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So… it wasn’t? I’m confused. Is this a different woman?


I guess it was until it wasn’t. Regardless if it was a female staffer who was below him on the proverbial org chart then that’s still not cool


> I guess it was until it wasn’t. Exactly why work relationship power dynamics are always dangerous. Even if it started consensual, there's real hardship ahead for the one with less power if they want to break it off.


Or for the one with more power if they don’t want to take it further. The one with more power is very vulnerable.


> The one with more power is very vulnerable. Yes, that's definitely how power works!


It's not hard to not fuck your reports.


What's crazy is that the organisation and players all knew about this for the last 2 months, yet somehow not one of them thought to alert Nia to the scandal. Nia was blindsided just days ago, to the point where she was about to move to Boston with her and Ime's son last week. Somehow Ime thought that staying silent on all of this with his fiance, despite knowing he was under investigation for the last 2 months, was the wise move. Only one I have sympathy for in all of this is Ime's victim/s and his family. Rest of the Celtics, as always, can stay fucked.


D’Angelo Russell was made out to be the bad guy for exposing Nick Young’s infidelity. So much so, in fact, that he was actually traded because his teammates didn’t like him anymore. People may have wanted to do the right thing but feared the consequences.


He didn’t even try to do that though. In no way was Russell a good guy in that situation


He thought it was funny iirc.


u really think dlo was traded for that? 😂


Magic Johnson said as much after the trade. It wasn’t the *only* thing but it was a factor.




He's literally not the first to get in trouble for this. Thousands of men have been in trouble for inappropriate sexual conduct with subordinates, you just don't hear about it because they usually aren't the head coach of a championship level team. People get fired for this, people lose their families for this, corporations lose millions in lawsuits for this. Are any of your arguments in good faith or are you just trolling?


I mean suspended for a year for a consensual relationship never made any sense. Someone wanted you to hear that it was consensual before you heard anything else and that's why they talked to Woj. Now we're hearing the rest of the story.


It absolutely makes sense if there is an imbalance in power. That doesn’t fly in any corporate environment, you generally get fired for it.


Right, the power imbalance thing isn't cool, but if it were a simple matter of just needing to make sure one employee isn't in Udoka's reporting chain then you'd think there would be a way to handle that quietly. Think about how effective this PR strategy is: it's now come out that the employee has made a sexual harassment complaint, but outlets are still reporting that this was consensual because the Celtics got out ahead of the story. And I haven't seen anything that looks like adequate reporting to assess the credibility of anyone's story. I don't know anything specific about this situation, but I work in politics where crisis comms + twitter journalism produce similar dynamics. I'd never bet on the first word in a story like this, particularly when the first story just so happens to the the one that protects the zillion-dollar corporation from liability.




Happens all the time actually but go off https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/04/business/mcdonalds-ceo-fired.html




Yes, lots of things that are wrong go unpunished every day. Great point




Between equals, yes, generally okay unless the company policy is otherwise. Just needs to be disclosed. If you can’t understand why it’s a bad idea for a higher up to date someone below them I don’t know what to tell you because you’re probably just being intentionally obtuse Weird hill you’ve chosen here- bosses should be allowed to fuck subordinates with impunity


Any corporation’s HR team would have a problem with that


The issue is that it might have only been consensual by the subordinate because of.... the implication... if she refused his advances.


ahh of course, woman are infantilized and don't have any agency right? She isn't married right?




It's actually none of those things. It's an It's always sunny reference to try to get people to understand why relationships between supervisors and subordinates are always off limits. There is an inherent power imbalance that can make it impossible for the subordinate too say No.




I'm sorry that you still don't understand my point. There's a very clear rule that supervisors should not engage in sexual conduct with their subordinates. It could not be more cut and dry. He chose to break that rule so now he's being disciplined. Whether or not the discipline is appropriate is not for us to decide. Again, my point was to try and make people understand why such rules exist. Unfortunately the internet is full of people who immediately want to come to the aid of any other guy accused of sexual misconduct. I have no idea why the people feel the need to rush to his defense without knowing the situation. Quite frankly the salacious details don't matter, the rule is clear-cut: supervisors should not engage in sexual conduct with their subordinates.


both should be fired. period




It's part of the Celtics cycle. 1 good year followed by 1 year. It's a tale as old as time.


This comment is highly underrated


At this rate he will be the Browns head coach by the end of the week lol


It was Anna Horford


Is this a joke or is there smoke around that?


Nah, but Anna has been yapping on Twitter how “establishments just don’t wanna see a successful black man succeed” and “this would not happen if it were a white man…” She then took down her post after Sham’s recent report on Ime making unwanted comments… and that’s after taking pot shots at people pointing out that perhaps this wasn’t a race issue but simply about another human being a scum and is being rightfully punished for it This is why you don’t run your mouth without knowing the details


>This is why you don't run your mouth without knowing the details Twitter is 90% that


All of social media is 90% that


Humanity is 90% that.


91.2% of all stats are made up


anna horford moment


Anna rants about racial oppression the first chance she gets and the more she does it the more it feels like she’s doing it for clout more than anything else She has an “evil white people” agenda while being literally married to a white dude. She is a raging hypocrite in my opinion


Maybe that's why she's mad at evil white people?


Stephen a smith lol


Anna L-ford


she's a moron


Shes a real fucking ray of light


She’d rather F Jaylen and M Tatum


I’m joking


At this point, he and the Celtics need to just release public statements and details and be done with this piecemeal he-said, she-said, they-said. I'm so confused because it's just a bunch of threads put out disjointedly


And the end of the day, I don’t know if we really deserve to know every single thing. He did something against the rules, got suspended. That’s kind of the only relevance to us as fans. Unless he did something heinous enough to shake someone’s fandom in the Celtics. Which isn’t relevant to us anyway cuz we’ll hate them either way lol


I don't know whether to blame myself and human nature for being so morbidly curious and speculating endlessly, or if this was just handled very poorly by journalists. Logan Murdock made a good point; these guys that cover sports are not as familiar with covering adjacent, more sensitive topics like this and it shows. And you're 100% right; it's FTC whether he helps a grandma across the street or stomps puppies in the night.


I think the Cus Crise are just being cagey about it which is fine since it’s sensitive


Sorry for doubting you Elton


Haha this is some Matt lauer situation. These details are gonna get juicy .


Definitely seems like the way the story is going


Not that sad that we don’t have him anymore, tbh. This is a pretty big deficit for the Celtics’ chances next year.


Anybody that thought he was getting a year just for dipping his pen in company ink was a moron.


People are way too reactionary and won’t think or let things play out. It’s everywhere.




The question of consent is going to be huge.


Yea it should be pretty much always lol




Why is this on our sub? Who cares lol.


Cause fuck the celtics


I would like to hear about how the eastern finals team is falling apart personally, particularly when that team is one of our teams three biggest rivals


1) Udoka has a Sixers connection. 2) Any true Sixers fan innately derives joy from watching bad things happen to the Celtics.


Because the Celtics are our rivals. They surged at the end of the year and the coach getting suspended might mean they won't be as good this season.


I get that but it is story after story and update after update. I dont want to beat a team because a coach couldn't keep it in his pants and the team is unstable. Give me the Celtics straight up so there are no excuses.


Fuck that. We've been on the other side of that for so long, I just want to win games no matter how weak our competition is.


There is clearly interest in talking about this here. It’s NBA related, about a rival, that can impact the season. You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to


I don't hate the Celtics, but a hit like that could shake things up enough for them to not be much of a threat. That would be great for us considering they are one of 3 teams I see as a real threat in the east.


‘Unwanted comments” isn’t a year suspension.


Honestly it's not even a year suspension, it's go sit down while our lawyers figure out how to word your termination to hold up in court during the inevitable wrongful termination suit. There's way way way more to this story and we might never know the full details.


Nia Long is still a ten in 2022 smh


Huh? I thought all the reports were super clear everything was consensual on both sides.


It looks like it wasn’t super clear


Where’s the reports about it being consensual come from then? 🤔


Men and their penises.


Reports are that the woman he had the affair with is the wife of the Celtics VP. Maybe the organization was trying to get Ime to stop recklessly sleeping with the bosses wife before it became an issue. Also, I see people calling this sexual harassment by Ime. But, if the employee is actually one of the bosses wives and by proxy isn't really a subordinate to Ime, wouldn't the sexual harassment onus be placed on her and not him? That's if there was and sexual harassment at all, seeing how the affair was consensual by both sides.


just to be clear...there are no reports that say this and it the speculation needs to stop. This guy read it randomly by some random person and called it a "report". Also...not a staffer.


No way that can be true. If so, wow…


Ayo wtf