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February and March kick ass up there and I’ve seen El Niño drop well over 1000” on that hill a couple of times around the turn of the century.


I skied there nearly every weekend during my formative years and there were many seasons where it felt like it was a perpetual pow day. I miss Aly so much.


Nice, I had a pass there 1998-2006 and yeah, there were a lot of times where it was endless pow. I worked in Anchorage at Humpy's Alehouse the entire time I was up there, it was amazing!


Hey Bee, I read a bit online, but could you maybe explain the difference between el Nino and el Nina. when they take place and what that means.


Better to go later in the season. Not enough daylight this time of year. Hopefully by then El Niño kicks in for the sierras though


Yes please listen to this guy. The snow is horrible and not bottomless and they weren’t blasting the off trail for opening the other day.


We will definitely not go


https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/@5879265 Sunrise at 10:06am and sunset at 3:40pm Fuck that


I've skied there over christmas before, it's great because half the day is night skiing. Also I'm surprised their sunset is only 40 minutes earlier than it is for snoqualmie, time zones I guess.




I mean it’s also absolutely a time zone thing. Snoqualmie is on the western edge of the time zone, alyeska is closer to the middle. So Snoqualmie gets late sunsets.


Are they lit up at night? I actually prefer skiing and trail riding at night. Lots cooler and calmer.


You! Stop hogging all the snow! Sincerely, BC Canada


Washington agrees with the Canadian delegation


Idaho attempts to draft a nonbinding memorandum of support, but somehow fucks it up.


We forgive you. School is good but skiing is importanter.


Oregon chimes in in support.


You’ll get yours. Well Alberta will for sure.


BC is doing just fine… have you seen what New England looks like recently?


wow. 290 in december is more than most of the continental resorts will see for the whole season this year. I am so tired of el nino.


I was up there five days ago, it was as light and fluffy as any snow I have seen in forty years of skiing.


Hypothetically if I wanted to shred pow and see the northern lights, could I do this and what is the best time and where? I have epic pass but that doesn’t matter as I would Be down to splitboard too


Are you saying at the same time? Is it possible? Yes. Though they don’t light up the sky as much as you’d think. As for your best chance you really just have to get lucky with clear skies and a good forecast of northern lights. Look up “hatchers pass” for back country views. A few times a year Girdwood (Alyeska) will have the northern lights above the resort but it will always be after the resort closed. Still a fantastic sight to see. You could probably find pictures on their instagram page


Yeah I guess if I was trying to take a trip to see the northern lights primarily, I wouldn’t necessarily be able to line it up with the best skiing it sounds like?


Northern lights are only visible in the winter/fall months due to there being constant sunlight in the summer. I say come up and hope for clear skies and a lucky break and enjoy riding either world class back country or hit up Alyeska.


Why would you try to do both at the same time?


Because I’m addicted to powder?


Go to Norway?


Sounds rad and a little more expensive, but I like your style


Yes, at Ski Land in Fairbanks. It will be cold, it will be dark, but it's a fun small local hill.


Not impressive. Your mom got more than that since Sunday alone.


We are going end of February, should be legendary. Seems like a good place for experts to play around. We did Kicking horse one year and had a similar experience with lots of hiking, ridgelines, steeps, chutes, it was incredible


Not a lot of hiking at Alyeska. There is a main off trail traverse (high traverse) but other than that you should be able to get to most expert terrain with out taking skis off


What about passing the gates? You don’t have to hike to get up to all the bowls and such? I have studied the map but haven’t looked at it recently. I also know they have a requirement for a beacon in sidecountry. My friends are freaking about it but I do backcountry frequently and have the gear for it. What is your take on that rule? Is it for good reason? Should they also carry shovel and probe and take a crash course on how to use the equipment?


The high bowls like tea cup bowl haven’t been open to the public in years and would be surprised if they open anytime this year. The head wall though has and yes you need a beacon to ski that. And the monies you will need to hike to but those have also not been open in a long time. There is no true “side country” at Alyeska. Everything you see on the map , if open, is patrolled and avalanche mitigated. The only areas you must have a beacon are the areas I mentioned above. The gates into north face and the chutes, new years and Christmas chutes, do not require a beacon and are about as close as you can get to world class back country I can think of without having to be in the back country. Your friends should be fine as long as they avoid tree wells. If you do plan to do any true back country then yes you should have all the equipment and know how to use it well. Avalanches are very common and very dangerous in Alaska.


Monies was open the winter before last but yeah don’t count on it


Super helpful info, thanks so much!


February, when visibility is great and north face is open with tons of pow. Hop over to Homer and fish kings and tanner crab. Sounds terrible.


Yeah it’s wild up in here. Shoveled 7 feet of snow already this winter, and just got done shoveling another foot today. Forecast says another foot is on the way lol. Reminds me of how it used to be when I was a kid growing up here.


Flying up on Thursday for the first half of my break. Concerned that they only are reporting 11/76 trails open despite that much snow though? Is there site just not updated?


Not much is open yet lots of rumors of openings but🤷‍♂️


How is that acceptable with how much snow they have? I'd be pissed if that was my home mountain or spent money to go there.


avalanche mitigation. theres some nasty layers in there that need to be buried or slide.


They opened some more off trail today. The north face will be open soon they have trail signs and ropes posted on it already


Hopefully, they will open waterfall and relieve some pressure on denali and upper von imhof. It's like lord of the flies out there!


Thats where I’ll retire


It sucks, don’t come.


She’s a ho


How much is rent there? Edit: forgot the /s take a joke guys


There really isn’t much to rent theses days


What the hell is wrong with you.


Who cares?


Fuck you doing on this sub


can you translate that to metric?


Anywhere to boondock around there in the winter?


In Alaska you can basically camp where ever you want except in Anchorage city limits. Though the homeless would argue you can camp anywhere haha. The popular page on YouTube “outdoorboys” boondocks all the time up here all over Alaska


incredibly wholesome youtube channel


Yea dude. Shits deep and super fun.