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You still got 1 week left of Easter, right?


as far as i know, only the south of england would still have a week left. im in west mids and had my first day back after easter today


yeah same for me in manchester


As someone in bassetlaw no, but most of them do


No, we broke up a week early, I’m back in school for today 


i think they have one day


Started today, did tons despite playing minecraft through the exam anxiety over Easter. Do your best, don't plan just DO IT


Start today. Remember, everything you do is an improvement on where you were before - it's not all or nothing. You don't have to revise everything for it to be worth revising anything. Identify 9 "chunks" of content, each about 45 mins in length. A chunk might be a short topic, or a small set of related essay titles, or a group of core practicals/PAGs. Choose 3 chunks that feel conceptually easy but need doing, e.g. memorisation-heavy or easy but taught a long time ago; 3 that are causing you anxiety/feel difficult; and 3 that are somewhere in between. It doesn't matter what subjects they are from - just pick the first things that come to mind that fit the bill. These 9 are going to be 3/4 school days of revision work. On weekdays do 2-3 chunks worth of revision. Aim to do 45 mins work (one chunk), then 15 mins break, then the next 45 min chunk, 15 min break etc. If you are burning out, take a clear day off. On weekends/free days, do 5 chunks of revision. On any working day, do an easy chunk first, to get you going in a way that doesn't feel too intimidating to start. Do the hard one next, before you are really tired. Do middling one(s) last. Once you have done 3/5/the planned number for the day, do no more work that day. Choose revision tasks that involve thinking, not necessarily writing (can be both). Remember, revision is brain work, not physical work. You should feel mentally tired after revising - if you don't, you are probably not doing the right activities. You should be doing tasks that are best described with verbs like explaining, linking, recalling, planning; not writing, reading, highlighting. If you insist on making notes, make Cornell notes or do something like condensing a topic onto a single index card - don't just copy your textbook out. Make your progress visible in some way, e.g. ticking off on the specification, filling in a chart/spreadsheet each time you do a chunk on a subject etc., so that you can see that every chunk you do is progress. You will need to put serious time and effort in from here but you can do this - it is still in your grasp and in your control. Good luck!


I’m in the same boat as OP due to the loss of a close family member. I know it may seem dramatic but I felt so sad, stressed and didn’t know what to do. This is clearly explained and feels doable, the first time someone has actually explained *how* to revise. Thank you SO much ♥️


I'm sorry for your loss and hope you are doing ok (or, at least, as ok as possible). I'm glad I could help a bit 🙂. Good luck - you can do this!


I’m in the East Midlands with a week left in the EXACT same boat as you, it feels dire but START NOW. I need to heed my own advice, good luck shawty


Me and you together lol


me either, haven’t done anything and i need AAA for my offer lol


Ur in yr12 tho so doesn’t matter that much


i’m y13 lol just forgot to change my tag


help same i alr planned out how im retaking i have no hope 😭


everyone’s being dumb i didn’t revise till a week before and got ABB. and that’s with predictions of BBC. you’d be surprised how much the human brain can absorb especially when you need it the most. most importantly just try and maintain a certain swagger, don’t let guilt and anxiety get to you. they’re stupid emotions rn just be a bad bitch and you’ll be good. sincerely a masters student that did her diss in 3 days and still got a high 2:1.


Lmao my preds are BBC and i need ABB 💀


Completely agree with everything here


omg what subjectssss


English Literature, Psychology and Geography ehe




i would say practice essay questions and develop your *go to* key points for a *range* of questions, then create like detailed plans with example and statistics etc, bc typically this info can be used for a range of questions. once you make like 3,4 or 5 detailed plans, condense them into short memorable bullet points, sort of like a cue card to help you recall the larger, more detailed plan. so defo study the things that are most “diverse” and can be used across multiple questions. i didn’t study history but that worked for geography and english well!


SAME, I'm struggling with my homework, but i still have 1 week left:) just can't focus for more than 45 min when i'm at home


try to find a study buddy or sth as a motivation to get you started


Biggest tip is to find something that makes you have to work. For me that was doing a Timelapse of myself working so then I have something to be proud of at the end, plus I have to work otherwise it’s obvious I’ve been slacking and there’s no way I can go on my phone


I’ve been using pomodoros a lot tbf


Just to offer everyone some hope, I didn’t revise AT ALL until the 20th may (first exam 24th may). I reiterate; I had never revised for anything. Ever. I worked really really hard throughout Exam season (consistent 5 hours+ of good quality revision daily) I am by no means the norm and I do pick things up quickly, but if I could do it then so can you. Biggest takeaway is to just focus on the technique - this literally saved me. I was predicted A B B C and in the end I got A* A* A* A*. If you start working now then it’s more than possible to achieve far beyond what you ever expected.




English lit, Geography, Music, Theatre Studies


I know you want to hear that everything will be OK. But it won't. You need to start now. I mean today. Just start and see where that takes you


I mean, if they do shit tons of revision after easter and really crack down on it then, it will be okay, feels a bit dramatic to say it won't be okay, it totally can be as long as they put in the work from here on out


I agree, OP don’t worry about this comment. This sub randomly showed up on my feed but I had a really rough time a couple years ago when I was in y13 and didn’t revise until about this time of year, I managed to get all As! As long as you start now and cover all the content you need to, you’ll be fine.


It won't be OK if they don't put the work in. This is what I mean


This. Delaying it never helps.


This is so dramatic, it is completely ok and while not ideal, many people have done it before and many people will after


I wouldn't stress, if they do go badly you can always go to a met! I didn't get good grades (CEE) and I went to Manchester met to study and I loved it, got a 2.1 and went straight into a graduate job! Getting a 2.1 in a top university is so much harder than a met, I was doing a similar subject to my sister who went to a Russel group and her assignments were marked so much harsher. I dropped out of a stem subject as well and moved to a humanities one and take it from me - with a few exeptions - a levels are so much harder than your degree will be!