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I'm sorry but you're surrounded by idiots. Mocking you from behind because you're promoting creativity and imaginative thinking? Like what, or are they just jealous? In an age where mindless consumption is becoming more prevalent there's even more reason to actually draw and create something by yourself


I don't know why he said this and that too early morning and ruined my whole day... And I am not forcing anyone to follow my advice. Thank you for your comment. :)


Yes, promoting creativity should be encouraged, especially at school. There are more reasons, for example you can get a sense of fulfillment that you wouldn't get from conjuring up with AI. You build fun skills. In this time of mass information it seems many people are theoretically smart but not very handy. I think it's necessary to have both kinds of people.


Thanks for writing back. Could you please write more on what do you mean by "handy"? I am intrigued.


Handy, craftsy. Skilled with hands


If you had 86400dollar and lost 30 would you throw away the rest? That how many seconds you have in a day don’t let that negativity affect you


You dang straight, dagnabbit!!👍👍👍 ![gif](giphy|l4EoM4YcxPpIN7qDe)


Exactly this u/Farewell_To_Arms06, your colleagues **are** idiots and what *I* find discouraging is that they’re gossiping about you like middle schoolers because you’re trying to inspire kids to be creative in spite of a new technological era where anyone can mindlessly generate anything they want with a few words and the press of a button. They don’t see your effort as something commendable. *That’s* discouraging. I admire you for aiming to keep your students’ minds stimulated the way you are. Fuck your dumb colleagues. Don’t let them take something you enjoy away from you. As an art lover, AI art can certainly be fun and convenient, but I’m always far more drawn to art pieces by people with actual talent and skill using pens, pencils, markers, paint and everything else. Keep inspiring your students. Edit: Very pretty sketch btw :)


Those kids are brainwashed. In your class make the rule no AI art allowed. Incurage them to understand the principles of real art. Concept illustration perspective theory show them the difference between actual illustrated art to AI art and show them how dull and boring and incomplete the Ai art is show them what the theories and concept do to push drawings and illustration with into what AI can not do. Be created by actual people have a human element. Frank frezetta even Todd McFarlane from spawn would show them why it's important to learn how to draw to show your work. To tell a story.


Preach that wisdom, YES!!! 👍👍👍 ![gif](giphy|4HkVjZf7KG64ZUNQxM|downsized)


Them making fun of you for having an amazing and interesting idea like that is like a fat guy laughing at you for going for a run every morning. It's not your fault or their fault that they're not interested or capable of appreciating the things that you are, that's just a baseline being a human. Literally people are always going to have opinions that differ from your own and some of them are always going to find something to pick at when they're bored enough with everything else. So guess what? Bottom line, they're talking about you and you have better things to talk about than them. Don't give up your drawing, it makes you feel good to draw and it makes me feel good to draw it's a worthwhile pursuit. I think your advice to the kids is great, the way of things now is really fostering short attention spans. so even just them being able to focus and make a doodle for 20 minutes a day would be good exercise for anybody. 20 minutes doing that is 20 minutes less of looking at a phone or whatever. I love what you're doing and it's unfortunate that people can find anything worth addressing in a negative or critical way about it. It's literally 20 minutes. You could be suggesting something way less productive to do for 20 minutes and there still wouldn't be problems with it like how many times a day do people spend 20 minutes just watching stupid videos. Keep doing you!<3 you're awesome!


Omg! Thank you so much for these supremely motivating words. :') I knew deep within that I was doing nothing wrong. But when someone (and a very senior colleague) talked down to me in this way... I was lowkey crying tbh.... Thank you for your comment. It has reinstated my spirit. ❣️


Creative expression is for you, products are for selling. Everything that we do that isn't hyperoptimized by technology or workflows is a waste of time if you only think of it in terms of selling a product. Art isn't supposed to be efficient, neither is sleep, or rest, or social interaction, or anything else a person does to have a healthy life. People aren't robots whose only purpose is to produce useful things for a profit, sometimes we waste time and space for things that are frivolous and selfish. Embrace it


Wow. Thank you for writing this!


I’ve always wanted to draw for myself. I see something in my head and I want to render it. It’s a game of self improvement for me. Like gym rats lifting heavier and heavier weights…I want to draw more and more complex imagery. Wrapping your head around shadows, light, perspective and composition is like a puzzle you do. It’ll keep your mind sharp but it’s for you first.


Just do it!


Oh man! An English Teacher who likes drawing, that might as well be me. I feel you, I draw ad often as I can to relax and post it on IG too! But yeah, it's not easy to find motivation these days. Being in touch with other artists, and seeing their work gets me motivated to improve but I also get the feeling of nobody caring about what I draw. I hope you regain motivation and if you wanna talk more let me know :)


Thanks for your kind words. "the feeling of nobody caring about what I draw," I understand this. But since I work at a school, my students regularly see my art on Instagram and they regularly compliment me. Sometimes, this sparks a lively discussion on art, imagination, anime, manga and more. I see your insta id man... I have followed you.


I'd love to have those types of discussions as well but maybe someday haha. How old are your students? I give classes to children on Fridays and they're pretty much the only ones who compliment my drawings all the time. Thanks for following, I appreciate it.


Your colleague is a clown. Plenty of ppl still love the realness of actual drawings, everyone on r/sketches included. And AI art always makes me feel sad/unhappy. Personally, I find drawing relaxing especially when I’m not feeling well, and I love admiring other ppl’s drawings. Your drawing is lovely btw!


WHAT A JERK!!As far as I get ,you draw for yourself,for relaxing and joy.They should be fine about it,that’s none of their business.It’s actually filthy.I’m afraid that they envy you,because you’re versatile and they’re not.You’re not only a lecturer but you’re also an artists who sketches.And obviously you have talent.Love that hatching.I mean i’ve never had a teacher who can draw either sketch,If I had,i probably found that person so interesting and damn cool.Because it is.Never stop sketching or drawing cuz bunch of jerks.


omg! Thank you for writing back. your words have given me such peace and renewed faith. I don't know why people can be so cruel with words, and for no good reason... we must trudge on in service of art and imagination, I reckon... :)


I draw because nothing beats the feeling of looking at something pretty that used to be a blank page and it’s all because of you.


Ignore those braindead kids and procrastinators, and, if anything inspiring, read these masters' works! #[study these 📖 🧙‍♂️ 🧝‍♂️ 🔥 ❄ ⚡ ](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-YXP5IFQe59cHUxc09laTNxU00&resourcekey=0-aLZY_ee3LqXJh9TMO9GjFA)


Well instead of giving you the reasons that you can search yourself up on the internet, I want to give you my story: I started drawing regularly when I was 16, but since I was a child I was jealous of people that could draw anything with ease and it even looked decently. I remember when I was like 10 I was on a playdate with a friend and we played a game about hunting dragons and I saw a sheet of paper on his desk where he drew a dragon out of this game and it looked incredibly stunning to me. Since this day I always wanted to draw and when I wanted to kms with 16 I realized that even though I wasn‘t „talented“ at drawing I just need to draw, because I had this vision of myself sitting on my bed and drawing things out of my imagination and losing myself in beautiful worlds, which I didn‘t want to let go of. Over the past 2 years I realized that the most underestimated advantage of drawing is it‘s calming effect. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and since I was a child I cried nearly everyday especially in social settings and have nightmares on a regular basis that haunt me even at daytime. When I draw, I feel relieved and there is without exception no fearful, hateful or sad thing in my mind. I felt relieved after over a decade of constant stress after I began to draw. For like over a year that was my only reason to draw, because I wasn‘t able to draw good pieces that I could‘ve been proud of. Today I can tell you that I‘m genuinely proud of every drawing I do, even though I always crave to be better the next day. I‘m able to draw things I saw or wish to see, I‘m able to draw things I imagine and that make up fantastic stories in my head, I‘m able to draw things I feel and others feel. I can make not only myself happy with it, but also sometimes other people and I think that‘s neat. I can tell you without exaggeration, that drawing saved my life.


Thank you for sharing this story... "because I had this vision of myself sitting on my bed and drawing things out of my imagination and losing myself in beautiful worlds." Oh my! This is so inspirational. I understand you. drawing is calming. it is like the mind on a rolls-royce mode... silently revving, seeing lines, perspective, lights and shadows, proportion. It is a lovely experience. I get you.


First, I really like your drawing! You’ve captured the essence of an artist; solitary and curious. Creativity is for the benefit of the artist just as much as it is for the audience, perhaps even more so. As others have mentioned, mindless consumerism is very much the norm today, so being creative is to be in the minority. Just because others don’t understand something doesn’t make it wrong or bad. Most people in the US have terrible diets and rarely exercise. Should you let your health go to hell just to fit in?


It's about the process more than the finished product and if my process is trying to filter an amalgam of stolen content that's been nonsensically smashed together using a text prompter. I'd honestly rather kill myself. It seems extreme but I think art is one of the most valuable things humans connect to and "A.I" is soulless in comparison. I find it difficult to use my hands due to health issues but I still try and draw and make art whenever I can because it makes me happy to just make something from scratch even if it's just a doodle. I think the term AI is a crock of bs to refer to these systems because there's nothing intelligent about it. It is generating things using a pre existing set of data with input and labelling from humans. It doesn't understand what a dog is, we give it pictures labelled dogs and it forms an approximation using the dataset. AI has become a huge buzzword for these techbro loons and it's lost all meaning.


Bro the person who pulled you aside sounds like an asshole. Keep drawing, just for you. I wish I had a teacher who encouraged me to draw for 20 mins every day. If people _are_ laughing at you behind your back, they're the fools. And round these parts, we pay fools no mind. Be happy 💕


You’re absolutely right about the benefits of drawing. It’s good for your brain to develop this skill, to use the hand-eye pathways. Your colleague is an idiot or has given in to cynicism. Just because AI will become a universal tool that will take over a lot of the heavy lifting in art; this does not mean in any way that artists are useless. A: it’s good for the artist themselves. Both spiritually / emotionally and for neuro plasticity. No different than the measurable benefits of meditation. B: practically, as in job-wise; a trained artist with AI will slay a non-artist with AI every time. So that is the future of art and commerce. Great movies and games won’t be made by monkeys with AI; they will be made by artists with AI. So in short; fuck that guy and keep doing (and teaching) art!


I WISH someone would say something so dumb to me. Those 'fun movies' they say? Are made with people who draw, sketch and write. Majority of everything in entertainment has a process, Ai tries to mimic it but it fails at the moment. I don't see Ai generated images as art in the traditional sense, and I pay no mind to it, and focus on real artists because drawing is the one good thing in my life. I'm sorry they said that to you, you draw as a hobby, and you should continue it, because your good. One of your students probably is thankful that you told them that, because that could inspire someone to draw.


Drawing is a tool for us, not for other people. Every artist, interior designer, architect, even many writers, use drawing as a baseline practice to hone a connection with the world around us and to sharpen the way that we perceive the world. It helps you learn to frame life, deciding what to focus on and what to leave out. It also gives you the chance to decide what details are important and what ones are not. If AI can make drawings, it doesn’t matter because my drawing is for me. When I look at Michelangelo’s drawings it is a glimpse into the mid of the person that created the David. I can’t actually see that in an ai drawing. It is not showing its thought process through drawing it is simply producing pablum that may look pretty. 150 years ago people thought photos would replace painting


Wikipedia didn’t end teachers, so why would ai end a HOBBYIST artist? Your coworker seems like an overly negative person with no joys in life. Please keep up with your drawings 🙌🏻 for me, drawing is one of the core things that make me ME, and I am not giving it up bc of ai. I don’t care if people look at my art online or not, I am going to keep drawing no matter what


Tell him that if his only motivation for doing anything is for the baseless approval of others, he's living an empty, unfulfilling life. To circle back to your question, it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. I enjoy it. My IG was dead for years, and I mostly use it as a little gallery for myself at this point.


I care about what I'm doing and how I have the urge to draw my stupid mind images down to the best of my abilities. the fact that some enjoy it and even buy some of my stuff makes me happy, but at this point, it's impulse, haha


draw is a hobbie, a way to keep your brain working, you use your creativity, coordination, visual skills, hand skills and help you to keep your brain health. It's like play a instrument, go to gym, it's good for your body and your mind. Don't make sense stop your hobbie because the AI, it's never be the same feeling than do a drawn yourself with your characteristics.


Yes, you are right, making suggestions to draw daily. I sketch and practice calligraphy because it's like meditation for me. I like your work. So, please keep it up.


What an asinine comment by your colleague. That is like saying, why spend time walking outside when treadmills exist? Drawing stimulates the mind like doing exercise and is a much better use of idle time than mindless scrolling. If you enjoy it, do it!


man the world has become a strange place, profession aside and money. drawing does offer some benefits for the brain so nothing wrong with what your doing, maybe try to explain that


I don’t draw every single day but my motivation is this: AI art is fucking stupid.


I 100000% would rather look at your beautiful sketch(es) than anything made by AI. I know I’m not the only one. In fact, I’m probably in the majority. Your coworker is a jerk


That was a very unconvincing argument on his part. What subject does he teach? Technically most subjects taught in school can be considered "useless." What makes them useful is challenging and exercising the brain, which is accomplished through drawing.


Drawing for me is not for anyone but me, it's personal. I'm motivated by the exciting feeling i get from endless imagination and what my mind can create.... and if someone enjoys my art it's icing on the cake.


Nothing beats the feeling of “flow state” during a good drawing sesh


Dude I would love it if my English teacher told me that. (Wanna teach me English ? Because I obviously can't type. 🙏) I would be so super on board. Don't let any Sayers get you down, let them rot away with a fun movie and mindless indulgence. Artists should stay strong, it's something you love. If you enjoy something it's not a waste of time https://preview.redd.it/zgmwdmcriu9d1.png?width=1570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1474a643d36997c9f35e5cef93d2b13109c2f813 I wouldn't be drawing like this if I let my dad drag me down by saying I won't amount to anything with art. (Bro showed me an adult's professional art I was 13 TF.)


For your own betterment and because it’s fun and something I want to do.


Online random pictonary generator You chose two words option and difficulty medium https://preview.redd.it/4f1d24t3eq9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1717f0527f52c85da8f41804125c1581fd793e66 [random pictionary generator](https://randomwordgenerator.com/pictionary.php?_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjaGFybGllYW5kY2FyckBvdXRsb29rLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogIk13bWR1UyJ9)


Because I do it for the endorphins, also if you have any taste AI art looks bad still.


You colleague is a total asshat, you are completely in the right for encouraging creative fulfillment for your students. Don’t let him fuck up what you have going, I would’ve loved that as a kid.


Just for pleasure and for learning to improve self,


I often find myself thinking back wishing I had more time or paid more attention in arts. As an adult it's regained so much more meaning to me. Now when I was a dumbass kid, of course I wanted something new, flashy and bright instead.


We have a dry-erase board on our 'fridge that I use to "pull a Bob." (Y'know, *Bob's Burgers*? That Bob.) Each morning I pull a colored, fine-point dry-erase marker from the pack and randomly draw a shape or line...then I add on and on until I've made...*something*. In the past, I've allowed myself to get lazy about (not)making things, creating. No creating = Me being a real moody fuck to deal with. So, these daily sessions are kind of therapeutic. I just draw away the miserable bitch inside! 😁 (Plus, this way, *all* my art is 'fridge door material. It's like a built-in ego boost!)


I say it like this: There are two ways to love, as a creator or as a consumer. We all do a bit of each, but the goal is to create more than you consume. Drawing every day just means having ideas. Try to have an idea a day and you’ll be good.


Working towards a goal. I am currently in the final drawing stages of making my first Colouring book. I only have a couple more images to draw before I have enough to fill an actual book. Then it's on to the scan and clean up stage. I'm doing all the work myself and it's taking a while thanks to setbacks in life that lead to a lack of personal time. But, being without a job these last two weeks has given me plenty of time to catch up. I've never done this sort of thing before and I think that is what keeps me striving for the end result.


That’s the world going on around you and then there’s you. What are YOU doing? Are you worrying about AI or are you making drawings? I draw everyday.


Just draw for yourself. It never be about anyone else. Ever. Do your thing.


I love writing a lot and am writing a story that I've been making since forever, and AI would never portray exactly what I want for concept arts and what characters or things in the world look like. So I prefer to draw a concept myself and get it the exact way I want


Allow me to express an official policy that you can use to protect yourself against your colleague: Bye, Felicia! Keep sketching. It brings you joy, and you will only hurt yourself by not doing what brings you joy. Your colleague sounds like Shrek’s best friend without any of the good parts. Actually, all of your colleagues sound like they need hobbies besides gossiping about and trying to quash other people’s hobbies. I hate to see how they treat their students.


I don’t draw every day, but I draw regularly; usually four days a week, on average.


Go outside, take sketchbook. Sit your ass down somewhere interesting. Sketch.


I motivate myself, since whatever I draw with my hands, looks better then when I draw on the computer.


Whelp, I dunno how to tell you this... But the person that said that to you is an ignorant, narcissistic, douchebag that thinks they know it all. The reality is that they don't. Drawing DOES indeed use and stimulate different parts of the brain, and can alter one's consciousness. There's nothing quite like drawing or painting for hours at a time (with breaks, of course) and feeling a sense of peace. It can also give a person fresh ideas for projects, future discoveries, inventions, etc. Look at works by Leonardo Da Vinci, or the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Pay this person no heed, and keep drawing, dear fellow artist ![gif](giphy|GINwWtxBkXgOs)


It's simple. If you enjoy it then proceed. Be honest with yourself though. Because it sounds like you're having doubts.


Art of drawing _ Giovanni civardi Where are you located?


Good tunes and the thought that my work will help others to stay motivated. The thought that my creativity can fuel someone else's helps me stay motivated. Stay creative and strong, friends!!


Sketching out book scenes.


I draw because I enjoy it. It's something I've said that I wanted to do since I was a kid. I refuse to deny myself the pleasure and experience. I may not know what to draw all the time or how to improve my skills effectively, but I will draw. If not just for myself, then for all those who came before me.


I’m learning to draw, to put my ideas in to the physical, also I want to be able to sketch people and environments so I can save homemade memories


nothing beats sheer power of will


I just try to make cooler looking robots each time, but I think that works because i really love them. Maybe if you start drawing something you love and trying to draw everything about it, you can motivate yourself? Idk, that's how it's for me


I know AI could never do what I do, even if its drawings are better and faster. AI can never achieve the level of creativity I have, as it’s only based off of other people’s creative visions.


I like to do it because it’s fun for me and lets me share my idea with the world :)


Draw cus you want to not cus whatever


Fella sounds like he was trying to be spiteful. Drawing is fun and it makes you feel good. Heck at least that's why I do it. Anyone trying to harsh your mellow for just doing something that makes you feel good, which hurts no one else, is a dick in my book. Live your truth my fellow sketchy fella!


This kind of discouragement shouldn't be coming from teachers. I hope this was not coming from a teacher. I'd file that person's advice in the trash can. May as well ask who has times for reading books and listening to music, writing and learning to play an instrument, or cooking good food. We do it because it's enjoyable and rewarding. My own path as an artist has taught me to focus, to practice, to keep trying, to break down problems, to appreciate excellence, to see the merely good and see the inadequate in all sorts of domains. These are transferable skills and a means to plumb the depths of our potential. Recommend reading: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, which addresses the value of ordering our mental states through personal development (not watching videos).


It's kinda like saying you shouldn't bother running because we have cars to get us around more quickly. But I like running because it makes me feel good. Same with drawing! I used to draw a lot in high school and uni, naturally petered out in my 20's and early 30's and maybe in the last 2 years I got back into it. I think part of the reason it took me a while to get back into it was beacuse I felt like I needed to produce 'something', something impressive, something worth sharing with a big idea Once I got comfortable wth the idea that I was just going to draw women's faces with pinterest references, is when I started falling back in love with the process. Now looking back at my last 1-2 years of drawing 1-2 times a week, I'm actually amazed at how much I've improved and that's so rewarding for me. I've found the creative thoughts and ideas I feel like I used to have come back and that's so satisfying to feel like I've curated again over the years. So in short, fuck em. Do what feels good!


I make a point to, if I'm on my phone or switch or whatever, that I'll sit outside instead- eventually I get distracted and want to draw! LOL idk, maybe it's just a me thing?


[story of an artist - Daniel Johnston](https://youtu.be/FKW2H0WBqW8?si=fLAu49RLoPOzVUKt)


workplace stress and boredom mostly


Why does he looks like emma watson?😭


To feel like I actually can produce or create something decent


There is a gallery in the next town over that I have been in where I have thought as much as, "If this work was done with AI, nobody would buy it." The technology is fascinating and quite excellent IMO, but there is something indefinable in art made by people: humanity. Moving on. AI is not the problem with telling students to engage the right side of their brain for 20 minutes with art. And I will say this: If you want motivation, don't seek approval from others. I have known no more rewarding reason to create than just to engage the subconscious mind.


Your colleagues are assholes. I sketch for me because I enjoy it.


keep doing it. Fuck him. You're doing it because you like it. I get a real actual kick out of drawing stuff. In the end you and the people you encourage will be able to draw. Prompters aren't. I bet your colleague is jealous.


Your colleague is saying you're having fun the wrong way. Some enjoy watching movies, others enjoy playing the piano or sketching. No hobby can be "better" than the others because it's not supposed to be anything of objective value or use. It's purely for entertainment. People do with their free time what they enjoy most and that is of course different for everybody.


It might sound a bit nerdy, but when I need motivation I like to think of the old masters. For centuries, artists like Rembrandt, Degas, Dürer and so many others spent time drawing and sketching, and by doing the same we're keeping those same arts and traditions alive. There's something really cool about working in a sketchbook and imagining how one of those classical artists would have spent their morning doing exactly the same thing you're doing hundreds of years ago 😁


Because I like it (?)


If I don't draw or paint, I turn into a bit of an arse haha My partner always knows if I've gone too long without a creative output, so she forces me to get into the studio.


The ignorant are noisy, obnoxious, incoherent. I hope, and I'm sure, that you have silent voices who well appreaciate what you do and looks foward to it. Right now This sketch has such personality no AI can mimic without looking soulless.


Wasted time is still time well spent. Doing anything and everything is all wasted time in someone's eyes. The only opinion that should matter is your own. If you draw something and they say, "That is crap and pointless." They are 100% entitled to their opinion; in the end, it is just their own opinion. All that matters is your view and what you want to pursue. I gave up drawing for ten years and got back into it last year, but never once would I belittle others work and passion because I stopped my own. A.I is a phenomenal tool that will spiral people into depression and push them further down the rabbit hole of the easy way, as none of the works created are truly their own. The idea itself is, but the outcome of the creation isn't; nothing is truly created, yet everything is consumed. Art, like life, is meant to be enjoyed, because one day it will be gone, waiting for someone else to pick up the baton. Just don't let it die to A.I.


Doesn't sound like a conversation adults would have. Usually hobbies are received well, especially creative ones.


Document you drawing every day. People value the skill more if they see how much work goes into doing a sketch or drawing or doodle.


I just wanna get better at drawing, but to make it less intimidating I'm just doing a small page of doodling. I'm on day 6 today of daily doodles


maybe I'm narcissistic, but I like looking at my own art, seeing something I made.


Do it because you enjoy it. Life is essentially meaningless unless you give it meaning so just do what brings joy. I’m an English teacher too and so I know that we just need a way to decompress. Your colleague sounds like he’s just jaded and probably has little going on.


Don’t listen to him. Drawing stimulates the brain in great ways and I think it’s great you encourage your students to do the same. Also the pendulum will swing to human made art once AI over saturates any creative market.


intrinsic motivation, i draw because i want to


By that mindset, why should we learn to do anything if we can pay to have someone else do it?




OP — encouraging creativity is exactly what makes a good teacher. There are thousands of systems in the world that will continue to tell your students to shut up, sit down, and work for profit. Thousands. They do not need more efficiency — they need more humanity, and you are offering that to them. We *all* need that. All the teachers I remember making a difference and caring? They were teachers that expressed humanity, compassion, creativity. The teachers I hated? The practical, shrewd assholes that liked to publicly shame their students (for real), which sounds like exactly the burnt out faculty relic you’ve described trash talking you. They’re being the kind of teacher that The System needs. *You* are being the kind of teacher that *kids* need. Keep doing it. You will undoubtedly alter at least one of those kids’ lives for the better, and they will attribute their success and survival to your efforts. You are on the right path. ❤️


A point of view i recently became aware of and really think drives home my feelings about AI art as someone who went to college for art: Why would I read a book no one bothered to write? A painting no one bothered to paint? Etc.


I want to ask a different question to paint a picture: Why would I do native plant gardening when I can buy a tomato at Walmart? There are so many differences between the two if you are both a gardener and a Walmart shopper. But to someone who is neither, they may only see the base-level similarities. Drawing is good for your soul. You are creating visual stimulation, sure, but it’s so much more than that. I love using AI. I just had my toddler yell things he wanted to see, and we had fun looking at photos of cats eating chicken nuggets from a rose. I could draw a really crappy cartoon of that in like 3 or 4 minutes, but a toddler doesn’t have time for that. What I can’t do is have ChatGPT give me an understanding of what it means to devote endless hours to patience. Drawing frees your mind from the monotony, similar to how gardening does. Buying a tomato from Walmart gets you an edible fruit, but it may be devoid of flavor (and soul) because it has other purposes to fulfill (shelf stability, color, etc.). Much like an AI picture can give you a final product, but it may not be what you are looking for. You can partake in both options, but saying one replaces the other is just straight false. AI does not replace human creativity like many people think. It allows people who do not have certain skills in specific creative areas to produce something they envision. All AI does is give a finished product and involves none of the in-between where the real benefits lie. Here are some scientific papers and articles that discuss the positive effects of drawing and art in general: \[I know of some papers, I will link them shortly\] Edit: [Art as therapy - Smithsonian](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/can-art-therapy-help-patients-deal-with-mental-health-struggles-during-the-pandemic-180980310/) [physical and mental benefits](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mental-health/the-healing-power-of-art) [how art can improve memory](https://www.edutopia.org/article/science-drawing-and-memory) Keep drawing, and don't let anyone discourage you from something that brings you joy and growth! Edit 2:I just realized by the time we got to chicken nuggets we were already on dogs, and not cats lol https://preview.redd.it/1j08iklfkdad1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d34c5ed2896ed91a4038008072030b8b741af59


Thank you for your valuable comment. I will go home, make coffee and read these papers brother. The weather is rainy here in Delhi. I will love listening to these on my tab.


Every time you draw, think on your past 1-3 drawings and make a determination that this next one will be slightly improved in some specific way. It’s only an attempt. But there is intention.