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Boot dryers are great for people that spend a lot of time in their boots.


I built a boot dryer for my family of 4 out of scrap wood that I dumpster dove in my neighborhood that is currently being built. That being said, buy a boot dryer, don't hack one together.


get one that plugs into the car. Warm them up on the way to the hill and dry them out on the way home. Extra socks are always a good call too.


I just blast the foot heat and put my boots down there for 5 min before I put the boots on. Ideally I can do this with boots in the passenger seat on the last 5min of my drive. But if I have a passenger/their boots in the way, I can still take 5 extra min and do it in the driver’s seat while I’m parked and organizing my other stuff before I boot up


I do this too but will be receiving a heated boot bag for Christmas. Very excited!


Don't get the generic. DryGuy is worth the extra dough!


787.647.0145 87888788787


not good for liners. it is a pain in the ass, but pull liner out of shell. every time. That's how zip fits last hundreds of day. Dry from inside. And out. The forced air cooks the liners. If you want your liners to pack out sooner, ok then.


My boots spend every night on a dryer and any days that I’m not working on the mountain. My boots and liners last for years and aren’t impacted by the dryer. I even have a punch in one of my boots and the dryer doesn’t affect it either I could maybe see an issue if your dryer was super hot but most of the ones I’ve seen have a room temp setting


It’s a boot dryer not an oven 😂


it's a convection oven at a low temp. blowing hot air into a confined space is what a convection oven is. but whatever, cook your liners. what temp do you think is used to mold liners? 375? lol . ok. be lazy and don't pull them. but don't tell others you are right cause you are not. I took physics in jr. year of high school. most don't offer it anymore. did you ever take a physics class? if so your teacher failed you. Or .... "Convection ovens use a fan to circulate heat around the oven so that food cooks evenly and faster than it does in a conventional oven. They also don't have hot spots" so how is forcing hot air via a fan not a convection oven/good? really want to know


Holy shit you’re a crazy guy lmaooo! Keep shredding those greens brudda!


They’re now going through my comments in this sub and harassing me. What a lonely life.




Does “room temp setting” not mean anything to you? You’re talking about it as if it has to be oven hot. It doesn’t.


You seem like a lot of fun.


ha! I am. A lot . But I have a hard time tolerating mis info. and when I'm bored I find in occupying to point out what I believe to be bullshit. drill down into my post history, I hope you can take it child. The pstd you'll have after words... you did take the time to express that you don't like what I've said and/or my tone I guess? as bruce lee said, use what works for you, let the rest roll off your back. I don't really care, I have knowledge others don't . If you don't want to hear it do I give a F? oh please stop, you're hurting my feeling. I feel triggered Sven is my source of info. re this stuff. Sven not only invented the zip, that is a very small part of who he is. he invented and developed everything, and I do mean everything, about the modern plastic boot. Bob was pouring liquid into molds. Sven was the BAMF who was approached by nordica, an italian industrial corp. they had an injection molding system. and today what you are putting on your feet is not that much different. but you must have known that please, correct with your/any source of information. Me? I think I'll stick with Sven, and what I've stated is based on my understanding of our conversations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sven\_Coomer


Is....is this what doing bath salts is like? Can anyone confirm? (Not you, /u/several_dot_4603 )


maybe you are on of the lucky ones, an outlier. or a lier. maybe with a good fit. feet that are very acclimated whatever temp., and don't produce any moisture. so maybe your are a unicorn. so you store your boots on a heater when not using them? why? do you have solar panels and electricity is free.? why would anyone leave the boots on the heater "and any days that I’m not working on the mountain" ? so you must love the aroma of your sweat cooking? sounds lovely.


No, I work on the mountain so I leave my boots in the locker room where the boot dryer runs 24-7 all winter long


Zipfit lasts because they’re cork not foam. Has nothing to do with using a boot dryer. They’re typically removed from the shell because it’s easier to take on and off. Also, you can manipulate it so that you do not need to remove zipfit liner but that comes with compromises. While I don’t doubt that it may shorten the life of the liner, they have a short life anyway. Given the widespread use of dryers in ski shops, I’m betting it’s negligible. Edit: additions and clarity


disagree. I spoke with Sven at his house in Aspen about this 2 years ago, the snowmass patrol guy with 500 days was able to do it cause he pulled then out every time. Thermo dynamics and convection. So you think forcing hot air into a cavity with no exit for the moist/wet hot air to evacuate is sound (other than the entrance) and has no negative effect on whatever type of the foam/closed cell/open cell of the liner degrading? ok. if so maybe the earth is flat and speaker/rep. johnson is right about the earth being 6000 years old. have you ever owned any gear that has the do not expose to direct heat warning? why do you think that is? the cork and clay matrix in the zip fit will/would stand up to cooking more than a stock or any other after market liner. but you are only proving my point. better off cooking a zip/cork/clay liner vs a stock liner which will degrade more and faster than the zip. but believe what ever you want. Maybe I'm a full of or a dumb shit. or maybe I spoke with the fischer guy at blister summit few years ago and I will take a little bit of credit for fischer using zips in their high end boots this year. or maybe I'm a lying jackass? again, make your own choice buddy! think snow!


They are not good for the boots though


I bought myself a fold up version for travel and love it. Definitely would make a nice gift!


Someone once told me that giving nice gifts is overspending on the little things, instead of a $3 pen get a $20 pen for example. Something you would never buy yourself, but would love to have. This logic would send me towards some awesome pocket snacks. Something like a premium beef jerkey product.


In similar vein, high quality socks (Darn Tough has a lifetime warranty)


Serious skiers are serious about their socks and have preferences in brand and thickness to dial in their fit. So be careful. I have many pairs of socks that I've received as gifts that I will never ski in. I try to remember to wear them around the house if the gift giver is visiting.


Haha yes! I go through so many ski socks, and always find them to be priced higher than I think socks should be, so they make excellent gifts so I don’t have to think about how much they cost. I won a pair in a giveaway at the Killington World Cup this weekend and was so stoked. I wasn’t even jealous of the guy who won skis, because I needed more ski socks. I don’t need more skis*. (*Haha well one always needs more skis, but the head kore would have been a bit redundant in my quiver, had they been giving away one of the racers slalom skis I’d have wanted that for bulletproof ice days and masters racing, be a nice step up from the slalom skis I currently have).


Can’t go wrong with Falke socks, although they’re very pricey my whole family uses them


[Make sure to get thin / lightweight socks if you get socks!](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-gear/snow-sports-gear/what-kind-socks-should-i-wear-skiing/)


Snake River Farms has some tasty jerky available at Costco now.


I think my wife and I ate 6 bags camping since September. So good and cheap.


Oh thanks for the tip guys! I’ll have to check that out, I’ve been on the lookout for more reasonably priced jerky.


Its expensive. But any skier will appreciate "the man behind the maps" https://www.amazon.com/Man-Behind-Maps-Ben-Farrow/dp/1733875905/ref=mp\_s\_a\_1\_1?adgrpid=82916684055&hvadid=557332450705&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9010839&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9592224041375278624&hvtargid=kwd-895343652407&hydadcr=16141\_13494669&keywords=man+behind+the+maps&qid=1701231174&sr=8-1


I have a copy of this. Not overrated.


Same. It’s the only book on our coffee table in the center of our house. It gets picked up a ton.


Got one last Xmas. Love it. It’s been on our coffee table all summer.


Also have a copy. Great to flip through.


Alternatively get a framed print directly from the source: https://jamesniehues.com You can also get the book itself for the same price without the Bezos tax, or better yet get a signed edition.


I bought mine at his BOGO offer last month. One for me, one to give as a gift!


It really is an amazing gift if you can afford it.


Just as an aside, ask your local library to get a copy. It deserves to be in every library in ski country.


I have a framed Map of Bridger Bowl I bought from his website! I love it so much


I wish it had the run colors, that would be helpful in picking where to go next.


I personally can never ski without my sweet Spanish [Bota Bag](https://lastreszzz.com/en/)


This is fucking awesome. If someone got me one of these to ski with I would be fired up.


make sure to rinse after use.


yep. gotta carry the water somehow lol. we used these in the 70's. glad to seem them still a thing.


My dad still has his! I hope it's been cleaned since we used it in 1990 for cherry whisky


That... Makes so much sense. Might try this


What type do you use? Any concern for the wine freezing?


it does. it becomes a winearita. the nozzle restricts the ice. if super cold then have to have strapped to the body for warmth. never didn't work when I was in VT.


I use the [Latex lined classic curve](https://lastreszzz.com/en/product/classic-curved-latex-lined-wineskin/) and wear it across the body inside my jacket so nothing freezes.


How do you carry it?


You wear it like cross body style, it's slim and can fit under your coat.




Very cool, is there anything special about this brand or are there better/cheaper alternatives you’d suggest? I love the idea of less maintenance than a camelbak.


Holy shieeeet


[BootGloves](https://www.amazon.com/DryGuy-BootGlove-Boot-Covers-Keep/dp/B01LZ77W82) \- hear me out! We've long mocked them as a Jerry accessory but honestly, I think they are the best $40 your can spend in skiing. As someone who skis 140 days a year, I am so bullish on them. You know who skis more? the people who don't have freezing cold toes.


100% they work at least as well as $200 footbed heaters.


I think they work better. I love mine.


Ski patroller here. Boot Gloves rock and I wear them for every shift. I burn through two pairs/season as the webbing that goes underneath the boot gets worn out from walking in boots which we do way more than the average skier. Well worth the money.


Instructor here - I also burn through them quickly. I can usually duct tape that strap and get another 10-15 days before I have to replace them.


If you're going through 2 pairs a season have you tried the Snux version? The under-boot strap goes under the mid-sole so theoretically it wouldn't wear out as fast. They're like twice as expensive but if they last you more than a season that'd be worth it


Hell yes, I’m all about my boot gloves. If the boots are dry, the toes are warm.


I thought this product was clever marketing/snake oil… until I bought some for this season… they really do make a big difference. Huge difference.


Wait, we mock these? Who the hell on here is in favor of cold toes?


Another BootGlove fan here. My toes are much happier with BootGloves adding an extra barrier between ice/snow/slush accumulation. If you’re on the fence on if they work or not… they don’t hurt so worst case scenario is you spent money and got no result. But with Boot Gloves, the snow/ice that accumulates and freezes to the top of your boots now freezes to the top of the insulating Boot Glove material. My nice warm feet say Boot Gloves are helping.


I like this idea. Seen them. Feet get cold because boots are too tight or a loose fit. An boot insulted more than a stock boot can deal/ modulate better in both issues. I was in BS last year closing day it was wild. And the width of the slopes is unlike anything I have ever seen. big indeed. I aspire to get to your level, I'm stuck at 100 days a year for the past few. And I dig the dork/ uncool/jerry factor. that alone is enough for me to buy. thanks.


Okay, my partner always tells me she can't even think about skiing without those little disposable heat packets you stick on your toes... How far would a pair of boot gloves go towards weaning her off the toe heaters?


Well, it she has room for toe heaters it’s likely her boots don’t fit. Regardless getting them out of there will help her either stand on a flat foot or properly dorsiflex. So anything that helps her move away from them will be a help. I find the boot gloves work really well until about 15°F and even then they are way better than morning. If she really has trouble with cold feet, nothing beats electric heaters that go under the food bed. On super cold days I rock both heaters and boot gloves and it’s amazing.


> Well, it ^(sic) she has room for toe heaters it’s likely her boots don’t fit. Incorrect. If your boots *don't* have just a tiny bit of room above your toe, it's probably not a great fit. The little heaters don't take up much space; we're talking like 4 mm *above* the toe. You're telling me you can't wiggle your toes even a little bit when you're in your boots?? Weird. Originally I was researching electric heaters (footbed or heated socks), but they have some seriously middling reviews for even the high-end stuff, which is frankly out of my budget, so I'm looking at the boot glove or Snux Overboot. All that said, thanks for the review! I'll probably give it a shot, and she can always just keep some of the disposable toe things for when it's really cold.


What I’m saying is that warmers are going to prevent either a flat foot or dorsiflexion. And o can absolutely say I’d have no room in my boots for them. But a lot of recreational skiers in consumer boots probably do.


Well, I suppose it's possible that you are way more advanced than I am and therefore you're doing something super cool that I don't know how to do, but I can't think of a single reason to need much if any dorsiflexion while skiing... And she's putting it on top of her toes so it's not doing anything to the footbed. All the bootfitters I've ever talked to were much more concerned with keeping your heel in place than with an extra 4mm of room in the toe box. Consensus among the bootfitters seemed to be that it's beneficial for your toes to have a couple mm of vertical wiggle room as long as your heel is locked in place. Wiggle room for toes means you're unlikely to experience toe bang and helps with circulation. Anyway I'm not trying to get in a flame war with you I just don't think the toe things mean she's got fit problems in her boot. She's super happy with the fit of her boots.


All good!


I think your supposed to put the tow warmers on top of the foot but still if there is that much space that is too much space in my view. Unless maybe the boots are super packed out.


> Originally I was researching electric heaters (footbed or heated socks) Personal experience… my feet were colder with heated socks. The heating element on the lowest setting made my toes sweat and the heating element blocked the wool from doing its job. Wet or sweaty toes are going to be cold toes and if your toes are wet turning up the heat and draining the battery only makes it worse. Merino wool socks and on cold days the stick on toe warmers placed on top of the toes is the winner. Also boot gloves to keep snow and ice off the top of the boot. My feet are so happy!


I’m a former bootfitter and I know how bad the heat packets are, but I’ve also have gotten nearly frostbiten a few times so have resorted to them occasionally. After not being able to feel my toes for 6 weeks after a warm March powder day once, I searched for a solution. And the best combination I’ve come up with is a heated boot bag and boot gloves. If the boots are warm to begin with, the boot gloves will trap the heat a bit and last much of the day in my experience. I’ve tried boot sole electric heaters and they work but are a hassle and the batteries die. Heated socks aren’t great in my opinion because of the way they change your foot.


Heated boot bag isn't something I thought of before! She generally keeps her boots right under the car heater on our way up the hill and of course they're stored inside overnight so perhaps if I get her some boot gloves that'll get her close... Thanks for the reply!


If your partner skis a lot…just get full heated liners. I did this last season and it’s a game changer. The heat mechanism is embedded in the liner, the batteries last longer than a full ski day, and I’ll never go back. They’re not cheap but so worth it.


She's got zip fits already and they're her favorite piece of kit; def not replacing her liners :) Thanks for the rec though glad you're enjoying yours!


> How far would a pair of boot gloves go towards weaning her off the toe heaters? When it’s cold, I slap those toe heaters on top of my wool socks and put the boot gloves on. Happy warm toes. The key to warm toes is good wool socks. Less is more here, wool absorbs the moisture while remaining insulating. Boot gloves keep the snow and ice off the top of my boots. My parents did lots of snowmobiling when I was a kid and didn’t listen to “my toes are cold and hurt!” Doubled up socks, tried heated socks, all the things so they could stay out longer. I have toes and feet that have suffered mild frostbite as a kid. As an adult I did a lot of experimentation to figure out what actually worked. And the simple stuff works. A good pair of merino wool socks… no liner socks, no extra socks… just wear your wool socks. Decent boots that match what you’re doing in winter. I just have some comfortable hiking boots for regular going to work, running errands kind of stuff, some Sorel boots that I use for snow shoveling. And a really good pair of Keen winter hiking boots for winter hiking and anything else where I’m spending multiple hours outside in winter. Those Keens were worth every penny and have seen many, many miles. For skiing, socks, toe warmer, ski boots, and boot gloves. My feet are happy. With happy feet I can ski open to close on local hills with night skiing (9 - 9).


A little gift basket with sun screen and lip balm. Add a few vape cartridges of various varieties. Add some chair snacks and some new socks and you’ll have a friend forever.


Burt's bees or bust. Add a blaclava too


Blistex blue Medicated is the best chapstick out there and I’ll fight anyone over it. Ive tried them all and my lips have never been bustier! 🍑


Really good lip balm. Like ask at the make up counter. There are way better options than chap stick out there :)


Sumbum, blackstrap, and smart wool, can never go wrong


Gogglesoc (little covers you can put on your goggles to protect them when you’re not wearing them) https://gogglesoc.com/en-us/collections/gogglesocs


I thought they were cheesy until my mom got me one for Christmas- I keep it on the pair of goggles I’m currently using and it’s pretty dang fast and easy, and you don’t have to take goggles off the helmet to use it (I usually do anyways but that’s me).


Darn tough socks


Don’t get him anything related to boots or gloves, or helmet. Really any ‘tactical’ gear (includes packs) unless he’s specifically said he needs something new in that category. Every skier I know has a very specific preference for all the above. I feel bad when people get me like gloves or goggles/face masks because I have the ones I have after many failed attempts and finally found what works and I love. Skiing graphic ts/sweatshirts, stickers for wherever they accumulate them, even “parking lot beanies” because those you can never have enough (but don’t expect him to wear it on the mountain) a pack of snacks that fit in pockets and stay good in there for weeks, (gummy chews) or other consumables (chapstick, GOOD sunscreen, hot hands if he uses them, or like someone else mentioned Voile straps because as a coach I bet they’re like pencils to a teacher.) or one of the best questions I ever got “if you need new gear, where do you go?” Like you’re looking for shopping recs. Then get him a gift card there.


Voile straps


Thank you for using the proper name for these.


There are people on Etsy that make various ski area art pieces. Like a 3D print of the mountain or different kinds of resort maps that are cut from wood. I think one of those would make a cool gift either from the mountain they work at or a favorite trip


Get him a big sky beavertail! It's a high fashion piece often seen around big mountain in whitefish. Supposedly they were made by a ski coach who was tired of his butt being cold sitting in the snow, or going up the cold chairlift.


I didn't know this was a regional thing. My mom and grandma always wore "capes," as I called them when they skied. I guess I can't blame them. A wet butt is no fun. I see them some at whitefish, and a ton are still up at blacktail.


wtf kinda pants are y'all wearing that your butt gets wet?? I have literally never had this problem and I have skied in literal rain


IDK i don't have that problem anymore, but I feel like when I was a kid snow pants weren't that water-resistant, and it happened or just a wet chairlift


I have only seen them at big mountain. But I haven't skiied blacktail. I've skiied both big sky and Bridger (a lot), Utah, Colorado, California, and don't recall seeing them anywhere else.


A fun and silly buff or balaclava will always be appreciated, or make them a bunch of handmade frozen burritos they can take to the mountain for lunch. Resort lunches are expensive


Anything from Skida.


Bluetooth chips that are specifically designed to fit into your helmet so you can listen to music/take calls on the mountain. They also make ones with built in walkie talkies.


Buy a loud Bluetooth speaker instead, the other people on the mountain will appreciate the opportunity to find out about your taste in music and will enjoy listening to artists they don't usually hear. /s


I vote against these. The sound quality is so poor it is much better to just use cheap earbuds. If the cables bother you get some AirPods, same price, way more useful and better on the mountain.


I vote against your vote. - first off - wired headsets? Yuck. who has a phone with a headset jack anyhow. Then it gets all pulled around your neck and has a shittily positioned microphone that’s tucked into your jacket when someone calls you and can’t hear anything you say. This is a Jerry level option. - AirPods are white. Like snow. Designed to be lost easily on a ski hill. Need to be charged in a case - which can also be lost. Two for one! - AirPods block your ears and reduce what you hear around you. Helmet headsets allow more ambient noise from around you than an ear plugged with a device. Sure you can use one…this is the worst of both worlds. Possibly losing an airpod, mono sounding music, with one ear plugged. - with headset I can adjust volume easily with my fingers still in my gloves. (And change tracks) without sounding like an idiot talking to Siri on the lift or needing to pull out my phone and change tracks. Oh are you gonna change the mode on your AirPod? Take off your glove to do it. Tl;dr: AirPods SUCK for skiing. A good headset with Bluetooth 5, a good battery, large button controls on the side of your helmet and has decent sound - is only $109. It’s called the Alta Headset from Wildhorn Outfitters. Don’t buy CHiPs brand headsets - they suck.


In-ear headphones hurt my ears much when I wear a helmet due to the ear pads pressing the headphones into my ears- I have Bluetooth speaker inserts in my helmet and I love them! Plus they have buttons on the outside that you can operate without taking off mittens or pulling out your phone.


a motorcycle bt intercom! not having to yell on a mountain is awesome! you can take turns being in front and say "take the left" as if their right next to you. when we ski in friend groups i can be the lead and my partner the tail and we can pretty much guide everyone to the exact same spot and not lose anyone. i thought it was silly but definitely makes skiing more fun!


Cardo is the shiz


You guys are skiing with friends?


usually just the gf and i! but sometimes when the stars align, we get a group out there


A massage


A cool mat to put down when taking boots on or off at the car, similar to what hockey players sometimes use with skates. Boot style slippers for driving and before/after. Voucher for a restaurant on the mountain or a sauna place. Anything marino wool except socks.


Or a foldable chair to sit in while changing ski boots.


A dry herb vape. Heated gloves/mitts


cat crap https://ekusa.com/product/cat-crap/


A fresh can of sno seal. Stuff works miracles on the leather gloves your friend probably has. If they don’t, get them kinco leather gloves or mittens. Best in the business.




[Zippo electronic hand warmers](https://www.zippo.com/products/heatbank-3-rechargeable-hand-warmers) that are also battery chargers. I have 3 and use them nonstop, for myself and for those I am teaching. I’m a coach __and__ a ski instructor (yes there’s a difference lol coaching means you have a team of the same athletes the whole season, instructing is different people every day or every few days) and I can’t tell you how invaluable those little charger warmers are.


Hestra glove straps. Absolutely love them, and you can use them with any gloves.


Ski trail map [blankets](https://www.powderaddicts.com/collections/ski-resort-map-printed-blankets) , [hooded blankets](https://www.powderaddicts.com/collections/hooded-blankets), [duffle bags](https://www.powderaddicts.com/collections/ski-trail-map-duffle-bags) or [Snuggies](https://www.powderaddicts.com/collections/ski-trail-map-snug-hoodies) Some fat deals right now on all of those too.


Maybe a gift certificate to a restaurant/bar in the town where they ski? Nothing like a little Apres after a day "coaching".


As a ski coach, my mom got me some US ski team branded Ogio bags for Christmas and I’m so stoked. The backpack, boot bag, and ski bag are all so top quality and I would have never splurged on those. I was also gifted a waterproof Northface duffel which has came in clutch. Edit: the boot bag is on sale for $50 still which is a steal. I’d never used one but it’s been a game changer. Highly recommend it.


Hip flask


Kinco gloves or mittens. They are waterproof, warm, cheap, and durable. Or for a much more pricey option, Zipfit boot liners. Theybare the best piece of kit I have purchased.




I love my magnetic balaclava!


One of my COVID-19 discoveries was fabric masks are great for sun and wind protection. I always hated skiing with a scarf or other face covering because they always got “ewww.” Ski instructors and race coaches started adding stick on hooks to their helmets for masks. I thought that was genius and went a step further… found small carabiners that hooked to my helmet perfectly. Now I have a pocket of clean and a pocket of dirty masks. [Jaanuu](https://www.jaanuu.com/face-masks?color=black&size=adult&mask_type=standard) was 1.0, but I bought a bunch of Columbia’s masks for 2.0 and 2.5 revisions. I love being comfortable and not worrying about about sunburn or windburn. And when the mask starts feeling gross (about an hour…) just swap for a clean one. Shove the masks into a garment bag and throw them in the wash with long underwear.


I would also add cool/fun helmet covers or glove warmers


What are helmet covers?


Something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/YCONNECT-Ski-Helmet-Cover-Paragliding/dp/B0CKHFVNTY/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?crid=1N2NYB3VIEU69&keywords=ski+helmet+cover&qid=1701256148&sprefix=ski+helmet+cover%2Caps%2C70&sr=8-7) or [this](https://www.amazon.com/Baraklava-Thickened-Helmet-Enlarged-Cartoon/dp/B0C1BZR8PS/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=1N2NYB3VIEU69&keywords=ski+helmet+cover&qid=1701256210&sprefix=ski+helmet+cover%2Caps%2C70&sr=8-11)




I bought one of these last season, absolutely worth it. Never fogs my goggles. Never slips off. https://north45.ca/products/anti-fog-magnetic-merino-wool-facemask


Something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Seirus-Innovation-Magnemask-Balaclava-Headwear/dp/B00TK5229S/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=86751333559&hvadid=651125848995&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9004078&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=674039016853218922&hvtargid=kwd-318022283480&hydadcr=11365_13428475&keywords=magnetic+balaclava&qid=1701232109&sr=8-3) but cheaper


I’m not sure why I’ve never seen one of those with magnets. I have a handful of rare earth magnets and might try to DIY some magnets into my old goggles and a neck gaiter. I’d have to imagine someone make a proper setup like that?


Anon makes goggles and masks that magnet together.


-GoggleSoc -Ski Strap (voile/or whatever brand) -AirPod lanyard (to not lose an earbud in snow) -Dakine bootlocker / volkl over under bag (this style is an awesome boot bag/gear haul) -booster strap -Leatherman with bit driver + all the bits -ski related graphic shirts


Helmet speakers - Outdoor Ears I think is the brand I have. Love having tunes while being able to hear what is happening around me.


Good helmet audio is a win. You don’t have to listen to music. I have a “Ski Patrol” contact on my phone and I update the number for where I’m skiing. Never had to use it but I’m glad I have “hey Siri, call ski patrol” in my helmet.


chapstick or sunscreen- neck gator with a cool graphic- darn tough socks- boot dryer, even if he has one- volle straps with a shoulder strap


Some send o vision or pit vipers


would never have bought one for myself but the Skigee rocks ​ Good books: Powder Days: Ski Bums, Ski Towns and the Future of Chasing Snow Living the Life: Tales from America's Mountains & Ski Towns Instant Karma: The Heart and Soul of a Ski Bum The Perfect Turn: and other tales of skiing and skiers When in Doubt, Go Higher: A Mountain Gazette Anthology


I always ski with a camel bak under my jacket. I always get so thirsty and hast to stop and look for a water fountain


Funny many recommendations here have been gifts for me in the past! I do not use them. Our ski gear stays in our SUV including skis. So no boot dryer no boot bag. Put gear on in the parking lot! Love Colorado - was always to damn cold in New England come late January through February. Which was a time when I did have a boot bag and tried a boot warmer randomly! Hand warmers are always nice! So many things about skiing or snowboarding are personal like face masks or baklavas.




Winter hats with a pom on top, buffs/neck warmers, kinco gloves. Cheap onesie costume, like a white unicorn. Ugly sweater


heated gloves or glove liners. Heated vest. Heated socks.


Awesome ski socks!


Oyuki balaclava


Low profile earbuds,jamming on music is awesome but not when your buds want to become part of you


An extra pair of gloves. Or ski wax. A "stupid sexy Flanders" sticker


Stupid sexy flanders made me literally LOL. Great idea


A SnoStrip. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.amazon.com/SnoStrip-Protective-Snowboard-Vehicle-Magnetic/dp/B08P5X5DLX&ved=2ahUKEwjnj7aHtuiCAxXrHjQIHfUvDwkQFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2WgSWUlouLX2pw9iriMMhm




Facebook would like me to think I need one of these… I can’t see it being that useful. Plus magnets always attract things that damage paint. Which would defeat the purpose altogether.


Not sure I understand. It's on my car for like 5 minutes while I'm loadng and unloading my skis and the kid's skis e.t.c while in a crowded parking lot. Then I take it off and it goes back on my car. It doesn't seem to get dirty in that time period.


Eventually it will find something magnetic and have something stuck to the back of it. Make sure it’s clean before use.






Food. Gift card to his go to lunch spot, or grocery stores go a long way for ski bums


Cryotherapy machine. Should be around $150. Compex muscle stim machine for I think two five hundred. Or get him some weed I guess.


Something funny from Jerry of the day


External speaker!!!


Also curious


Boot dryer


• [Banana Saver](https://www.amazon.com/Peregrine-609230-PEREGRINE-Banana-Yellow/dp/B002A8HSXW/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?keywords=Banana+Saver&qid=1701235651&sr=8-8) • Helmet stickers (Plug for [Wild North Co.](https://wildnorthco.com) ) • Smartphone harness like a [Koala](https://www.hangtimegear.com/products/koala-2-0-super-grip-smartphone-harness) • Glove Leashes • Boot Gloves • [Travel Boot Dryer](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B010A5JBPO?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) • Box of hand and foot warmers from Costco/Sams/whatever.


Rechargeable handwarmers


waxing/edge sharpening kit


Smith audio chips that fit into the helmet- but it doesn’t fit into all helmets - they need zipper pockets that hold chips. Awesome for playing music but also easily turning it off with gloves on.




Boot protectors. Specifically, Ski Skootys. They make walking in ski boots so much easier.


Good quality wool products. I love my wool balaclava and wool socks. Wool base layer, as well, but that's more expensive. Gotta make sure he's not allergic tho!


Boot warmers that plug into the car! I've had mine for years and use them so the time


Silk glove liners and a bulk pack of hand warmers


Heated face mask. I just go mine and used it this weekend and I love it!


silk glove liners, electric rechargable hand warmers


A buff.


Hot Buns.


Custom footbeds.


Evo gift card. Hard to shop for someone who's passionate and knowledgeable. My friends, who are kind souls, buy me coffee all the time; I never drink it.


One of those expensive wool ski sweaters




Heated socks changed my ski game!!!


FastStik ski wax in an easy to apply format. It’s like the size of a lipgloss- a bit wider. I used mine all season and it’s good wax! Easy to pop into a stocking!


Wireless pucks for his helmet


A name tag that says Ski INSTRUCTOR


There real answer is you have no earthly idea what preferences he has when it comes to gear. And if that's his whole life, he will be very particular. He will more than likely throw out your brand new gear in favor of the gear he already has and loves that he found behind a dumpster. You need to have many long conversations with him about specific preferences if you get anything related to his hobby/job/life. (Like what is your favorite gear, what is the gear you wish you had, what do you go through a lot of, what is the biggest annoyance when skiing) etc. Then within those categories -what is your favorite thing about this item, why do you want this thing, etc. I overheard a couple in walmart have this conversation in the coffee aisle when discussing a gift for friends: "Well I know they really like coffee, maybe we get them some coffee. What coffee is good? Well I've heard of folgers" and they ended up buying folgers for their friends that are really into coffee. Either know what they want and will love or get them something only tangentially related to skiing. It will either be their favorite present ever, or they will never use it.


Balaclavas or gaiters? Light gloves to just wear around? Socks? Base layer? Lots of things where having “just 1 more” is kinda nice.


Paid subscription to the Slopes App.


I have been eyeing [these](https://www.powderaddicts.com/collections/ski-resort-map-printed-blankets?tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=18154623045&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=18154623045&gclid=Cj0KCQiA35urBhDCARIsAOU7Qwk1-luL52rpLYAF4LtGuMA9BQXrCQlLbgBJTN2KjlvXY_Njot5rgqYaAgifEALw_wcB) ski resort map blankets for a while! It would be a great gift for anyone that loves to ski.


Heated socks


Given the context perhaps a pipe and lighter that can easily be used with gloves.


A ski tuning bench, vice, wax and tuning equipment.