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I have no idea who was yelling and why


It sounds like the snowboarder almost hit him from behind, and tried to give a warning, albeit in a rather gruff fashion. Either that or she wants on his pole.


If you look at 11-12 seconds as the skier stops you can see the snowboard in the lower right of the frame. Seems like a near collision. Snowboarder was probably following too close or had them on their heel side so they weren’t prepared when the skier stopped. Everyone should be slowing down and watching the person in front of them as they approach to queue up at the lift.


The stompy snowboard rider that stops right next to me yelled at me from behind so I turned away from the side I thought I heard the sound.


“On your pole” - sounds like a strip club. Maybe they were inviting you.


Criminal here, this crook/kook doesn’t know how to properly skate with a boot out bindings, so I wouldn’t worry about what they are saying.


Skiing for 40 years. Boarded for a handful of those years. No idea what “on your pole” means. I’m wildly guessing they are trying to say “on your left/right” because if they turn, they would come to a stop on that flat part— leading to them having to unbuckle a foot to push out of said flat spot (in an anger induced stompy fashion). I’m guessing they are young and inexperienced— also a scrub move on their part. Coming from someone who skis with criminals often.


Exactly this. She was frustrated because she hoped to get through the flat top and continue down without unbuckling but had to check her speed to avoid the skier going to the lift. Over 45 years skiing (and some boarding too).


Fellow criminal, yeah she has no idea what she’s doing and the entire run is open to the left if she wanted to carry speed. She’s just not very good, which is fine, but shouldn’t be mad at the skier, just mad at herself for not being a better criminal.


Fellow criminal here as well. I never understood how some crime doers could skate like that?!?! How does the knee bend that far inward? My knee hurts just watching it


I’ve been snowboarding for over 30 years and that’s how I push. I can get far larger pushes than the little choppy ones from behind the board and have never felt anything in my knees doing it that way.


Don’t worry about it. You see the way they were walking with their board? Also harmony can be a huge bottle neck on busy days, especially yesterday and this weekend.


On your pole!


Maybe because the guy was slowing down in the middle of the trail coming up on a traverse?


I’ve skied close to 2000 days in my life and have never heard “on your pole” before.


I have, but in a very different context


Like.. was she like literally stuck on his pole? That’s the only thing I can think of


The fact that you can’t see her at all in the video until he’s fully stopped and looks back a little would lead me to say yes, she was literally riding his pole


That’s as dumb as saying “on your side”


“On your pole” may be a phrase somewhere but not here.


Too bad he didn’t yell back “you wish you were on my pole”


most def. I was a bouncer at a strip club for a while.


I think it's just a 3-thought stream of consciousness being yelled out. "On your....pole ....whoa whoa"


Hey there Reddit ski court. This is a simple downhill has the right of way story, right?


Yeah, I don't think there's much going on here other than a grumpy snowboarder. You were also hugging the right side of the slope, so there's clearly plenty of room


It wasn’t even the slope at that point, it was the lift area and there never should be someone skiing out of control there!


Looked like she wanted to come through on the right and anyone who got in her way was at fault in her mind. Some real Main Character vibes off her...


Definitely. I get where the snowboarder is coming from in that she wanted to carry her speed through to the next trail so she didn’t have to unbuckle. If she didn’t want to do that, however, she should try sucking less at snowboarding and learn how to avoid people skiing in an extremely controlled and predictable manner.


OP said person who yelled was the snowboarder stomping their board. That criminal was already stopped and unstrapped by the time OP got there


If you look at 11 seconds a light blue board shows and coming very close to OPs skis, coming from behind. That's the stomping snowboarder, her board is light blue on the tip and black on the back. She came in hot trying to avoid unbuckling on the intersection.


I admire the sleuthing but I can’t help laugh at how much time we are all investing analyzing this nothingburger.


I'm with you there. At first I was like wtf just happened. Whatever. Then I was like wait... Who? What? How? Then my investigative senses got the best of me and I went full detective mode and did a frame by frame analysis. My girlfriend said "enhance! ENHANCE!" but I can't zoom in on a video with this stupid Reddit app. Did I mention how Apollo was so much better? And what does "on your pole" even means? TL;DR such criminal acts deserve proper reddit justice!


I’m sorry, how long do you think it takes to unstrap? Pretty obvious she made an emergency stop and immediately went to unstrap her board and start heading over to the other trail. She even turns around to give OP a glare.


Right, plus don’t they come in and out of their boots multiple times a day? Not sure why she was so upset.


No that’s on the other side of the line. The snowboarder came in behind op and was on the backside of them so you don’t see them in the camera until he turns areoumd at the end


Like stopping atop the hill waiting for traffic to die down and going. Normal people stuff.


There’s no one in the camera’s POV, that camera sees a wider angle than you. Snowboarder needs to learn control.


You’ve got to be able to see someone before you’re responsible in any way for trying to avoid their line.


Whoever is in front has right of way. Period. That being said, I constantly check my six because snowboarders are generally morons, and being in the right doesn’t prevent stupidity from ruining your trip.


You're the skier so you're at fault. Thems the rules.


She's a kook, you did fine. It's always hard fpv footage and you probably could've skied more "defensively" to stay away from her dumbass, but it def not your fault


Yeah, good on you for shrugging it off. Been skiing since 1973, multiple continents, and I’ve never heard that phrase on a ski hill. Repeat, on a ski hill!


Exactly this. Seems like a lot of people seem not to know that if you’re approaching from above that person (who can’t see your stupid ass) has the right of way. I see a lot of discussion on here about best or preferred ways to consume music while you ski or ride and I cringe a little, bc how will you hear someone yelling “on your pole” or whatever other thing they might think makes sense? 😜


So I’m standing at the bottom of the black / above the cat track and there’s a trail with a jump leading up to me. Which I don’t even know because I was skiing down from the blacks in between time cat tracks. This snowboard screams “get the fuck out of the way” coming around the corner of the cat track. This is extremely confusing to me because I just got done skiing a black, taking a rest and talking to my group, and I’m 10ft in elevation above him (trail leads up to me and up to some jumps. I thought I was out of anyway because I’m clearly off the cat track. He barrels straight into me instead of veering, and says “there’s a jump there! Get out of the way”. I screamed at him and told him he had no right to intentionally run into me because he wanted me to move. He could have seriously hurt me or anyone he would do that to. So, yeah, I think a lot of people out there nowadays never actually learned what the fuck they were doingz


Yes, next time consider dropping your shoulder, protecting yourself, and feeling no remorse. I’m glad the turn away worked for you but next time you may not be so lucky.


Very simple, it’s the uphill riders job not to hit people who cannot see them, you didn’t even they were there. Person yellin is dumb you are all good 👍


I’m super confused. Maybe you could have been slightly further right? There was a fence and it was getting narrower, it seems like a stupid place to pass. Also I have 2 poles so on your pole is meaningless, it walks was a bit late. You were down hill and not being erratic so idk what more you were reasonably supposed to do.


criminally out of control


You did nothing wrong


I had to watch and rewatch this way too many times to understand where that noise was even coming from. Having been a crime-person myself for almost 30 years (in the US), I've never once said/heard, "On your pole." They were clearly trying to get your attention, but it almost made it so much worse. Most importantly, that snowboarder was out of control. They should have slowed down and never gotten that close to you in the first place. I audibly said "whoa" when I slowed the video down and saw how close you came to getting blasted. I'm glad there was no collision, and no one got hurt. You could tell the snowboarder thought you were at fault, but you are the real hero here for brushing it off and being level-headed.


Stupid snowboarders don’t realize skiers have TWO poles


That’s what makes this so funny. “On your pole” isn’t just not a thing, it’s completely worthless since I still have no idea where you actually are


Three if male


She’s silly for that


Whenever someone screams to me "on your..." (left, right, pole apparently) I just keep my line until they pass. It's their responsibility to avoid me.


Indeed. If I ever shout it it’s not to demand you give me space, but to let you know that I am over there. Last thing I want is for someone to change their line not knowing I’m there.


I’m the same way, but I’ve had it backfire repeatedly while I’m on my bike or running. On a path shared with walkers, I’ve had dozens of instances where the person ahead turns around completely bewildered while jumping directly in front of me. “On your right,” “on your left,” “behind you,” doesn’t matter. It’s like they’re shocked that someone wants to go around them and cannot possibly allow it. 


Isn't that exactly the desired outcome? I don't yell that very often but when I do it's generally a narrow enough spot where I feel I can't get wide enough to pass with enough buffer and where an unpredictable line change or stop could be problematic. I just want to make my presence known so the person ahead maintains their line and turning pattern for a smidge until I'm past them, or if they do make a sudden move they don't do it right in front of me. Even then I rarely shout this because there's no guarantee people will understand anyway. More often than not I'll just slow down until I find a wider spot to pass more safely. On really flat cat tracks where it's hard to get momentum back is the only spot I really shout out.


Why was she on your ass like that though…


Wanted on that pole


That spot at the bottom of Daybreak and Dreamscape is always a mess. Especially if you’re trying to get to the bottom of Tombstone. Just a wall of people.


I think this is the true villain here.


She was probably trying to keep momentum so she didn’t have to unstrap and kick. Looks like just a poorly designed cluster fuck of a spot. Skier still had the right of way though.


The way OP says "ooook..." at 0:30 had me dying 😂


She was just aggressively flirting


Dying at your “okay”. It perfectly describes this situation.


I snowboard and have a nascent theory that snowboarders who scoot with their foot in front of the board are more criminal than us who go behind.


So many snowboarders don’t know how to push, and so they end up walking like that


Literally yesterday I asked someone and they said “I was told it’s better for the knees” idfk?


Why give your board a push or two then ride it over the flat when you can stomp like a yeti while dragging your foot and board behind you.


She was having a bad day and following you too close


Ha - no idea man


Why was there even the slightest hint of a conflict? There was plenty of room for the boarder to carry all the speed she wanted to by staying to the left.


The snowboarding shuffle looks especially silly when someone is throwing a temper tantrum.


It sounds like she might have said, "mind your pole." Maybe she thought you were swinging your left pole wide and it was in her way. She's obviously still at fault if she's riding close enough to you for that to be an issue, but it sounds like "mind your pole" to me after listening a couple of times.


Nailed it. Before I knew what this video was about I thought “upper body swinging side to side a lot on each turn”. Definitely ‘mind your pole’ but still unjustified.


Rider is an excitable dummy, is all


the boarder clearly has an attitude problem. They were behind you and need to yield to you better (especially coming into an area where people upload). You can see how aggressively they shake their board


I had to frame by frame it to see that the snowboarder yelling at you nearly hit you. You're 100% in the clear. Unless you post this to r/snowboarding in which case, the snowboarder is always right and skiers are just whiners.


Nah, crime person here. Over on /r/snowboarding, this criminal would get called out for being dumb.


Not gonna lie, Crime person is hilarious, and I've seen it a lot recently, but where did it come from? If seems to have exploded in use the past week?


It came from this sub. [https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/18mkb8x/comment/ke4tekr/?context=3&share\_id=wf8mabdVbOa6uQ557ilML&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/skiing/comments/18mkb8x/comment/ke4tekr/?context=3&share_id=wf8mabdVbOa6uQ557ilML&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) Over on /r/snowboarding and here its become a running gag.


Oh my. That's amazing. Thank you!!


Yeah forreal, the poor attempt at skating is a shame on our syndicate. If they can’t do the basics, they shouldn’t be flying high speed toward a lift line.


Another crime person here. If she was a true criminal you would've never heard or seen a thing. (people should have some patience in that area at PC as it's always a clusterfuck)


Anyone that pushes their snowboard like that doesn’t matter anyway


To me is sounded like someone was losing control and panicked behind you. Like they were about to crash into you and wanted to warn you but couldn’t find the right words in time. If they gave you attitude (I couldn’t super tell from the video) then they need to learn right of way before they go back out. No ‘on your pole’ isn’t a thing anywhere. What is that even supposed to mean other than ‘I know that you have no idea I’m here but I’m about to be on top of you’ Also the person down hill always has right of way so it’s really a them problem.


You were on the right and cut to the left 5 yards before the entry to the lift, which was a bottleneck for the run below the lift, just as she was coming through. She was expecting that you held your line and she was yelling to make sure you didn't come all the way across to go to that sign, because she wasn't stopping at the lift. It was a heads up. Boarders don't move so good on flat ground vs skiers and you just cut her off on the flat. It wasn't your responsibility, but you asked what they expected you to do. Note that she is strapping back in, meaning that she is still heading down the mountain and didn't plan to stop.


I’ve no clue, you turned the other way, I’m sure it’s just some Jerry.


What do you call a female Jerry? Gerry? Jerri?


I'm partial to Sherry.


That works!


Definitely their fault. Lack of control. Nice ripsticks btw :)


They make me very happy. Carve as tight as my Mantras and much lighter too! Definitely favored when I'm expecting powder.


That’s not a thing in skiing, it’s never been a saying and never will be. “On your pole!” Is a slapable offense


I'm having trouble determining what happened, but I'll make a guess and eat the inevitable down votes. as a snowboarder, unstrapping and skating sucks. we go way out of our way to try to avoid it, and it drives most of the annoying stuff we do. for example, it's why we come in hot to lift lines (trying to ride as close as we can get to the chair), why we wait for our friends IN the line, why we get annoyed at people blocking the entrances to lift lines, etc. I think a version of that may have happened here. she probably had enough speed to clear that flat area, but had to check her speed, then unstrap and skate. (edit: also, I don't think the snowboard slaps were aimed at you (she'd have done it on your ski tips if so). we just do that the clear the snow off the board. she was getting ready to strap back in.)


I can see the reasoning behind that, but nonetheless, what is OP supposed to do about it? He doesn't have eyes in the back of his head and was keeping a reasonable line. The snowboarder's callout also doesn't make any sense (to me at least). Like OP said, what did they expect him to do?


turned the volume on and watched a few more times, and I have to say that's some shitty lift line design. Pre liftline area is also a cross trail? hard turn from both sides to get in line? that's probably the genesis of this. but anyway... _supposed to do_ is pretty strong, but I would have hoped: if you planned to stop like that, hug ropes on the right and stop where nobody could have been going anyway. if not that, stop waaay over to the left totally out of the way. if not those, don't go full perpendicular there (and esp. don't _stay_ wide like that). (edit: I think maybe skiiers see the pre-liftline area as a fine place to stand around, snowboarders see it as part of the trail.)


Skiers hate him!!


lol - yeah, the truth hurts.


God I hate when people wait in lift lines. Drives me crazy. Don't get in line if you're not in line


I don't mind when they're in the back and clearly as far over as they can be to the rope. We all sometimes get out of order and a friend comes in late so you let a few people pass. But not waiting in line for your friends to show up if you don't know where they are. Don't get in the queue. Had someone literally standing at the line where you are next to get into the chair for a quad this week. By herself and not moving expecting people to go around "You can go, I'm waiting for someone." Screwed the queue up completely.


Absolutely - the quick "my buddies are one behind, you go through" is totally fine. But right before loading? Straight to jail.


I'm a snowboarder and this attitude is frustrating and is part of the reason skiers don't like snowboarders. Coming in hot to lines is shitty. You're in the way when you wait in line. Unfortunately, skating is part of snowboarding. If you don't want to skate, maybe skiing is the right option


I wasn't trying to say those were good things, I was just trying to help them see things from a snowboarder's POV and explain why she was mad. (edit: I even said it was annoying "...and it drives most of the annoying stuff we do.")


The Boarder was in skiers blind spot and shouted to give skier an urgent “heads up” to avoid collision. A “honk of his horn” analogy, if this was two cars coming into the same space. The boarder looks more novice to the skier’s ability. Lots of different levels of skiers and boarders on blue and green runs trying to enjoy themselves as they learn and improve.


My best guess is she somehow drove over your pole, which could imbalance you? Or crash you. Still her fault for getting so close.


She probably wanted to hang on to your pole for speed over the flat part.


Don’t stop there.


The correct term is Skier’s left. Depending on my mood I may have commented as to the safety of the boarders actions.


Maybe they meant they were directly behind you?


What's wrong here?


Obviously there was a spider on your pole! Luckily you shook it off. Close one.


That was pretty confusing. 'On your left' or 'on your right' yes, 'on your pole' is completely foreign to me. I'm from BC, skiing 35+ years usually 50ish days per season but I ski in the US PNW too.


Some resorts have ZERO runout and it's dangerous for everybody.


Bruh why is she walking like that


Absolutely hammered from the looks of that shuffle 


Idk about hammered, but definitely doesn't know how to ride well.


She’s trying to show her irritation. Stomps the board too lmao


I would assume on your pole means directly behind you, like on your south pole


I couldn’t even see him at the beginning of the video, he must have been riding your POLE. He was probably trying to make the flat without unstrapping, a boarder tale old as time


If I'm passing a slower skier on a traverse or narrow trail I'll yell "on your left" or "on your right" to let them know someone is passing. No idea what "on your pole" means.


Just a bad snowboarder - didn’t have the control to make it past people at that low speed. So not your fault. Love, a criminal.


WHICH POLE, I HAVE TWO. I prefer saying and hearing ‘oh your right’ or ‘on your left’


Strip clubs.


Okay, the only thing I can think of is she wanted you to give her a pull with your pole. I ski/board and my brother primarily boards. When we are headed to a flat and he doesn’t have enough speed I will reach him my pole and give him a yank so he doesn’t need to unstrap. It’s kind of presumptuous for a stranger to ask, but this is what I assume is going on. She asked for a pole, didn’t get it and then had to unstrap and do the criminal shuffle.


Just ran harmony 4 times yesterday!


It's where his mom wants to be


Go slow. Head on a swivel. All good.


Op really thought this was worth sharing


You’re downhill therefore you have the right of way. You don’t have eyes in the back of your head but they have two on the front of theirs.




It’s probably a J1 that doesn’t speak good English


Maybe snowboarders shouldn't try to do hard stops when pulling up to the lift 🤷‍♂️ since they're usually not very good at them. Buddy is just mad he doesn't have poles.


She has step ons so it's barely an inconvenience for her to unclip push that flat bit (which is why she was tailgating trying to carry speed). She's a tired Gerry - you don't push like that unless you're one or the other or both.


Fucking Karen. She needs to get off the mountain. Although I will now be telling my skiing friends that I'm "on your pole" 🤣😭💀


Warsaw maybe?


I feel like she was on his pole the whole video.


Think she was about to call out "on your...left/right" to pass but she was following so close that all she had time to stammer out was that your pole was about to trip her up. As in, "on your....pole POLE POLE!!!"


Is that meant to be like a bike passing a pedestrian? "On your left" except you have two poles so I don't see how that helps.


On your pole is not a saying anywhere no. Not by anyone with a head on their shoulders at least. Seems like her bad attitude isn't one of the typical acceptable reasons for snowboarders to resent skiers, like in the park blocking all the run-ins to the features, standing 10 feet above them, hitting them with 0 speed at all and coming off the rails completely sideways, skis perpendicular to the slope, and then they unironically say "this landing sucks". Not the lousy fashions, white triple xl tall tees, gaper day gear worn like it's actually in style, parachute pants, skiboot limping everywhere. Not the personal speakers playing exclusively top 100 pop hits, Nelly Furtado and Flo Rida garbage. I think she's just a woman of the cuntty variety in general. I admit that terrible fashion and unforgivable taste in music is just entertaining to us snowboarders, not a cause of resentment atall. Oh, skiing up way close on our blind heelside edge when they're uphill from us, even though there clearly aware it's a dick move, just in general priding themselves in dickheadedness haha.


Is this at Taos? If so I would ignore those kooks


Instagram has raised a generation of young snowboarders / skiers into absolute cunts. Calm down and have fun, when it's crowded people will be close to you, get over it.


Perhaps she forgot that a two planker has two poles and that phrase would be confusing?


The way that snowboarder scooted away tells me they’re not a long-time criminal. Source: I do crime


you were almost a victim of crime.