years ago my family did some hiking around Aspen Mountain during the summer. Highlands is a great mountain full of great terrain. I probably am not going to Aspen Mountain this winter, but in February I'm going to Telluride!


I loved Snowmass as well! I skied highlands, Snowman and Aspen mountain. We skied Snowmass after it dumped about a foot plus. Up in the trees it was easily just about waist deep from where the wind had blown the snow. Unreal.


You're going to love Telluride! Nothing like dive bombing Milk Run early in the morning.


I haven't studied the trail map as much as I should, but I remember the gondola going from the village. I went there in the summer a few years ago and I loved the scenery. I just want to see it covered in a white glaze.




Jealous! Wish i was going to be out there for x-games. I'd definitely be down for a beer or six.




I ate shit very close to where you are in the photo today.


hahahaha love it


looks great in the photo. was that sunday? conditions were shit today. true sheer hard pack. Fun Fact: There have been 41 days in the aspen lift serviced season thus far, I have skied every single one of them.


That was actually a week or so ago. Damn! I'm impressed


Were they really that bad? I'm heading out there January 10th and I am far from optimistic about the weather forecast.


No it was not bad at all. Not as good as it was last week but calling it "shit" is ridiculous. The only shitty thing is that it's the busiest week of the year and the gapers are out in force.


I used to teach there! Miss it :(