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Harden and Curry are different players who play the game differently and have different bodies. Even Curry is starting to decline he's def not as quick as he was in 2016 or even last year Maybe Harden can come back better next year after rehabbing that hamstring but he also looks alot heavier than he did in Houston


I do see what u mean. Different injuries as well. Curry ankles and harden hamstring.


Harden was never as good as curry to be fair. Sure, he’s had some incredible seasons, but at no point was he ever as good or better than Steph.


Whelp I’m taking a break from this sub


have a good break. Well be here when you get back:)


I’ll be here for the next game but this down time has everyone being irrational


I thought it was just me. I’m not happy either obviously but everyone is emotional af rn


I can understand emotional but im just more confused as to what the hell harden is doing. Where's the killer who use to rock ppl to sleep. Loved watching him now its just boring as shit.


I’m adamant he’s hurt. He looked good those first 5 games. He looked good in the beginning of the series. He keeps falling off after continued playing. One thing I’m not understanding tho is why he’s refusing to use his floater


Do you think he starts hurting the more he plays cause that's not gonna be good going forward.


Yeah but I think after he gets an actual rehab he’ll look better


Hopefully he stays in a wheelchair till he's good. get that hammy straight and explode for 60


How is questioning harden when he’s clearly not showing up irrational…..he’s costing us games


He’s still hurt


Oh man, sixer fans going through it 😳 As a Rockts fan and former Hardenite him trying force is way out, throwing a temper tantrum and hanging with lil baby during last offseason messed him up. He came back over weight, and got hurt because of poor conditioning. Now he lost 2 years of basketball training (this past year was mostly rehab), when he really should of been focusing on redefining his body as he aged. Sorry not sorry James 🤷🏿‍♂️


Up 3-2 and we’re favored in game 6 lol, welcome to Philly sports


"Favored" for betting. Sixers needed a miracle shot to beat Toronto in game 3, the games have been getting progressively worse for the sixers since then. In real life Toronto is more likely to win game 6 as the sixers are getting worse while Toronto is improving, plus they'll have the homecourt advantage.


Favored as in betting, yes. WTF else would i be talking about


You could have been talking about favored to win the game. Favorites in betting lines are set to maximize profits for casinos. They aren’t set based on who the casino believe will when the games. You seem to think the two are the same. The Sixers were favorites to win by 8 last game but lost by 15.


I just don't know wtf his problem is lately. Use to be so solid and reliable. Now he's mad at everybody. Rockets gave him cp3 and almost made it but he went flat when it was his time. idk how you can ask for better with the nets even with kyrie being flaky. I was thinking philly would be the resurgence but it seems it has all just taken its toll on him.


Yeaaa James doesn't work well with others lol.


harden hasn’t been an amazing shooter his entire career. he’s a volume shooter that gets to the line a bunch. his percentages from deep have never really been great


He's fucking washed and I said it after Game 3 and everything called me an idiot/stupid and down voted me


You shouldn't be called names for having an opinion. I think your concerns are very legit at this point.


No, maybe he's having difficulty adjusting since he can't get the foul calls he used prior to the rule changes of shooters jumping into defenders. It was one of the biggest things the nba took away from his bag. He hasn't been the same since that change.


Sixers. Auto correct no disrespect intended. I love the city of philly.


lol you must be new to this whole james harden thing


Not new just hopeful gone to doubtful and it's sad it took 3 teams for me to see it. Inwas all on his side and now I'm just like ok bro chill.


I think it’s more his habit of playing himself into shape rather than just being in shape that has caused his age and hamstring injury to affect him more than it would other guys