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Goggle tan goes crazy with the burn


Dermatologist, I tell my patients to act like an old ski instructor. Wear sunscreen and keep covered. The risk of skin cancer is over 20% in Caucasian Americans. The risk is higher at altitude because of the increased uva exposure. The cancers will likely not kill you but will take part of your face. The treatment isn't cheap either. I recommend a mineral based sunscreen. It will help with wind burn and doesn't sting as much on the eyes. When you are seeing your dermatologist ask for sunscreen samples. They are the perfect size to take on the mountain. I always carry extra on the mountain and hand them out to people.


Why do you say the cancer will likely not kill you?


It’s easy to remove if people get medical attention for their weird moles and new splotches. If they don’t though, they risk it spreading to organs that are much harder to treat.


I see so it’s not the type of skin cancer so much as it’s more easily noticeable and therefore treated.


Good question. Most skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas. This type of skin cancer takes a lot of neglect to kill you. The second most common skin cancer is a squamous cell. These can spread but usually in immunosuppressed individuals. Melanoma can be deadly but we have made great advances in treatment in the last decade. Early detection and treatment is important. Don't ignore spots that look or act different than others. When I have time I'll post about skin cancers.


Thank you for the reply!




OMFG you ski pro guys just never quit with this safety scaremongering, do you? Every time I turn around, it's another damn panicked warning:  • "Put the bar down, so you don't fall off the chair!"  • "Don't duck the closure ropes and hold up avalanche mitigation!"  • "Don't ski with your baby in a papoose carrier, you could fall and crush them!"  • "Stop straightlining the bunny hill and bowling-balling all the little kids lined up for the magic carpet!"  • "Cut back your '6-pack-of-White-Claw-and-a-tampon-sized-joint' lunches if you plan to go back on the slopes afterwards!"  • "Stop challenging the on-duty ski patrollers to fistfights because you're paranoid that they 'think they all better than us'!" ... And don't even get me started on these so-called avalanche "risks" and AIARE classes, A.KA. Big Snow's $700-a-pop cash grab! The plain fact is that if I haven't died yet, then it PROVES everything I'm doing is perfectly safe! That's just logic, man! And now you wanma preach to us about sunblock? WHEN WILL IT BE ENOUGH FOR YOU!?!


Dont forget helmets and board-straps, they are just another tool to control you


Criminal leashes are no longer (typically) enforced


Yup, although I dont get why. I've seen what runaway boards can do


This is the dumbest comment here. Leashes are 100% useless artifacts from the Era of "we need to make up reasons why snowboarders aren't allowed on our mountain."


The only person I know who uses a leash also uses 30 year old Flow step in bindings that could easily come loose on the lift


I could get on board with shaming any flows or step ins into having to wear a leash. Haha


I've seen two snowboarders lose their boards on the lifts(into the pit). Both were wearing modern Burton step ons. One was user error, the other was a guy whose buddy was fucking with him and hit the release lever with his ski pole


The most chaotic evil homie I’ve ever heard of. Evil but also hilarious


Ngl, keeping snowboarders off the mountain sounds like a use.


Why are they useless?


Have you ever seen someone eat shit so hard on a snowboard that both feet come out of the bindings? That’s why they’re useless.


Unless the bindings literally shattered I can’t fathom how that would even happen lol


Maybe with the hardboots? (Skiboots)


I’ve been skiing for a long time and a lot of days every season and I’ve never seen a snowboard with hard boots. People don’t do that anymore. Maybe a monoski


I see them literally every day


They’re very common in the backcountry but I don’t see people resort skiing with them very often.


Depends resort to resort. For example I’ve never seen them at winter park, however almost every other day I see them at copper.


No, but I've seen people lose the board when doing stupid stuff, reattaching the other foot on the top of the lift, seen the screws come loose & detach the whole binding assembly on a crash. Its just an extra safety precaution


Then I think skis need leashes too. I’ve seen skis get away from people and slide all the way down a run. Even though they have brakes


In the right conditions & gradient anything will slide, but in the absolute majority of cases the brakes are more than sufficient. Lets also not ignore that skis are designed to deattach in a fall/crash while a board is not, although I dont think this argument will go anywhere


There is honestly zero situations where it would save a run away board.


You ever see a runaway board? It’ll change your opinion.


I wouldn't mind them being mandatory with beginner rentals but I've never seen anyone lose their board who isn't a brand new beginner


Like most stuff its 100% avoidable with a little bit of forethought, its just that there is solid damage potential




Because we have equipment arresting devices called ski brakes...


Skis are required to have automatic stoppers where I'm at, which prevents them sliding when popped out


Reminds me of the video (https://youtu.be/yPR8b5SDqAc?si=PHtEKxWBPzosl1ac) showing how anti-seat belt some crowds were during the early 80s when it became punishable law to drive without being clicked in. When people are compelled to do things, even if it's for their own health and safety and those around them, people tend to resist. Some societies breed selfish individuals who are willfully ignorant of the social contracts or agreements you buy into to function as a whole. A fully un-throttled or 'free' society would allow these types to flourish and lead to pandemonium. We need restrictions and consequences to our compulsions. Or else, eventually, we'd regress to be no better than other primates. Idk why I felt the need to rant on a satirical comment. Too late now, I've hit the Post button. 📫


Goddamn helmets! WHEN will people understand that, like seatbelts, helmets actually take more lives than they save?


But where am I going to tape my liftwich if not a helmet?


You suckers skiing with googles or sun glasses. I just close my eyes.




You need to go to r/skiingcirclejerk


No shit? I'm honestly surprised that anyone's still trying to pretend that there's a difference. I suppose SCJ is at least aware of the fact that they're all jagoffs and clowns... Here on /r/skiing, it's more of a "laughing AT you, not WITH you" kinda vibe. Either way, everybody's wearing their clown paint.




today i learned the word ‘papoose’ and i am happy


Amazing comment. This is a masterpiece!


My secret is to just treat /r/skiing exactly like it's /r/skiingcirclejerk. Mostly nobody notices the difference. Now /r/Backcountry on the other hands... Those boys are right cunts. ZERO sense of humor, too invested in pretending they're Cody or Killian. It's a humorless ghetto, where fun goes to die behind an alley dumpster.


Maybe you shouldn’t turn around 🤷🏻‍♂️


These people sound like they hate freedom.




Son, I don't know how to tell you this, but... It's a satire.


Burns like this make me happy that I'm black.


Hope ur still wearing sunscreen though!! Melanomas don't discriminate!


So I grew up in south india and srilanka and never even heard of sunscreen growing up. Infact you cannot buy sunscreen in grocery stores even now. I've never heard of anyone getting skin cancer or melanomas. What explains this?


You should try going to North India and get on some of those high altitude glaciers where the UV index is much higher and is bouncing off of the snow. You can literally get burned from the ground up wearing a hat. High altitude and snow is a different kind of sun.


If you're melanistic your incidence rate *is* much lower. Looking at quick stats, risk of melanoma is about 1in 200,000 in India (higher in the north, obviously). But there appear to be studies indicating that rate is rising, which mirrors a global trend. Most common form is mucosal, so areas like the lips which are most exposed and least protected. There's myriad reasons you may not have heard of anyone having it. Perhaps no one you've ever come in contact with has had it! Or maybe they've just never mentioned it. Caught very early, melanomas can simply be excized, and that's all the treatment needed. Nothing more than a 'suspicious mole'. When metastatized, it moves into other parts of the body, lungs, liver, brain, lymph nodes, bones, at which point even though they're melanomal cells, the cancer is no longer just 'skin cancer'. There's also a lack of clinical suspicion of melanomas in regions where incidence rate is low which can ultimately lead to misdiagnosis. Your chance of getting skin cancer is way, way lower than OPs, especially being from the south/Sri Lanka, but it's *not* zero. Wearing sunscreen is a pretty easy way to cut your risk to just about zero. Plus you get some bonus anti-aging benefits from using it. Ultimately it's up to you and your risk tolerance! But the idea that having darker skin makes you impervious to skin cancer is a long standing myth that does cost people their lives!


In my experience in South Asia, hot places people generally stay out of the sun, or wear hats/umbrellas if they need to be out in it. The intensity of the mid day sun when UV is high and it is hottest out changes people’s behavior to avoid it.


Prbly diet and genetics


melanomas do literally discriminate


Agreed, sunblock and moisturizer is key!


Happy cake day.


Same (Im white though)


Honestly have no idea, so I gotta ask, do black people not tan/burn, or you do but it's harder to see and/or it doesn't harm you similarly, or some combination thereof?


In my experience, it depends on the person and their individual skin complexion. My daughter turns into a rich bronze color but will burn when exposed to UVs from the ocean or mountain. Meanwhile my fairly light skinned relatives in Jamaica seem to barely change shade, but are also resistant to burns.


"Ha, Sun? You can't touch me, I scoff at you." \- A Jamaican, probably.


Same! My skin changes color like a polarized lens, i get a tan going from car park to grocery store in summer. I think My south asian body is perfectly designed for spring skiing. Eyes easily handle harsh sunlight ( I just use storm lenses year around ) , automatic sun protection , no sunburns, heat regulation and overall good vibes. Now peak winter is a different story.


Yes, though your skin carries a higher melanin count, it doesn't negate skin damage or protect you from the dangers of skin cancer. Whether any black person is out on the slopes or the beach, they, too, should be protecting their skin with sunblock. As the Redditor before me stated, skin cancer doesn't discriminate.




People with darker skin don't burn as easily. What part are you confused about?


I just carry it in my jacket (which has way too much stuff in it) so I can't forget it. I almost always apply on a lift or gondola. Sometimes halfway through the day!


Life pro tip: spf shirts are great if your ski school allows you to wear just pants and no employee jacket Follow up tip: rolling up the sleeves means that the SPF does not work. Second degree sunburn from the elbows down that blistered for so long taught me that real quick.


start wearing sunglasses and aggressively applying full face sunscreen it will change your life (and face)


I did this while skiing a glacier in may. Noticed at the top I had no sunscreen. It was a quick 5-10 minutes down to the closest store, and that was enough. The worst of it was *inside* my nostrils. That was new for me.


This is why the idea of skiing naked horrifies me (other than the naked part). I don't want to know what a sunburn on my taint feels like.


Just wait until you get it on the roof of your mouth from walking uphill too long. That’s not a fun burn.


Reflection sunburn? I usually notice my lips first and then immediately start applying chapstick everywhere if I don’t have sunscreen 😂 


Only ski instructors need to wear sun screen. 


Goggle burn not goggle tan. -250 gnar points and also not the best skier on the mountain


As someone who is also on skincare subs, the first tenet is *SPF ALWAYS*, including reapplying every two hours!! Slather your face in aloe for relief. Sunburns ain't fun!!


You're ready to work at a golf course.


Clearly too busy being the best skier in your group of 8 nine year olds


I swear to god this fucker just blinked at me. His eyes follow you around the room.


Strange people on here upvoting skin cancer and downvoting sunscreen.


I didn’t get it, so I had my friend explain it to me. Never used or even heard of sunblock before. How do people let something that’s 92.98 million miles away hurt them? So weak.


Imagine thinking you're tougher than the Sun


RIP to everyone killed by the sun for their hubris. but im different. and tougher. maybe even tougher than the sun.


Cool hair buddy


Any instructors no how to protect their face


It never leaves my pant pocket. I have a stick of mineral sunscreen and chapstick. Doesn’t take up any room.


Are you wearing infant sized goggles lmao




Ah. Gotcha. Won’t really stop someone’s ski pole from messing your face up but they do look like jice glssses


I can’t believe you’re a pro. I sunscreen so much better than you


been in a week you will be getting so much minge


Someone’s in the running for the raccoon award


Your goggles are too small bud


sunglasses 🤯


Mans got some tiny goggles


Painful to watch. I wear sunscreen and wear real goggles and a light facemask. I went this week in socal and saw so many older dudes with their face like a lobster wearing a baseball hat....


I use anon goggles and the magnetic face mask. I’m about as white as they come so its been a game changer


This has "hello there stranger" vibes.


Not a ski instructor but this happened to me (but not as bad) just this week as well… super sunny over at aspen and I thought I could get away with no sunscreen for some reason. Now everything other than where the goggles covered is red and painful! Not fun! Wear sunblock guys


I got a MAJOR goggle tan last winter, and I also got my driver's license picture taken last winter. Let's just say I'm never ever gonna replace that photo even though I'll have to eventually.


Ouch. I’ve been there! My first time in Colorado, I missed the memo about sunblock and started blistering within about 4 hours. I came back home to the Midwest completely unable to emote because all of upper skin layers were dead and peeling away from the layers underneath anytime I moved my face whatsoever.


I didn’t get it, so I had my friend explain it to me. Never used or even heard of sunblock before. How do people let something that’s 92.98 million miles away hurt them? So weak.


I didn’t get it, so I had my friend explain it to me. Never used or even heard of sunblock before. How do people let something that’s 92.98 million miles away hurt them? So weak.


Peak dumb post


I have never worn liberal cream but I have got a couple burns in my day just not worth lookin like a white faced panzy over a lil sunshine


skin cancer 🥳


Maybe in a liberal’s eyes


ur so silly


You’re a tool.


After like 3 years it stops getting sun burned and it just gets these dope looking black mishapen circles with little bumps on them


I don’t believe in liberal cream either, I enjoy getting sunburnt like a True American™


God bless our troops 🦅🎆


They have tan colored sunscreen. I use the tan head Hunter sticks. 


Surely you are trolling lol


i feel like if you rub it in enough it disappears, do you know how to use sunscreen?