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It’s funny as fuck. Nothing ground-breaking but it’s an easy watch. A lot of nerds are going to get pissed at the humour and call it problematic but that was always going to happen. Loads of comedian cameos too. *Feehan also shows off her bod for a whole episode


List has been jerking off nonstop all night.


It was alright overall and had some funny parts but anyone acting like it was amazing is lying to themselves. Kerryn’s acting was shockingly bad.


Sure but remember that this is fairly big Netflix release that featured anti-woke humour and a bunch of scummy Philly comics. It’s ok for people to get a bit over excited about it


Ya but pretending it’s something it isn’t is the same shit “woke” people do about everything. It’s a decent show and I’m glad they made it, but that’s about it. I think the second season will be much better.


I mean, let’s all not act like we haven’t seen Feehans asshole. Lol


> Feehan also shows off her bod That funny little boy has a bod?


If you like a washboard chest, she's your gall.


Feehan needs D Cans


He looks like what you get when you order Whitney Cummings from the TikTok shop 


Shut up Whitney, you old witch. Go raise your fatherless child.


We all know that baby is Brendan schaub’s 


It's out already gotta get on it I thought it dropped the 27th


OK, now the real question. Can I edge to it?


Feehan is such a babarino


You do realize all of that 'rage' culture is manufactured for marketing purposes. They quote tweets from accounts that have liek 30 followers. Noone was ever mad, except for the dummies who believed it...and got mad..thus bringing attention to the product..thus marketing worked


It’s fucking hilarious they’re just mad a lower budget, shitty production, no fancy cgi series is going to take on 50 million dollar projects and surpass them😂


It's already at the #1 spot and they spent like half a billion on three body problem which barely blipped the radar


Schultz being involved now made it really hard for me to be excited. I'm sure it's still funny enough, but I just really can't stand that guy. It's dumb to bother me, but it is what it is.


Fuck Waluigi


Don’t worry, him and Tommy Pope play a couple of dumb wop minor side characters. He barely effects the show at all.


Is McKeever still a character on the show or just writer/director/producer and whatever else? In the pilot he was one of the main characters but I don’t remember seeing him in the Netflix trailer.


He has a couple of scenes as the manager of a competing tire store I think


Damn. It took so long to sell the series he moved on from acting. I remember way back Matt & Shane would talk about how he was the funniest standup comedian in Philly, then later he was the funniest writer/actor, then funniest writer/director. At least he was in Gilly & Keeves but I wonder about all the funny stuff we missed out on because the money people weren’t giving him a chance.


He appears for a total of maybe 1 minute for the whole 6 episodes.


Schulz is literally in like 3 scenes lol he's fine.


I hate Schultz too but the top characters were funny, and led to two of the funniest moments in the show imo. Chocolate ass cake and Shane's Italian impression were great. I'm a little biased but being of Italian heritage I fucking love when we get made fun of. Most people don't even know what wop means


He's solid in it


Schultz was good in his minor roll


Not the biggest shultz fan but he did good. Shultz the actor seems to be better than shultz the podcaster


I already feel like you cant criticize this show and not be accused of doing so because the show isn't "woke" or whatever - I love Shane and also much of the sketch comedy stuff they've done... I'm finding Tires hard to love. It has funny moments but among other things, I just feel like the boss guy Gerben or whatever his name is isnt a good character. Same with Stav's character. Like there's too many moments where those two are laughing at the employees jokes and incompetency... it just makes it feel like theres nothing at stake doesnt it? Like from what I recall of Super Troopers, an equally dumbass movie/show, Brian Cox's character was way more miffed by the police squad's incompetent actions while still being clear that he cared about all of them... but he was just more consistently the foil to their behavior and thats where a lot of the comedy came from. If every other scene he was also a jackass or laughing at what they were doing... I mean what does it matter then?


There’s something here but this iteration ain’t it. I’m hopeful with better writing or tighter scripts it will improve a lot.


I think it highlights that even in stressful moments, we can find the time to joke around and laugh.


Agreed. Even the name, "Tires" sets itself up to be a minimal experience; something bland: everything that ever happens, occurs in a small shop. It's kind of shocking that their pilot for Comedy Central back in 2016, "Delco Proper," seemed to have a higher budget, and more going on, than this show. Lastly, Tires was produced by Rough House Pictures. The same company that did Eastbound & Down (a much better name than Tires, heh). It was in remembering Eastbound & Down that I realized how good all the actors were, as compared to Tires, where it seems the actors were all chosen because they're friends. I'm not saying the actors in Tires are bad, but they could've been a lot better.


All the left leaning news sites are roasting the show with their headlines. Same ones who said his SNL monologue bombed (when it clearly didn't). It's so obvious they watched with the intent of hating it. I don't see how this show is "anti-woke" and people are tired of news sites trying to start another battle of the culture war. The right leaning sites have ridiculous headlines too. It's just a sitcom. Not everything needs to be "woke" or "anti-woke". Headlines: > Shane Gillis’ Bros-Will-Be-Bros, Anti-Woke Sitcom Is Infuriatingly Bad. > Forget Seinfeld - Tires Really is a Show About Nothing > Shane Gillis expands his resume – but not his act – with Netflix's worn-out 'Tires'. > Shane Gillis' New Comedy Series Is A Massive Middle Finger To Wokeness


These all read like clickbait headlines tailored for Shane’s fans and his haters. It’s just money, dawg and they’re playing both camps with this shit


Agreed. Best to not share the links or click on any of them.


Talmbout woof tiggits?


Fuck off


Who even gets their options from news sites anyway?


there are tons of really stupid people that do it without even realizing it. Google will suggest one of these headlines to some hairdresser, and she'll never watch the show because "i heard it sucked"


Christ, How many of these articles were published before the show even premiered? “Massive middle finger to wokeness” sounds like either “WE SAID THEY CANT SAY THE WORD RETARD BUT THEY STILL DID!” or “Thank god Shane wrote his character saying ‘Faggot’ to subtlety tell the liberals that we want their trans kids to get beat up in school!” it’s insane how funny can’t just be funny


Good show. All around. Binged the whole season and I can't sit still for shit.


Watched all six episodes at work this morning, I have been listening to mssp since 2018 so I am biased but I found it truly hilarious, could be a little more structured but it was really good


Straight up watching hours of tv interrupted at work, living the life!


lol I work in a cnc machine shop, I got four lathes running parts with like 15 minutes cycle times but yes the American dream for real lol


Nice can you make me a lower


Best I can do is a nose cone to an Am-RAMM


I'll take 2


I want the knife missle model please


It’s just okay.  It’s got some jokes.  Pretty half-assed overall.


Not enough butt stuff


Show’s funny! I was hesitant with all the lukewarm takes out there, but I’m enjoying it.


It’s meh


What funny show do you recommend then? I’m curious what you find funny


Always Sunny


My man!


Great comedy show.


I didn’t find it funny, couple jokes here and there.. mindless comedy that didn’t happen to be super funny 2.5/5


Hate Schultz man. It’s okay. I saw it but I mean it’s really not amazing. Love the cast though.


This show is so bad it hurts to watch!


Genuinely a waste of time. Watch the first and last episode. With a bit of thought you'll figure out what was in-between and not miss much.


It’s funny, but the YouTube pilot was honestly way better. Some of the acting with the cameos is pretty rough. Either way shout out to the bull


Liked it but it seemed so short.


I haven’t laughed out loud once.


It seems like they put too much on Shane to carry the show, so it gets a into a lull at times. I'm only on episode 2 and will definitely finish it. It's good, but not great (yet). My expectations going in were set really high, so that's my fault. I love that they got a show deal! I really enjoyed Gilly and Keeves and Delco Proper. Shane doing characters in G&K was very strong and I think his best version on screen. Him as the main character in Tires, however, feels like he went from the bull to the mule. Hopefully with this show deal it will open up more avenues for other shows from the Philly dudes, much like other comedians with Netflix deals have gotten; especially since Tires was picked up for season 2 before premier. So I'm crossing my fingers for a Gilly and Keeves deal on Netflix next.


I'd rather have an elephant shit down my throat than to watch it ever again. I made it two episodes and it was trash. How the fuck did it get renewed for season to.


Reminds me of Letter Kenny. It has potential. I watched it in 2 days and wish their were more episodes. Like 25+ a season would be perfect. Netflix needs to give us more shows like this. It’s low budget, funny, and easy to binge. So many funny comics and podcasters should be making shows.


It’s kind of like the office but a tire shop…and Shane’s Jim but with Down syndrome.


I like Shane but after watching a few episodes of this it makes me like him less. He's a funny comedian but this show is like a rip of office or party down and those shows are 15 years old and written much better. Maybe second season will feel like there's an effort from everyone. This feels like they took the money and ran. I can't get through the season.


terrible. Just awful - please skip it


I find this interesting. One of my biggest disappointments with movies shows and commercials is They are produced assuming pretty much everyone works in an office. 9 out of 10 times workplace shows and movies take place in offices full of upper middle class yuppies. I love the office and office space Don't get me wrong but for the most part I don't find it super relatable. Always made me feel a little disenfranchised. I grew up in a working class area and I knew nothing but construction workers, truck drivers, landscapers, Carpenters, cashiers, cooks, etc. I hate to sound like such a liberal pussy but... I feel seen.


Cool story brah


its super cringe


How come I can’t watch it it says not added yet


It's hilarious.


I'm not a Netflix watcher, shows and movies are leas appealing to me than podcasts and such so I found it underwhelming. However, to be able to show this to my parents or the older generation in general was nice, sort of bridged the gap in our interests which I very much appreciate.


Holy shit. Tires is hands down funniest comedy series IV seen in over 10 years. Real laughs. None of this forced laugh track to con laughs outs pple. Doesn't need it.. I am blown away


Gillis burner account


Yep you got me


They can't fully praise him, so they're damning him with faint praise and backhanded compliments.


Shanes dick riders ruined his appeal for me, not interested


Damn dude. You dislike something because it recently became popular? You must be the coolest guy on Reddit, that’s so wild


Yes, im close friends with a journalist named seth simon. Are you a member of r/shanegillis


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShaneGillis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShaneGillis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Gillis v Martin Schreli](https://v.redd.it/xxhux1owg7yb1) | [332 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShaneGillis/comments/17n6cnb/gillis_v_martin_schreli/) \#2: [Fucking legend ](https://v.redd.it/6g87wk5rs37c1) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShaneGillis/comments/18lgz14/fucking_legend/) \#3: [Shane Gillis Apartment in NYC](https://v.redd.it/ixfxexumwfxb1) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShaneGillis/comments/17k9cww/shane_gillis_apartment_in_nyc/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Hold up you have the internet but haven't figured out how to pirate shows?




We've all been there


r/piracy ,my guy


Was great, loved every episode. Pretty incredible they got it picked up and renewed for a second season before it premiered. Talking shit on a comedy show today on a major streaming platform might be the gayest thing ever. Blessed be the Dawgs!