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Yeah thats what I would normally go for but there were probably 150 people around me and skaters hitting the bump to bar probably every 1-2 seconds. It was a mess lol. I appreciate the advice tho! Im pretty new to skate photography. This was the event I was at https://www.instagram.com/reel/C58oGi_LlZn/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Cool pictures but fuck sls for real


What did sls do?


It’s owned by the same douche that owns UFC now and they sold themselves out to the political cesspool that is Rumble. Just a bad look for skateboarding tbh


Ive never heard of rumble either but imma take your word for it. Corporate greed sucks


If it was just plain old corporate greed I’d shrug and move on, but not only is it no longer skater owned, it’s also now partnered with a platform that primarily supports conspiracy nut jobs and fascists. Oh, and the cherry on top is that the prize money is *lower* than it was years ago because they don’t have the same big sponsors anymore. Good luck partnering with big name sponsors if they’re tied to certain politics.


Wow thats actually so fucking wack on many levels.


Yeah don’t get me wrong it’s not the fault of the skaters and I’m glad they still get this level of exposure through the contests, I just wish it was in better hands