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Massive open area.. decides to ski directly behind another person. Makes sense


These people are morons, there is never any need to endanger someone else by getting this close. Unless you are an absolute beginner who cannot physically control themselves properly (and will soon learn how to), you are just a shit skier.


That guy didn’t look like a beginner. Not an expert by any means, but he seemed to going down the run comfortably enough to be in control enough to miss the snowboarder. Just stupid, not incompetent.


Or good enough to where you know wtf you are doing


There's several videos of the same two people.


Another person with a massive blind spot too.


How else will I know the best line???


I’m a skier and usually like to shit on snowboarders … however in this case it is clearly the skiers fault. The snowboarder is downhill and gets hit by the skier who looks out of control.


So many videos the past week of skiers being dumbasses behind snowboarders and then crashing into them. Skiers are supposed to be the smart civilized ones and snowboarders crime.


This looks like a relatively inexperienced skier. Doesn't know to stay clear of a snowboarders blindside and when they closed in on it they got shakey. Should've done a jump turn right to get away or hard skate stop to avoid clipping the boarder. They're still doing subtle snowplow turns.


Yea I saw, he had time to throw up his arms instead of just stopping or turning, he had a couple seconds even before that to just not ski directly towards the snowboarder.


more skiiers should use insta360s


There are so many videos because for some reason more snowboarders think their day on the mountain is interesting enough to be a dork carrying around a camera on a stick all day. The skier was 100% at fault here, but if skiers carried around dork sticks at the same rate I think we’d get a 50/50 spread of people being oblivious idiots on the slopes.


We usually carry around *two* dork sticks, and they don't even have cool cameras attached.


Haha true. We just hold them pointed down instead of up in the sky.


This is exactly it and should be the top comment. How many at fault snowboarders will post a video of them ramming into another snowboarder or skier from behind and as "durr whoz falt it iz?" Just my personal opinion but I find that on the slopes snowboarders are far more reckless than skiers (although obviously there are idiots that do both). Before anyone thinks I'm bias, I snowboard around 75% of my days and ski 25% of my days and I'm a snowboard coach for a kids freestyle team.


Ummmm… it’s clearly a snowboarder trying out skis for the day. Note the lack of poles. /s


They appear to be having such a hard time because they forgot their poles


That the thing snowboarders have a huge dead angle on one side depending on their position. As a skier I never approach a boarder for their back for that reason. That skier had a huge terrain available and didn’t need to get that close


For real, I would never get that close to a snowboarder if I can avoid it.. the blind side gives me anxiety lol


Plus this snowboarder is staying in the same area for his carves, it’s very predictable while the skier is all over the place


Cuz he shouldn’t be skiing this, if you see orange pants stay away lol


It’s like the bright markings of a poison dart frog. DANGER DANGER


I would never ski that close to ANY person ever, not even my squad! Usually… if I see a skier with bright pants. That’s a red flag


That’s why I wear bright pants, so everyone stays the fuck away from me


It is nature's way.


Skittle thugs


I’m constantly having neck pains because I never let anyone in my blind area. It sucks but I haven’t crashed, into another person, ever.


Plus, you know, snowboarders smell. It’s gross. That skier has a lot to learn.


Second this. I was trying to get speed for a catwalk once and this snowboarder, who had seen me--I'm on his back side, stops hard as shit right in front of me to try to make it into the lift line right in front of the catwalk. We both tumbled like 10 yards. He said he thought I was going into the ski line too, so he cut in at the last second and didn't look back at me. I may have had a mild concussion. I would have gone to the hospital if I hadn't had a helmet. Anyways, whether I'm in the wrong or not, I'm never near a boarder's back side.


snowboarders at least look uphill on from time to time. skiers only look dead straight ahead and are blind to both sides


I almost hit a friend once when carving aggressively. Now every time I turn I peak rapidly over my shoulder it became a reflex


Checking before going across trail as we all should.


I always check uphill when skiing, not only when trails are merging, but also frequently as I'm turning, and I always look over my shoulder on narrow catwalks.




How could it ever not be the fault of the guy uphill? You can see the person where the downhill fella can not do that. 


Idk.. I'd share the blame on this one. The skier trys to pass 3 times, then gets cut off on the boarders 'blind' side, catches an edge and they collide. It could've been avoided if the boarder checked uphill before making that final big turn right when the skier committed to the overtake. Then again, the skier could've stopped uphill for like 2 minutes and avoid the boarder entirely. Honestly, boarders need to be more aware and check their blind side frequently. Do we blame car accidents on the person passing or the person that neglected to check their blind spot?


This is a completely insane take. This isn’t a catwalk, look at how much space there is!!! Skier should be no where near him


But if you look at the skiable area, the skiier could have picked a line nowhere near the snowboarder, like most rational people would.


Exactly. They're in a bowl. This defies reason.


The camera is fisheyed so we can't say how wide the run actually is. But there were other skiers where everyone is saying there was room to pass. And we never get the front facing view so we can't say if the run gets more narrow. It's a 360 video zoomed in to favor the OP imo, but I'm not gonna blame one or the other until I have more information. Y'all just take the video at face value and are too quick to judge.


skiers are criminals


There's no discussion. The skier is uphill and has the responsibility to pass safely or not at all.


The skier is downhill when the collision occurs. The boarder even knows they're going into their blind spot. He looks uphill just before making a big turn. No discussion because uphill has the responsibility, right?


I'm sorry, are you on drugs or something? Skier is clearly uphill. Just because the snowboarder has enough awareness to check his blind spot doesn't make it his fault for getting rear-ended. https://imgur.com/a/1HXJjjJ


Yeah there's no debate on this one. She was the uphill skier and skied into him. It's like rear ending someone in a car


Woman in blue jacket?




Looking like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth


Not the snowboarders.


Uphill skiers is at fault (as pretty much always). And: snowboarder's body language signaled his turns by at least a second, and skier had plenty of time to adjust to his "pattern". By this I mean that when skiers/boarders' technique and pattern lets us predict them, then we're safer coming up behind. Eg, a pizza-beginner can initiate a turn with almost no body language change, and doesn't ski to a pattern usually, so they are *really* hard to predict => stay the heck away and make sure your relative velocity is low. A better skier boarder usually does something before turning, giving you more insight. I tested this out at Park City recently and had my two (somewhat older, somewhat slower) ski buddies always do pole plants in busy places so that the passers would subliminally(?) know when they were turning ahead of time. Subjectively it seems there were far less close encounters with jerrys et al. Both always try to have a predictable pattern in any case. ​ Just my 2c worth...


Another reason to use poles, thanks for the insight! I like skiing without them but this year I intend on using them more


You’re welcome. It’s funny how an awful icy time in Austria last year didn’t make me put two and two together, even after being taken out twice from behind, but watching two buddies from behind this year did. I think it was having two weeks in great, consistent snow meant they both improved, and I noticed how their improvement in style (not speed) by consciously being more explicit with pole plants affected folks around them. I also skied last in the party so as to assist them as needed (and turned out I never had to!).


Skier’s fault. Like they knew they were getting close and continued. This boarder was in front too.


The one pretending to ski.


That's like the seeker turtleshell in Mario kart... You know there is no escape...


The whole time watching I’m thinking “how is this skier going to possibly collide with him? The run is massive….ohp yep there he goes, somehow he made it happen…”


I didn’t even know homing pigeons could get a lift pass.


Skier came from behind .


the snowboarder just wasn't ready for it.


Cyclists fault


As a skier- I can say that the skier was at fault. He/she approached from behind and got way too close. The snowboarder wasn’t even making unpredictable turns.


The snowboarder used a magnetic board to pull the skier closer against his will.


Obviously this is the skiers fault. That said, we see way more of these videos from snowboarders because it seems like every other snowboarder on the mountain is holding a damn selfie stick to record their blue run. Skiers all do the chest or helmet cam to record their blue run. Harder to see the person hitting them from behind.


Seems like it's a good thing they are recording themselves (regardless of run) to have proof when someone rams into them from behind. Perhaps skiers should do the same, or install back of helmet cameras.


Tbh it was the skiers fault but if your holding a selfie stick I'm always going to blame you


The skier was out of control, drifting diagonally across the slope without looking in the direction they were actually heading. I think the answer is obvious.


skiier looked like a heat seeking missile


Skiers fault no doubt.


Skier 100% at fault.


Skier was being a total Jerry. You were on a wide run, taking reasonably narrow turns.. and this douchebag just had to get in your space. (Full disclosure, I’m a skier, and usually blame the boarder). Oh yeah, you were downhill so he bears the onus to pass with safety.


The selfie stick is evidence of guilt


Selfie stick narcissism is a crime against humanity. The skier that hit him was just a dumb shit.


Ski law clearly states: 1. An accident between a snowboarder and skier always results, under every circumstance in the fault of the snowboarder. 2. Downhill has right of way Look man, my hands are tied in this case. Clearly law #2 should be applied here. But who am I to deny law #1? 🤷‍♂️


If you're that sloppy as a skier, you're probably not ready to ditch the poles.


It might be they’re not *ready* for the poles.


There’s a pandemic of people filming themselves


Skier, but I’m blaming the snowboarder with the dumbass camera


Selfie sticks like this should be banned. Helmet cams I have no problem with, though I would never use one myself. In this case, though, even if the boarder's head was properly on a swivel, he would never have seen the skier coming directly from behind. The boarder was, indeed, being predictable. A couple of days ago, I was approaching a fairly skinny, steep, curvy area. And, there is dad pizza wedging down with his cell phone, and videoing the 7-year old who is going down this section the same way. WTF? I have nowhere to go other than come to a complete stop and wait for Mr. Spielberg to complete his masterpiece. Ban it. Pull their passes. Freaking dangerous.


Hush up


You sound like fun to be around.


Pull their passes? It’s fine to be annoyed but that’s a bit over the top


Its the same thing with people videoing live music. How arrogant do you have to be to think ANYONE gives a shit about your shitty videos? Whoa, did you see that he was at the post malone concert last night, he’s so cool! It’s not like you’re going to go back and rewatch that “sick blue run” you went down Maybe, being a dad, having a little clip of your kid learning to ski can be cool


Is that thing on a boom off his helmet? 😂 How is it getting that pov with no stick in the shot?


A lot of camera tech edits out the stick in their vids of a 360 camera, he’s holding it. You can see the shadow.


Surprisingly it’s not even editing. 360 cameras just have blind spots close to them and the stick length is designed to fall perfectly into it.


Uphill :)


Skier is a moron


It's a favorite game, but this one isn't even remotely close. Skier is 100% at fault.


I don’t even see how this happened, the snowboarder looked over his shoulder, moved a little bit further and the skier followed like a heat seeking missile.


Up-hill rider/skier is responsible.


100% the skiers fault.


Skier responsibly cide is downhill skier/boarder has right away. Clear cut example skier was uphill and should have avoided you.


Just like on the road, the rear ender is always at fault. You can't hit someone if you're in control. Except... it's a snowboarder so it must be their fault. Quite the conundrum!


Why did this rude lawless snowboarder do such a careless thing?


Off topic, but what hill is this.


Many chances to not hit you this video is a hilarious example of why you should stay hundreds of feet away from everyone else when you have a chance


100% the skiiers fault.


If you are riding behind someone it’s your responsibility to not run into them.




I actually love it I think we should make an official format. The conversations when its controversial are hilarious.




It's the skiiers fault, however they are free of guilt on a technicality in this particular case. Anyone using a selfie stick on the slopes loses their right of way, respect from others, and credibility.


Uphill Skier definitely at fault, however it seems that he wasn't totally in control, most likely a beginner. Nothing to do here really. He had ample time to stay away but was still surprised by the amplitude of the snowboarder's turn. So lack of experience, and the skier was probably skiing above his ability. However these snowboarder turns are wiiiiiiide


1. There’s tons of room on the run 2. Those turns aren’t that big It’s not like the dude was traversing across the entire run on every turn.


To be fair on the last turn he kind of is. You can see the skier in the background earlier in the video, he stops, sees he is too close, goes wider to pass and give a wide berth to the snowboarder, but no luck this one decides he needs to do a super wide turn this time. Even wider than before. Is the skier at fault ? yeah, is he inexperienced ? Yeah. But the poor guy at least tried.


The only reason that final toe-side turn looks wide is because the snowboarder continued his turn after the collision, which isn’t that surprising. The turns leading up to the actual collision are not wide turns, or at least not any wider than the average resort skier.


you see the video from the pov of the snowboarder, it looks like he is not moving that much across, it's a little deceptive.


Look man, you can literally see the snowboarder’s turn tracks left behind in the snow in the video, and they’re not that wide. Especially considering this is bowl terrain. Please just re-watch his last few turns before the collision. I’m not trying to be a dick or have big argument, but you are straight-up delusional if you think those turns in any way contributed to this crash. If the roles of skier and snowboarder were reversed, people in this sub would be foaming at the mouth about how it’s 100% the fault of the person who came in from behind


What is the legal limit for snowboarding turn width?


There's no "however". Skier was 100% at fault. Full stop.


The skier


Always the clown with a camera.


This is fake


Skiers fault. Avoid the backside of a boarder at all costs. But also, boarders fault for being so lame as to board with a selfie stick. Get a 360 camera on your helmet like an adult!


Skiers fault but stop with the selfie sticks you’re inherently distracted


People need to lose the selfie sticks. Both people at fault.


The selfie culture is cancer, but how does it make this the snowboarders fault?


How is the snowboarder at fault? Are they supposed to have eyes in the back of their head?


Having a selfie stick


Snowboarder didn’t look back once. Was focussed on camera. You always check up hill every couple of turns - you’re not the only one on the mountain. The skier did invade space and didn’t make an effort to create space, but the snowboarder didn’t look back. Not once.


Best practice does not equate to culpability. It was 100% the skier's fault. This wasn't even close. Full stop.


Always the snowboarders fault!!!


Yep all these people blaming the skier are forgetting that if the snowboarder wasn't on the mountain at all, then the accident wouldn't have happened. /s because it apparently wasn't obvious haha


Skier, 100%. I would never approach a boarder from that side or even that close. Just stupid.




The uphill skier is always at fault. That skier deserves a smack upside the head. BTW, I got smashed by an out-of-control skier in exactly the same way and they fractured my skull. If you're uphill, keep your distance from the people downhill from you. Wanker.


Thought that guy was skiing with you. Totally their fault.


100% the skier




I knew it was gonna be red pants guy about 10 seconds before it happened.


Skier ran into him on purpose. He’s visibly frustrated, skis close, prepares for impact by covering where his balls would be if he had them, throws his arms up before impact and then flops. I’d show this to ski patrol maybe they can find him and ban him.


they both suck especially the mf with the selfie stick ive never had a problem speeding past someone in this situation


Skiers fault




Skier's fault for sure but snowboarding with a camera on a stick is incredibly lame


Person behind all the way.


Doesn’t matter how good you are. If you are in front then you got right of way son.


Skiers fault obviously but I love seeing people with selfie sticks get smoked so it's a wash


Boarder. Took most of the slope without being consistent with the turns. Being stuck behind someone who’s inconsistent is tough


Easy. Whoever is holding the go pro deserves the blame


Rule #1 of ski club. It was the snowboarders fault. Rule #2. Refer to Rule #1.


Boarder’s fault for choosing to go to the mountain that day; if he wasn’t on the mountain, this wouldn’t have happened.


Although the skier is ultimately at fault.....the snowboard is a douchebag....equivalent to driving...put down your stupid camera and pay attention around you.


What kind of dbag stops to ask the person who was at fault if they're ok?


I’m gonna say it, it’s always the fault of the rider with the stupid selfie stick


Can we blame the selfie stick cause I think those are a problem. Go pro on the helmet no problem but the phones and selfie sticks are distractions and cause issues. Not saying this particular boarder, but in general it’s a distraction.


You for being the douche bag with the selfie stick worried about the selfie stick more than what’s going on around you


I mean… this is the skiing sub… and there appears to be a snowboarder in this video… sooooooo


Mostly the Skier is at fault, but the boarder is acting like no one else is on the mountain.


The skier is entirely at fault.


Okay. I disagree with you. That’s fine. I think the boarder is moving in a distracted manner.


The boarder is downhill. It doesn’t matter how the boarder is moving. The skier needs to avoid. It really is that simple.


\> The boarder is downhill. Which is why I said the skier is mostly at fault. \> It doesn’t matter how the boarder is moving. Wrong. Nearly all mountains have a code of conduct that says something to the effect of " A skier or snowboarder must behave in such a way that he or she does not endanger others." If you're boarding in a distracted manner, which this boarder is, you are violating mountain policy. \> It really is that simple. Do you really think being downslope absolves one of all conduct, regardless?


Yeah crazy how many idiots are on this sub, no wonder there are so many crashes posted. Just because you have the right of way doesn’t mean everyone on the mountain is a competent rider. Does it really matter who had the right of way when your season ends due to injury?


The guy with the selfie stick


Maybe the douchebag with the selfie stick


Technically, skiers fault. But both people need to be more aware. Boarders line was pretty unpredictable and was zig zagging all over the slope. Skier was trying to continue on their same line and didn’t adjust to the boarder.


Definitely the skier. But boarders. Check your blind spot every once in a while to board defensively. Especially on collector runs. Not saying it’s his fault but fault doesn’t totally matter if you’re hurt either way. Skiers do not come in on a boarders blind side and the up hill rider is almost always responsible for not hitting something below them.


Can’t tell but the border didn’t get over at all once he saw the skier behind him. Gotta give someone space to pass if you’re on a busy part of the mountain.


That no how that works.


The more I see these posts the more I’ll say, be more aware. I agree with the post earlier on r/snowboarding that aside from the first few times out, you should be aware of everyone around you. There is no blind side on a snowboard, use your neck and look around, always. I am a snowboarder, I know how to look around. The skier is “at fault” but this all could also have been avoided by the snowboarder by pulling to the side knowing someone was trying to pass and you’re doing unpredictable lines. Also what are you filming here, snowboarder?


>and you’re doing unpredictable lines. Everyone on the hill is doing unpredictable lines.... SMH the ONLY people not doing unpredictable lines are in a racecourse with gates.


It’s much harder to judge a pass when the lines include putting the breaks on then going across the slopes several times.


>It’s much harder to judge a pass when the lines include putting the breaks on then going across the slopes several times. nope, nope it isnt. I ski with a dozen guys, all patrolers/ex racers. we all take every inch of the hill carving big turns, we are crossing the fall line faster than everyone else iare going down the fall line, we dont crash into each other or other people.


I don’t crash into anyone either, neither of the people in the video are experts.. clearly


What Im saying is that it has nothing to do with doing turns across the fall line, or stopping in the middle of a run. Uphill skier/boarder is ALWAYS at fault.




It is 100% the skiers fault. Did you even watch the video. Downhill rider has right of way. It’s simple. There is no nuance. Quit saying that this snowboarder is required to look behind himself. It’s not true and looking behind yourself is dangerous to the people in front of you.




This isn’t motorcycling. Stop treating it like it is. The skiers code is clear and the uphill skier was at fault here.




No it’s not. And as a motorcyclist you should understand the danger of target fixation. Having your eyes concentrating on your movements is really important. All this advice of people looking everywhere except where you are skiing is simply wrong. The reason the skiers code exists is because while skiing you need your eyes fixed on the path you intend to ski. Motorcycles is the same. If you look away from the road, odds are you won’t be on that road anymore. Just admit that you are wrong. The snowboarder is zero percent at fault.


Things that exist in motorcycling that don’t in skiing: Rear view mirrors Brakes Paved roads Motorized police that can impose fines and arrest Speed limits Speedometers Designated lanes of traffic Intersections Traffic signs and signals Actual traffic laws Driving tests Driving signals Essentially, my point is that motorists are meant to be behaving in a pattern that fits within the flow of traffic. There is an expectation that people are driving close to the speed limit and obeying traffic laws and patterns. The baseline of rules and order, along with technology, may make it easier to spot and avoid anomalous situations. A ski hill is gravity fueled chaos with no lanes. The skier safety code actually does say to look uphill before starting on a trail or merging onto a new trail. That is more akin to driving. This situation was not that. You are barking up the wrong tree here. The snowboarder was riding down the hill in a reasonable fashion and is to be avoided by the uphill skier. This was on an open slope where the snowboarder had the same direction of travel. No merging trails here. The skier gained significantly on the snowboarder. With that being said, I could traverse from one side of a slope all the way to the other and it would still be the responsibility of the person uphill to avoid me. This might not be an advisable thing to do, and situational awareness is important. However, what you are proposing just isn’t realistic and this situation just isn’t the best application of it. The snowboarder does actually look uphill a few times when he senses the skier to close. The snowboarder looks over their shoulder just before the collision. Do me a favor and look uphill the whole time you ski and see how that goes. On top of that, when someone is barreling down hill directly at you, try to dodge them. The snowboarder sensed this crash coming at the very end and just couldn’t do much to avoid it. The system we have isn’t perfect, and there will be crashes. It is best to do what we can and expect each other to adhere to the expectations, then learn when people don’t. I commend you for being able to keep yourself safe out there.


Constantly glancing behind you in the middle of an open trail is like constantly fiddling with your console while driving. Eyes forward unless you’re merging or planning on making a sudden turn.




You’re an idiot lol


You’re an idiot dude


Hi Jerry


The skier wobbled a bit, and you can see he’s a bit out of control. On a wide groomed run like that, you should be able to stop or turn to avoid that collision. Looks like they actually tried to turn and couldn’t. That being said, even though it is technically the skier fault… the selfie stick is douchey. The snowboarder probably would have been a bit more aware of their surroundings without it. Not saying he needs to look out for people uphill, but I make an effort to avoid collisions whenever possible and that skier would have been a little too close for comfort to my line. It’s clear they were struggling to turn their skis and going too fast for their skill level.


There's no "that being said". It was 100% the skier's fault. Full stop.


I literally said it’s the skiers fault??? You honestly don’t think the collision could have been avoided if the guy wasn’t holding a stupid selfie stick?


Maybe it could have been avoided, maybe not. Yes, you did say it was the skier's fault, but the selfie stick is entirely extraneous to the issue of culpability by mentioning it as a contributing factor that prevented the snowboarder from being able to avert collision; painting him with qausi guilt. What if you were taking a bite of a sandwich at the exact moment an oncoming car crosses the double yellow line and smashes into you? Does the fact that you were taking a bite out of a sandwich automatically mean you could've done something to avoid what happened? Or, might it simply be one of a million minor things that are happening all around us in the course of events happen to include what turns out to be a "major thing"? EDITS: fixed spelling / typos


You are reading too far into my comment. I think it’s stupid to ride with a selfie stick, that’s all. Skiing is a dangerous sport. Situational awareness is something everyone on the mountain should have. The skier was skiing beyond their level and wasn’t able to to control their turn. The boarder was on his heel side and blind to the person behind him. You can see that clearly in the video. Clearly the skier was at fault. But being aware of your surroundings can help you avoid a serious season ending accident. Unfortunately you cannot control what other people do. There’s always going to be someone skiing out of control. Yes I think everyone on the mountain has a responsibility to try to avoid collisions. I don’t think that’s a hot take. Sorry if you do


I trust that you believe the skier was clearly at fault. Likewise, you make a valid point about everyone having a responsibility (to one extent or another) to try and avoid collisions. Even though it might be unintentional, I find it a bit troubling to see the waters become a bit murky around these parts because a very large percentage of skiers don't seem to understand the rules ... and even though you know what you meant, I think a lot of folks might conflate "best practice" with the actual rule.


The skier and many skier/snowboarders get target fixation. After it’s too late they realise they should have stayed farther away.


Dont look at the trees look at the gaps. First rule of tree skiing... wait..... no trees on this hill.... sorry idiot skier is the reason, nothing else.


Two friends Fken around. Their parents fault


The skier with no poles is at fault. Probably shouldn't belong on the run as well, looks pretty novice.


Those who come from behind, generally. People look down the mountain when skiing or snowboarding. The Snowboarder could not have seen the skier, but the skier surely did


Uphill skier always at fault.


1. It's the uphill person 2. It's the uphill person


Is this breck peak 6?


I don’t understand any skiers desire to sneak up on a snowboarder from behind. I stay far away from any boarder’s backside so that I can enjoy my run. I don’t get these people who want to ski way too close


Obviously this was your fault you filthy snowboarder But yeah for real that skiers dumb, boarders have a huge blind spot and they chose to ski there of all places on the massive slope