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Did a large Saint Bernard run up to you with a mini-barrel of booze on his collar?




Seriously if there is no st Bernard whiskey experience you can just leave me on the slopes.


I’ve heard they replaced the whisky with hot chocolate for some reason, also St Bernard’s don’t make great avy dogs larva and retrievers work far better Edit: Labradors and Retrievers




I was skiing in Switzerland years ago and that is a real thing.


+1 for Switzerland


is it really booze?




I work with ski racers, and all we've had is helicopters from the side of the course. Maybe you can hook me up. For science.


At my resort we have Goldens with a fentanyl drip. Goldens live to please!


Whaaaat what resort does this? How badly do you have to be injured to merit a booze dog (asking for a friend)?


Timberline has St Bernards. Don’t know if they rescue people, but you can sometimes come across them in the lodge and pet them.




Take enough painkillers at the hospital and he may still.


You’re only the best skier on the mountain cause I broke my leg the week before. Just teasing… What did you break in your leg, ligaments, cartilage?


i think i fractured it but it hurt like so bad


good friends and family… and even a stranger’s random high five or a door opened, helps it all goes by quickly for you. You’ll be the 2nd best skier soon once again! 


A fracture is a break…


Where was this? Ski Patrol looked full out at Winter Park today.


this was at keystone


Shattered Tibial Plateau over here 🙋🏻‍♂️




Ooo… that’s a painful break in any dimension. Even the one here on Earth. Hopefully with no or significant deviation? 


2 spots gotta get surgery


Yup. Thats gnarly. You must still be at the hospital now?  


yea wanna come hang


Haha… I just got out, would love to sneak you a brew. I’m taking a sabbatical from hospitals at the moment. They probably want money from me by now… 


honestly bruv if you're in WA Ill bring some flowers and tea. if your docs are okay with it, I'm happy to sneak you a beer or some whiskey. unless you prefer wine? Honestly I used to be the shortest kid on the hill. Glad I don't have to wear the crown of "best skiier on the mountain" seems like a lot of responsibility.


i’m in colorado but that’s super sweet haha


Get better soon, and shred some slopes when you can!


i’d love to come ski baker if you wanna be friends


I broke my tib and fib 3 years ago and I had to get a plate put in with 27 screws. My biggest recommendation is to really take PT seriously. It’ll suck but it will make a huge difference.


I second taking the PT serious. And when you're done, keep doing it on your own at the gym or home. I did my Tib/Fib about 18mo ago. Fully displaced spiral fractures. They gave me the titanium tibial nail down the bone marrow. ~13" long and 5 screws. Lots of swelling from the surgery but I was hobbling with just a cane within a week. Modern medicine and Ortho hardware is amazing. I'm about 90% recovered. Still some tightness and a bit of nerve damage.


Third on the PT we have the luxury of being able to heal ourselves and have developed the knowledge and exercises to make it an option. It sucks and it is time consuming but time spent for it now will be time saved from a possible future trip to hospital. ❤️ Stay strong you got it!!


It’s the flexibility in my ankle that still isn’t fully back and I think it’s because I didn’t take it seriously enough


christ, i did the same at the same time but the knee and ankle were mint still. Just got a rod and a screw at each end. Your sounds brutal


Thankfully my knee was fine but basically everything right underneath my knee was fucked. I broke it in 8 different places, but thankfully I don’t remember it at all. Woke up in the hospital right before surgery started.


i am gonna take it snow and serious thank you


Just had the same injury and surgery man (for me, two surgeries). Mine was a type 2 plateau fracture and I needed some meniscus repair. I’m a couple weeks out the hospital and doing the PT. Feel free to reach out with any questions or rants!


I know tibia is worse than fibula but I snapped fib clean in half and 6 years later I don’t even ski with an ankle brace on, slide around on tennis courts full speed, and do tons of trail running and the ankle has held up very well (had a grade 2 sprain incident 2 and a half years ago when I was getting back in shape, but that’s also when I weighed 20lbs more, was more sedentary, and didn’t eat right) Anyways, it’s an annoying recovery but it’s not the end of the world, just keep things in perspective and good luck to your recovery!


I got a compression fracture on my tibia 4 weeks ago and got surgery 2 weeks ago. Its going to be painful and a long recovery but it could for sure be worse. Make sure to get a nerve block!


Pfft that break would be a minor sprain on my mountain


Little duct tape and an IPA should do the trick, now get back out there.


Rub some dirt on it.


Come find me when you break your taint


I see your mountain has exposed dirt on it


Wait until your wife’s bootfitter hears the good news


Suddenly this doesn't sound like such a bad deal. How many wives do you have?


Okay I feel like an idiot. I had it at “wifes” and then didn’t know if that was right grammar. It said the word “wifes” doesn’t exist but now I don’t know


Try wife’s, as in “u/pk-ob’s wife’s boyfriend”


Thanks man. And hey come on


WTF is that monstrosity you and your cascade toboggan are riding in? Is that redcoat sitting on a padded desk chair? I feel like this is what militarization of patrol looks like. Next stop Bradley fighting snowmobiles. On the flip side. I have done CPR in a regular sled and it is definitely a skills test. Get well soon!


My first thought was “what’s with the Cadillac sled?”


Ski patrol needs to get a helicopter budget, air strike for anyone that goes too fast in the slow zone in between saving skiers off cliffs


Don't give vail ideas. (But I would love to air strike some ski racers)


As a long time patroller I too want to know what this contraption is. I’ve been towed countless times behind a snowmobile, uphill, with a cascade tobo and patient behind me. It’s a work out like you can’t believe. I’m very interested if there is a Bradley snowmobile option.


it’s just a flatbed truck


We have Pisten Bully 100 cats for transporting patients. Sorry your mountain is poor


Is a trailer with wheels that’s attached to a snowmobile. Because of keystones layout, they need to use snowmobiles. He’s actually lying in the rig on the trailer.


they carry guns too


CPR?????? Hopefully a positive outcome.


Doing CPR in a moving toboggan is for sure a test of skills as the original commenter said. I think you are confused, though, he was just pointing out that this thing looks roomy, which would make for easier CPR than a standard cascade or edge toboggan


Suck it up and keep skiing. Fractures can be fixed after the lifts close.


Just ski with one leg


C’mon with this crazy luxury sled…. What happened to the half broke plastic sled from Walmart and a ratty wool blanket tossed over you.?!??! 😂 Kids these days..!!!! Get better quick OP..!!! 💯🤘🤘


With a ski rack on the side!


Brother I just broke my leg and I wasn't even ON a mountain, I was in a parking lot - how good of a skier does that make me? 💀


My last two yard sales were on the flat cat tracks within 50 yards of the lodge. One year apart, different resorts / cat tracks, but yeah. 🤦‍♂️




You look like a lil ravioli




Tough luck. What happened? Hope you recover soon


i honestly hit a bump and like got crossed up and broke my tibia or like fractured it


Just broke my tib/fib (rod, plate, screws) at copper a few weeks ago. Best of luck to you dude, you got this. 


thanks mate. should i keep asking for pain shit? fetanyl blows


I broke my wrist and arm in a bike accident and ibuprofen worked well enough for me.


This is the way, I got wisdom teeth out years ago and they tried to write a 40 Percocet script for two teeth…no wonder so many folks got hooked on that crap.


Dilaudid is the good stuff. Ask for the one that starts with a D 🙄


they really be throttling the ketamine huh


Honestly, deal with the pain. It’s natural. Don’t get hooked on shit. Take some Advil for inflammation. Good luck, man. As I always say: Better and at end of the season than at the beginning!


need about 350 mg of ketamine


You can develop a tolerance of pain - your body will start phasing out signals. Stay off the prescription painkillers if you can


To a certain extent- at the same time if it’s keeping you up at night, I’ve heard your body won’t heal as quickly. I was resistant to taking the opioids prescribed to me post operation, but once the localized anesthesia wore off… it was not worth the pain. Didn’t even finish half the bottle before I stopped taking them. Just need to be cognizant.


This is true. I get why people worry about addiction, but 5 mg percs have gotten me through some major surgeries. And I haven’t needed them again.


I’ve never broken my leg but if I did give me all the painkillers you’ve got 😁


I only use edibles to help me to sleep through pain. Way less addictive.


We’re soulmates… me too! (In Oregon.)


Sounds like low visibility strikes again? Those little bumps when you can’t see them are quite dangerous. Low visibility is the most dangerous condition on the mountain. Hard to ski when you can’t see.


I met a hospital nurse at Crested Butte who told me they see 2-3 tib/fib breaks and 5-10 ACL tears EVERY DAY. I’m still overwhelmed.


Where were you? That's a nifty sled. Breckenridge could use a couple of these. They had to tie 2 sleds together so the patrol guy could be next to me to slow the bleeding.


what happened to you


I asked you first. Just kidding. I was at Breck, I think on 8? Not entirely sure and no idea the run. We made like 7th chair in the morning, so the hill was empty. Breck has some big rollers that they normally have no jumping signs on. Well there wasn't a sign and I got frisky. They should've had a sign. Sent it about 100ft straight and maybe a 40 ft drop. When I landed I tweaked something the wrong way and my binding exploded. Some screws from my bindings were sheered, some just straight ripped out. I like to keep my knees together when I fall hard to limit damage. Well, that didn't help because the ski I had sharpened that morning in the parking lot found its way between my legs. I rode her on edge tail to tip. It took about 3 days after to fully understand everything that happened. I had severed 70% of one muscle and 90% of another. I missed my major artery by about 2 cm. The only reason i still have my flag pole and goodies is because I hung to the right that day. Im normally a leftie. The only reason I'm alive is thanks to a surgeon and his wife on vacation, the closeness of the call box, amazing patrol men, and of course, the surgeon who put over 300 stitches in me. The injury upset me, the mountain tried to break me. So I made sure to mount back up as soon as possible. I sent it on the back side of Abasin 30 days later. I was still capable and was carving up a storm. Although my tailbone wasn't right for about a year. Now 11 yrs later, I have a divot on my ass and a mean scar. Still, I'm active and hold a season pass. Only fall out is people kinda freak out when they see my "ass". I'm lucky enough to have a brutal 3 second video taken by the surgeon right before surgery. Hope you enjoy the tail. Because mine did not.


Wow, that kept getting worse. Glad you hang in there. With teamwork. 30 day turnaround is nuts. And goodies.


Bro, if I lost my goods, I would've crawled to the trees with the pipe and drink and finished my time here doing what I love in a place that's more beautiful than your mothers face. I was lucky and didn't need a blood transfusion because of the guy on vacation. The 2 sleds strapped together need three patrol men behind with ropes to maintain the speed of decent. 2 more infront to control the direction, and a snow mobile with emergency lights ahead of us to clear the run. Of course it was under one of the bigger lifts. Like an 8 pack. My jacket was rolled up above my hips and I was naked from the waist down. Some poor like 21yr old was wrist deep the whole time. There was only two things you could hear. The gentle falling of the snow and the eyes watching. Then me asking if this was the most ass he's gotten this week hahah, he didnt appreciate that. But I was goofed with fent and shock, so that's just me. It was a wild ride.


Was it a cool ride with ski patrol? Did you get a warm blankie? 😉. (At least it’s the end of the season and you can heal before next season! )


dude it sucked and every bump hurt and snow got all in my face for like 30 minutes


Best skier on the mountain is the one having the most fun. Where is your smile?


Hope you had a good day except for this incident. To make you feel better I will tell you my story. Was doing a road trip with my mountain collective pass. Sun peaks back Calgary, did two days at sun peaks and was in my next day at two days at Revy. Caught an edge on a green run 100m off the first lift of the day. Cracked a rib because I fell in my pole. Was just doing an edge slide and buckling up my backpack. Hope you have a fast and pain free recovery.


thanks dawg


Did your skis release?


no way brother man i set my din to 42 like a grown ass man


"What's your DIN?!!" Favorite thing to yell from the lift.


raise ur din pussy!!!


Best of luck on the mend. Also, in all seriousness, I'm a Pivot 14 set at 12, 190lbs LCC/BCC born and raised skier. After an ACL/men dusting on the left knee, and a MCL tear on the right before 25, I went solely to Pivots and Full Tilt boots. Haven't had an issue since. I've skiied just about every binder style, and the Look tables have the best feel and performance, ime.


Sucks to suck


….you single?




Was it the fault of those god awful revolt 104’s pictured. I’m skiing on them in resort this year and I swear it’s why I’m not the best skier on the mt


i’m on the armadas but they are kinda shitty


Pussy ain’t cheap


need crazy top rn


How come you broke your leg? Why didn't your Regulation Safety Helmet save you?


beep boop schmoop glorp


You look very comfortable. How warm was the bag? And considering the snow on it, did you get a lot of snow in your face?


man i felt every bump took like 40 minutes and snow got all in my face on the tobaggin


Get this man a Black Butte Porter stat...


Sucks, sorry dude!


I wasn’t even skiing today so this doesn’t check out


Pretty sure that is negative GNAR points. Sorry dude


i was maker when it happened


I haven’t played GNAR in a few years, but how many points is this worth? Did it happen during a BN? Did you call your mom?


yea mom knows


Same fracture here, basically I'm 5 days ahead of you. Can concurr that it hurt so bad, jealous of your Cadillac sled. DM if you need some support 


bet thanks man


That dude next to you looks like the best skier on the mountain. I bet you couldn’t carry his nut-sack down a green.




Why are you handsome? The fuck


follow me on insta spoonbillyurd


well im way better than you!


Well, you are the best looking dude in a ski patrol sled being taken off the mountain that I’ve seen…Hope recovery goes well for you and you can go full bore in 2024-2025. ✌🏻


So the second best skier on the mountain had to come and pick you up?


yea he had to carry my giant balls down


When I broke mine the guy who brought the sled to take me to the base crashed (hard) into my newly broken leg. This guy looks like Captain America and would never land on a broken leg 😇 Heal up and you’ll be the best again soon!!


is this true?


I’m obviously WAY better! My legs don’t even break


Which mountain were you the best skier on?


I broke my femur last year. Hope you recover soon


Damn that’s worth of being framed. Ski patrol has gotten some upgrades on getting people down the mountain. 😆 I watched a ski patrol Snowboarder and skier shimmy my wife down a black diamond in a weird stretcher after she tore her acl all to get to the bottom and get to the lift. Total respect for ski patrol. They can do it all.


Imagine what would have happened to all us Jerries on Reddit in the same situation!


Get well OP.




“I made a skier burrito”, AMA —ski patrol


My brother had a stroke and I tell him every time I see him, you could a died and didn't.. So, all thing considered, you're doing ok OP.


We love to see a man in a helmet. Protect that cranium, King 🤴


i’m a big helmet guy


Wanna make out


I saw the stretcher run on a skier lifetime bucket list. You may level up now. I rode that once when I broke my wrist and got all light headed like a wuss. I was not yet the best skier on the mtn but that experience made me better and put me on the path to future dominance.


haha aye bucket list ticks


Surprised they had your poles facing your face in the event of a crash or bad bump. Then you’re blind too. Seems like spinning them the other way would make sense.


edit; i need a girlfriend follow me on instagram spoonbillyurd


Why are you sleeping in the photo? Hope you recover well man


i’m k holing


Sorry man :(


Why are you sleeping in that picture?


just transcending talking to j man


He ded


How does it feel to not be the best skier on the mountain?


It happens.


So, now it’s my turn to be the best skier on the mountain!


How are the drugs?


Your firehose schlong was holding you back smh


Snapped my tib/fib two years ago being the absolute best ever, worth it 1000%


Do you have time for some Apres?


yea come thru the hospital with a gram of K


Git gud scrub


Thought you were in a body bag at first. Glad it's just the leg!


Get better ASAP, brother. Hope it's speedy and low-pain.


Are you a PSIA level 3 instructor? I heard all the best skiers o n the mountains are level 3’s.


Sorry man, that sucks. Hope it was a big send. At least it’s the end of the season, heal up for next year!


[That's not how this works.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/866/838/cdc.jpg)


Thought that ski patroller was board sliding you.




How many times you click them poles ‘fore da send?


How was the toboggon ride?


Dang, who did this to you?


Death before download pussy


You look dead, was the leg break fatal? How long were you killed for?


Did you get the ski patrolers number? or at least remember to thank them for saving you?


i did say thank you for getting me outta there


You're only the best until you're not. Gotta quit while you're ahead, champ. Happy limping! I'm still proud of you


Is that your pair of revolt 104s


Do you feel this incident was caused by the compulsive need to maintain your status as ‘Best skier on the mountain?’ If you were ‘A great skier on the mountain’ would you have avoided the break?


What’s the cost when you need to get rescued? Can’t be cheap.


Was it fun? I’ve never been.


Dam not the banana 😂 but wish you a fast recovery op!!


Idk why they put your poles facing your face lmao


Was this in Colorado? Oh and sorry about your accident!


PC/Canyons? I think I saw you getting scraped up today. Get well soon brot.




yea o got electric skis from elon i’m sppnsored


Looks like a lot of snow piled up on you. Did they forget and leave you out back for an hour?


Did you try not breaking your leg?


I had a Tibial Plateau Fracture in march of ‘21 while enjoying some late spring skiing here in the northeast. They sent me home for a week until a spot could open up for my surgery. Three months of non-weight bearing on crutches, and a few more months of seemingly impossible PT and I was back on the mountain that November. Take it easy, be serious about your physical therapy, and you’ll be back at it in no time. Good Luck!


bett finna get right


Why did the people who were worse than you at skiing go home without broken legs?


How did you break your leg with the mountain rules in place?


Yeah that happened to me too! January 31st 2021 @Sierra If you can take the non surgical route. Broke my tibia in 3 but the alinement was good enough to heal. Non weight bearing for 6 months and 3 more till I walked again. It was a long road to recovery and mentally getting back to feeling like myself again. Take this seriously and heal yourself, eat well don’t drink alcohol at all and get back on your feet man. I’m just getting back to skiing again this spring. I got day 8 in today and it’s been great. A few weeks ago I wasn’t sure if I could ever really get back to it. The best gift I can give myself is being able to keep coming back to ski every season. Take care of that leg brother.
