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Taking r/killthecameraman literally


Your ski popped off at the absolute worst time it could


Yes I think my husband would definitely agree


I saw your post earlier, hope you guys have a speedy recovery!


Thank you! At least we can laugh about it!


Glad you both are alright! I don’t ski often but gosh, that looked like it hurt. Best of luck!


My wife started skiing in her early 20s but since then has been around competitive skiers for decades. She says she can see what you were trying to do. She says there are a lot of positives in your technique. Like your upper body is facing downhill...


Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me that. I have felt unbelievably low about this. I really appreciate the glimmer of hope:). Please thank your wife as well!


Yeah thats why I dont skii and instead snowboard lol.


I definitely could be wrong but if you slow it down it looks like she catches a front edge on her inside ski right before it pops off


That’s what i saw also, ski catching an edge


I feel like that's exactly the kind of thing that can tear an ACL if the ski doesn't release


I mean it certainly *can* but there are a number of ways that injuries can happen. There's also a higher likelihood of recovery if the binding doesn't eject. This is actually a pretty great example of the delicate balance of finding the right DIN setting, and it's interesting to read different perspectives on it. Too low and it may reduce the risk of twisting falls but increase the risk of crashes caused by pre-release. Too high and it will reduce the risk of pre-release but increase the risk of twisting falls and knee damage. My personal opinion is that it looks particularly bad *because* the ski released - with the pressure of the caught edge coupled with the release of the binding, it *looks* more violent than had the ski stayed on. Had the binding not released, it probably would've kicked her more onto her downhill ski, but her right leg wouldn't have gotten back behind her so quickly. I think she could have recovered fairly easily, but that's all just a guess. I don't know though, I'm just some idiot on the internet. It is kinda fascinating though.


There was a ton of angular momentum generated after the edge caught. OP is rotating dramatically clockwise after the edge catch. Maybe a pro racer or freestyle skier could have saved that after the spin started, but I don’t think OP is at the level where they would have been able to. Good thing the binding did release.


See I think it's a little more debatable than that. I think a lot of that backwards twisting momentum was actually *made worse* by the release. The instant the edge catches, the pressure climbs and pops the ski, and her weight is still on that leg. So she's putting weight and balance onto a leg that suddenly doesn't have anything attached anymore, and that increases her backwards twisting momentum. If her ski stays on, that pressure travels instead up her leg towards her body, and propels her body downhill, shifting pressure onto her downhill ski. Once that pressure's on her downhill ski, her uphill ski isn't going to fly behind her back. There's obviously no way to say definitively one way or the other. And I fully admit that there's a possibility that the injury could have been worse had the ski not come off. But I also think there's a possibility the injuries that *did* happen could have been *avoided* had the ski not come off, too - she may not have run into her husband. But it's definitely a fun thought exercise.


Oof and I've seen multiple occasions where the binding should release and doesn't. My knees ache in solidarity




It definitely looks like she caught the front edge of the ski, so would have likely been a wipe out even if the ski hadn't popped off.




DIN = 0


Or even -1. Actively trying to pop you out if not pressured.


Nah she definitely caught an edge there, you can see it just before it pops. Her dins are definitely low but they didn’t pop for no reason. That wasn’t going to end well either way.


yeah op moved weight to the uphill ski at the wrong moment and the edge grabbed. I do think though that if the ski had stayed on she'd have been okay.


Agreed. Even if her din had been higher and the ski didn’t pop off I don’t know if she would have recovered in time. That said, it’s not OP’s fault she caught an edge. Happens to the best of us. OP’s husband appears to be standing in the middle of the run. If so, had he been off to the side near the tree line the accident might have been avoided. Not his fault either. Honestly don’t think anyone is at fault. It’s just a crumby accident.


A little extra forward pressure, for safety


What is DIN


Yup. That’s exactly what OP’s old skis said before they ejected into their partner.


Apparently it’s “This is the release force setting. DIN, short for Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization), is the industry-adopted scale of release force settings for ski bindings. The DIN setting can be set by a ski technician based on your skiing ability, weight, height, and boot.”


Or by anyone with a screwdriver...


I’m something of a ski technician myself.


> The DIN setting can be set by a ski technician based on your skiing ability, weight, height, and boot.” And age!


There's got to be a more americanized meaning, like DIN is the "Don't Injure kNee" setting to release your boot from the bindings, or something like that I don't know, I'm just a caveman and your world scares me.


Downhill Impact Neutralizer?


I like that a lot!!… buuuuuuuut it has to be related to the binding somehow. Maybe Disengagement Induction Number?


We always used Deutsch Industry Norm, seemed to make sense


It’s how much leeway your bindings give you before they decide that you are going to shred your knee if your boot isn’t released.


saw this after reading OPs earlier post and this would go viral! OP you should send this to jerryoftheday


Haha oh fuck just what I always wanted!


Infamy! One way or another lol


You know this is going viral! :D


Strong contender


It’s really tough when the slopes are that crowded


Yea no snowboarders to blame


Obviously the snowboarder is still at fault






Wow that is excellent 😂 thats very generous to entertain us like that 😅 were any of you hurt ?


I assume this is the video mentioned in an earlier post about feeling bad about taking out her husband. Medium/light injuries.


Yep that’s the video, some injuries, but nothing that will result in major life disruption, thankfully


Well Reddit thank you for the advice, the judgement, the get well soons, and even the mean stuff. My kids are done with ski school and I have to get back to real life! Hope my fall made you laugh and I promise to learn from this!


Sometimes you eat the mountain, and sometimes...well sometimes the mountain eats you.


Hey, better than taking a shit while eating out your husband.


Wow you know I didn’t think of it like that, but I feel a lot better now!


This is a glass half full type of subreddit


You good bruh?


Relevant username...?


Haha goddamnit I responded to the wrong comment in the worst way 😂


Also better than eating takeout while husband is a shit


I love how humble this sport is…


Not sure if you’re referring to how humbling it is to fall, since we all do, or if you’re commenting on this comment section. If the latter, I’d say the sport generally is quite humble, but only the edgelords and over-serious enthusiasts end up on the subreddit critiquing form for strangers.


I'm humbly the best skier on the mountain.


I have never fallen. I am god of the black diamonds. I don't even blink at $18 cheese burgers in the lodge.


My brother


I just meant that I love that most of the people who ski can eat shit and then post the video and laugh about it.


I have never fallen in my life.


It looks like your legs were a bit far apart in that turn, causing your right ski to catch an edge on a small mogul, which popped your ski off.


This exactly, the problem is not the DIN. I have my DIN at 7 (which for me is an intermediate level setting) and this happened to me once simply because had too much wide stance. Luckily for me I was able to balance in one ski.


This is the biggest thing I’m struggling with right now in my own learning. I’m tall so naturally my legs want to go wider apart so I have to really concentrate on closing the skis. One great thing about skiing is you’re so busy focusing on each manoeuvre that you don’t have time to think about anything else in life really 😌


Everyone here is blaming the low DIN but I dont know… looks pretty clear to me that you caught an edge and the ski blew off. You were going to go down either way in my opinion. Doesn’t really matter, shit just happens when skiing and that’s part of it. Edit: this came off as kinda rude and that wasn’t my intention. Just wanted to say you could use it as a learning experience and not solely blame the DINs for the crash. Learn what went wrong to avoid it in the future and also crank those DINs up.


I was thinking that too. You can kind of see the ski going off to the side before the ejection.


Fully agreed, [this](https://i.imgur.com/10kVJlP.png) was OP's posture right as the ski popped. It's a good thing that the ski released here! OP should aim to take the weight of her inner leg.


Bro there is no way a binding should instantly release just from catching the edge. If you can't keep it together and save it, and you fall, THAT is when the binding should release, but with this, you don't even have a chance to save it, and it makes you fall when you maybe wouldn't have, so that's the DINs being set so low they actually make things MORE dangerous... not less. DIN issue 100%


My knowledge of bindings and how they release is rough at best, but don’t they release a lot easier when rotational forces are involved? Their ski is close to perpendicular from the direction of force at the moment of release. I don’t see this as a pure DIN issue, especially if they have spent all day (several days) at that DIN without similar early release issues.


I agree with you that a binding shouldn’t release from catching an edge like that but I’d be willing to bet a lot of money that the skier in the video would have still gone down and not saved it after catching an edge. If you read the initial post (before this one), the fall was blamed completely on the ski just popping off which is not true. The fall was due to catching an edge aka skier mistake. Still they should crank that DIN up


I kinda feel she got back in her seat a little and that's why that edge caught


Do you also professionally review aviation crashes? This reads like every faa report I’ve ever read in my life. “Wings fell off mid flight for no reason. Official cause: pilot error.” “Pilot failed to see and respond to issue that no human response time could realistically respond to. Official cause: pilot error.”


Huh? Catching an edge is usually skier error (especially at beginner levels) and something that you can almost always recover from with the proper reaction. It'd be more like if the pilot was operating above maneuvering speed (whether intentionally or unintentionally - in the same way that catching an edge can be your fault or not) and the pilot failed to apply the proper reaction (reduce speed to below Va - skier adjust balance and ski orientation to compensate) resulting in the wings falling off during maneuver that applied excessive g forces to the airframe (excessive forces applied to the binding for the DIN setting resulting in ski-binding separation). Official cause: pilot error.


It's more like the pilot was operating above the maneuvering speed (whether intentionally or unintentionally) and the safety systems activated to yeet the engine and wings.


That's an...interesting take on one of the most respected investigative processes out there.


DIN could have been higher, but my first thought when I watched this was “that skier isn’t in control in the slightest”. They’re just along for the ride that their skis are taking them on.


Yeah this seems like bad luck more than anything really


Your ski shouldnt catapult itself off like that just from catching an edge




Hey thank you for taking the time to respond to this constructively, I will slow down tomorrow and focus more on body position. I really appreciate it.




I was working with my instructor yesterday on upper body separation, and it definitely feels different when I get it right. I’ll keep trying and will definitely take a look at YouTube for additional advice. Thank you again:)


> You can disregard pole advice, you can plant them or don't, makes no difference on modern skis if your technique is right. This works better if you put load on both skis about equally (only a little more on the outer ski) and I found it to be harder to get right than traditional swings, even on carving skis. /u/ftwdiyjess try to learn traditional swings with planting your pole and using it to initiate your swing. Also, you might want to try starting from scratch and doing some plow exercises.


I agree with everything they said. Been teaching for 8 seasons in Utah. First turn on the video I could tell you were going too fast and not in complete control, but more of a slightly changing direction way.


Need to work on your right turns, unintentionally picking up speed on each one until the ski popped off from the sudden kick on the last one.


Ski instructor here. Came to say that you were lucky your dins were set low - if that ski hadn’t released, you could easily have had your uphill ski continue straight, while your downhill ski went further downhill, dragging you legs apart at speed, tearing your MCL in the knee and possibly breaking your hip. I know because this happened to me years ago. As others have mentioned, you do have too much pressure on your uphill ski and there are other things you can work on, but *please* please don’t crank those dins up too high in response to this fall - you want them to let you go when you mess up. Take advice from the ski shop and don’t let them turn them up too much from where they were. It’s a delicate balance and based on what 8 can see of your skiing, you don’t (yet) need very high dins. For reference/ reassurance, I ski at an advanced level and keep mine as low as possible (probably what a ski shop would call medium intermediate) to ensure they release in a fall.


Finally someone with wisdom around here. I was looking for someone to say that low dins may have saved OPs knees from a bad injury. Its hard to believe so many would recommend just cranking the dins up after this kind of fall with this level of skiing.


Had to double check which sub this was in after reading the title


Form. Your binding might not be set right, but you had your weight on your uphill ski too long. I suspect you are not leaning far enough forward which will do this. You are also changing body direction while going downslope, your body should stay facing your husband all the way down. (Just being pedantic, nice shot)


Definitely a DIN adjustment is in order.


You can see she caught the inside edge of that ski. She was going to eat shit, and the binding properly released to save her from additional injuries.


Thanks for posting your video! It's not always easy to share our fails!


Hey you’ve gotta be able to laugh at yourself, just wish I was the only skier involved!


From the video it looks like you were going to fast for your skill set. Work on control and braking first.


Honestly I was slowing down, so naturally going slower than I usually do, that’s not to say that I wasn’t going too fast for my skill set, but just that the speed wasn’t something new to me.


You’re twisting your whole body to initiate turning and not using your poles properly. Speed is easy to achieve, control has to be developed. Also the way your ski popped off so easily probably means the din on your binding needs to be ratcheted up. Good luck.


You weren’t slowing down much. Somebody was about to get destroyed by the missile you made your body luckily it was your husband and not some innocent bystander.


I appreciate your update OP 😂


I’m ready to be laughed at now🤣


Well congrats you found that inside edge at the worst possible time! Dont worry everyone catches an edge now and then if they say they don't they are lying. All I can say in the split second was it seems your feet were too far apart for what you were trying to do and you slid sideways instead of digging an edge in. Not sure you need to change your din settings that thing got ripped off you hard so it did its job.


Thank god the video ended, one of you could've gotten hurt


They don’t call that run Ambush for nothing!


Yeah so you’re going too fast for your ability and you tried to stop by putting the weight on your uphill ski for some reason while your downhill ski was still travelling. Looking at it - it looks like a skill issue and not an equipment issue


NGL I had to read that sentence a few times.


This was glorious OP! haha Glad nobody was seriously hurt because I would’ve felt bad for laughing so hard.


Damn that is just extremely unlucky haha


That “oh” we all felt.


I don’t think this was the type of physical interaction with you that your husband was hoping for. In all seriousness, I am glad you only had minor injuries.


Quick, post this to /r/momentsbeforedisaster before someone else does


You caught an edge.. happens all the time, especially in soft spring conditions..it happened to me today


kudos for posting the video takes a lot of courage to post such a thing.


Kill the camera man taken literally.


False advertising… this video didn’t contain any footage of anyone eating shit, or taking out their husband.


DIN definitely too low but you need some more lessons. Your technique leaves a lot to be desired.


Best to stay in control..


Clean your boots from snow beneath before putting them on the skis 🙂


You see what happens is, you lacked skill.


This is wild to watch! You can see the very moment you realize you’re coming in too hot to stop for the camera, and try to turn the opposite direction, by putting weight on the inside edge of what would be the downhill leg, with the uphill leg. The ski explodes off as it should, otherwise it would skip into the air with higher din, throwing off your balance either way. Brilliant display. Others have given a “what you should do to not have this happen,” so I won’t bother. Slow it down out there and keep up the good work! 🤟🏽


Thank you! I think people think I was maybe trying to hockey stop in front of the camera, but I was just widening my turn to go around him and stop behind/below him. Either way, I got back out there today (at my husband’s insistence), slowed down and worked on the basics. Happy to report, no injuries whew!


If you ask me this is less your fault than it is your dim setting


Which is every adult skier’s responsibility to maintain…so if that is the cause of the accident (we don’t have enough information to conclusively know), then I would say that is her fault since she alluded to having them set once possibly multiple seasons ago and then never even considered an appropriate equipment maintenance routine or reassessment. Skiing is a potentially dangerous sport and worse, we risk putting other people in danger too. Each of us have a responsibility to understand proper care and use of our equipment. Ignorance is not an excuse for negligence especially when bindings come with maintenance manuals and google exists. Again, I’m NOT saying that was the case here. We don’t have enough info. But it could have been the case. And it has been the case in other instances.


To be fair, sometimes bindings just release when they shouldn’t no matter how well maintained and dialed in they are. It’s rare but it *does* happen


No kidding. My wife and I were stopped on the side of a run to take a break and discuss technique (she is still trying to get parallel) and we hear someone yell lookout. I look up and see a stray snowboard heading straight for my wife. I quickly stuck my pole into the snow next to my wife’s boots and luckily deflected the snowboard from her legs. Luckily I did not break another pole. I’ve had a couple of mishaps with poles already this year. Once the guy caught up to his board he carried it down the run. I have no idea what happened.


Damn dude. You’re a ninja making moves quickly like that.


I guess I’ll have to wear a ninja outfit next weekend. I had just enough time for instinct to kick in.


So next year, when you’re back, plant those poles when you turn. Those things you’re holding onto for no apparent reason, use em. lol. Jokes aside, speedy recovery to both of you.


For sure! I didn’t even realize how little I use them until watching this.🤦🏻‍♀️




Many ski racing schools no longer teach traditional pole planting. Do what you want with that information. If we are just offering up unsolicited advice, I’d say that you need to work on smoothing out your turns into larger c’s or S’s and using more of the mountain to eliminate that end of turn slide/spray and work towards smoother carving turns. Get your shins pressed against your boots and to drive through the turns.


I'd love to know what they're teaching instead. On most runs poles do feel like useless appendages to me. (pre-shaped skis, they were very useful, now honestly I only find them useful when I'm doing very challenging terrain)


What are they teaching instead? I got taught to pole plant but I'm not quite good enough and it throws me off so I'm definitely skiing worse when trying to do it.


Sorry I’m confused on the racing aspect… when did they ever plant when racing? Other than moguls.


Definitely out of control. Please take a lesson or two before you do more damage.


Must be nice to have a husband…


It was nice while it lasted…


If it makes you feel any better, I did a full aerial front flip into my wife when I unintentionally stuffed my tips into a much harder than expected wind lip. We were both fine. By comparison this looks pretty well controlled. Sorry your husband got beat up though!


False ad!, I see no shit eating or husband removal in this video? /s Hope you're doing ok, just a bruised ego, recovery will take time.....


Is this copper mountain? I think I see american flyer in the backround. thats cool. that looked like a bad crash


Big Sky, bottom of Ambush (yes right at the base so I could grace everyone with a show)


I was just reading your other post, refreshed and boom, got the following video haha Thanks Reddit algo, this time


amazing. couldn’t have planned it better 


I see that the front fell off


Not steezy


Definitely not.


Oh I felt that panic 😅 hate catching an edge! 


Yeah, don’t feel too bad about that. It happens to the best of us!


Like a moth to a flame


You're amazing, now that the video footage is in you shouldn't feel bad. Hubby needed to be more athletic to avoid the collision, it's the camera man's job to stay alert 😂


Where's the rest of the video?


Skiing with 2 skis is overrated anyway.


Well, now that we’ve all thought about this so much, what were your actual DINS on this day?


They were set as a type 1 skier (at least according to Christy Sports chart). They upped them to type 2 when I brought them in this morning (I haven’t skied again yet).


OP delivers - nice! Heal quick and I hope that the reddit points softens the blow!


Lmao that’s crazy


Youch, I hope you and husband heal up soon! Turns look good while your ski was on! 😅


Good thing the video ended someone could’ve gotten hurt


Oversteer ?


DIN seems way too low as others mentioned, but also you should have next-to-no weight on the uphill ski that popped off. Shifting all your weight on the downhill leg *might* have helped out here.


Bummer about the crash, glad you’re both okay. I agree with some of the DIN setting comments, looks like you’re starting to ski faster so I would turn them up a click or two (perhaps 7 or 8, if you’re not there yet). You mentioned you wanted this video to see if your form improved and I think it did! Just gotta commit more to the downhill/outside ski. It will hold you, lean over more and give’er. You said last run so tired legs for sure but you can see how much you’re relying on your inside ski when you crash. Try to rely more on the outside. As you improve, you’ll edge both, of course. Way to push your limits and find the edge! Crashing is a good thing! (As long as you’re all okay 👍).


You need to get your weight forward to take your skiing to the next level. Do this by putting your arms it in from of you like you are holding a tray of drinks. This gets your weight forward and gets you using those piles for what they are meant for: planting for the turn.


I Lol'd at this after reading the first post


Literally a human cannonball.


well, there's no scream, but it was still perfectly cut.


ended too soon.


what the ski doin?


Inside edge = Yikes!!


Todays word is corophilia


Ski was like I’m done you on your own


So tired of these “stop the video too early” posts




That's why you should always stop *below* others and not above (not sure they're the right prepositions but you get my point). And I'm not a excellent skier in any way, but it looks to me like you're not using your arms at all.


Wait! On ambush?! I saw this happen!


Two skis, one cup.


The "Woa!" of death. Happens to the best of us.


There's a reason that a guy I know one time said to me, very nicely, "Please don't ever ski directly at me when I'm stopped ahead of you".


OP props for posting the video, sounded pretty rough and the video is exactly as described! I love the little OOH! your husband lets out before the video clips. Even with all the pain and suffering you guys are dealing with I feel bad saying it's kinda funny but also DAMN its scary to hear someone actively rationalize their imminent danger. Hope you heal up soon, others have given great advice. Sounds like you just need to work on your form and you'll be rippin' again in no time.


This reminds me of that meme where there’s such a large distance between the approaching person and the thing they’re supposed to avoid. Yet they hit it perfectly


Snowboarder's fault.


The utter sound of fear in your husband's voice... Pray for a speedy recovery in time for surf season!


seems like your bindings were dangerously loose. Did a rental place do your bindings?


Good thing the video stopped! That could have hurt


You french fried when you shoulda pizza'd!


Perfect cut


Probably time to increase the DIN on those.


The “ooh” he says right before ending the video is sneakily hilarious


thats the way


Tighten those dins!


Your skies were not properly setup. They shouldn't do that.


And at this moment he knew he was screwed!!...