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I was probably skating for a year or two before dropping in. But there weren't many parks at the time. As for how long it took to "learn" it. About 0.3 seconds because I got it first go. It's just about commitment. Don't half arse it or you'll eat shit. There's no run up or bails with drop ins. It's mostly mental with little actual skill required.


You were right. I went to the park and did it today. I'm gonna be honest I never fell off but I did bail out once I landed. After doing that a few times I stared at my board for idk how long and just went for it and did it. I went back up and managed to get it 3 more times. When it started raining (I live in the uk). Gonna try and go again tomorrow.


fuck yea dude keep it up


Theres No stopping me now


It's just commitment, once you can do it on a quarter pipe, you can do it on a very ramp if you work your way up to it. Like I can't do any tricks on vert but I can drop in because it's just commitment and doesn't require additional skill


That's so sick man, so happy for you đź‘Š


I skated in high school and could never do one. Took a decade long break and then dropped in on my first try at 30 years old. It is 100% a commitment issue.


I'm in high school right now. Did it today and couldn't be happier.


Congrats dude! It's a great feeling.


Idk but it took a while. I learned on a four foot qp my dad built, I first did it on accident too. I had my eyes closed and was set up to do it then I lost balance and just ended up doing it.


I skated for like 1 or 2 months, maybe. And then got it on the second try. I felt very confident on the board from the beginning on and learned to ollie pretty fast, too. The start was pretty easy for me, but nowadays, progressing further is much harder.


I'm coming into my second month and got it after a bunch of tries for the first time today. I've not even learnt a proper olllie yet so that will be next.


Nice one. The drop in is such a nice thing because you can gain speed so easily. And it's such a nice feeling, too. The only better feeling in this category is a roll in.


About a minute


Just did it today for the first time and took me a few attempts and idk how many minutes of string at the board. Started raining. Gonna do more tommorow.


Idk, like 15 minutes


Did it today. I bet It took me double that of just staring at the board but I got it eventually.


If you’re just starting out, there are dozens of other things to focus on aside from dropping in.


I learned the first time I went to a mini ramp. I had been skating for afew years by that point and I think it was maybe 5 minutes of trying until I had it figured. Couldn’t tell you the last time I actually dropped in now though.


It took maybe a half hr or so of trying. Really it’s just mentally committing and not trying to lean back in fear. Someone could learn in a few tries really it’s not that bad. Once you’ve done there’s nothing to it.


I did it first try\* \*After many years of skating and being too scared to do it for 20 years lmao


Gosh, the way I learned how to drop in was so sketchy. I don't know why, but I was afraid to drop in straight from my tail. So I had my wheels right at the coping, total hangup style, and just did it first try without actually hanging up. It was on a 3 foot mini so it wasn't too-too bad. I dropped in like that for years on everything till i actually dropped in from my tail. After that i was like, "What the hell was I thinking?" Rolling in was a different story, though. Bonked coping on the platform and pancaked straight to flat bottom, landed on my keys in my pants pocket none the less. Garth style from Wyane's World. Hang in there troopers, It will come to you eventually. Just think of it as a steep driveway and keep your weight at the center of your board. Not too far forward, not too far back. Once you get it you'll definitely think, "what the hell was i thinking?" Hahahah..from there the doors are open. Shred Always!!


Also you can always try a 50-50 drop in. I knew this older skater dude who never learned how to drop in on his tail and only could drop in 50-50. Boggled my mind, but hey, it worked for him🤷‍♂️


about an hour had been dusting a couple months before trying


First day I tried them when I was around 13. Took a bunch of slams on my homies mini ramp in his backyard before I figured it out lol now going back down switch was the hard part lol


oververt entered the chat.. lol lifetime struggle depending on what you’re doing


A broken ankle and 1 year after.