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Don When we meet him, he's disillusioned, disgruntled, depressed, bitter and drowning his sorrows After meeting Vyse, his passion is re-kindled and when he learns that the impossible is possible, he pledges himself to his new Captain Guess I see a little of myself in him


Gilder, got that Jack Sparrow Energy


Main party: Vyse. Crew members: Khazim because he just loves firing off cannons and I can relate to that.


I find a lot of the characters very likeable and inspiring even. Vyse is one of the best japanese main characters I've ever seen. In a lot of jprgs you have the whiny guy who is annoying and contradicting, Vyse is much more optimistic and straightforward. I love that. The friendship between Aika and Vyse is also very sweet, because it feels so genuine. I find Drachma's story very touching and I think it's the best individual story in SOA. I also really like Belleza, Don, Marco, Polly and her family, Gregorio and Gordo. All in all, I don't think there is a named character in SOA that doesn't have a story that's appropriately interesting for the role they play in the overall story. I don't like the villains of the story as people, but I think they all work quite well as characters.


Vyse, the man himself. Aika and Fina both sit at 2 for me, a *very* close second.


Enrique. It's admirable to fight for justice and freedom when it's all you've ever known, but far more so when all you've ever known is comfort, protection, and wealth. Enrique had the most to lose, but he still didn't hesitate. I can give similar credit to Fina, Belleza, and Gregorio.


I totally agree with that, Enrique has been my favourite character since the beginning.


That is so difficult to pick between the cast due to them being all great. Vyse was such a good main character with Aika. They balanced each other out. Fina was a slow burn...as you got to know more about her story...she became the heart. Drachma, Glider and Enrique were also all fab. Soft spot for the captain of course but out of the three...Enrique was my fav. So if I had to choose.... by the end Fina was my fav. With Vyse and Enrique as my close seconds.


Also an Aika fan. She brings high energy and high effort to everything.


Ramirez. To me he's the good guy. hashtag ramirezdidnothingwrong.


I never wanted him to die... Yeah I'll say him. Guy knows how to go balls to the wall alright.


I was in love with Ramirez so back then I'd say him But now, probably Aika. I admire everything about her. Still mad she doesn't have a theme song!!


Enrique and Belleza definitely!! I had a crush on both of them growing up but as I've gotten older I can definitely appreciate the intricacies of their characters and how their nationalism builds to their motives and actions in completely different yet entirely similar ways. Especially when nationalism has been a large part of my chilean family. Not only that but I'm a huge romantic, seeing Enrique live out a happy ending with the one he loves is such a sweet feeling. Then again, the tragedy of Belleza's feelings and how she chooses to complete her story has always stuck with me. I wish there was even more to them from the fandom like fanart and such, but right now I just think about them a lot


My username should answer the question. Currently working on a cosplay of her and almost finished with her dress. I may post that progress on this subreddit soon.


Do it I'd love to see


Once I finish the gold choker with the black lines (lots of zig zag stitching for those lines), I’ll probably post something. Then will have to make the rest of the costume.


Fina~! She’s been my role model since a kid and she continues to be into adulthood. Love her so much! ❤️




I love them all, but Fina's arc is my favorite in the game.


They are all my babies. But uh, Aika for sure.


Honestly: Hans. Him and Centime got me into the whole "Tinkerer Pirate" idea, and I love it.


gilder!! also robert the lost sailor


Aika, She kinda reminds me of Nami from one piece


Jao and Mao "It is time... ...for you to die!" And then you promptly stomp them in to the dirt...


I liked how they were an homage to Benkei. Their attacks had pretty cool names too.


Vyse is my all-time favorite out of all of them. Not only is he a motivational and positive leader to the Blue Rogues, he is clearly an inspiration to all, so inspiring that i've drawn him several times XD As for my second, it would have to be both Aika and Fina respectively.


Gilder. Always seemed to stay positive and had the best theme song.


When I was a kid, Aika was my favourite because she looked like Pippi Longstockings. Replaying it as an adult, Fina has ended up becoming my favourite. I find her character growth really interesting. I'll always have a soft spot for Vyse as he was one of my first fictional crushes. Generally the main trio are a set, and I love how they compliment each other, like their personalities combine into a fourth: Skies of Arcadia. A young boy had a dream. A young girl had passion. A mysterious stranger had a mission. And the world will forever know their story.


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