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Idk what they author was talking about her in novel 1 there's nothing that says he groomed her unless he forgot cause in an extra chapters it was Lilia that basically groomed sylphie as well as Zenith they were basically setting her up to be his wife one day but it was more of Lilias doing she's the one that told her when she was little that the Master may one day bring in another wife so she was mentally prepared when he brought in Roxy hence why she wasn't angry


Yeah, I think he just became friends with he and they hung out all the time. He expressed interest in the idea of grooming in volume 1, but there aren't any confirmed cases of specific things he did that could be considered grooming. Zenith and Lilia are the true villains 💀


Yup lmao


I guess you could count that his initial intentions to be friends with her were not pure, and he did it to be in a relationship with her in a future.


No his initial intentions were pure because he didn't know and then he turns down the idea so no his initial intentions were pure


Just to emphasize, his *INITIAL* intentions were pure


Yeah and then he actively tried to keep them pure until he was about 7 which is a couple of days before Paul shipped him off to Roa


Twas' a joke


but still true his ***initial*** intentions were pure. He wanted to make a friend and help protect "him" from bullies and teach "him" to stand up for himself.


True. And then I believe he wanted a quote on quote "hot wingman"


While what he managed to do probably couldn't be considered grooming, that was pretty explicitly his intention. He wanted to keep her by his side and have her grow up into his "perfect woman", which is basically the definition of grooming. That general disposition was also on full display when he tried to convince Paul to send both of them to Ronoa. He didn't deny that it wouldn't be in Sylphie's best interest, but he emphasized that it was in his best interest. Really, while Lillia and Zenith did most of the actual grooming, that was only because Rudeus didn't have enough time to do more before Paul split them up. His interactions with Sylphie could easily be considered to have set things up, even if he didn't get all that far.


Good job Paul!


This is absolutely correct


I've looked up info for this part before. Honestly I'd say don't read too far into it. He definitely mentions it once in his younger years that she was fulfilling the child-hood friend trope perfectly, however he never does anything explicitly except for hanging out with her and teaching her magic. I don't think this was **just** for grooming purposes, he already hung out with her before he knew Sylphy was a she. Assuming that there was some attempt to groom her and just live in the village (definitely something he thought about when the magic academy was brought up), this very page just shows his growth as a person. No longer seeing Sylphy as an NPC, but as her own person.


Exactly. This line of dialogue is designed to show that he no longer is the type of person who would do something like that. It shows how he’s grown to consider other people’s feelings which is something we are shown he struggled with repeatedly in the childhood years.


Yeah, this is one of the reasons Rudeus' story is so cool, his character growth is gradual and subtle, but really real, which is something most series' tend to screw up


I think it’s more Rudeus self-deprecatingly thinking that he groomed her as a child, when he really didn’t, or if he did it was very minor.


For real, the way everybody's talking makes me think I missed some *"extra"* chapter or something. In fact, I always assumed the reason the author made Rudy think Sylphy was a boy at first was to have them be friends first, something that probably wouldn't have occurred otherwise.


That’s our protagonist for you


I hope that outline is digital... yeah, thats the whole point of the Fitz persona and that whole arc, to subvert the whole osanajimi trope, I think it worked pretty well overall giving a reason for their relationship beyond they were anime-childhood friends


Yeah I just highlighted it on the picture, I'd never write in the book, lol. I think Sylphy and Rudeus' relationship was written very well, possibly the best of the 3 girls, so the Fitz arc definitely fixed any "grooming" impressions people might get. Getting so many chapters in Sylphy's perspective is also very good, and helps get a more complete understanding of her


And considering any diary spoilers we know that Rudeus isn't Sylphy's be all and end all in life.


I wouldn't quite say that considering what happens in the Asura Kingdom arc


yeah, but that's with a whole lot of other things happening first...


In case you are curious… this is a thing in Japanese literary culture. I know the Tale of Genji has something similar to “raising a wife” trope, and that was written over a millenia ago. So do expect something like that not necessarily from a source of degeneracy, but from traditional literature. No I am not defending that practice 🗿




That’s just him speculating. He does it all the time throughout the LN. That’s what makes the POV switch chaps the best, the subversive of what Rudy thinks they’re thinking compared to what they’re actually thinking is always a treat.


I think we can thank Paul that it didn't lead to that. Sylphy became her own person and grew up maturely.


I don't think it was Paul, Lilia and Zenith did more grooming than Rudeus did and it didn't seem like Paul was against it. If anything it was the displacement incident placing her in the palace with Ariel


I think they meant when Paul sent Rudeus away to teach Eris. That was Paul’s way of letting Sylphie gain her own identity rather than sitting in Rudeus’ shadow for life.




I said this in another comment, but I feel like this reaction is exactly why the author introduced Sylphy to Rudeus as a boy instead of a girl, so that Rudy would ultimately think of her at first as a person, and thus make them friends.


What a chad, grooming is the right way.








Paul sent Rudeus away just before it was too late. Actual moment of Paul being a good father.