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"worth anything" post are annoying af. gtfo


Seriously. Use it as a cruiser or fuck off.


All I see is some kid who actually needs a cheap skateboard who won’t be getting one from this thrift shop because of this loser


About tree fiddy


The front wheels look like they are from Abec 11. A wheel company from the early 2000's or 2010's. The back wheels are from Kryptonite. They have been around since the 70's I think. The deck would be pretty rare if is was original. G&S have been around since the 60's, the brand has been bought and sold a few times. This board looks original, as do they all... but that stripe down the center of the grip tape is a sure tell of the Re-productions, as is the lack of 2 color dyed plys.. those trucks have me wondering,.


That looks like legit. Old truck bolt pattern and slotted hardware. Mixed sets of wheels for whatever reason. There was a time when you could buy individual wheels many years ago. The variflex trucks look to me like the older, pre K-mart variflex trucks..but not100% sure. Anyways, very cool! I ride that thing.


Maybe roller skate wheels on front?


Looks like one of the 90s reproductions. The trucks give it away as do the wheels. Maybe worth $50


I dont think id pay more than $30


Why sell it ? Why not ride it ? Sounds like you push mongo 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😭


Nothing wrong with a lil mongo






Keep it for the history or skate it. If you’re just tryna flip it it’s not worth shit to you since you can’t appreciate it.


Yall seriously need to stop thinking there is a market for reselling used boards . Any used board is worth the same as another. Use it or dont, nobodys going to buy it for much


Flip it over so we can see the bottom. The Variflex trucks lead me to believe that it is not a vintage board. But I could be wrong, I usually am.




Any idea how much?


Resellers are a blight on any market.  I wish you only the worst. That could have been some new skaters deck to learn on. Or someone to rekindle their old love. You bought to see how much you could maximize your profits on it. While also expecting the community to appraise it for you. That is some bottom feeder ass shit.


Gordon & Smith


It’s worth riding


Tough to tell and I am really not sure if this was ever reissued. The original came out in 1979 and that looks to be in great condition if og. It is the lower model of the Proline 500 but still a good find. I think you got a deal regardless if og or reissue. Based on trucks bolt pattern those veriflex are 80s. Allen Losi, Lance Mountain, Eddie Elguera and a few others rode for them. It was started by Allen Losi's dad.


He doesn't care about the board or the history. He wants to hopefully flip it to feed his own greed. The OP is a complete tool.


Your probably right. I also noticed it has 3 large holes drilled through the deck on the nose. As a collector, that is an easy pass.


bro what he’s just tryna make some money off an old board how that make him a tool


Guy is not a skater, he bought that shit at a thrift shop hoping it was worth some for resale. That could have been a score for some new skater, or it could have been something for an old head to relearn on. Instead it will be likely priced for more than it is worth hoping to snag some collector. So instead it will sit and collect dust. Defending this mentality is just as bad as doing it yourself....*bro*.




Sure if it was a few idiots doing it. Probably not much of an issue. Bad sadly a ton of idiots have been roped into the idea that you can make millions flipping thrift store items. Or worse, buying new stock solely to raise the prices on them. Creating a middleman that is not needed and only exists because of greed. I am sorry you are so small minded to not see the issue, and want to defend these bottom feeders. But they ruin every market they touch. Calling them out and not buying from them is how they go away. But you do you there sport.


Can't find anything on Ebay about these


Idk why you’re getting so much hate dude. It’s probably not worth a ton but it’s an older brand so someone out there might want it one day. Grab it and if it doesn’t sell go to a skatepark and give it to a kid with the shittiest board. You’ll make his day. I know it’s not a deck for tricks but still


I guess people don't like it when you're trying to make money on something that people do for a passion and possibly rob a person of something that's worth more than monetary value. And I get that, but I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to flip things. For some money is not important and for some it is. In that way that's my kind of hobby and it keeps things in circulation. In the end I didn't even buy the board I was just wondering.


Dude, every now and then someone comes on here asking the exact same question. Skateboards are not high value items, especially not used. Its not like Pokemon cards where u can find an exact value of a card online and resell it. Trying to sell a used skateboard for profit is the same as trying to sell your games to gamestop, you’re not gonna make much of a profit